Meeting Notes 2016 04 05
These are the notes from the The Nth Meeting of Noisebridge. Date: 2016 04 05 Note-taker: R Miloh Alexander; Moderators: Kyle .
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
Introductions[edit | edit source]
John -- John hates banannas Andreas -- working on drone boats Kennrick -- Kennrick really likes bannanas Kyle -- Kyle helps maintiant the sewing area Roger -- Roger started Lee -- building up a computer music workstation not a recording studio, a musical instrument back in the SW corner of Noisebrindge Miloh -- Miloh is still working on the Flaschen Taschen and taking these Notes Patrick -- Patrick is hacking a thing
Announcements[edit | edit source]
Sewing and Textile Area Announcment - We are looking to upgrade the sewing machine setup at Noisebridge with a new Walking foot for $1100, we have a $550 matching grant from company XXXX and we are seeking funding for the new machine that Kyle sourced. --> go there to donate and lets get this machine funded by FRIDAY the 15th of April 2016
Andreas -- Andreas ordered a new hotend and parts for the Flashforge at Noisebridge!!!
Lee -- Lee announces the computer music workstation is Suprisingly Functional, considering that Lee built it out of trash. He would like to provide workshops in Sunvox, PD aka puredata, and SuperCollider!! Especially focused around building SW synths. Scheduling TBD
Flaschen Taschen -- Miloh says the Flaschen Taschen reached a big milestone -- The Kleine F~T is finished and the big F~T is 7 tall. Come and check it out, donate to the fundraising (we still need $250 to reimburse Scotty in China and another $250-$400 to cover costs that Jarrod and Henner put in for the project). We also need programmers to work on a web client for the Flaschen Taschen. Some folks already are working on new clients for games or to provide a web accessible frontend. Kennrick already wrote a game of life program.
Finances[edit | edit source]
Noisebridge has $40k in the Bank. Rent for April and Noisetor's $4.8k debt.
New members:[edit | edit source]
No one up for new membership
New philanthropists[edit | edit source]
Kennrick is present and approved for Consensus. Lee notes the similarity between Debian Developer upload sponsorship and noisebridge's philanthropy
Consensus Items[edit | edit source]
none known at this time.
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
Lee proposes setting up a free NoiseVM service for new infrastructure and sandboxing at
Satellite gear in the space is donated by John Perry Barlow -- we need to identify the gear and absorb it into the space 0.9m dish, 0.6m dish, terrestrial mw dish, and LNA blocks, cabling, and mounting hw. signal analyzer at remote location