Meeting Notes 2016 05 03

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These are the notes from the The 405th Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: 3 May 2016

Note-taker: Miloh Moderators: Jarrod.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

  • Announcements: Flaschen Taschen nearing completion, Stupid Things hackathon needs participants and volunters, May 14th & 15th Maker Faire Coming up the following weekend.
  • Finances: around 42k in the bank
  • New members: no new members this week
  • New philanthropists: Kashif V.
  • Consensus Items: no consensus items
  • Discussion Items: flaschen taschen final prep, sftesla society, upcoming tours, creative collab index

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Noisebridge, Vision and mission is introduced

Intros in Attendance:[edit | edit source]

  • Jarrod - sparkleforge and flaschen taschen and GE (general excellence)
  • Mike - flaschen taschen and electronics
  • Frank - physics and new theories
  • Ryan - psychology and glassblowing and setting up a couple websites as of late
  • Hunan - heard about noisebridge from zero to maker by david lang working
  • Frank - learning programming and coming for 8months or so, FEWD, Android,background in audio, looking to build some things with audio.
  • Jarvis - mainly works with 3D and recently working on android programming and learning unity
  • Henner - likes to program stuff and hasbeen working on getting the flaschen taschen ready for maker faire
  • Andreas - mostly working on open drone boat project recnetly
  • Carl - "Hellow I'm Carl and lately I've been hacking the flaschen taschen"

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Andreas announces that someone dropped off a new flaschforge clone (makerbot clone of clone)
  • May 7th we are having a cleaning Day in the space [next Saturday], there is a list of tasks online and IRL on the wall next to the donation box at the entry.
  • Henner: Flaschen Taschen final prep: We Need people that would like to help get it into the final state, quality control check and some final touches. We will be working this Friday May 6th afternoon to evening
  • Jarrod: We will need volunteers for the Makerfaire on the 21st 22nd 23rd -- Set uP, Booth Work, Tear Down. Coordinate your volunteer session with Jarrod Hicks

Consensus and Discussion[edit | edit source]

Ryan gives an overview and starts a discussion of the consensus process used at Noisebridge Henner adds some points

No consensus items this week

Philanthropist & Membership Section [edit | edit source]

Jarrod introduces the philanthropist member level and asks if anyone is up for philanthropest membership (no one answers), and philantohropest membership priviledges and responsibility. Jarrod introduces Noisebridge member and the concomittant responsibility of members

No new philanthropists, no new members to consense on.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • Funds in bank: around $42k in the bank
  • Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
  • Any other details by those participating in handling our financials

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]


Frank - is exploring the possibility of community partnership with San Francisco Tesla society as they seek to reorganize or meet again (provided they are interestd) 
Ryan - there is a 8' tesla coil in someone's living room garage.
Lee -Can the flaschen taschen react to signals from a tesla coil in real time?
Ryan - think we could do that with the correct receiver, unsure of legality

Olivier[edit | edit source]

Parisoma founder wants to give a tour to some visitors from France on the 18 May

Ryan comments:[edit | edit source]

Ryan and friends have been building a collaborative environment for building creative projects integration of online systems into a 'large collaborative environment for people to do things and at some point actually have a location'. He is seeking feedback on the idea and is available at

Kashif - brought in a flashforge creator clone or a makerbot replicator clone clone

Philanthropist section of the Meeting revisited[edit | edit source]

Kashif - after discussion and support by member and philanthropists present Kashif is added as a philanthropist of noisebridge

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

  1. Meeting Adjourned around 1930
  2. The membership binder is returned to its rightful location.

Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]

  1. We Discussed various things like noisebridgers do
  2. we looked at layers
  3. Enjoy the company of your fellow hacker, robot, or robothacker.