Meeting Notes 2017 01 31

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These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge. Date: 2017-01-31 Note-taker: Drew Moderators: Nathan A.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

TLDR what happened at the meeting:

  • Mini-Reboot is February 18th-19th!
  • Noisebridge has a lot of money, but it's not really a lot!
  • Lizzie wants to become a member!
  • There are no consensus items!

Introductions[edit | edit source]

lol whoops i (Drew) missed a bunch of introductions.

  • Mo - first time visitor
  • Peter - visiting from Belfast
  • ?
  • Marc - visiting from Belfast
  • ?
  • John - treasurer stuff
  • Mitch - cofounder of Noisebridge
  • Marco - online advisor to help beginner learn programming (and in the future: everything) - InLe
  • Trent - helping with Sparkleforge
  • Darryl - Does robots and teaches laser cutter.
  • Henner - Makes programs
  • Jeremy - Does software, runs 5MOF
  • Dee - Teaching himself C for complexity studies, interested in social activism.
  • Miloh - haven't been to a meeting in about a year -- attending hw hacking at sudoroom on tuesdays instead
  • Alexander, not Alex - Loves making stuff, wants to bring his inventors.
  • Lizzie - Thinks about security and the future.
  • Victoria Fierce - A literal house
  • Sam - Does lights and music.
  • Hannah - Laser cutters and CNC machines and also programs no.
  • Drew - Works in Distributed systems and cares about leftism
  • Jeff - Interested in Security AND Lights & Music
  • Jarrod - Makes furniture.
  • J - Teaches Circuit Hacking Mondays
  • Blake - crypto and labor
  • Lee - Jet-lagged. Working on distributed systems at noisebridge as
  • Amanda - with a company called looking to host a workshop in live DIY Virtual Reality Music.
  • James
  • Jarvis - Does android stuff, is working on a game.
  • Jonas - builds things with electronics, specifically on ESP Wifi devices
  • Johan - builds software.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

Lizzie is hosting the next 5MOF. 5MOF is weekly but also monthly. 5MOF monthly meetings are the 3rd Thursday. This week, you can go to the website

  • Feb 16 - Five Minutes of Fame, no dudes!

Alexander - Runs a meetup group called Modern Inventors. Once every 2 weeks to talk about inventions. Used to meet at Muddy's (?) but they want to meet here. They want to have the meeting in 2 weeks on Monday at 6:30.

  • Mondays are busy
  • Church was something on Mondays and now it's Python class.
  • Maybe Turing is free?
  • Check the meetup page, which is a good

J - in a couple of weeks, it's REBOOT TIME

  • MINIREBOOT MINIREBOOT (poster attached)
  • February 18th and 19th
  • Show up to help!
  • During the reboot, hacking is allowed on the space itself only


  • May 19th-21st
  • Probably not gonna be a big noisebridge project, but contact if you want to show off your stuff
  • #fabrication on slack could coordinate a big project


  • Wants to do an Arduino for Total Newbies Workshop at the end of February
  • Mitch can teach 50 people and this will FILL UP the space, probably on a weekend
  • 3.5 hours of soldering and arduino fun


  • Next monday at 7 in church
  • Noisebridge Python on websockets in flask
  • Gareth will be talking


Safe Space[edit | edit source]

Some specific points you might prompt the group to touch on, if it doesn't happen naturally:

  • What to do if you feel uncomfortable.
  • Noisebridge strives to be radically inclusive. What does that mean?
  • Noisebridge has an antiharassment policy. What does that mean?

Victoria talks about safe space:

  • The last 11 days have been really super anxious and stressful for a lot of people.
  • Noisebridge tries to be a safe space, both physical and psychological:
    • Physical as in use PPE, be safe, and add the 3 laws of robotics to your creations.
    • Psychological as in everyone should feel empowered to hack on what they want to hack.
    • Try not to bother people in thier work.
    • Try to let people prepare themselves before you bring up sensitive topics like violence and abuse.
  • If you feel like Noisebridge is being unsafe:
    • In slack, go into #space-guardians and ask for help, and people will help
    • A trusted Noisebridger may also help
    • If you doubt yourself, someone can double-check your gut feeling (your gut is probably right).


  • One of the big modes of alienation of women here is when well-intentioned guys are over-helpful and way too friendly.
  • Tone it down and don't pay loads of attention to a girl.

Mitch: the Code of Conduct is posted on the wall to remind people of our standards.

Participation[edit | edit source]


  • The bottom line is anybody, ANYBODY, can come into Noisebridge to hack and teach and work. The only rule is to be excellent to each other.
  • If you want access to the space, know people and be involved. If people notice your positive presence, you may be offered access.
  • J likes to give access to people who are really involved in CHM.
  • If you want 24/7 access, you might become a philanthorpist (sp?)
  • If you REALLY want to participate, you can become a member!

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]


  • Being a philanthropist is a lot like being a normal member of the community except in return for a bit of a bigger participant, you get 24 hour access.
  • Recommend donation $80/mo, $40/mo starving hacker.
  • Philanothropists can come and go as they please and can close up the space past 10.


  • To become a philanthropist:
    • Fill out a form in the binder, and it'll be read out at a Tuesday meeting if you're sponsored.
    • If anybody dissents to you being a philanthropist, they can block it.
    • If you're un-excellent, your philanthropy can be REVOKED.


Membership Binder [edit | edit source]


  • An indicator of increased commitment and responsibilty.
  • As part of this commitment, you have more of an obligation to Noisebridge.
  • You're also part of Consensus:
    • If things might be wrong in the space, you can change things but you should talk to people before you impact the space.
    • If you want to do a big thing, you can go through big-C Consensus, which is a Process for if things might impact Noisebridge forever.
    • If you disagree with some Consensus Proposal, you can Block it, which means it won't happen.

Lizzie has an application in to be a member! Lizzie says:

  • Wants to be a member b/c they feel more commitment and responsibility to the space.
  • If something bad would have happened, they would have just left, but now stick around and fix it, which is a change.


  • Was a member, but it lapsed because they didn't "hiatus".
  • Has been a philanthropist for a year

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Join us in #finance-wg in Slack around $5,000 per month operating expenses We cashed out $19,417.14 in Noisetor Bitcoins recently, and got at least one $500 check for Noisetor. Lots of online donations also tagged with Noisetor. I plan to doöcratically transfer a lot of our cash reserves into a higher yield savings account that’s FDIC insured. We can get at least 1% annual return. With our current bank total that’s a bunch of money. We have $8,643.25 left in the equipment fund. Help us spend this money! If you raise half the money for a piece of equipment, the equipment fund can match you for the other half. Treasurer goals: We want to buy the building. But how? We dunno. Talks are ongoing. I think we have < $200 in laser maintenance Discussion of buying the building was supposed to be at 7 but now it's some other time.

Consensus[edit | edit source]


  • Lizzie's description was good.
  • NB has 2 forms of consensus, both decision making processes
  • Big-C Consensus is the more procedural one. We talk about your thing and talk about it and talk about it and if nobody dissents it Becomes So
  • Little-c consensus is more day-to-day. For example, if you want to paint a wall, you ask around. Talk to people and figure out the best process
  • Ties in with doocracy. If you want to do a thing, do it.
  • Little-c items are un-doable.
  • You might not even realize your part of consensus, but you are.


  • You can do anything at noisebridge, member or not. Membership only brings you 2 things: 24 access and BLOCKING
  • During Big-C the item is discussed greatly and then
  • BLOCKING in Big-C means if things get out of control (which should not happen!) then someone (a member in good standing!) can BLOCK a proposal.
  • "As a member of Noisebridge, I can't in good conscious allow this proposal to proceed"
  • If people might be dissenting, talk it out.


  • A good example of consensus proposal was the recent Fiscal Sponsorship, which was withdrawn because it wasn't time yet, but now there's more discussion about it!

Mitch: An exception to the blocking thing:

  • If someone is up to be a member of noisebridge, and any Member in Good Standing objects, the protomember is NOT a member, with NO GOOD REASON needed, because being a Member gives a bunch of rights under California Nonprofit Law

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]


Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]


Discussion[edit | edit source]

J - Noisebridge MINI-REBOOT as above!

  • Prep work on 17th
  • We can spill into Monday if we want!
  • The main thing to talk about is if you want to participate, go onto the website and click on the MINI-REBOOT link.
  • There is a list of items that need fixing.
  • If you want to participate but don't want to participate, you can bring food and drinks.
  • or j on slack or @circuithackingj on twitter.
  • Things for discussion require cash:
    • Curtains - Kyle has offered to find nice curtains:
      • - we need 119 dollars
  • UPS Support for Earl (Access Control) is needed
  • Sparkleforge needs a door-casing (sp?)
  • 220v Outlet
  • Roof leaks
  • Install CO sensors (Mitch: which arrived today!)
  • Fix the Noisebridge table.
  • #mini-reboot on slack
  • Victoria - is the TODOocracy still happening on Thursdays? Victoria can't run it anymore:
    • Who knows what TODOocracy? Nobody!
    • Noisebridge used to have a SCRUM every week to fix up the space!
    • Milo wants to see it happen again!
  • There's a link on the wiki.
  • Very Very Important to get rid of junk. If you have a TRUCK-SHAPED OBJECT or access to a TRUCK-SHAPED OBJECT, we REALLY need one.
  • Mitch wants to give context:
    • Minireboot is annual since the REBOOT, which was not MINI
    • 4 years ago Noisebridge was spiraling downword for a number of reasons
    • Lots of people who didn't belong started showing up and Noisebridge ended up a flop-house.
    • People who DID belong here had to deal with shit, sometimes literally.
    • There are interesting stories on the 86 page.
    • NB nearly disappeared because bad people gonna bad.
    • As a last ditch before everyone just threw in the towel, the place was shut down and rebuilt, and it fixed things.
    • Having a mini-reboot every year is to keep things together and help keep Noisebridge healthy.
    • Implicitly, we've been talking about the "cultural immune system". New people to the space get a tour, for example, to learn what the space is about.
    • Noisebridge culture is passed on this way, and mini-reboot is an annual celebration of that.

O Happy Day has figured out how to use Postmates and NB is getting misdeliveries, which for some reason we are not immediately eating. Maybe make them a sign/logo/thing?

Next Thursday on Feb 9 7pm TODOocracy

  1. to-do-ocracy on slack?


  • If the wiki went away forever, how would you feel?
  • Negatively, says the room.

Property Planning Map: