Meeting Notes 2017 04 18

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These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge. Date: April 18 Note-taker: Alex + Charlie Moderators: Lizzie.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

TLDR what happened at the meeting:

  • Announcements: Middleschool students coming to Noisebridge April 27th
  • Finances: No Report
  • New members: None
  • New philanthropists: Lady Red
  • Consensus Items: None
  • Discussion Items:
    • Middleschool students coming to tour Noisebridge April 27th 11:00 to 2:30 ish.
    • The plotter booth needs blinky lights and decorative help come talk to Jarrod and J

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • LIZZIE: Hardware software stuff, been here a while!
  • ALEX: Machine learning, javascript.
  • BEN: Here for game development class and free code camp.
  • ALEX: I'm taking notes as I talk and I teach game development on Tuesdays and we're doing a VR booth for Maker Faire and we want your help!
  • JONAS: Here, used to be here, I program [very well -editor]
  • CHARLIE: Here 8 months, electronics, computers, may or may not be taking notes, I also enjoy sorting donations, if you're looking for something you can ask me and I may know where it is!
  • DARYL: I work on AI stuff, programming language theory stuff, I teach laser cutter class about how to laser cut things.
  • NICK: Been here longer than Lizzie, I make stuff too.
  • CHRIS: Coming here for slightly less than one Lizzie Year. I do sciences.
  • JORDAN: First time at NB in 4 years. I like to push around stuff and work for Hackaday.
  • J: I teach Monday Circuit Hacking Mondays and teach in and out of Noisebridge. I reach out to schools, libraries and education organizations to promote hackerspace and give talks and teach!
  • SARAH: Visiting from Colorado, member of SOlid State *? from Boulder.
  • RAPHAEL: Member many years, regular since January, thinkpad hacking and making foam audio booth.
  • KEVIN!: Coming to space and enjoy long moonlit walks through data and code.
  • LADY RED: Coming about 4 months, doing lots of sewing, interested in more things, trying to become a philanthropist!
  • SARAH: Coming for a month, interested in VR!
  • SEAVASH: First time at NB was last year, this is my second time. In learning curve of machine learning and AI. Messing with hardware and FPGAs and how they can work together.
  • SCOTT: First dropped by 4 years ago. More last 4 months. Insanely curious, backgorund in ed psyche, curious to learn about more!
  • JACOB: Coming about 2-3 months, pretty regular for a while, working on lots of LED projects, ideas for burning man.
  • RYAN: Coming for couple years, mainly taking Gamebridge Unityversity and also expanding into teaching some stuff.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • DARYL: Paul Sass may 10th looking to do workshop on behavioral economics and robot behaviors.
  • JONAS: Future of Programming talk on Thursday.
  • JORDAN: Creative Hack Day on Saturday, who is organizing it! Hack a day is interested in providing Pizza and soda, but is looking for a contact person. Pizzaaa
  • ALEX: VR Booth wants people to exhibit things at Maker Faire!
  • JAY: The plotter booth needs blinky lights and decorative help come talk to Jarrod and I. Education work group meeting 7PM Thursday this week.

Safe Space[edit | edit source]

Explanation of Safe Space

Don't freak out and help people resolve situations with out freaking out or causing other people to freak out. Asking/getting asked to leave isn't fatal to your participation in the space.

  • You can ping Space Guardians channel on slack to get help as well!

Participation[edit | edit source]

  • Anyone who wants to can participate at Noisebridge as long as they're excellent while doing it. (and not banned)
  • You get access by ringing the bell, ringing patiently if need be during daytime 11AM-11PM hours.
  • Everyone can participate without being a member or philanthropist.
  • If you're here you're not required to answer the door if you're not comfortable letting someone scary into the space you can use judgement about doing so.
  • You have to have an RFID access token to buzz the door open for someone.
  • People who help out and participate regularly can get thanked and offered 30 day access tokens by members.
  • When you let someone in, introduce yourself, ask if they've been to Noisebridge before, and offer them a tour if they're new. If someone hasn't been here before, explain what the space is about and explain the rule of being excellent. If you haven't given tours, jump in and watch someone else give a tour and after a couple different tours you'll learn how to explain it.

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

  • Someone who thinks Noisebridge is so awesome they want to support it financially. They set up recurring donation to Noisebridge. In addition to that, they take an active role in making the space maintained well and looking out for safety. Because you're a philanthropist, you get access to the space 24 hours. You might be the only person at the space and need to know how to shut it down and open it up and be the person who might have to ask people to leave at night.
  • To become one, you must be sponsored by a member and if nobody blocks your becoming a philanthropist at the meeting where you apply you become one.
  • If a philanthropist does things that are unexcellent, they can have their philanthropist revoked by a member.

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Being a member means being responsible and looking after the space like a philanthropist + the ability to block consensus and sponsor new members. Allows you to control the future of the space! Comes with authority, so it is harder to become a member. Takes 4 weeks+ and requires discussion and consensus. You need to get to know before applying. Requires 2 member sponsors.

No member applications

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • We have nobody qualified to report this week but we have enough money for now and need more donations to grow and buy our building!

Consensus[edit | edit source]

  • It is important that everyone in attendance understands at least:
    • Blocking with verbalized principled objections.
    • Why we use consensus over other approaches to decision making.
    • How consensus isn't a legislative process
    • Why consensus isn't applicable to some things like conflict resolution, resolution of time sinks, and the like.
  • JAY: If you want to do something like paint a wall, you discuss it, share the plan on slack, and if people seem to like the idea you do it. This is called Doocracy. If you have ideas and share them and doing them seems excellent, do them.
  • The rules for being membership are specific and this is not like gym membership. We would like to get to know people well enough that it works out to give the member consensus power.
  • When we make big decisions we do it by consensus such as buying a building. We propose the plan and see if anyone objects and if it does get consensed after 4 weeks of discussion.

No current or continuing Consensus items

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

  • RYAN: My middle school is looking to show students around to some form of tech center or place with access to technology. My mom thought Noisebridge would be a cool place to show them. It is short notice and a lot of kids.
  • Next thursday April 27, 140 kids, we could split it into groups for an hour each, so it would be less kids at a time. Teachers will be with them. 7th and 8th graders mix evenly. Earliest is 10:30 - 3:00.
  • JAY: I've done this many times over the last 3 years. The most I had was 25-30 people, if we can split it into groups that will be okay. If we announce it on the calendar, we should be cool. He would be willing to give tours, but would like to start after 11 because he lives far away. The thing that would be excellent is to have letters from teachers and school to help with Noisebridge fundraising.
  • RYAN: When to announce it?
  • JAY: Announce on #general and follow the Wiki guide on arranging events on the wiki, announce to mailing list, etc. Have the teachers doing the tour email Jay to coordinate.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]