Meeting Notes 2017 05 23
These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge. Date: 05/23/2017 Note-taker: Sam Moderators: Mitch
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
- Announcements:
- Finances:
- No report due to John being away for personal matters
- Consensus Items:
- Consensus item Passed: Philanthropist status no longer expires when a monthly donation is not made. Philanthropist goes into hiatus where they neither pay dues nor have any properties of the Philanthropist role. Can be revoked as normal when on hiatus. Loses 24h access while on hiatus.
- Consensus item Passed: Define Propagation of Access Tokens: Active Members and Philanthropists may have 24-hour access to Noisebridge through the RFID access control system. 30-day daytime access to the space through the RFID access control system can be activated by Members. 30-day daytime access to the space through the RFID access control system can be renewed by members and philanthropists.
- Discussion Items:
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- Mitch: co-founder of Noisebridge from around 2007, this space since 2009. Will travel to Xi'an tomorrow.
- Sam: been at Noisebridge for 6/7 months, lighting stuff, security. Please help take notes!
- Lizzie: computer security & electronics, trying to get 2fa off phone
- emma: been here once before so checking it out. A bit british, a bit australian, a bit all over the place
- blaze: i like space and robots, so sending robots to space
- Alex: I'm Alex.
- Nobel: Here for stupid shit hackathon
- Howard: here to read books
- Osman: co founded makerspace in istanbul, here in free time
- Grant: From Buffalo, makerspace over there, work in tech, space, robots, etc.
- Joe: first time here was when richard stallman was here, is volunteer for maintaining his political notes
- Matt: sound reinforcement engineer
- Keita: organises iOS meetup every week Sunday, love making apps in iOS, please join on Sunday.
- Quinn: friends call me rainbow. doing freelance, free OSS stuff. Mostly interested in tackling new problems. want to get political.
- Edward: comes to gamebridge
- Trent: lockpicksmith, but very bad at it. Never done it before.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Mitch: who has short announcements.
- Keita: next mo. in first week of June, WWDC (Apple's dev. conference) in San Jose. Let's meet up there!
- Mitch: Open science co-working space in SoMA called ManyLabs ( Whole bunch of Arduinos not used, director interested in Arduino Hack Night. Wed. June 14th 6:30-9:30. BYO Arduinos - they have accessories.
- Osman: just saw in slack that some people from NB are going to computer history on saturdary, meeting there at 10am, some people will meet at NB beforehand.
- Mitch: it's probably also fine to meet later.
Safe Space[edit | edit source]
- Lizzie: noisebridge tries to be a place where anyone can come to try and have the opportunity to work on things, so if anyone comes and makes other people uncomfortable, we try to avoid those situations. people are encouraged to be critical of themselves so that these situations are avoided.
- mary poppins: shall we play a game
- Lizzie: muted
- Mitch: that was mary poppins
- Mitch: so yeah, safe space, we definitely want noisebridge to be a place that people can feel like they can come and stay. And our one rule, be excellent to one another, maintains that.
Participation[edit | edit source]
- Mitch: Anyone is welcome at noisebridge if they belong here. Should contribute in some way. Want to be welcome to as many people as possible. You do not need to be a philanthropists or member to participate in Noisebridge. We have "Do-ocracy", like many other hackerspaces. Learn by doing! You are empowered to make NB better.
Slack: new communication app, can use on your phone. Stay for a while and might get an invite. In person communication is way better than text.
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
- Sam: When you set up a regular donation to support to space, in return you have extended responsibilities to look after the space. Will have access to space 24 hours. Need to make sure that at the end of the day you are the last person here (and need to make sure that everybody else leaves when space closes, which is usually at 10p). Can get access with member sponsorship. Come with sign up forms to meetings. No member objections -> philanthropist.
- Mitch: In Noisebridgespeak means what Sam described. Philanthropists in English language means people w/ lots of money who contribute to a worthy org.
Do not need to be philanthropist first to become a member.
- Sam: being a member gives you numner of responsibilities. You have to be sposored by two existing members. Fill in the form, bering it to a meeting, it stays open for 4 weeks. During this duration any member can say I don't feel good for this person to become a member without any reason. If no one objects your membership, you become a member. After you become a member, then you have the ability to participate in big "C" consensus. If you wanna go ahead an do stuff, but not sure, you can talk to people and get a cnsensus with small c.
- Mitch: Everyone can be a part of any discussion...
Sam: you dont need to be a philantropist or member to get yourelf to the space. You can ask a member for access to the space, any member can take your clipper card or any other rfid tag, and grant you access.
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
- No new or pending forms
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- our treasurer left town for this week due to personal reasons. no report for this week. financial situation hasn't changed from last week. $90k in the bank.
- $15k grant for Noisetor - Tor exit node.
- 7500$ left in the tool budget. So if you can come up with a tool that would be cool to have in noisebridge, noisebridge pays for the half of it.
Consensus[edit | edit source]
- Mitch: despite things might look organisational - we are anarchists and we do things ways we think that are cool. Has worked for the last 10 years.
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
Trent: bad locksmith. Brought up two consensus proposals:
1) Philanthropist status no longer expires when a monthly donation is not made. Philanthropist goes into hiatus where they neither pay dues nor have any properties of the Philanthropist role. Can be revoked as normal when on hiatus. Loses 24h access while on hiatus. Currently: need to revoke access + record that they are no longer philanthropists. More admin effort.
- Lizzie: I feel in practice that people will maybe just not be revoked anyway when they stop paying.
- Trent: yeah that's probably fine, sort of what we do already, we can kinda just do whatever we want. Instead of treating people unfairly why not just not deal with it.
- Mitch: anyone disagree
- no one disagrees -
- consensus reached -
2) Define Propagation of Access Tokens: Active Members and Philanthropists may have 24-hour access to Noisebridge through the RFID access control system. 30-day daytime access to the space through the RFID access control system can be activated by Members. 30-day daytime access to the space through the RFID access control system can be renewed by members and philanthropists.
- Trent: Right now, formal consensus is that whoever built the access controll system to whatever they want. Those people include Henner, and Henner is very excellent, and many people help, and we have converged on doing it a particular way. So all this consensus is a formalisation of the way we do things now, rather than people having to try and work out how things work.
- Sam: this is the new bit right?
- Trent: correct. Henner said he'll be going ahead and doing this anyway, so this consensus doesn't need to actualy pass, but it would be nice to formalise,
- Mitch: Questions / Comments / Objections
- no one disagrees -
- consensus reached -
- Howard updated the wiki. Special:Diff/58569
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)
1) John's Proposal:
- Mitch: Questions / Comments
- Blaze: Any reason why no other people other than family are going to be helping to run the organisation
- Mitch: can't answer that, maybe ask on slack?
- Lizzie: One big thing with consensus proposals is the first meeting tends to just be an announcement, so it's okay for there to be not too much immediate discussion.
- Mitch: another thing to note is in the past with fiscal sponsorship noisebridge has taken a cut to help maintain it, but in this case given that John will be managing it, i would be happy to not do that this time.
- Mitch: so i think that's enough for that
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Recording Studio[edit | edit source]
- Matt: Talked to people who have expressed interest in recording studio. Current design will be good for how the studio sounds inside the soundproof, but doesn't do anything for how it sounds outside, so i've been doing designing for such a thing. I would like to ask that people can help contribute to materials for such a space. materials: drywall, dropceiling, door, carpet, foam sealants etc...
- Mitch: sounds awesome. so for projects like this in the past, people have discussed on slack, and just get people's informal pledge, and then when it's time to set up / buy materials, set up a donation page.
- Matt: would like people to help me move stuff out.
- Mitch: and get people to pledge on the wiki page, it's not too much money.
Slack[edit | edit source]
Blaze: Noise in #general slack channel. I just end up skipping a lot of them. Can we manage this somehow? People think about what they want to talk about and see if it's a good channel for it to go in.
Mitch: one last quick announcement> Juan organised a pallet of club mate that is a bland energy drink that "one gets used to". $4 / bottle, $80 / crate.
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
If any important discussion happens, it should be happening after forward progress is made during consensus.
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]
- Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
- Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
- Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
- Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
- CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
- Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
- Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.
Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]
- Reprise of the Hackernationale. [This is anarchy - we do what the wiki says!]
- PGP Key Signing could happen now (if it doesn't happen before any given Meeting). Ask others around the space or check the list to see who wants in on the action.