Meeting Notes 2017 06 20
These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge. Date: 2017 06 20 Note-taker: Jeremy; Moderators: Jarrod.
- Meeting started very late, skipped some content for time
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
- Jeremy: Event on Tuesday, 11th July in advance of Net Neutrality day
- Nicole and I are organizing an event on Tuesday, 11th July in advance of Net Neutrality day. The goal is to help people understand why Net Neutrality is important. If anyone has any suggestions for speakers or would like to speak you can contact me on slack @rollinson, Nicole is @gaardn.
- Jarrod: September 9-10 - Noisebridge 10 Year Anniversary Exhibition and Ball
- On september 9th/10th we are organizing an event to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Noisebridge. We're asking people to bring in projects to exhibit that they have built here at NB or at other hackerspaces. There will also be talks, lessons, labs, everything that happens at NB but condensed in to a 2 day event (Hackstravaganza? JR). There is a page about the event on the Wiki, you can also contact me on
New members: NA
New philanthropists: Jeremy Rollinson
Consensus Items: None
Discussion Items:
- Alden: Wanted to understand the process for match funding for purchase of new equipment for the space. Jarrod explained that this is all managed by John Shutt and the next step is to contact him directly.
- Karl: Wanted to understand the process for donating items for use in the space. Jarrod explained that the correct process is to start a discussion either on slack or via the email list, detailing what items are proposed for donation. Ideally, somebody will take responsibility for accepting the items and using them or ensuring they are used appropriately rather than them becoming mis-used or ending up as trash.
Introductions[edit | edit source]
Jarrod: I mainly work on projects in the woodshop.
Jeremy: I'm Jeremy, @rollinson on slack, I come to noisebridge for FreeCodeCamp and general making, I love building things. My dayjob is as a WiFi engineer.
Naomi: I'm Naomi, I've been a member at nb since 2009, I mainly work on art projects.
Sasha: I'm Sasha, I'm working on an open source RGB LED controller.
Karl: I'm karl AKA Alchemist, I'm a coder running a startup, came to SF a few years ago, been coding hard and in the last few weeks have the time to explore more of SF and found out about Noisebridge.
Alden: I'm Alden, an electronics engineer. I came here to day to work on my electronic business card. Here to hack!
Cole: I'm Cole, also working on LED controllers
Moses: (I didn't catch his intro)
Elise: Visiting town (all I could hear)
Asia: I'm Asia, I'd like to work on my cheap LED shoes and make them way less janky.
Arthur: I'm Arthur, a network security engineer, first time at a meeting. I'm working on building a soft VPN (couldn't hear the rest).
Announcements[edit | edit source]
Jeremy: Event on Tuesday, 11th July in advance of Net Neutrality day
- Nicole and I are organizing an event on Tuesday, 11th July in advance of Net Neutrality day. The goal is to help people understand why Net Neutrality is important. If anyone has any suggestions for speakers or would like to speak you can contact me on slack @rollinson, Nicole is @gaardn.
Jarrod: September 9-10 - Noisebridge 10 Year Anniversary Exhibition and Ball
- On september 9th/10th we are organizing an event to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Noisebridge. We're asking people to bring in projects to exhibit that they have built here at NB or at other hackerspaces. There will also be talks, lessons, labs, everything that happens at NB but condensed in to a 2 day event (Hackstravaganza? JR). There is a page about the event on the Wiki, you can also contact me on
Safe Space[edit | edit source]
Participation[edit | edit source]
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
Jarrod: Moving on to Philanthropists...A philanthropist at NB is a person who has pledged to meet the responsibilities listed on the Philanthropist wiki page. They are required to fill out a form which is co-signed by a sponsoring member. new philanthropists are announced at the meeting and, providing no objections are made, that person is then a philanthropist. Is there anyone at the meeting who wants to be proposed as a new philanthropist?
Jeremy: I would like to be a philanthropist at NB. I work in a very collaborative field, events, and after coming to NB regularly over the last few months am very impressed by NB, it's goals and ethos.
Jarrod: I am sponsoring Jeremy, are there any objections? [none] Great! Jeremy, you are now a philanthropist.
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
We have $83,988.52 in the bank. ~$30,000 for Noisetor, $7,318.89 in the equipment fund, $783.29 in the laser maintenance fund, $1,095 in Thomas’ memorial fund, the rest in the general fund.
Consensus[edit | edit source]
Arthur: Consensus is how a group of people make a decision to do something.
Karl: Consensus is a based around being excellent to each other. if you have a project you want to pursue you evaluate whether it will follow the "be excellent to others" mantra and if you are not sure seek consensus with the group.
Naomi: That's more of the doocracy. Consensus is used for any major decisions that will affect the space [gave example of couch positioning]. Consensus can be used in the event of a doocracy breakdown. Consesus is the process whereby everyone in the community discusses a decision over a period of a more than one meeting with the goal of everyone being happy with the consensus decision.
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Donation Process?
- Karl: I have a bunch of stuff that may be useful to the space, what is the process for donation?
- Jarrod: Before donating it is good to start a discussion either on slack or the email lists, detailing what items you wish to donate. That way somebody can take responsibility for accepting the items and ensuring they are put to good use.
Equipment Fund Process?
- Alden: What is the process for moving forward with match funding for new equipment purchases for NB?
- Jarrod: This is handled by the treasurer, John, you should contact him directly and he will get things started.