Meeting Notes 2017 10 10
These are the notes from the The 479th Meeting of Noisebridge. Date: 10/10/2017
Note-taker: User:nthmost
Moderators: User:nthmost
- NB meetings can be fun. Let's keep the elevator repaired!
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
TLDR what happened at the meeting:
- Announcements: Haskell Class starting Oct 18th (every 1st and 3rd Wednesday). Cryptobuilders workshop every 2nd and 4th Wednesday.
- Finances: ???
- New members: nope but we should contact Merlin and let her know she's at 4 weeks!
- New philanthropists: nope
- Consensus Items: Elevator Repair Fund
- Discussion Items: people lost interest and went to the Internet Archive at this point.
what Noisebridge is about:
Noisebridge is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides a space for creation, collaboration, and learning about technology and creative projects. Noisebridge provides space, power tools, and infrastructure to help the public learn new skills and create cool things. Noisebridge continues to exist through and depends entirely on membership fees and donations. Our code of conduct is 'Be excellent to each other'.
Something says, "See, this is why meetings don't happen, because everyone knows what Noisebridge is."
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- Marco -- Building a search engine for Code Learning resources, UX design, traveling between Berlin and SF.
- Dang -- Founding member of HACKER CLUB consisting of just ME. What are we talking about? I'm just workjing on signing some documents.
- Augur -- You all know me as Augur. I hack on shit, like the laser cutter and I teach laser cuttering things. Soon to teach a Haskell class.
- Nthmost -- i like to take meetings notes
- Kyle -- I'm not even here, but you skipped Nick. No that's just a statement of fact.
- Nick -- I travel around looking for insecure wifi without passwords to hack. And I'm printing stuff.
- Michael -- I teach at Cogswell college, a VR class in Santa Clara. We need wizards for the Singularity.
- Alex -- I do Gamebridge U on Tuesdays, making the Internet Archive into its own VR version.
- Juan -- I hack. I am a cyberwizard. Not yet a lizard.
- Paul -- I go by Schwifty. I make things, a lot of things out of plastics. Flowers, expanding foam, bouncy balls. Sometimes skateboards. 3D modeling, trying to sew.
- grey (グレェ) -- Just started working with the MADE. Starting to do inventory on 1000s of games. Like to go to other hackerspaces like Sudo Room
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Augur -- starting Oct 18th and every other Wednesday (1st and 3rd, opposite cryptobuilders) -- Haskell Class at 8pm. On Slack it's #haskell-class
- Cryptobuilders workshop in Hackitorium 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Alt currency, pizza, meet and greet.
- Schwifty -- I really am going to make Club Mate. [Something about dry ice and straining.] I AM gonna do it but you guys should be on the lookout for a metal strainer and metal bowl, 4" to 8" diameter.
Safe Space[edit | edit source]
- Augur: We want NB to be as welcome as possible. It's excellent if a person told they are being unexcellent for being inconsiderate is willing to stop that conversation. We have an Ask to Leave policy that may be applied when people aren't responsive to being politely asked to stop bothering.
Participation[edit | edit source]
Augur: If you want to do stuff at Noisebridge, come do stuff at Noisebridge! (And be Excellent while you are doing so!)
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
[Augur checks the binder, no new applications.]
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
Augur: Membership is a bit more responsibility. You can block Consensus items and grant RFID tokens.
Merlin: 4 checks ... hasn't been here in a while. [I'll let her know! --nthmost] Nicole: 2 checks Lady Red: 3 checks
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: We dunno ATM, we'll ask Pemulis.
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
Nick: we should all be aware that the garbage guys won't take anything that's not in a trash can!!!
Consensus[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
Elevator Repair Fund[edit | edit source]
Zach proposes that NB set aside $400 per year for the purpose of elevator repair costs. Any deductions from this fund can be recorded with receipts and sent to noisebridge-discuss or the Wiki
N: where does that number come from?
Z: A low number that will make people happy.
N: What have been our costs in the past?
Z: I did the repairs recently, those costs have been "not verty much"... Parts cost "quite low" because it's not fully fixed yet -- some crimps, a couple light bulbs, most of which was found in NB, but we need to replace significant parts of the gate. Henner might fabricate a new wooden panel. I feel like ppl should be compensated for their time in this.
N: historically we don't compensate for time...
J: This might fall under the existing equipment fund. We can consider the elevator something like infrastructure for the space.
A: Patrick commented 2 weeks ago that NB has had a policy of paying for things as infrastructure, it's just never been officially ratified. It may be too hazy that no one knows about it so we should make it more official as a consensus item.
Z: didn't know about the equipment fund. I do have to say, personally, I think the elevator should be under a different guideline as it's not a tool that makes NB cooler, it's something that prevents community members from entering the space.
N: Right, we have to be ADA accessible.
K: I'd feel cool about paying a pro, less good about paying NB people.
A: it's really the landlord's responsibility. We should build a device that convinces the landlord to fix it.
Alex: I support the elevator fund.
N: I suggest writing up this proposal a little more formally and then writing a bit about what it will take to get the elevator up to par in the coming months (or year). We usually post to the mailing list and discussion about it can happen either there or on the Slack.
Z: Cool.
Discussion[edit | edit source]
[Everybody gets distracted and leaves because something else is more interesting than the meeting.]