Meeting Notes 2018 01 09

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These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge. Date: 2018/01/09 Note-taker: Bernice & Cowlicks; Moderators: Cowlicks. We talked about:

  • how to give a tour of Noisebridge
  • whether or not Noisebridge is willing to host the Global Game Jam for January 26-28, 2018
  • methods for how time for using the laser cutter can be allocated/scheduled fairly
  • classes/events that people wish to host/lead

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Announcements:

1) some Noisebridgers (and other local indie game devs) will present their games at the Playcrafting Winter Play Expo: January 11, Thursday, 6:30pm, 301 Howard Street 2) Global Game Jam = January 26-28, Friday to Saturday, Playcrafting will help organize the event

      - can we have global game jam here? Whos's cool with that?

3) classes/events that people wish to host/lead: - How To Repair Mac Logic Boards, by Zach - How to make an "infinity mirror", by Mike (aka Mondo) 4) Bring Your Own internet is at Omni Jan 27th 2 - 5. 5mof is the 3rd thursday every month here at 8pm. 5) We (Zach & Bernice) upgraded the computer that controls the laser cutter and its way better. We (Zach, Bernice, Kevin, one of the Matthews, one of the Davids) cleaned the Sparkle Forge.

  • Finances: n/a, treasurer wasn't present
  • New members: n/a
  • New philanthropists: from the previous meeting, we had Silver, Micah, Osman
  • Consensus Items: Cowlicks showed how to give a tour of Noisebridge (how to be concise while giving just enough information)
  • Discussion Items:

"what's the best way for the time that the laser cutter is used to be allocated/scheduled?" "Global Game Jam = January 26-28, Friday to Saturday, Playcrafting will help organize the event

      - can we have global game jam here? Whos's cool with that?"

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Participants[edit | edit source]

  • Steve - Theoretical Physicist
  • Silver - sewing, upcycling
  • Bernice - game dev, helps out with Gamebridge, learner of everything else
  • Andrew - gamer vr programming
  • Mark - 2nd time here refugee from techshop drome flyer
  • X - WiFi hacking, likes to hack n do sudomesh( BYOI ) last Saturday of the Month
  • Frank - among his interests are diverse interests like noisebridge
  • Mike/Mondo - woodworking; wants to be taught abt community
  • Jacob - just moved to SF, he's a googler and meshnetworkthing
  • Nathan - "discoverer of noisebridge" went to techshop. gots intentions to teach about coldcasting, gots a proposals, money
  • Carl - techsherp startups pretty eperienced shares skills etc etc
  • Zack - repairing a macbook, probably the coolest thing ever. He's broke and designed circuits.
  • Nick - Zacks spiritual advisor.
  • Bob - game development and buying ddr machines.
  • David - laser liker pays money
  • Alex - Gamebride/Unityversity; wants to back up Bernice about the Global Game Jam
  • Marie - didn't know there was a meeting
  • Sky - been here for a long time yay!
  • Darryl - they/she laser cutter class haskell class
  • David - been here 4 times machining stuff on the mill
  • Cowlicks - raw water

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Bernice - Playcrafting Winter Play Expo: January 11, Thursday, 6:30pm, 301 Howard Street
  • -- some Noisebridgers (and other local indie game devs) will present their games.
  • Bernice & Alex - Global Game Jam = January 26-28, Friday to Saturday, Playcrafting will help organize event
       - can we have global game jam here? Whos's cool with that?
  • Mike/Mondo - wants to teach how to make an "infinity mirror", wants to know how to add events in Meetup/wiki/webpage
  • Zach - 2 announcements: The first was on NB DISCUSS WHICH Y'ALL SHOULD SUBSCRIBE TOO. We upgraded the laser machine and its way better. We cleaned the laser cutter a lot and the whole room is way better. I want to teach a class on Macbook logic repair too!
  • How to sign up for / subscribe to NB DISCUSS?

Go here:

  • X - Bring Your Own internet is at Omni Jan 27th 2 - 5. 5mof is the 3rd thursday every month here at 8pm.

Safe Space[edit | edit source]

Noisebridge is a safe space.

"We want everyone who comes to Noisebridge to be comfortable; be considerate to everyone. When people are acting in a threatening manner, it is ok to ask them to leave. If 2 people ask each other to leave, they will both leave."

Participation In Noisebridge[edit | edit source]

Invite a knowledgable volunteer to describe who can participate at Noisebridge, including:

  • Describe how to get an rfid key for the door system
  • Describe how to get access to slack

" - participatory, volunteer, do-ocracy, space is open to the public between 11am-10pm, can work on anything, but be considerate of others.

- but if the project is big and affects everybody, there are channels of escalation (ask people, use Slack, announce in weekly Tuesday meetings, etc.)
- Anyone can come to Noisebridge to hack and learn: you don't need to be a member for that."

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Key Features Of A Tour Of Noisebridge

- Noisebridge tour is done if the person answers "no" to "Have you been to Noisebridge before?"
- If there's an event, ask them if they are here for the event.  If they are late for the event, bring them to the event 1st, and tell them to request a tour from the event organizer, or if that doesn't happen, tell them that they can find you to give a tour.
- Cowlicks will show how to give a tour

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Longer discussion items belong here. This is the last part of the meeting so that people can break off and continue their discussion afterwards.

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

Nathan is proposing to make a build system "like Legos, but more interesting/more engineer-y", "Haveli", product is called "Kaneka". Nathan will donate the Kaneka products for people to hack on.

Where to put the Kaneka products? Carts might be more convenient, so that they are movable when necessary.

Global Game Jam (

    More details here:
    Talk to Derrick or Bernice if you have more questions.
    Bernice will contact the people who are hosting events that have already been scheduled in advance for those dates. 

We are discussing about how people can allocate the time to use the laser cutter

    - David suggested to design some calendar system
    - objections - might be abused by overbooking too much time, will dissuade communication about the laser cutter, we also don't want things to be app-intensive/process intensive
    - maybe the laser cutter training should also include how to communicate about the laser cutter
    - Google Calendar -- not everyone uses the calendar tools
    - we don't want Noisebridge to be just a place where you use the tools, we want this place to have a community.

Mess when using tools:

        When giving the tours for 1st-time people, after telling the "be excellent to each other" rule, and the safe-space rule, might be useful to tell everyone that each person who comes here cleans up after themselves.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

  1. Return the membership binder to its rightful location.
  2. Discuss any items for which there was not time during the meeting.
  3. Enjoy the company of your fellow hacker, robot, or robothacker.

Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
  2. Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
  3. Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
  4. Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
  5. CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
  6. Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
  7. Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.

Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]

  • Reprise of the Hackernationale. [This is anarchy - we do what the wiki says!]
  • PGP Key Signing could happen now (if it doesn't happen before any given Meeting). Ask others around the space or check the list to see who wants in on the action.