Meeting Notes 2018 01 23
Meeting notes are at; feel free to help take notes!
Agenda: - Ask for note takers / call to meeting - Introductions: name, pronouns, what you do / maintain; if new, how did you hear about noisebridge - Intro: What is Noisebridge? What is our one rule? [Someone describes our safe space policy and why it's important] How can you become more involved? - New members / philanthropists - Finances Current Bank Balance: $91,693.92 (First time over $90K! We need $10,000,000 more, though.) ~ $49,300 in the general fund ~ $20,400 in Noisetor == $4,498.74 in the equipment fund == $3,021.64 in the Thomas J. Shutt Memorial Foundation == $1,412.96 in the broadcast fund == $2,137.28 in the laser maintenance fund == $375 from Friends of the Public Library to reimburse Circuit Hacking Mondays for kits == $200 in the Accessibility Fund == $179.77 in the Elevator Repair Fund == $232 in the Sewing Fund Full Reports & Details: - Consensus Items Current Items: NBSP; Proposal ( - Short announcements and events - Discussion Items - SF Maker Faire - options for what happens to Noisebrdige's location after our lease is up in August - fundraising - global game jam on ?
- Roy (slack @rizend) - they/them - Nate: Hardware hacker - Assi: CNC fixups - Paul: - Changbai: 3D web apps
- John - Zach: Hardware EE mac logi boards (slack considered harmful) - Vincent: Ambasador from france CS, machine learning, RPis, firmware, gadget [Noisebridge globally recognized] - Alex: Also ambasador from france - {name?} maker faire large scale installations, collab - Nicholas: CS, Mahine Learning, Quantum phhysics, Lucid Dreaming - Mitch Altman (he/they): Cofounder of Noisebridge, travels worldwide speaking and workshopping. Today 14 people hunan providence china who donated $250 and also gifted a Teacup - Jeremy (no pronoun preference) knows a thing or two wifi - Dave (he/him): Caligraphy, printmaking - Jarrod (he/him): Works atively maintain the space itself (thanks! claps) - Lizzie (she/her): Audio electronics, pedals - Josh (he) :: Tinkerer, curious - Natalie (she) :: New around space, enjoys comics - Sebastian (he/him) :: Techshop refugee, excited - Sophie (she/her) :: Sculpture, arts, creation - Rozzie (he) :: python class, **DJango Class** ; also interested recycling / ompost /trash - Trent (he) :: **python class** - Vivev (he):: Second day at NB, Also Techshop refugee; - Derek (he/him) :: **Global Game Jam** this weekend. Accountable for event. Interested in coding. - Bernice (gender neutral pronouns / no pref) :: Gamebridge ; learn everything ; - Lady Red (She/her) :: **Python class** sewing - Paul ( (the?) dude (labouski?) / they) :: Art director, movie producer, makes movie props at noisebridge ; wrote silk screen noisebridge wiki
What is NB
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Noisebridge is a hackerspace which is a physical space with a community where ... A nerd workshop
Safe space policy:
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Respect everybody regardless of identity ; keep space welcome space ; not a sexual space ; non-threatening ; [do-ocratic enforcement](
How to get more involved?
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+ How to get RF id card? + Bring a clipper, + Donate + Be excellent + Be patient + Skateboard + enjoi + Get to know the community, when people recognize you, know youz excelent, doocratically you will be endowed RFID + Access granted when reasonable explanation provided regarding your presence + Who can grant access? + GRANT: Members + RENEW: Philanthropist
About the RFID access system:
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+ RFID reader is downstairs + Access granted when your RFID is registered and visit is during valid hours
- Q: How do you become a philanthropist?*
+ Search for philanthropy/member binder, speak to a member who *knows you well* and is willing to [sponsor](<<link to sponsor/membership page>>) you.
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Trent: Kind of like a stewardship. You must be sponsored by two or more members. Apply in binder. At next meeting discussion.
- Events // Anouncements
Carneval 40th anniversary this year.
@what: BYOI bring your own internet (creating mesh network) @when: This Saturday Jan 27 @ 2 - 5pm @where: Omni Commons / Sudoroom: see
@when: Feb 3rd & 4th @what: Developer Week Hackathon @contact: Bernice
@when: 29th January @what: pyclass popcorn @contact: Lady Red
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We may need to move to a different space at the end of August-2018. (capitalism) Need to raise money. Need to determine + Concrete points of contact
/* @speaker John presents: */
- Consensus Items
Current Items: NBSP; Proposal ( - Discussion Items - global game jam on ? - noisebridge-announce - SF Maker Faire @jarrod - Biology/Microscope/Programming/Art/Education Hackathon in mid-April - options for what happens to Noisebrdige's location after our lease is up in August - fundraising
- Global Game Jam notes
- 48 hour game jam - Fairly large event (70 - 100 people) - Noisebridge Announce - General info about policy (harassment policy) - Funding seeking - Cleanup effort - KEYNOTE (17:30 on friday) :: Matt levine ( game dev ; musical transitions )
- SF Bay Area Makerfaire
+ IDEAS + Game Booth + Escape The room + VR w/ specific theme of
@contact points: + @jarrod + Alex Peake