Meeting Notes 2018 02 13
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Summary[edit | edit source]
- New philanthropist: Bernice!
- Events:
- Haskell class is tomorrow at 7 pm in Turing; we'll be talking about automated theorem proving.
- On the 24th of February Presidio Astronomy -
- Next Monday, February 19th, 7 pm, Ben will be presenting on the Flask web server for python class.
- Noisebridge will continue the tradition of having a booth the Maker Faire; we will have three projects: &NBSP probgram, livestreaming arcade cabinet, and simbridge; these projects are looking for volunteers; please contact Jarrod if you're interested in helping out. More details at
- This Friday, February 16th, 7-9 pm, the NeurotechSF meetup will be having it's second biweekly meeting, a Guild Night for NeuroHackers to work together to adapt Brain Computer Interfaces to fit Virtual Reality Headsets and incorporate Artificial Neural Networks for interpreting and visualizing the sensor data.
What is Noisebridge?[edit | edit source]
- Augur: Noisebridge is an open source anarchist hackerspace where you can hack on awesome project, hang out with cool people, do whatever you want as long as you are excellent while you are here.
Intros[edit | edit source]
Name / Pronouns / Deets
- Jarrod (he/they) - helping with this years maker fair
- Trent (he/him) - python class
- Frank
- Matt (he/him) - electronics, but not professionally, circuits, programming, wants to teach classes
- Catherine - first time, but been here a bunch, it's cool, working on self-serve bubble tea machines
- Robert (he/him) - also working on that, hardware is exciting
- Augur (she/they) - AI, haskell, laser class, draping garments
- Roy (they/them) - infosec / physical security
- Frank (he/him) - working on visual geometry
- Jay (he/him) - help out with py class
- Isabell () - with peace museum, interested in new technology, meditation, altwered states of conciousness, getting PHD in [something cool]
- Leo Madrid () - interested in conciousness, do presentations at maker faire, etc.
- Alex () - game dev, VR (tuesday nights), but the VR computer can be used all the time!
- Andrew () - Gamebridge, maker faire
- Bernice (they / them / she/her) - gamebridge, arcade cabinet for maker faire, learning everything else
- Zach () - I've been coming for a long time, I solder and repair stuff
- Project the notes in real time for all to see and announce the URL to collaboratively take notes on the major points of the meeting.
Announcements[edit | edit source]
- Augur - Haskell class is tomorrow at 7 pm in turing; automated theorem proving
- Bernice - 24th of february praesidio astronomy -
- Leo - We got academic and fiscal sponsership from the key foundation for brain-mind research?
- Jay - Friend and dad will be in bay area for a few weeks; father is expert in enigma machine who will be at Noisebridge on Webnesday, February 28th, will be on meetups; there will be an anigma machine! - donation recommended
- Trent - next monday in Church, python class hosted by Ben on Flask at 7pm; lots on basics of making a website in python; won't be on html / js / css
- Jarrod - Noisebridge will continue the tradition of having a booth their; we will have three projects: &NBSP probgram, livestreaming arcade cabinet, and simbridge; looking for volunteers, you're invited to bring other projects and to help with the mentioned three; please contact Jarrod if interested; meetings every Friday
- Micah - 7pm-9pm - putting together brain computer interfaces with VR; specifics TBD; wiki page to be created
Safe Space Policy[edit | edit source]
- Jarod - phychologically and socially safe even if it isn't physically safe
- Bernice - no harassment, bullying, respect everyone regardless; if someone does something that makes someone uncomfortable, they will be asked to stop, and if they do not, they will be asked to leave
- Alex - unwanted romantic attention can be unwanted, please give people space; don't take all of someone's time
Participating in Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
- Jarrod - everyone is free to use all the tools in the space and hack on it
- Augur - the best way to participate in Noisebridge is to come to Noisebridge and hack on stuff and Noisebridge it self. If you see something that can be improved and have the skills to improve it, feel free to do so. It should be relatively easy to get in, particularly on Mondays, just ring the doorbell. Once we know you, you can get a 30-day day token that lets you in between 11AM and 10PM.
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
- Augur - I'd like to invite Bernice to explain
- Bernice - philanthropists have 24 hour access and responsibilities: closing the space if you're the last one; philanthropists have been coming to Noisebridge a bunch and have been contributing to Noisebridge; philanthropists also donate monthly. Members are like philanthropists but have additional responsibilities.
- Augur - members can block consensus items and can grant 30 day access tokens; philanthropists can only renew. Blocking consensus items is the main way things don't happen at Noisebridge other than people not doing stuff.
- Bernice - Member can sponsor a philanthropists.
No-one blocks, Bernice is a philanthropist. Augur will walk Bernice through closing.
Members[edit | edit source]
- Jarrod - membership is done through consensus; would someone like to explain the consensus process?
- Jarrod explains consensus.
- Augur - if we get to the point where someone will block a consensus item, that's a problem.
Consensus Items (== NBLobbiest Items ==)[edit | edit source]
- None today; all celebrate!
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
- Zach - Talking with someone at Redstone building; might be a new home for Noisebridge; unused theatre space; great place that could use some of Noisebridge's energy
- Lizzie - I think something didn't work out last time.
- Jarrod - mitch was in contact with redstone.
- Frank - Is that the one with the LAB?
- JArrod - yes
- Zach - Discussion item 2: music on the PA system has been a problem for me; I'd like to have people make an announcement before putting on music in the space. Person adding noise should
- Micah - Headphones are a good solution. PA system sound has been a problem for me too.
- Zach - I would make an announcement every time I would test amplifiers in the space and check in with everyone. This is a workspace and can require some degree of quiet.
- Lizzie - it's really important for me to be able to use speakers instead of headphones when I'm working on experimental music synthesis.
- Zach - My issue is with people just listening for leissure, not project based stuff.
- Trent - How can we communicate this consent based use of audio; I don't think we can do that. Someone should turn it off if asked. If people aren't being respectfull, they should be asked to leave and it should be dealt with through mediation.
- Jarrod - It isn't unreasonable to ask that people read the space and check-in before doing something.
- Omar - I like Zach's idea of being able to focus; the church outside plays really loud music; there's a difference between project music and leisure music
- Lizzie - When music is bothering me, I go up to the front of the room and will check-in with the room and then turn the volume down
- Micah - We shouldn't not try to do it because it's hard to enforce.
- Zach - It's not easy for me to navigate the space to get to the main volume control.
- Omar - re: the sound part, what Zach is saying is very valid, we could have a designated time when sound is more appropriate
- Zach - sound is more appropriate at CHM, 5MOF, fundraisers
- Omar - could we have a time when we keep it quiter
- Jarrod - feel free to do-ocratically put up signs
- Omar - This is a hackerspace called Noisebridge.
- Lizzie - A Noisebridge is actually an electrical component.