Meeting Notes 2018 06 05

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Noisebridge meeting 2018-06-05

These are the notes from the The 497th Meeting of Noisebridge. Notes are at; feel free to help take notes!

Moderator: @beka

Note taker(s): r

Give us money!

Access patreon donation numbers programatically -

We have 73 patrons are pledging $1,271.39, keep donating!

Introductions (name, pronouns, deets)[edit | edit source]

Beka (she/her) - sometimes teaches laser class, old school ai stuff, social media hacking

bernice (they/them or she/her) - make video games for fun and profit, learning to do AI, does laser cutter stuff, helps w/ gaming archivists on the arcade cabinet

Cain () - i do music; helped james build the NAW station in the back, just finished a song a few minutes ago

Alex () - software for the laser bong

Justin () - i do analog hardware and then find people to write the code for me; build lots of random gadgets, currently a laser bong

Dave () - working on how to manufacture light boxes with printers, trying to learn sails framework; working on my own framework for polygons

Dave () - VG designer and musician, hack on everything including my life

jeremy () - i do software stuff

James () - attending by remote. Hi, working with Cain and others on audio at nb.

r (they/them) - might also be doing some social media stuff; more generally going through the Hutton book on Haskell

Participation[edit | edit source]

Bernice: people can participate in NB - the general public can participate in NB - by coming between 11am-10pm, ring the doorbell, someone lets them in, and they can just hack on stuff, as long as they be excellent to each other anyone can use this place to hack on stuff and learn things; if they come a lot, members can give them a 30 day access card from the daytime hours to be renewed every month; if you want to be more involved, you can apply to be a philanthropist and get 24 hour access that doesnt expire and the responsibilities of the philanthripist is to make sure that when everyone leaves, windows are closed, all the heat-generating things are turned off; philanthropists can renew access cards; there's one other way to participate, Member, with more responsibilities.

Beka: Noisebridge runs on do-ocracy, nothing / everything gets done by us based on whether we do it; if there's trash to be taken out, we need to take it out; all the cool shit is done by people who think we need id; the only constraint on this is the one rule of Noisebridge

Safespace[edit | edit source]

Beka: safespace is an extension of excellence; we want everyone to feel as welcome / comfortable using the space as possible; harrasment, monopolization of time, unwanted attention, are not excellent; if you're asked to leave, please leave; if you're having a sensitive conversation, please check with everyone in the area before doing so; we do not subscribe to the idea that there are reverse-isms which is kind of important

justin: what is a reverse-ism?

r: ism's or sometimes -phobias/-misias/etc eg transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, etc. are based around a system of oppression of a group of people; and if someone says something that's against the group that is in power, given that power dynamic, it doesnt have the same effect as someone in a position of power saying or doing something that impacts someone with less power.

Bernice: we have people here who are mediators who can help

Announcements[edit | edit source]

Bernice: I want to give a shout out to lady red and the other people who helped silver's fashion show, things like tending bar, doing security and stuff, its hard work, but they made the show fun and safe for everyone there

Bernice: NB is going to join Sunday Streets, dunno if people are still interested, talk to me later if you want to staff a table for NB

Bernice: shoutout also to james b/c he opens the door for ppl who come in for the whiteboarding event on wednesdays

Beka: on June 16th 02018, we will be hosting a queer punk show, Lavender Scared will be performing on the Saturday, not sure what time; it'll be in the hackitorium with the DMX light working (cross your fingers). I'll be printing out posters so if you want some, let me know!

Bernice: tomorrow evening, wikipedia has a meetup; the information is in slack in #fieldstrips

James: Ableton 101 class this Sunday at 1pm. Now weekly!

James: audioChurch Potluck this Sunday at 4pm. Bring your cool audiovisual hardware or software project to share for 5 - 10 minutes.

James: Women* (ie non-men) in (Electronic) Music class on June 24th at 2:30pm! A class by, and for, women* (ie non-men) interested in music/audio production!

James: Newsbridge - Add your news event to a weekly announcement of cool things at Noisebridge.

Justin: 15 and 30th of June at 3pm, meeting about starting startups!

Philanthropy[edit | edit source]

Beka: philanthropy is a level of engagement with NB that is more financially conrtibutory (you give usually $80 a month, but negotiable, talk to treasurer), more responsibilities (can renew tokens); its a fancy title but really all it means is 24 hour access and more responsibilities


Beka: to become a philanthropist, grab an application, get a member to sign, make sure you read the whole application and the referenced page on the website, and then submit it to a meeting and show up at that meeting

[no applications today]

Membership[edit | edit source]

r: membership is this thing where in addition to having 24h access, you also have the ability to block consensus items, grant 30 day access, endorse philanthropy and membership applications, instantaneously revoke philanthropy, can request the list of members from the secretary; recommended to donate to noisebridge in a financial and physical manner, and generally help make noisebridge an excellent space

[no applications today]

Consensus Items[edit | edit source]

beka: we make decisions two ways at Noisebridge: consensus is small change where you check with people likely to be affected and people in the area; Consensus is a formal process with a Consensus proposal that goes on the Current Consensus Proposals on the wiki; after two weeks it becomes the official policy of Noisebridge unless it is blocked, changes are asked for; Consensus items should reflect consensus in the space before they are formalized

[no consensus items]

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Justin: Plumpuses

[end of dicsussion]

Money[edit | edit source]

beka: we have about $97,000. We made $14,200 in regular donations last month and are nearing our goal of $20,000 per month. We need $7 million to buy a building. Details at

~ fini ~