Meeting Notes 2018 08 21

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Noisebridge meeting 2018-08-21

Meeting Notes are at; help us take notes!

Moderator: rebecca

Note taker(s): jason

Give us money!

Access patreon donation numbers programatically -

We have 83 patrons pledging $1754 a month, keep donating!

Introductions - Name, Pronouns, What you hack on[edit | edit source]

Rebecca, She/Her, teaches ppl to use laser cutter, AI, random things

Jason - they/them - free code camp on tuesdays

Ryan - he - help runs the Gamebridge University, runs VR Cart, helps out with lots of projects

Adrian -he/him - GIS, python

Luke - he/him - architecture, 3D Art, laser etched art

Blake - he/him - IOT, cellular iot

Tyler - he/him - robots that can recognize self in mirror

Kristian - he/him - lifting a stage in the sky at Burning Man

Gloria - she/her - visiting

James - he/him - Sci-Fi writing and green screen photography

Bernice - they/she - works on video game, Wed. whiteboarding, sunday streets

r - they/them - playing with shift registers

Participation[edit | edit source]

Bernice explains participation in Noisebridge

Anyone can come to Noisebridge, participate in meet-ups when it is open to the public.

We have rules!

  1. 1 is to be excellent

Safe Space[edit | edit source]

Zero tolerance for harassment and discrimination!

Don't waste people's time and give unwanted attention.

If someone is being racist continuously, get mediation. Anyone can help you remove toxic people.

We have a safe space policy.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

Blake: hosts Silicon Valley IOT meetup. wants to host hands-on meet-up at Noisebridge. 9/13

Kristian: Outer Orbit- a bar with pinball and Hawaiian food

Bernice: we need to find out how people find out about NB. esp. after Sunday Streets. Weekend of 9/1 is Crunchyroll Expo. Many of us are carpooling. Join our sunday-streets channel on slack if you want to help out or talk to me!

You can join our slack channel after being known at our hackerspace. Ask around!

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

JASON becomes a philanthropist

Members[edit | edit source]

James explains membership:

   Members can participate in consensus based decisions
   Members are voted in


Membership is like philanthropy in that there is also 24 hr access

can revoke/grant access tokens, including 24 hr access

needs 2 sponsorships from members

4 weeks application process

care enough about noisebridge to govern it through consensus

anyone can pariticipate, but members get blocking privileges

Consensus Items[edit | edit source]


Little C conensus: do-ocratically making changes to Noisebridge might affect other people. You can get other people's consent to make changes

Big C Consensus: big decisions, NB LLC affairs, anyone incl. non members can write proposals to bring up during a meeting for a 2 week time. If no members block or alters it, it becomes accepted. Do not bring things up for consensus without prior discussion.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

we have 200k in the bank because of a donation from

Discussion[edit | edit source]

ryan - more snacks[edit | edit source]

ryan: so far we have snacks with donations/ or are donated. What flavored bars do we want? Do we want to approach bar makers to be a test site

james: sounds great, macadamia, peanut butter, carrot cake

r: I think its really good for us to coordinate our messaging by drafting it in slack before making the best impression

ryan: Ill make a paper on the fridge to survey what flavors folx want

R: I would use polly

Ryan: Would that work in slack directly?

Rebecca: It would be found on google

R: polly is the built in polling tool for slack

Tyler: What was involved in being a flavor test site?

Ryan: Usually, they give certain places full palettes of boxes with variety of bags. They are unlabeled containers. But we would still know ingredients in case of allergies.

james - big printer[edit | edit source]

James: asking about printer. what is the status on its ink, etc.? IF there was anything happening to getting a Costco Card?

R: 2 things

We have 0 dollars in ink fund

We have a smaller printer

Ryan: We should use the big printer because it helps us with many creative projects. Has anyone tried to reach out to Epson for printer ink discounts?

Ryan: How could we make our own custom ink??

James: 3rd party inks would work well, but they might fade over a few years

beka - S|K[edit | edit source]

beka: Noisebridge is doing a major fundraising campaign. S|K ( is a consultancy that we have worked with the past few months. We have a large enough donation to hire them to do their full work at a price of $29,000. I would like to discuss this before making it a consensus item.

ryan: after going to some of the meetings where they showed up, and reading the docs they wrote. it would prolly be a great idea for them to continue their work, esp. based on what we've heard about their turnaround with other nonprofits. It does seem like a high cost, but it could be offset by fundraising

James: I was here for one meeting when they were here. I found them to be sharp and professional. The 29k cost is not a bad fee for several months' of professional work in terms of keeping this space.

beka: we are raising 1 million to 4 million. if we hit those numbers, 29,000 is nothing. its not a huge issue

blake: Are they directly responsible for the recent large donation?

beka: no

Adrian: who represents NB in these matters?

Beka: the treasurer and their working group would reach out after consensus

ryan - vr fund[edit | edit source]

Ryan: quick note should prolly know that we have VR setup near church classroom. we had a HTC Vive. There have been some sudden expenses because of misuse. people destroyed power supply, replace cord to VR device at $40, had to buy more wood to finish vr station than originally anticipated. a vr fund and discounts for people who donate could be in order

James: equipment fund can cover

ryan: we used a lot of the equipment fund, 3-4k grand. 2k has come back to us, but using the equipment fund is unfair if we only get half of it back. I have to buy many of the supplies again, so it does't make sense to drain the equipment fund

Adrian: is it common for people to misuse equipment?

James: its not fair for ryan to pay for other people's misuse. maybe we can connect with the discretionary fund

r: this is a do-ocratic thing where people can make a new fund. there is one now

ryan: we made one last week w/o announcement. we want the vr equipment to be one of our flagship equipment pieces (e.g laser cutter)

blake: don't you have inventory of equipment

ryan: inventory can be hard to track since so much is bought/used

beka: do we know how vr equipment was destroyed? how can we prevent damage in the future

ryan: lock has been damaged 5 times. people tried to directly plug into the computer. we want the computer to be clean as possible. we have no notices on restricted areas of cart. we need that wordage

ryan: i can do things tonight to correct that

r: why is the vr cart a thing

ryan: i havent been on a slack, and it was cut, before a new lock and passcode was put on, so the lock had to be cut off again.

r: usually, if there is a group lock, and the combo changes w/o everyone's knowledge, then it can be cut off

beka: we prefer to not have locks unless absolutely necessary. there are only 4 things locked down: av boxes and laser cutter. formerly, the vr computer

ryan: lock on the vr cart means a program that prevents people from messing with the computer. we need a new on/off button outside of the car

r: is the only way to turn on the lock is to know the combo?

ryan: we need to have an outside button which cna be hard since its a steel box.

beka: make a consensus item to make a fund, which may be blocked because it sounds like a doocratic thing

ryan: the cord needs to be replaced because it broke from overuse