Meeting Notes 2018 09 04
Noisebridge meeting 2018-09-04
Meeting Notes are at; help us take notes!
Moderator: rebecca
Note taker(s): rebecca
Give us money!
Access patreon donation numbers programatically -
We have 88 patrons pledging $1787 a month, keep donating!
Introductions - Name, Pronouns, What you hack on[edit | edit source]
Rebecca - she/her - functional programming, type theory, AI, teach the NB laser cutter
Ryan - he/him - helping out w/ the VR cart and helping out anyone else who needs help w/ a project
Alex - he/him - electronics and physics
Jason - they/them - coorganizes free code camp meetup
Matt - he/him - mostly electronics, i can program, laser cutting, CAD stuff, general high level dicking around
Molly - they/them - chemist, into gardening and hacking hydroponics, painting and ways of putting color onto canvas, ceramicist (clay, dirt, claylike substances)
Step(hen) - they/them - make a lot of stuff on the laser cutter, community organizing amongst hackers through hackaday (awesooooome~), queer activism, sound hacking and production of experimental noises
Frank - he/him/they/them - broadband speed data comms, ethereum and blockchain techgroup study, starfish mission saturdays
Justin - he/him - makes laser bongs and other gadgets, electronics, CNC hacking
Eclair Bandersnatch - - SF's "elected" artist of the year, paints on things that doesn't belong to her, luddite who doesnt love computers just the people who love them, graffiti and propaganda for social change
Lydia - will answer to most pronouns - here w/ her daughter who wants to make robot puppies; does robot lighting solution, anything with wheels, etc
James - he/him - scifi writing, VR, photography
Alex - he/him - gamedev, music, art, VR stuff, usually here tuesday nights
Cere - - artist
Nick - he/him - machine learning, graffiti
Announcements[edit | edit source]
Matt - QR codes in the electronics area, please donate!
Eclair - Lydia took the most awesome photo of a dead bird on a dead bird in oakland
Jason - Sunday Streets Western Addition, this Sunday Sept 9, 9am-4pm, please come hang out and staff the booth for some part of it!
Jason - Restarting FreeCodeCamp every other Saturday starting Sept 8, 2-4pm
Stephen - Hackaday is running a competition for hacked together musical instruments! Check it out, enter some weird instruments, check out the literal Air Guitar, win $$$!
Justin - We now have a sand blaster abrasion cabinet in the dirty shop! Aluminum Oxide abrasion material, glass, metal, etc. good for prepping for powder coating
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
Stephen is a philanthropist!
Consensus Items[edit | edit source]
Beka - Hire SK[edit | edit source]
Text of the Consensus Item: "Noisebridge will hire Scandiuzzi Krebs for fundraising w/ a cost of up to $29,000 (per their highest estimated price). The Fundraising WG will then be responsible for interfacing w/ them to organize further."
Lydia - SK seems to know what they're talking about; 29K is a drop in the bucket, lets pay them so we don't have to be in charge of this. We can just hack, it's worth it
Matt - This is fundamentally about the question is NB a place that's going to spend this money. We have a constrained timeframe, if we don't get the money well before we need to leave, we'll be gone. They will do a lot of work that we don't know how to do
Cere - Are they local?
Alex - The first phase was a feasibility study, and their conclusion was that we could begin working immediately. How much of their recs have we started to implement, and what do we need them to do above and beyond the report they've given us?
Matt - @cere they're not local, they're in Seattle, but during the initial discussions on whether to engage them, it wasn't an issue that came up; @alex in terms of what they've asked for, Beka has done a ton of work to fill that out, esp. on the case statement, in terms of next steps, we're in the planning phase, once this is done, we'll be able to begin the actual fundraising phase where we reach out to potential donors. there's a list of things they'll do, incl. things like grant writing.
Ryan - @alex we need to figure out how to get the message out to the right groups, and SK will make this much easier
Eclair - Has anyone reached out to city gov. for fundraising purposes?
Ryan - @eclair there are a number of agencies that help and deal with non-profits; some people may not trust them
Beka - @eclair no, not yet, there's docs on the wiki about this stuff
Alex - 👍
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
Ryan - Discounts at local businesses[edit | edit source]
Ryan: I've been discussing with ppl the idea of reaching out to local businesses to establish discount cards with them so that NBers could get discounts by patronizing these businesses.
Justin: Good idea! We should check out the local restaurants since we all eat around here a lot. Maybe a loyalty card w/ buy-10-get-1-free sort of thing?
James: Regarding implementation, punchcards are easy; RFID is tricky.
Lydia: Maybe a membership card w/o punches?
James: Sounds like there are a lot of things going on, coordinating - contacting businesses, what we're offering to businesses, and who gets the card
Eclair - Kill Mary Poppins![edit | edit source]
Eclair: I'm over Mary Poppins, can we get John Olivers voice?
Matt: Specific people's voices is a hard thing to do.
Ryan: It's a few days of labor and effort.
Matt: Find someone to do it, and it's done, tho!