Meeting Notes 2018 09 17
Noisebridge meeting 2018-09-18
Meeting Notes are at; help us take notes!
Moderator: Rebecca
Note taker(s): Rebecca
Give us money!
Access patreon donation numbers programatically -
We have 90 patrons pledging $1851 a month, keep donating!
Introductions - Name, Pronouns, What you hack on[edit | edit source]
Rebecca - She/Her - type theory, FP, haskell, laser cutter
Andrew - He/Him - Gamebridge, gaming archivists, NGALAC, games and programming
Mark - Any Pronouns - Gamebridge, gaming archivists, NGALAC, games and programming
Silver - She/They - Makes clothes from recycled fashion, art shows, music events
Pavel - - Building a motorized bicycle, needs help w/ battery stuff
Shaman - He/Him - New here! Working on school
Jeremy - He/Him - This parallax propeller thing w/ C code, helping out w/ CHM
Meeks - She/Her/Sir - Fashion designer and jewelry design, does a lot of laser cut work
Tim - He/Him - Biotech stuff
R - They/Them - hacks on -'s
Matt - He/Him - Laser bongs, hacking on NB, NGALAC, Ordibooth, 3d printing, laser cutting, likes helping people
Announcements[edit | edit source]
Tim - I made a mailbox! If you bring mail up and don't know who it's for, please put it there and mention it in #general, thanks!
Jeremy - CHM has been in limbo for the last few weeks, Matt, NickP and I are going to restart it!
Matt - CHM was cancelled for 2 hours, the longest living NB hack now lives on! Huzzah!
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
Andrew - Philanthropy really just means a higher responsibility at Noisebridge, opening and closing up at night, being excellent while helping others be excellent!
Meeks - Letting people know about things like the anti-harassment policy, having non-expiring 24 hour access. If you see things that need to be tidied, do so! We're here to keep Noisebridge clean and nice and functioning!
Matt - Can I ask a philanthropist to explain how you lost philanthropy?
Meeks - Beeing a dick, not being responsible with locking up, etc.
Andrew - Sleeping at Noisebridge
Matt - What is the procedural way?
Matt - Any member at any time can take away your philanthropy!
R - Are any new philanthropists required to open the door?
Andrew - No! But we're responsible for people we let in!
Matt - What else can philanthropists do wrt access?
Meeks - Renewing tokens!
Andrew, Meeks, and Tim are philanthropists!
Discussions[edit | edit source]