Meeting Notes 2018 10 16

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Noisebridge meeting 2018-10-16

Meeting Notes are at; help us take notes!

Moderator: Victoria Fierce - Actually super 1337

Note taker(s): Katherine @ratikate "I have no idea how this works" Ross Ward Matt @rando Bernice (@bernice)

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Victoria Fierce: Tuesday 8:19 which is approx 7:00pm for us! Please state your name pronouns and quirk!

Participants[edit | edit source]

Eunice Nelson (she): lives not far. Handcrafter, makes things, all kinds of things. Currently working with clay after moving from paper. Let's fire the Kiln!

Hector (he): teacher in the excellsior, met bernice at sunday streets and would like to bring students to NB!

Ryan (he): Coming for number of years, mainly doing game dev, helping anyone but never finishing their projects. Likes studying everything.

Klaus (he/him): Came in last night, came back because place is amazng. Is hobo.

James (he/him): sci/fy writer, fights crime at night. Hobo means working and travelling. Loves language.

Merlin (he/him): just moved here and found this place 2/3 weeks ago and loved it alot so I wanted to come here to study. I am very clumsy!

Nicole (she/her)(: laser cutter & FUNdraising.

Victoria (she/her & they/them): been coming to NB. Quirk: biologically: my hair is purple, but it grows red.

Razzi (he/him): ocassional NB'er, loves to recycle. Really loves it. Can't get enough of that recycling.

Michael (he/him): part of the free tuition program at ccsf call me whatever you want as long as its not late to dinner. I am hella critical...also the FBI is watching us and you should be viligant af about it.

Ofer (he/him): visiting from Israel for a few days; got to hear about this place and wanted to see what it's like. It's really really cool! I wish I could come more often, but probably in our next visit.

Adrian (me/him): I used to come here a lot. Quirk: I try really hard to not be inappropriate all the time, because it's a way to bond in Australian culture Tal (): sometimes went to tel aviv similar place, check this place out, visiting from Israel. Came to U.S.because sister is getting married. Quirk: Shows pictures of cat, will use projector when we're done.

Jonathan (he/him): from israel visiting and sometimes ai visit a similar place, a hackerspace in israel, my quirk is ventilation and indoor airquality!

Emanuele (he/him): work in security, building an open source security key, here

Bernice (they/them/she/her/asia has gender neutral pronouns): Teaches video games, works on NGALAC, event support, wants to join FUN raising. Quirk: There's a muscle called Palmaris longus ( that I only have on one wrist. Touch thumb and baby finger to find out if you have it, is probably chimera.

Katherine (she/her): Quirk: got roped into GOOP news letter, bought an egg, it gets stuck in your genitalia

Matt (he/him: comes to nb to do electronics can do software but hates it, also works on projects he cant finish also likes helping people, what is a quirk: can be SUPER charming!

Nick: he/him data science stuff and painting stuff quirk: none also GREAT sweater lewk 2day

Mark (he/him): quirk is that I am often dazed/confused I work on NGLAC

Noisebridge: what is it?!

Nick: Noisebridge is a hackerspace in sf we are trying to be a home for people to hack on stuff and be creqatui e qe have rules and we are a doocracy if you wanna do something you can do it which is so cool! People painted on that dish which is cool, the other thing is concensus IS important COMMUNICATING AND ACTION we are able to update the space

Victoria: much like a wiki we are able to git add, git merge, subtract, update, git reset, etc.

Announcements and events[edit | edit source]

Katherine: This thursday on the 18th at 8p, 5MOF!!! 5mof rides again. 10ppl, 1hr, speak about something they are interested in talk about like anything, science, magic, booze. Showing Akira after that, and don't forget about the Halloween party on the 26th of Oct. If you want to get involved with 5mof, look at wiki or meet-up page which deetailed info and instructions. Add self or msg ratikate on slack. will be live streamed.

Bernice: one of the new ppl here is Hector and as hector mentioned earlier we met at the sunday streets booth! He would like to bring his 4th grade students here to give them a tour and hopefully teach a small class, lets talk about it and coordinate schedules to facilitate tours like this! :)

Ryan: SO you will want to get in touch w @j who used to do dozens of school tours at NB every year. He knows sh!t, like waivers to give the school so we don't get sued!

Ryan: In November, we're going to have a Thanksgiving hackathon (Thanksathon?), many good themes, need our opinion. Ryan wants to run a Noisebridge improvemente hack-a-thon. Upgrading wiki, organizing media landscape. Please come! email Also on slack as pyconaut.

James: November is Nat'l novel writing month. Totally recommeded, write novel in one month. Quantity, not quantity. 50,000 wds that arent the SAME words in a row. Do something that you haven't be fore. Be a novelist. Be a book. Be the book. Presentations, meet-up, write a book, damnit. Question (Eunice): Can anyone show me how to use the kiln? I need a timeframe to figure this out. Who can I talk to? To contact me, my email is Ryan: I can help you after the meeting. We have used it a couple of times, but there are some issues with it.

Ryan: also coming up in November is the Aaron Swartz Day hackathon 2018 on November 9, 10, 11 in the Internet Archive. The 9th is the opening party in DNA Lounge. Noisebridgers get in for free, but donations are welcome. We are also looking for more volunteers to run it. There will also be some NB projects displayed in the event. You can find it online at

Ryan: Fridays are HACK NIGHTS! All night, work on stuff, help repair stuff, watch the movie! (Time limited to availability of philanthropists or members)

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

No applications

who dat and what is it and why is it so many syllables

Matt: a person who has come around the space enough to gain the trust of atleast 1 member, must be sponsored by a member and the accplication is reviewed at a tuesday meeting! duties: open/close the space bc you get 24hr access to the space. 30 day tokens (left unexplained for now) You may be expelled from the space for being a deek head. Dues are $40 for starving hacker and $80 for rich hacker.

Ryan: If you are really in the space you do not NEED to pay dues but it is advisable to do so, being a philanthropist is about being an excellent member of the community who would like to use the space more often, this includes being an ACTIVE part of the community ie: giving tours, cleaning the space, taking care of stuff, etc. tl;dr Don't feel like you are required to become a philanthropist or member to be an excellent part of the community.

Must find binder to apply.

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Concept of -membership- what IS it?!

Membership is not considered an elevated role compared to philanthropist, however we work on consensus, and a Member can block a consensus item.

Ryan: Can grant 30d tokens, sponsor philanthropists. Membership is not a goal. It should someone is asked to become a Member, as you will be a check and balance on the Consensus process.

Victoria: Like to run a tight ship.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

we have money BUT WE NEED MOAR! Please join the #fundraising-wg

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Victoria: We had a concensus item from last week but there is no evidence of it in the binder so wtf.

Victoria: consensus; not really always the best decision but one we can live with.

Ryan: you dont have to be a memeber to propose concensus.

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

R: this is from last week this is its 2nd week of consensus, 1st proposed at a recon meeting and also proposed last week. WE NEED AN OH SHIT! period to be a part of memebership (I am going to let r edit this part tyvm)

explanation: the only thing we changed about this is the oh shit period is going from 1 week to 2 weeks, thats the only difference.

Victoria: so this is the 2nd week then?

(mumbles and grumbles about anon stuff)

r: anyone who wishes to block anon may go to any other member that the trust to communicate this.

victoria: any further discussion about this? I am pretty cool w it.

gaardn: anybody?

Victoria: I suppose we concens on this this week! Does anyone have concerns?

r: um someone said they don't like the name but they didn't give me a better name so whatever.

Victoria. 1....2....3....concensus! YAY now we have an OH SHIT period!

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

ryan: I propose we set noisebridge on fire victoria:

r: Proposal has new text, so first week. philanthropist grant 30d tokens, not just renew. (see wiki for full text). Right to included this ability is on a case-by-case basis on application by member. James: slow roll out tweak is good. Works great. Presume that it allows flexibility such that not all philanthropists are interested, but can ask Member for access. New Philanthropists wont have this power by default.

Matt: only one member?

r: just says "a member" one, any, etc

Ryan: Is there a list?

Victoria: My concern of having the list of people is just having the list of people, in general, due to safety & privacy concerns. Currently, the way to find out who are members or philantrophists, is to ask the secretary who has access to the database.

r: At some level the access system needs to know. So there is a list, but it will not be public.

Ryan: that's what I mean

Klaus: Separating philanthropist into sections. Two different things. Separate positions that have vetted ability? Beyond that, philanthropists dont have that much to do. If you switch titled to something else.

Ryan: Look up in meeting notes when we try to change names of anything. It's horrible, just endless bike-shedding. Verified is hilarious though.

James: The tracking is by number and is not by name. The record in the system is an ID number, there is not name information.

Victoria: on earl the only way to get token that is not an anon-auto expiring token is an email address. Just data that we are given. Email is not verified. But if we hunt you down we're going to find you and eat you.

r: Addressing Klaus and this being a "separate" thing. Granting tokens aned greeting people should be separate, but that's not how our system is set up. How do we not distribute access widely? Vetting. Philanthropists are vetted to a degree, and this is additional vetting.

James: Intened as roll-out

Bernice: If Pnhilanthropists can grant ppl 30d access tokens, is there a way to deactivate if someone is a huuuugeeee non-excellent person.

Victoria: Revokable tokens rule, and we can revoke them. Would like to explore the idea of naming of these roles differently.

Matt: Role based instead of label based

r: use descriptive names for roles instead of arbitrary titles

Victoria: Next week is second discussion, if not changed significantly, will be up for consensus.

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Matt: Proposing to move all discussion to after the meeting. bc HE IS RAD.

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

Emanuele: propose a technical talk about InfoSec

Emanuele: We are building this security key that is like a Yubikey. It's supporting the new standards, and is open source. People here seem to be interested in technical talks, in general. I have pictures of myself working on it inside Noisebridge more than 1 person: You should give a talk at 5 Minutes Of Fame!

Workshop on security, technical talk, etc. We need a workshop on security. We can stock solokeys in the vending machines.

ryan: NOISEBRIDGE BUSINESS CARDS YAAAAAS HUNTY! ryan: as I have been going around a number of places for nb for food donations or whatever the fuck I consistendtly get asked HELLO do you have a business card?! I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS ie: noisebridge. The new parkway theater in Oakland incorporated a perk where you get 1 free movie a day. noisebridgers could get SOOOOOO MANY PERKS! All they said was they needed a verification that you work at said place, so like you could definitely be picking up on these free movies every month which would be bomb af. So what do y'all think? Do we need business cards?! YAY or NAY?!

(Victoria has stopped caring)she don't give 2 f****

James: we can print stuff yah?

Ryan: Laser cut!

Victoria (apparently caring again): Laser cutting is cool.

Adrian: Don't put titles on stuff but maybe have guidlines on what is cool vs not cool. That way people don't get carried away and do something stupid.

r: can be set up doocratically.

matt: you dont have to put anything on a business card for it to look -okay-

eunice: who can use these cards? Oh everyone has to make their own. not interested.

Bernice: I've seen busniess cards what have no names, just have website. Maybe this will work?

James: that's probably ok for contact info. "This is my personal affiliation with noisebridge"

Ryan: Movie thing, we can get free shit. September non-profit, lots of cool stuff like art, tech, health care, banking finance, military...wait..this stuff isn't cool at all. non-profit, art, tech, education, we fall into THOSE, maybe even media and trade? Taylor what you do at the space might be helpful. Make that shit uuppppp.

Victoria: I'm done. Busniess cards are a cool idea, not first time it's been done. Some president did it before board was made useless. Maybe some other officers or whatever. I thought about it, then lie down till feeling passess. A template is do-ocratic. Do it. Or don't. What ever.

Ryan: Fine, try me.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

Victoria: I'm actually going to hack in the space for once, are we done yet or what?

Bernice: All of you are awesome and keep up the good work!