Meeting Notes 2018 11 13

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Noisebridge meeting 2018-11-13 Summary:

- NB Gala 15th of Dec -> We need bartenders (licensed) but mainly artworks!!

- Essa Von became a philanthropist!

- Ryan and Kelly passed first week of becoming a member

- Katherine in fourth week of becoming a member but not passed yet fully because not there

- Financial Report: We have 200kish

- No real consensus item as email proposal will be done doocratically

- A survey will be done for getting info to apply for grants, will be most probably at the door in the next weeks

- Victoria: Now established a file on which donations came in in the last years in order to write e.g. grand donors to donate again, data is sensitive and limited access to some peeps. Also, we might ask to stay in residence for another year.

- 5mof on Thursday

- GDC Conference will have an event at Noisebridge (Ryan)

Meeting Notes are at ; help us take notes!

Moderator: Matt (Rando)

Note taker(s):Victoria, Merlin, Jepo, ...

Introductions (Name, Pronouns, Deets)[edit | edit source]

John, he/him, from NYC, blockchain interest

Essa, she/her, wants to be a philanthropist

Kelly, she/her, into 3D printing

Steve, he/him, work on Software and Crypto Task Management -> Cryptography!

James, he/him, likes music

Merlin, he/him, slightly overwhelmed with notetaking, but I'll manage. Here to do some python and music and fix my bike!

Victoria, she/her/they/them, fundraising!

Kazu(?), he!, web designer, from Japan

Jeremy, into IT, don't care about pronouns, anything is fine!

Ryan, he/him, noisebridger for a while, love hanging out here <3 , helps with fundraising and other project, 'hi'

Kyren, they/them, mostly does art: Pipeponster!!!, someties homework

Beka, she/her, mostly reads Twitter, especialy at NB

Matt, he/him, loves hacking (programming/electronics), works on NB infrastructure

Announcements and events[edit | edit source]

Ryan: 1. Aaron Schwartz Day went decently from NB perspective woopwoop!, more to announce

Victoria: NB GALA DEC 15th! COME COME COME!! Bring all along, bring Cyborgs, we need funds!


Steve: 5mof tmr! Come! Sign up!

James: NB has now a utility server, it's called unicorn and is on the wiki, can be used by Noisebrige and is owned by us! It's in the cloud! <APPLAUSE>

Matt: impressed how quickly we could go!

Safespace[edit | edit source]

Matt: This is a safespace!

Ryan: If you don't know our policy, walk around there's signs, and then there's the wiki. Safespace: Don't be mean to others, don't harass others, be nice

Matt: Ask sbd to leave if you're uncomfortable, get help if don't do so

Participation[edit | edit source]

Matt: How to participate, help Victoria

Beka: Come to NB, go to Twitter

Matt: How get in the door?

Ryan: Yell at the door if that doesn't work you could also consider ringing the bell and hope for the best to come

Kyren: Or you wait for sbd to give you a tour

Ryan: Learn how to Picklock

Jeremy: Partcipate at everynight's trashnight

Ryan: -> Monday's and Thursday's

Matt: Take out the trash!

Ryan: Follow one rule - Be Excellent!! Seek help!

Philanthropist[edit | edit source]

Matt: There's an application

Vanessa: Philanthropists get the door and get access

Ryan: Responsibility to open and close space and donate regularly, highly asked to do so, 80$ reg but if you have a tough time you can negotiate ;)

Matt: What priviledges have Philanthropists

Victoria: You can call yourself a philanthropist!

Ryan: Phil's can grant 30 day acces tokens (when system is fixed) with member permission

Matt: No objection to Essa Von's application - Essa is a philanthropists now woop woop (Matt is wittness)

James: status can be revoked - don't do (bull)shit

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Kelly: Membership has all the perks of Philanthropists but larger responsibility for NB in general, and also get to be part of consensus process. You can block (veto) a vote if you would leave the space if proposal was implemented

John: Usually only veto if want to propose alternative

Matt: Has anybody ever actually left for that

Beka: It's not an ultimatum - veto is actually more (Matt:)"a phrasing of how serious it is"

Ryan: Since up for membership, it's very different blocking consensus from blocking membership, blocking consensus is usually not anonymous (whilst membership can be), in both systems you CAN e.g. make sbd else block on your behalf

Kazu: What's my status?

Matt: Same as everybody else in the meeting, just can't block votes

John: As a passer by you can still organize events and use the space as everybody else!

James: Things in general done just according to do-ocracy, usually things are just being done if things go south

Ryan: Your goal at NB should not be to become a member, you can if you want to but don't have to, none of those status's give you 'ability to be more excellent than anybody else', members only really there to officially take responsibiltiy if things go to shit and should not be used for fun

James: Are we talkin bout members now?

Matt: We can talk about it kina now after we talked about members

Steve: Usually you become a member when people just think you are a member anyways


Matt: Let's continue with applications now!!

Matt: Kelly, go ahead, why a member?

Kelly: Have been here a couple of years, done workshops on 3d printing, just likes to be part of community

Matt: Has both sponsors, first week! Anybody want to discuss

Victoria: You're cool!

Steve: How many weeks?

Matt: Four plus two weeks 'O shit period'

Matt: Ryan, why you?

Ryan: Because people thought so in general and asked me to! It would help being a member because I often do external work for Noisebridge and people outside are sometimes confused about that status so would be easier being official member! Also: I'm here a lot, I can be part of the immune system e.g. with consensus items, as we do a lot of fundraising it's good for possible future consensus items for active members (like him) to be here

Matt: Nobody wants to discuss? Cool! Let's talk about Katherine (not here), doesn't have to be here for the weekend. We are not consenting to application right now because this is the fourth meeting. <Discussion ensued about technical needs, whether or not someone has to be here vs not, does it really matter given new oh-shit period, and if membership is such a big deal that we need to not-consense due to this.>

Victoria: Let's delay this for a week, we want discussion (though I wanna support)

Beka: We delayed Merlin's (not here) application for 15 weeks cause weren't here

Matt: We cannot continue as there is not consensus.

Matt: anybody wanna discuss Katherine? No! Cool! Moving on!

Ryan: We have good note takers

Financial Report [edit | edit source]

We have 200K-ish!

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Matt: Do we have any consensus items?

Ryan (and others): We have a consensus item that should be done do-ocratically so doesn't need to be discussed, related to NB emails

James: Now that we have a utility server, people can use it for the emails

Victoria: Should the person for the email proposal be here?

Ryan: Should ask about making pictures!!

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

== Proposals for next week There's one about email, but it's bumped to do-ocratic

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Ryan[edit | edit source]

Event happening: March 2019, hopefully at NB, GDC play testing night hosting by RIT (Rochester institute of technology).

Ryan: Can you talk about what was happening at funraising meeting?

Ryan: Every year at GDC Game Dev Con our IT hosts a play test night where you can bring games, set them up and show them to other people. This used to be at park 55 hotel. Costs us quite a lot of money and there is no fundraising involved. We, (a couple of us), thought it might be cooler to do it here instead to show people the space and the people from the Congerence loved the place. We don't want limitations and don't want it to be a non-profit event which it is now, but I wanted to reach out and inform people. Just wanted to give people heads up and see what people think about it, I can give more detailed information.

Jeremy: How many people are you thinking

Ryan: Round 30 setups, VR and stuff, most I every so was 120 people around a five hour period. At the other hotel the internet could not handle the event, NB could help a lot! Similar to some of the bigger hackathons we host here! Other comments?

John: Sounds cool!

Ryan: Would most properly be a Tuesday night -> might need to change time of meeting of that week, event would probably be from 7-10 and hence this would overlap with the meeting. Might be able to talk with GDC to find a different time. Could spread peoplpe across the rooms (sewing, hackatorium, church) -> only thing we need is not running out of water!!

Jeremy: Do we need to help at all?

Ryan: You don't even need to announce you are going, it's quite casual! They do like having name tags, but they'd handle that probably. Also they would but we could handle announcements. Probably little planning except on my part! Any other questions?

Victoria[edit | edit source]

Fundraising A bunch of questions about the community that is noisebridge where discussed so that it can be provided to SB. Among this is a survey of Noisebridge. This is important for grant writing. Grant providers need to see the numbers... and that we serve the local community.. The Gala is coming up and the need for funds for this was discussed. We mainly need artworks! Another item discussed was finding grants. Among this is the Dubai grant expo grant and another is a grant provided by San francisco for nonprofits looking for a new building. Another demographic survey will need to be completed for this too.

Ryan: Is it possible to make page for peeps to sign up and fill out demographics? Not slack but for interessted people. Victoria: Not a one time thing, will be at the front door and will take a while, will take a couple of weeks for survey to created. Also: NB now has a CRM with data from who donated to Noisebridge through Paypal. Only four people have access: Victoria, Matt, Nicole and Anne. Sensitive data!! We can use to ask e.g. big donors to donate again, will try to keep sensitive data safe.

Beka: Dubai Expo: 2020 world's fair. NB at world fair.

Victoria: Applying for that rn, see where this and other things are going. Will try in general to prolong residential agreement for one more year which might be able to succeed!

John[edit | edit source]

NB shold have bitcoin ATM. Might materialize, so it's John.

James: Across the street?

Yes, at Mission Grocery

Beka bought some

Beka: $5 worth?

What were the fees?

Probably $5 dollars.


John: can get 30K out of ones in NJ. Just need phone number. Big into money laundering.

Victoria: Might have changed it by now but there was sign don't fall for hacking :)

James: Can anyboy talk specifically about the place and events what needs are.

Victoria: Mainly art's what we need now

Ryan: Also need certified bartenders (able to serve alcohol with online course for 20$). Could try to signup all together. Have myself not have time to take the course.

James: anything else we need for fundraising?

Victoria: Yes, if you know rich folks set me up with them!

Matt: We have relatively small number of tasks right now for people that already are assigned but are in transition process right now so will probably need people soon, we'll be asking for help soon: Do ask us if you can help though so that we don't forget that other people can and want to help. There is a spreadsheet of tasks, but rn not so many. Please keep asking to help!

Matt: Anything else?

Ryan: Yes, me!1

Matt: No you're important.

Matt: Nothing more? Ok! Meeting is adjurned!

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]