Meeting Notes 2018 11 20

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Noisebridge meeting 2018-11-20

Meeting Notes are at ; help us take notes!

Moderator: Beka

Note taker(s): Beka , Jepo


Introductions (Name, Pronouns, Deets)[edit | edit source]

Anthony (he/him) - Got here recently

Joseph (he/him) - First time coming to a meeting, checking out the meetups for the last month, interested in blockchain and rpi

Mateo (he/him) - lasering and stuff

Umar (he/him) - ios development, usually here for the ios peer lab; helping out ppl who need help w/ ios; also interested in hardware

Zach (he/him) - Umar's brother; sound design; smart shoes + smart soles; blockchain hardware

Jezz (he/him, she/her, depending on room and outfit) - QGDM, unity, woodcutting, hacking stuff at home

Bernice (they/them, she/her) - gamebridge, NGALAC, makes video games

Jeremy @jepo (any, up to you) - circuits and electronics, networking, sewing

Conor (not particular) - I don't do anything here but I might like to

David (he/him) - minister by vocation (into software development of sorts); tiny house, laundry delivery startup

Nick (he/him) - data science, hacking on the space

X (they/other) - workstations for the space, embedded wireless controllers and micropython

Kazu (he/him) - travelling from Japan, here till sunday; does bookbinding and leathercraft; web designer UI/UX

R (they/them) - currently interested in FreeCAD

Safespace[edit | edit source]

Bernice: Noisebridge is safespace and what that means is no bullying, harassment, monopolization of time, unwanted attention; against all terrible things like racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism; if anyone does something like this to you you can tell them to stop and if they don't, you can get help w/ mediation and conflict resolution, or simply ask them to leave (by yourself or w/ assistance). You can use the page to request assistance.

Things people want to talk about[edit | edit source]

- participation

Jepo: Show up, ring the bell or have an RFID to get in, hack away at whatever you wanna hack at; come to meetings, donate (very good wate to participate), have snacks and club mate, help clean

X: We run on do-ocracy so if you see something that needs doing, do it! For larger items we have Consensus. The one principle: Be Excellent to Each Other!

- cleaning areas at NB

Kazu: I just cleaned up the sewing area a few days ago, some thing were out of place, etc. so it seemed like the thing to do. If you've got nothing to do, highly recommend cleaning up an area!

- beka: membership

beka: noisebridcge has multiple access levels; normal: show up; above that: 30-day access; above that: 24-hour access (philanthropists and members); both hopefully donate money; members can parcticipate in the Consensus process which is how Noisebridge decides things that change what Noisebridge is; Consensus is based on consensus; proposals go through two weeks of meetings; anyone can propose and discuss proposals

beka - membership applications: catherine on 5th week; ryan on 2nd week; kelly on 3rd week

david - Can you talk about where those applications came from?

beka - someone fills out a form, gets two sponsors (who are themselves members) and put it in the binder; someone becomes concerned about Noisebridge and wants to be more involved; if people, especially other members, think you are a member, that is a good sign.

beka - meetings are every tuesday hopefully

r - on what standard do you (@beka) think people should become members

beka: my standard is that they have the sigle minded goal of abolishing membership. I think its weird that an anarchist hackerspace has members that have a fear of losing hold of their power

r - I look forward to asking potential members their views on that

Jezz - QGDM at noisebridge?[edit | edit source]

jezz: nice to meet everyone, I love to be here. I've been running an event. I've been running an event for 18 months. It's the queer dev meetup. We've been meeting for 18 months and we have been hosting 25-30 attendees. You don't have to be a game dev, programmer, or tech to use the space. We just wanted to host an event where people of the LGBTQ community could openly attend and participate.

r: I think that sounds like a great idea!

bernice: i looked at the calendar and will work w/ everyone to make sure there's no time conflicts and help out w/ everything

Bernice: NGALAC transportation lessons learned[edit | edit source]

Bernice: We learned a lot of lessons w/ remote events at aaron swartz day; we ought to have a formalized process of communication, maybe:

   1: everyone communicates everything to everyone assuming noone knows it
   2: point person

Bernice: Question about knowledge publishing for those that want to experiment with new ideas and have that information contributed to the Beka: Oh by the way the meeting is adjourned Jeremy: Oh nevermind then. Stops taking notes.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

Talk about that thing on December 15th