Meeting Notes 2019 01 22
Note: This meeting was recorded and transcribed by What follows is an accurate account of how state of the art AI understands Noisebridge. It was an unmeeting, and dare i say it, a funmeeting. If we record and transcribe enough meetings, we can train AI to have Noisebridge meetings for us.
Facilitator: Matt
Keeper of the Stack: Victoria
Notetaker: Matt's pixel
Unknown 0:00 Alright welcome to noise bridges Tuesday meeting, which is an open meeting, which means we're just going to make an agenda and talk about stuff. If you're someone say you can just jump in will go around and take hands. Who wants say stuff? Take an order, but if you want to interrupt, it's also cool. Just raise your hand is no chicken ready? Yes.
Unknown 0:19 I wish to add to the agenda.
Unknown 0:20 Okay. Is the note taker ready?
Unknown 0:23 Is there a note taker? I'll fucking idea. Okay.
Unknown 0:28 Now
Unknown 0:30 I want to
Unknown 0:35 thank you. Okay, so you're on stack your next I want to be on stack
Unknown 0:42 stack.
Unknown 0:43 Oh, yes. Yeah,
Unknown 0:45 explain it as like, wait, you know, so,
Unknown 0:51 raise your hand if you want to be on staff
Unknown 0:54 will just go around and we make history introduction to replace. Let's
Unknown 0:56 go around and see your name. So I can write it down.
Unknown 0:58 Is he more thing? Matt
Unknown 1:00 greenies.
Unknown 1:02 Brian jams. Someone like Tim. James
Unknown 1:10 your own stack. You want to say something? This is for? Here's the staff. So you got two minutes
Unknown 1:16 story.
Unknown 1:18 Here we go.
Unknown 1:18 Okay. So I've got myself. Is he mad? Nice.
Unknown 1:21 A
Unknown 1:24 nice. I totally ready?
Unknown 1:28 Yes. Okay. Everybody's getting a stack
Unknown 1:32 feel today.
Unknown 1:34 That's right.
Unknown 1:36 Notes on meeting stack. Do you want to talk about?
Unknown 1:39 Yeah, you don't need one does not want to talk?
Unknown 1:41 Yeah, yeah. Okay. I mean,
Unknown 1:43 you're using
Unknown 1:45 a sort of
Unknown 1:48 sort of
Unknown 1:51 Victoria. Is he mad? Bernice jams. Tim. James. Nick. De like,
Unknown 1:57 right.
Unknown 1:59 That was the reason I wrote down on
Unknown 2:03 your knees. Okay.
Unknown 2:07 Okay. facilitator
Unknown 2:08 facilitator.
Unknown 2:10 We have a list go Victoria, go. Oh, okay.
Unknown 2:15 Sometimes
Unknown 2:18 I'll go second.
Unknown 2:20 Yeah, so
Unknown 2:22 I want to talk about the sea Standards Committee. And so I'm involved in c++ and C and was former head of c++ for targets has actually represented them in San Diego, which was back in November. And I discovered that there are 11 people on the currency standards committees I so rules require you to have at least 10 people show up to meetings, if you lose consensus for a meeting then and like active members not just like people who are
Unknown 2:50 observing which is anyone that just shows up
Unknown 2:54 you lose consensus ISO takes away your standard rights which means that you then have to like go through this long process with each country to tell them by the way it's cancelled now there is no standard now So see, could actually go away so like a month ago, I was like, by the way seas dying and I was like, that was praised terribly and I was just like shit
Unknown 3:16 and then I had to leave like immediately
Unknown 3:18 after that. And then like, I haven't been able to be to make sense. So I wanted to inform you all about this because the requirement for consensus is not to have national body members show up but to have people who are members of the National body show up anyone can join the American national body which is I NC it is it is 20, $200 a year to sign up but if you make less than $3 million, they will waive most of that fee. So if you are an LLC or a non profit you can just show up to that and when you join it I Ts specifically PL six slash 22 or something like that you can join a whole bunch of other center groups like the big data group which is currently a bunch of like big like companies that do like data harvesting and are currently trying to standardize like how they can basically take her information and then sell it to add users and if you show up you get a vote because that's how it works if you're in the room you can filter things down and if you cannot have like overwhelming consensus then it doesn't pass so if you ever want to like some big corporations show up to ISO stuff and just start voting no because it will upset Google and Facebook Microsoft all that jazz
Unknown 4:36 no sorry I
Unknown 4:38 was gonna say well shit let's Be the one package
Unknown 4:44 already been doing that and I've had I've had neo nazis after me because of this so there are some actual like Anika capitalist assets on the ISO committee now, one of them is a millionaire from Intel, who, who went out of his way to fake a bunch of messages that I sent to him to make it seem like I was threatening to kill that I would get kicked off the committee. He then sent it to target, which is why they fired me. But then I should the entire conversation to the Secretary of advice. So and they were like, okay, you're gonna
Unknown 5:17 like,
Unknown 5:18 this guy's a piece of shit. But we can't kick them off. I was like, Okay. But anyway. So if you want to go to the process, or we're going to write papers or anything like that, talk to me. Like, I also set a standard for San Diego and c++, where I wrote 71, which is the most papers anyone's ever submitted one mailing and we've had more people than we had people present. And when that was said, a bunch of the national body heads turn towards me, like very slowly while that was being stated in a bunch of people started giggling.
Unknown 5:49 I was like, awesome. Like, everyone knows who I am. Now. This sucks
Unknown 5:51 ass.
Unknown 5:52 But um, but everyone knows who I am now
Unknown 5:55 is actually good. So
Unknown 5:57 yeah. So if you ever want to work to
Unknown 6:00 hold on, we got stack here maps up first?
Unknown 6:02 Yeah. Does that mean when we say next one is Kona
Unknown 6:06 during that two for sure. We have a discourse board discussed. Integrate joining in the details. Details. But the not
Unknown 6:18 the actual
Unknown 6:20 Yeah,
Unknown 6:22 yeah. Cool. Yeah. Send all the info. I would
Unknown 6:28 add myself to that about this. How do we help throw this to accelerate the demise of see
Unknown 6:36 so
Unknown 6:37 don't show up. Don't don't show up.
Unknown 6:42 And so right now the sea The sea like standards focus their official mission statement as of 2011 is to continue to change the language that it is compatible with c++,
Unknown 6:57 not the other way around. Oh, yeah. So papers come from the c++ standards committee to see they'll be like, Oh yeah, this doesn't actually break any code at it because you need that so that someone can import a see header into c++ directly because that's her at the fireworks in c++. So they're adding c++ style attributes to see now so you'll have like notice card and like no return and stuff like that. So but like their mission goal is compatibility with with c++ also we need to fix floating point the never going to fix it because I Tripoli 754 is a fucking shit show. But let's be honest here. It's a nightmare.
Unknown 7:36 And they still can't get it. Right. So
Unknown 7:38 it's just like, most the time it's that and yeah, so
Unknown 7:42 I mean, what's going on stack for that right? Um, do we? Can you do a presentation on this at a five minutes of fame? Please?
Unknown 7:54 What is it? What is that? And what
Unknown 7:56 I assume it involves? Five minutes. And I'm presenting.
Unknown 7:59 Yeah, basically, exactly what you did, but in front of a TV screen in front of an audience.
Unknown 8:04 Yeah,
Unknown 8:05 yeah. Yeah. And if we can, like, record or get that information out. That could be very useful, especially like, for schools and stuff with Yeah, teach courses in these things. Yeah. And if they are, they actually want learn how to use the stuff. This makes a great place.
Unknown 8:31 Okay. Nobody else wants to the next five offices. Every 21st next person on the stack. I'll add myself because I was going to be first but I was taking a So who here has heard of the new noise bridge?
Unknown 8:47 Wow. Like, what
Unknown 8:50 are we talking about?
Unknown 8:52 info info, gang
Unknown 8:55 gang, the new noise bridge.
Unknown 8:57 That's what
Unknown 8:58 this has been like a secret project not so secret project and myself and a few other co conspirators. slack
Unknown 9:03 sucks for a whole slew of
Unknown 9:04 reasons Fuck it. Let's move on to this new noise bridge. Which is like better and cleaner and nicer and not going by a corporation except that noise bridges Corporation but our preparation so you're going to discuss that know spirits info. And I put a whole bunch of these little posters running see one right there on the fridge. They're all over the space now. So if you see a science says go to that site, go to that site specifically to discuss that most version emphasize, don't go to ram sites that are posted on those brick walls, because that's not a good idea to generally but this one safe, trust me. And today I turned on open registration. Previously, it was invite only through Jesus, I know previously was invite only
Unknown 9:46 previously it was invite only you had to like meet somebody in the space to get in just like slack. Because we were trying to set the table before we let the unwashed masses I mean the rest of noise.
Unknown 9:55 And now it's open registration. So send all your friends to discuss that noise. Bridge dot info. And the goal of it is to replace slack and also replace notice we've discussed and all of our like mailman mailing lists, which is a pain in the ass because this does email stuff.
Unknown 10:09 Oh,
Unknown 10:11 yeah. Anybody wants to get on stack for this item?
Unknown 10:17 Is he Ryan?
Unknown 10:18 James?
Unknown 10:20 Do you ever looking to live chat?
Unknown 10:23 Which
Unknown 10:23 is like
Unknown 10:25 Slack, the zoo? Live Chat, so to slack alternative?
Unknown 10:29 That's possible.
Unknown 10:31 Yeah, I'm sure others have looked at it. We've had a matter, most floating around and various incantations for a while. Yeah,
Unknown 10:36 I know,
Unknown 10:39 Scott says
Unknown 10:40 discourse, which is more of like a forum. Sort of, right. Okay. And part of my reason for wanting to do this is so like, slack is very well designed, because it's meant to be used, and it's designed to get you to use it as much as possible. Yeah, which in the context of community conflict and de escalation. So maybe not the best thing because people will read a thing and then immediately want to take out their response and some thing for they realize, Oh, shit, maybe I shouldn't have said that. So discuss, let's let's kind of have that cooling off period, because it lets you do long form writing, just like we haven't discussed that whole mailing list. So I'm kind of not in favor of adding like another real time chat thing for the community more in favor of this like long form asynchronous sort of thing for that cooling off reason. Maybe if somebody wants to bring back some real time chat in the future, that's cool. At some point this year, either next month, or the month after
Unknown 11:32 that, if you get when I said what
Unknown 11:34 I myself, I'm just gonna stop using slack and see what breaks and I encourage others to join me,
Unknown 11:40 right?
Unknown 11:41 Um, you mentioned this can handle email, does that also mean itself can send out emails,
Unknown 11:50 so it does send out emails that's been working for a while, but I mean, by handle email is that you can be able to send an email to the forum and it will post it including replies, that's not working just yet. That requires one of us sitting down for a while and figuring out email, which is like not a thing, anybody, but we do that for a weekend.
Unknown 12:10 Thank you for volunteering.
Unknown 12:11 Yeah,
Unknown 12:13 so that is that into your
Unknown 12:14 question. A little follow up to that. What does that mean that we could give that email? What when emails are sent in that there can they be sent into a specific spot,
Unknown 12:32 every category gets its own email address, every group can have its own email address, every every little bits of this system could have its own email address, we just got to figure out what those addresses are. Okay, first, before we do that, we got to get it rewarding.
Unknown 12:44 Okay, one that's working because I like the possibly use something like that. When I go to companies I want to see about having donate stuff done noise spread and have a place for them to send emails.
Unknown 13:03 Yeah, funny actually mention that because I also use this for my East Bay and housing organ organizing group over there. And we've got these like separate working groups within the organization. And each one of those working groups has its own email address back by discuss our own discourse. So like it could also potentially be used to get it for example, these new guilds email yes so whatever we can get to it at some point he's got to get there.
Unknown 13:28 Okay. Please let me know when that is.
Unknown 13:32 I'll make a post on discuss.
Unknown 13:34 Okay, I need to get on their
Unknown 13:37 jams
Unknown 13:39 as a part of the official marketing group of this new
Unknown 13:42 discuss
Unknown 13:44 that noise Brewster info I hear you say that is branded info gang, and we'll do such propaganda as such. If you'd like to join me on this new movement. You're welcome to help with
Unknown 13:54 the week so we can discuss
Unknown 13:56 info getting versus bound gang
Unknown 14:02 anyways, I watch the stream this weekend. I know what's up looking for a really cool graffiti I'm not a good video, 17 can write info gang, I would be appreciated and I'm a laser cut in 3d printing stuff about it for propaganda in the space
Unknown 14:16 please get with me after
Unknown 14:18 comment on that. Yes, please let me know when you have that. I want to put march on our store with that logo. Get
Unknown 14:29 to you can't
Unknown 14:29 just fucker
Unknown 14:31 I want a coffee mug with his info gang. And I want to road this
Unknown 14:38 person. Seeing none
Unknown 14:42 next was a man
Unknown 14:47 All right. Oh, that's
Unknown 14:50 nice. Okay, so
Unknown 14:52 his
Unknown 14:55 first announcement is the global view that was happening here on voiceprints on Friday
Unknown 15:01 so
Unknown 15:02 I've been asked before but I'm just be announcing it to make sure everyone's aware what's going to be happening that weekend
Unknown 15:09 the Global Game have it's basically a giant hackathon where there are lots of places around the world participate in making the video me based on the theme that will be revealed on the Friday have a bathtub no one knows what how she missed for now
Unknown 15:22 but yeah that's it that's this Friday
Unknown 15:26 yeah so aside from getting people know that wants to what's going on we also need help with people and anyone not to help us people prefer that would be cool if anyone wants to help us you know be our main social media person I can teach them how to do things
Unknown 15:44 and if and if I know like in general not also be great approach me and more people organizers for mobile again back
Unknown 15:55 26 and 27
Unknown 15:59 that's friday saturday and sunday this coming Friday Friday Saturday and Sunday
Unknown 16:05 should be free
Unknown 16:06 food all weekend to yeah transfer
Unknown 16:12 one point can you post that this gets all the one second anybody else want to stack with us
Unknown 16:18 know
Unknown 16:20 how do
Unknown 16:20 we get in touch with you you get in touch with me via my
Unknown 16:25 email
Unknown 16:26 what's your handle on discuss
Unknown 16:28 Just be
Unknown 16:29 cool people can be on them okay
Unknown 16:31 yeah so This to me is that my car has something about
Unknown 16:39 that there's there's an event on the 26 it's going to get the Jason to the global weekend where people can donate things to homeless people like want to donate clothes or food or anything like that I talked to my god like that's the one who
Unknown 16:55 organized that I'm not really sure of the details
Unknown 16:56 and the third announcement that I was going to make is the Friday the weekend right after little dangerous which is Saturday February through and Sundays I hardly most which cleaning weekend come on come on help us clean up voicemails Thank you
Unknown 17:14 So when
Unknown 17:15 is the weekend
Unknown 17:17 is Saturday and Sunday
Unknown 17:22 first week of February next weekend
Unknown 17:25 anybody want again stack for either of these two items the cleaning and the
Unknown 17:31 one right before that donations to the homeless people
Unknown 17:34 yes everyone gets stuck in these once twice thrice
Unknown 17:37 Seeing none Thank you Next is Ryan
Unknown 17:43 so I'm bar those who don't know were doing are trying to do a live of fund raising.
Unknown 17:55 One project I'm trying to help with is getting food and drink for the gala. Um, I wanted to know what people's favorite wines beers and what not that they think like companies that I could try to reach out to the get food and drink donated to noise bridge for the event
Unknown 18:26 as well as at some point I will be doing this same with hardware donation so that we can maybe try to get some more good computers in here. I'm considering most people's fears laptops are buying large more powerful than half the computers combined in this space. Um,
Unknown 18:53 yeah.
Unknown 18:55 So if you have any
Unknown 18:59 drinks that I might not have heard of that you want or know anyone at any place it like I'm planning to visit at least 30 breweries and 20 vineyards and couple like cheese and meat manufacturers. So please
Unknown 19:25 tell me what type of stuff you guys want. Um, you can post it currently to me and slack since I'm not on discuss
Unknown 19:38 if I okay. Yes, I will be. Um, I do not know my handle on there yet. So it Yeah. So just let me know. I already have a massive list. But currently it's only restricted to places I actually know well enough that I have visited many times.
Unknown 20:05 Thank you.
Unknown 20:06 So I've gotten stack right now is emails want to be added to this.
Unknown 20:11 So I'm I live in the East Bay Area. And a bunch of micro breweries have been opening up over
Unknown 20:15 there were so yeah, if you're going forward. And
Unknown 20:18 you know, I'm not sure exactly which ones like I
Unknown 20:23 if you actually use Yelp, you can actually find all of them because they're like, the kind of place where you can like, walk into the brewery and yeah, like, or a beer and they'll be like, Oh, come on, saying, I gotta go all the way to the back. And I like walk all the way past all the machines to a cooler and then they get one beer out. And they walk it all the way back to you. And like cool
Unknown 20:41 thing. Yeah,
Unknown 20:42 yeah. So, just me microbrewery over there. There's time there's tons of
Unknown 20:47 them. And they are
Unknown 20:49 desperate for people to just like to talk about them.
Unknown 20:51 Okay, that helps so though with, you know, any that do philanthropy like, that's one major thing I'm looking at. I know a couple Lou, including some who put lots of money into other maker spaces. But guys, they use those spaces to repair some of their famous like their barrels or their cap heads.
Unknown 21:15 So that's something we also would be very able to do.
Unknown 21:20 Zack,
Unknown 21:21 having started a food nonprofit and always desperately begging for food. Because that's what churches do perpetually
Unknown 21:30 we should be poor is a suggestion that I'd be willing to help to start locally in the neighborhood, a couple blocks out there's more than a few eateries around handful of brochures and say, We're right around the block. We're doing this work in the community and have two or three people go with you. And if people know that you're nearby, and you might also bring them business because there's a couple hundred people that can do here every week. That's also likely to really help because you can also then use them for repeat events in the future.
Unknown 22:01 Yeah, so if you're nearby, I done that with three restaurants, Saturday's area, one of which that number of us have patron every single week close by. So I know a couple that are about to open up, including a new pizza place at where Farina used to be
Unknown 22:24 owned by flour and water. So hopefully, it will actually be really being good pizza, but might be stupidly expensive. But I do know, flour and water. Does philanthropy work, so I will talk with
Unknown 22:36 them. Thank you. Anything else about Ryan's item for food and
Unknown 22:43 drinks? Seeing on I'm sure you'll post
Unknown 22:46 that to discuss later. It's my handle on that Tim
Unknown 22:51 shirt. His meetings I thought people would do something good man last week. No one's done that. So I'm not gonna fucking mess up on this. There you go. Thank you.
Unknown 23:01 Anybody else want to go on stack about this non banding a person
Unknown 23:03 who doesn't exist? You know, it wasn't they
Unknown 23:04 were being used to. Because being a person who doesn't
Unknown 23:07 know and nobody cares about this
Unknown 23:09 actually from other bands. Because like, I don't know how much
Unknown 23:15 like our bands like this person, like, you need to avoid them? Or is it any like, like,
Unknown 23:22 there's my face here, kind of thing? And then like, also, how
Unknown 23:25 do you make sure that like someone goes
Unknown 23:26 and doesn't end up like
Unknown 23:29 coming in? Because like, you're new and you don't know who is
Unknown 23:37 not as a response to the question. But a new Oh, yes,
Unknown 23:42 there's funding this real quick banning, unless somebody else wants to take banning of noise bridge, otherwise known as at 16, someone who generally means that they've done something extremely on excellent. And we should not be welcome into the community which could include but are not limited to shooting the workshop. Among other things, getting finding yourself waking up drunk in the bathroom, or shooting a map
Unknown 24:05 or just in the elevator for
Unknown 24:08 things like that. And the way that those are kind of implemented and undone or both through consensus, a way that somebody gets added to the 86 pages kind of we don't really have like a formal process for that
Unknown 24:20 yet. I don't think we ever will want to
Unknown 24:23 as far as getting people on bands or an 86 and in practice, it means that you get somebody at two is part of the community who will vouch for that person to say, hey, actually, this is always a great misunderstanding, here's the reason and they try and make the case and try and get consensus to remove them from that and allow them to space
Unknown 24:41 gotcha. Okay yeah cool
Unknown 24:44 the six pages up on the wiki if anybody wants to look at it
Unknown 24:48 anybody else want to talk about the thing hopefully not cool
Unknown 24:53 in terms of
Unknown 24:55 the non thing so it's it's actually not the thing but it's about so for the people that are new it does stand the reason that because the list is longer now in terms of babysit list but the fresh the fresh at six is if you go to the people that have been here recently those whatever five to 10 people are really the only faces that new people would need to know because otherwise you're letting people in and you don't know who's who which is a good point said earlier so maybe there needs to be a way to have just those people because many people are letting people in that are new that have no idea who might be one of those people like just the fresh people the flashbacks that's all you
Unknown 25:39 could
Unknown 25:41 we possibly as a denim do philanthropy or stuff maybe tab
Unknown 25:49 if
Unknown 25:50 possible recommend people to look over they be six page at least once even if they can't remember faces for crap like
Unknown 26:04 a token you say you open the door now make sure you know this man
Unknown 26:08 is right
Unknown 26:08 here it's right next to the door yeah
Unknown 26:10 I looked at it like several times I didn't want me the asshole some asshole
Unknown 26:14 yeah
Unknown 26:17 yeah it's the first five people on the list by the door so it is effectively right there okay one problem is that one person has been like shut it down to no picture no last name which I disagree because no one can know who they are and I think that should be resolved at some point though nine
Unknown 26:35 years right this this
Unknown 26:38 Yes Just one more point about the non thing because
Unknown 26:46 the reality of the situation is that when you're looking at that camera you don't see faces it's not it's not an HQ picture they're looking at. I have no idea if you're wearing a hat, it's raining. No clue. I'm not you know, on the CIA. I have no idea how to tell your facial structure no idea can't do that. So I do worry about letting people and I'm just assuming also the other people who are more were veterans here know who those people are. But I do look at the list or try to but it would be easier because I've heard that there are some people in rotation who are been more frequently I know the most recently the sexes but not all
Unknown 27:22 jams and a quick point of process we've got after this item we've got James nip se
Unknown 27:26 le Matt
Unknown 27:28 and we've already been in a half an hour so keep quick James
Unknown 27:31 because
Unknown 27:32 it's you could also just let people in and then
Unknown 27:35 once you see them you can look at the success and then go dress it
Unknown 27:37 I know it's like backwards but if you're concerned about that you can do that as well
Unknown 27:47 yeah do you know I my
Unknown 27:52 mouth
Unknown 27:53 when someone like to donate a high end video camera for our viewer to the outside world
Unknown 28:05 literally have
Unknown 28:06 a super nice camera that we've been used for five months that
Unknown 28:09 we couldn't place
Unknown 28:10 yet also there
Unknown 28:12 I so IP cameras are pretty cheap a 4k High Dynamic Range night vision cameras now only like hundred 30 bucks the
Unknown 28:25 main issues on these new
Unknown 28:27 faces down at the top of their head yeah and the only people who are cool we people if they're cool they look up at it
Unknown 28:33 yeah yeah oh that's why I got letters so quick Yeah
Unknown 28:48 sure.
Unknown 28:51 Okay
Unknown 28:52 yeah so I mean kind of toy Jeremy was saying is like it's not the end of the world if you if they let him in and they act on last human being like okay they can then act like fucking assholes they should be removed regardless so it's not the end of the world or someone on the senseless gets in so you don't have to be necessarily scared of it and just the same diligence you would do anyway
Unknown 29:15 but yeah I mean for example the recent one it's a time thing right so there's time decay the more recent the more likely it is to come back the next day they always come back but I've seen for the next week some of them aren't cetera but it's don't necessarily worry about it as diligent it's
Unknown 29:31 totally okay to like ask a veteran something that's it yeah
Unknown 29:35 I just heard someone say I'm really new here so I don't know the official rules but if so if someone's especially for being late at night or something and so looking at the camera there like wearing a hat and like looking down or like if they if they look like they're not really sure if that they're meant to be here that's another that's that's all that's all one but
Unknown 29:57 it's always your call to open the door or not oh yeah you know
Unknown 30:03 do you don't
Unknown 30:04 do not open that door
Unknown 30:06 special Do not open the door let someone who has
Unknown 30:12 gone very good point I just don't do it don't do it because
Unknown 30:16 like we tell people that noise right because after 10pm
Unknown 30:23 so I want to stack on that one sorry you want to keep talking let's go on to the next person here James
Unknown 30:29 just started like introduction I come here
Unknown 30:42 products I could tell he said he thought works out for us
Unknown 30:47 is kind of tricks
Unknown 30:49 that are just taking five volts and sticking up 150 volts and get some turnover. So yeah, I have like the whole design now working on
Unknown 31:03 a couple of things that I wanted to bring up one are
Unknown 31:08 you going to sponsor for every show
Unknown 31:11 I kind of hit a button
Unknown 31:17 second one is I wanted to get us ready to ipv6 I know that we actually have supposedly a different six people six pics from monkey he brings and I've actually have ubiquity router that I have a phone just like the same stuff we have here. So I've been looking at them
Unknown 31:37 on getting up. I think it's probably pretty doable. But I've set for myself.
Unknown 31:44 So I would love to make that happen for us
Unknown 31:49 right now. I've got Tim Is he
Unknown 31:54 okay, I'll add you to the end of this map.
Unknown 31:57 Talk to me. After
Unknown 31:59 my experience with ipv6 with edge router and ubiquity steps. We also
Unknown 32:04 began efficient structure as you both
Unknown 32:06 Yeah, this is lovely. Yeah,
Unknown 32:12 yeah,
Unknown 32:14 yeah, please, if you do this, do it well, and don't do it right when a big event is happening. Like, please do not play around with this before the game jam this weekend, it might be one of those times, we hit really close to our limits. And considering we did add a number of things change in our network uptime is kind of important at the moment. But if we can upgrade ourselves, ipv6 and have a more stable network, that would be extremely, extremely useful, including in the next
Unknown 32:56 couple months. Thank you.
Unknown 33:00 I'm going to close the stack
Unknown 33:00 responsible for it. So the nice thing about like,
Unknown 33:05 even like config stuff
Unknown 33:06 is that when you are adding ipv6, you actually have to
Unknown 33:10 do explicit like switch over to ipv6 from ipv4.
Unknown 33:13 So you can be setting up the ipv6
Unknown 33:15 network in the background
Unknown 33:17 while the ipv4 stuff is still going and if you
Unknown 33:19 mess up the ipv6 set it won't be a problem because it's actually
Unknown 33:22 uses like the secondary network
Unknown 33:24 address okay then I'm fun
Unknown 33:28 sounds like we have a tree person working this awesome
Unknown 33:33 cool thinking next week God's a really nap Tim
Unknown 33:37 regards the guild question just to remind you that when you're doing the tours if you can develop some personal system for yourself about getting basic information about people including emails what their interests are and what time they're usually here
Unknown 33:52 and capture what time they came in
Unknown 33:55 circles circulated a list on Sunday there are a lot of people here so it's about 32 names on it now and turn what people's interests are and what time they want to be here so whenever those guild meisters I don't know what language you're using our are established then was that
Unknown 34:11 brilliant sorry keep going
Unknown 34:12 okay so whenever if you are going to be a Mr then then I can just share I can just share the air table with you
Unknown 34:24 because I also want to avoid giving people a large list of people's information to those who are not going to be principles on the project
Unknown 34:32 thank you anybody want to go on stack about this
Unknown 34:35 can real quick question
Unknown 34:39 actual website is the door that they're interested or short yes yeah very cool cables got that Bolton
Unknown 34:47 a
Unknown 34:48 cool let's move on to the next slide. And then we did is getting a little bit late.
Unknown 34:51 I got really mad Tim. So
Unknown 34:54 um, I have
Unknown 34:57 two items. I'll try to be quick. The first item is that I've heard that
Unknown 35:03 noise purchase, like getting moved out of this space.
Unknown 35:09 And I was wondering if any, like having us because it seems like a really nice space and area any that avenues has been pursued to like remedy that somehow, whether it's like a establishing some kind of a, like a relationship or like contact with landlords or like petition
Unknown 35:30 for some kind of status, because this place actually talks a lot of people to just come into San Francisco. And I've heard several people say that it was a big, like reason that they came here. So if there could be, for example, like a grant from the city, maybe the landlord would be
Unknown 35:46 we've got some news for you. Yeah,
Unknown 35:48 yeah, I added myself to that real
Unknown 35:50 quick. I got this email sounds like these ideas.
Unknown 35:53 I actually have a question before you give them to test. I don't know. How did you find out about that? Because
Unknown 36:03 they info we question. I don't actually remember probably someone
Unknown 36:07 tell you because more than likely like that, you know that but you don't know what we've worked on. That means there's some miscommunication because we do get that exact question a heck of a lot even even though there is at this point hundreds of pages of documents explaining exactly what you're asking. So but the problem is, we haven't been able to figure out where the gap is that isn't allowed that instantly give you guys that info. So you don't have to worry or you know exactly what you can do doubt. Okay, so now
Unknown 36:49 I'm on stock
Unknown 36:49 right now. What was your name, go walk around and ology after me. So the information funny you mentioned a grant from the city because we just applied for one as far as making a relationship, the landlord we have one it's good. And the current status is that we're not going to a new release because they don't want to. We don't want to. So we are definitely moving out here. And we have a goal of raising $4 million dollars by the end of this year. Okay.
Unknown 37:14 Got some cash under this
Unknown 37:17 summer vacation school year?
Unknown 37:19 Yeah, somewhere somewhere there abouts. We might have some like flex time at the end of it, give us time move out. That was kind of an idea that the landlord seem keen on But otherwise, like this is our last year in 2016 and mission Street and there is a fundraising team that needs that seven on Tuesdays and great before this meeting we've been working with consultancy up in Seattle calls can use the Krebs and they're helping us raise money they love these great
Unknown 37:43 there are those rich we're on this bridge
Unknown 37:45 and they're helping us raise the $4 million we're always looking for volunteers and help out with that again 7pm meeting here for that particular item to answer your questions yes cool thing in a comment on what Ryan was saying is like
Unknown 38:00 we
Unknown 38:02 building a website to address exactly those things a one one stop shop that explains all this is a project that we were working on I think our and Matt are working on that or at least are as
Unknown 38:13 well
Unknown 38:15 but stuff like that would be things that we want to go to our and say hey add this to that new page that new site you
Unknown 38:23 want
Unknown 38:25 I've heard that Mary Poppins possibly reading the wrong word about nice,
Unknown 38:34 very prominent, this is what gossipy me She
Unknown 38:37 might like people might be hearing
Unknown 38:39 it through that
Unknown 38:42 right
Unknown 38:42 Yeah, that's a good point. Awesome. Sounds good. Really. choir is
Unknown 38:48 not muted? Sorry, a rat rat has been having so many issues that we removed all non essential things. Mary Poppins is not essential to have in there. We just have not set her up.
Unknown 38:58 There we go.
Unknown 39:00 He killed me
Unknown 39:03 at a farm Tuesday.
Unknown 39:06 Amy theaters right now.
Unknown 39:10 Anybody else want to be on stack for the fundraising question or discussion? I'd really prefer we did all next Tuesday. But go ahead. What's the current
Unknown 39:17 status of that like, like, towards the goal? Like, is there a way that we can like
Unknown 39:21 look at that number to show people and be like
Unknown 39:24 this number
Unknown 39:24 negative. So we'll just
Unknown 39:31 the weekly update because it's a meeting as far as the update progress with that is, like I said, we just applied for what's it like a 2 million grant or something can city big on Yes. vaguely like that? So we applied for that we will also recently applied for another like for close to 250, the Dubai one or Oh
Unknown 39:47 yeah. Yeah. The Dubai 2324. World's Fair.
Unknown 39:52 Yeah. So we like we've got maybe 200 something 300 or something in the bank right now. Okay.
Unknown 39:59 Okay. Ah, there
Unknown 40:00 it is. It's up to us. You're doing pretty good. That's, that's
Unknown 40:03 very
Unknown 40:05 correct.
Unknown 40:06 Yeah, it's actually a
Unknown 40:08 lot of the money is going to be coming in through the rest of this year. Now, last December, we had an end of the year kickoff campaign to start this capital campaign, right. And then at that we raised it was like, what, 8000, $9,000 or something by simply asking for money, which is literally the first time that is which has ever asked for money. We just send a mail to discuss one of the two males couple tweets. And we're like, hey, maybe chip in and then suddenly, like drove up nearly $10,000. So progress is good, it keeps moving forward. Any other questions about fundraising?
Unknown 40:43 Yeah, right. If you know, I mean, big companies with a lot of money that do philanthropy, and somewhat align with our values, please ask them for money
Unknown 40:57 you want to get
Unknown 41:02 we I need to find what page it is on the wiki. But we have a page with a list of people, we would love that and a list of people we wouldn't like that. And there are some conflicts, Amazon is on both of those.
Unknown 41:20 Of course, it is
Unknown 41:20 Uber on both of those.
Unknown 41:22 I think Uber's only on the non and lift is on both and
Unknown 41:30 but they said that they were being kind of horrendous,
Unknown 41:35 better to be fair, true
Unknown 41:37 as a contractor
Unknown 41:39 defend them, but
Unknown 41:41 they've been trying to buy some flaws if you even make ones that says something about the large culture issue.
Unknown 41:51 Yeah, on the point that you just said about if you have rich people or rich friends or work at companies, the February 18 or February 19 and 20th our consultants will be down here that noise bridge to help do some workshops on how to ask you a rich friends
Unknown 42:07 for money.
Unknown 42:09 Yes,
Unknown 42:11 how to ask for money.
Unknown 42:13 So this could be like this could be one on both evening. So one of the 19th and the 20th and then also on the afternoons of those days, which maybe is not most successful for a lot of people but the evening one certainly will be more information is that comes around will come out. But like we literally just kind of decided on that the the meeting earlier today.
Unknown 42:34 Okay.
Unknown 42:37 No such thing.
Unknown 42:40 I'm just imagining, like, what's the worst case scenario becomes physically distributed? We don't manage to buy a building by the deadline or whatever, right?
Unknown 42:52 Are we pretty confident that whoever's controlling the me right now?
Unknown 42:57 In total, we do such rent or buy?
Unknown 43:00 Yes. Nicole's running the money right now. Okay,
Unknown 43:03 well, cool.
Unknown 43:07 Let's get that out of the way
Unknown 43:13 guarantee that we need to do. We need to do much like you know what, just to go work in my guaranteeing people will do donate that their money is not much disappeared.
Unknown 43:22 Should we not be a mountain, there's
Unknown 43:24 no guarantees, donating, donating. That's too late. Sucks to
Unknown 43:27 do them. Yeah.
Unknown 43:28 If we directors and officers
Unknown 43:30 are and so Nicole runs off a lot of money. You will probably impact
Unknown 43:35 Yeah, yeah.
Unknown 43:36 Yeah, the money is going to be safe. Um, as far as like, if we have to move in, like the logistics of that sounds like you're volunteering for it. Thank you.
Unknown 43:47 Yeah, us not having a space is an existential crisis for noise groups. I don't think anybody here is interested in exploring. So I'm trying to do everything possible to avert.
Unknown 43:55 Yeah,
Unknown 43:56 more than likely we end up having one room, a noise bridge at a ton of different houses.
Unknown 44:04 Yeah, we'll have like a laser cutter, like, you know, someone's apartment in Brooklyn.
Unknown 44:13 And also just really quick, I think, you know, I spent so we literally find out Oh, shit, we've got one day to move all this new storage unit. And guess what will happen will move all this new storage unit each other for weeks after
Unknown 44:27 hard liquor to get over everyone. Like,
Unknown 44:32 Oh, I just want to just in case you have the second item that hopefully is not as
Unknown 44:41 a Okay, well,
Unknown 44:42 I'm an interest in moving this along with your second item.
Unknown 44:45 It's about a
Unknown 44:49 message board product or system or like free software that I'm working on that's distributed and decentralized and like based on PGP and stuff. And maybe you are the person I want to, like, talk to. I talked to a gentleman recently, like three or four days ago, the one you showed me how to use a workstation with a beard
Unknown 45:12 be more specific
Unknown 45:13 because it was x, you suggested that may be possible for me to like,
Unknown 45:19 run instance, on something here. Like it's a just like a couple of Perl scripts, basically. But it's
Unknown 45:28 Yeah, that's, especially with this talk of like a sharpening or whatever it is, like throwing the ball and score the ball and all that stuff.
Unknown 45:42 Man,
Unknown 45:43 I'm clear exactly what you need when we have a server called unicorn. Which is for running stuff.
Unknown 45:50 Stuff. savor
Unknown 45:51 it is yeah, running stuff. That's what discusses
Unknown 45:53 on race. Gus is on you.
Unknown 45:55 Yeah, so try not to break unit.
Unknown 45:57 Well, that that's actually breaking unicorn. But yes, trying to break it. In general unicorn
Unknown 46:08 unicorn. However, you responded and then what? Excuse me,
Unknown 46:15 I don't know what else
Unknown 46:16 everything's
Unknown 46:17 cool. I mean, like, She's our clone this point,
Unknown 46:19 but, um, the
Unknown 46:23 guests that Yeah,
Unknown 46:23 the house that's running like was
Unknown 46:28 stable
Unknown 46:30 something. I mean, discourse runs inside of Docker. So
Unknown 46:33 kind of
Unknown 46:34 actual seniors are preferable.
Unknown 46:37 They are the future. Matthew,
Unknown 46:39 what's in the future? I want to get on
Unknown 46:41 Get on. Sorry, huge noise bridge. And
Unknown 46:46 I see with her
Unknown 46:47 to dominate us more hardware so we can now buy their servers
Unknown 46:54 money.
Unknown 46:56 Okay. Sure.
Unknown 46:58 Oh, yeah.
Unknown 47:00 Your question?
Unknown 47:01 Yes. Well, is it so I go through, discuss,
Unknown 47:08 discuss, yes, somebody will help you out.
Unknown 47:10 I will help you out.
Unknown 47:13 Okay, we got on the last two items on the agenda here. You got Matt. And we
Unknown 47:17 got Tim. Go
Unknown 47:18 ahead. Matt. Matt. Matt. Yeah, you said you forgot it earlier. I
Unknown 47:22 did. I remember. So good. Anybody opposed to being a philanthropist? Any member opposed to being missed one member we also number do you oppose? Please do
Unknown 47:32 please do
Unknown 47:34 do they do the chemical printer they helped out the laser Yeah,
Unknown 47:41 sounds good. And they are just totally excellent
Unknown 47:42 Yeah,
Unknown 47:43 yeah, the
Unknown 47:46 number I don't care but you
Unknown 47:52 know
Unknown 47:54 each other please be on staff.
Unknown 47:57 February 2 third is cleaning weekend. I can't have a pretty said that he didn't say it again. Cool. Earlier when I went that way, I was desperately looking for my phone because I forgot it was right there. And it's just
Unknown 48:11 your phone is right here.
Unknown 48:13 I'm looking for a notebook. It's
Unknown 48:15 mostly about this big and I think I left it
Unknown 48:20 but in case anyone's not
Unknown 48:26 not in response to but also fat
Unknown 48:30 stacks. Anybody else want to comment on that side? And real quick, please say no. Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown 48:35 Go ahead. Wait, oh, your phones in
Unknown 48:38 China say that I want to be able to give people access tokens because I put in like
Unknown 48:41 maybe 15 or 20 people a day
Unknown 48:43 and then we got here
Unknown 48:45 here just asking them for
Unknown 48:48 sponsorship
Unknown 48:50 or you sponsoring
Unknown 48:52 sponsoring
Unknown 48:53 me being able to get people 30 to access to
Unknown 48:55 Atlanta
Unknown 48:56 plus
Unknown 48:58 plus their market is that Landry fly like
Unknown 49:01 close close next
Unknown 49:04 plan is anybody Tim have influential
Unknown 49:06 plus powers? That's all
Unknown 49:13 pee
Unknown 49:15 pee pee gang.
Unknown 49:18 Sweet it's so it'd be consensus. Anybody else?
Unknown 49:23 Okay. That's been about almost a just
Unknown 49:26 under an hour on this. My suffering with
Unknown 49:30 your mom wants to go and suddenly saw her in class on Monday. And you
Unknown 49:39 know
Unknown 49:40 I last call for stack going once. Go ahead and get
Unknown 49:44 it do you do you do C or c++ talk to me like one less unless I know how to write papers but also if you never want to have to touch see make ever again also talk to me because I'm reading the thing and I want people to
Unknown 49:57 test stuff
Unknown 49:58 for it. I fucking hate it so much. But But I will I'm going to make everyone's life easier with the tool called I exam. And I need like, alpha testers for before
Unknown 50:09 I release this to the internet. So
Unknown 50:12 I know
Unknown 50:15 now Why did I know? A couple people didn't like cool.
Unknown 50:19 I'm teaching an escape slash 3d modeling class Thursday.
Unknown 50:23 Yeah, yeah, I guess
Unknown 50:28 I guess I should say sometime next month. I'll do a bike lights LED light programming thing. I will not be supplying the acid. But if you show up with some of its
Unknown 50:41 going last
Unknown 50:41 one last question. Okay, go ahead. How do you make gills on
Unknown 50:44 discuss? And can I be leader of the bio trash field?
Unknown 50:48 I don't know. And yes,
Unknown 50:51 Ryan and then we'll go
Unknown 50:53 Yeah, I'm at some point in the next couple weeks. I am going to start recording little videos on taking care of and being trained on as many tools in noise bridge as possible, just so people can be more aware of our tools and our did take care of them as I do not have enough time to give classes constantly. Um, but I really want guys to take care of the tools we do have, and not let them explode as much.
Unknown 51:32 So yeah, good one. Let people know I will be doing some road courted training things on different tools. Thank you.
Unknown 51:44 What's a guild and can you please explain that? So I can
Unknown 51:50 let's,
Unknown 51:51 let's say last call for items. And then we'll have somebody explained. The guild's going. Once, twice? thrice, three times.
Unknown 52:00 Meeting over.
Unknown 52:01 Yes. Cool. Cool.
Unknown 52:02 Yeah, right. So what's killed somebody to tell him
Unknown 52:05 so let's switch
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