Meeting Notes 2019 04 30
These are the notes from the The ???th Meeting of Noisebridge. Date: FIXME THE DATE HERE Note-taker: Xander Johnson (@metasyn); Moderators: Matt McKenna (@mpmckenna8).
- NOTE : Sorry if I fucked up your name or pronouns - (Xander)
These are the notes from the The ???th Meeting of Noisebridge. Date: FIXME THE DATE HERE Note-taker: Xander Johnson; Moderators: Matt McKenna (@mpmckenna8).
- NOTE : Sorry if I fucked up your name or pronouns - (Xander)
Matt is here. He does web development stuff. Rassul is here too. He knows python and does cool stuff. Ben is here too! He is web developer. He hacks on random open source stuff. Wikipedia FTW - and has a meetup about it. Elisa is here. They do new (she thinks). And does 2D art. Tyler is also here! So many people here. They love the awesome people and crazy projects; web dev, word working (but not limited to) Katherine (sp) - is here - third time here. Is an artist - does sculpture Izzy (she/her) ; C, C++, Rust, Python - Compuster Science FTW (NO GOLANG OR JAVA POR FAVOR); available to answer stuff on C++ --> down to electrical stuff Xander is here too! He is very new. Ryan (he/him) helps take care of things - does research on ERRYTHANG. In charge of makerfaire Michael (he/him) - loves noise bridge ; helps restore faith in humanity - audio/video/web stuff Freddy - originally from italy - left for a few months but is back. Data science - data stuff, python, etc. riley - learning programming ayre has been here... 17 times? They're in love this with this place after being away for a long time; quantum mechanics and math; wants to share projects
Discussion moved to talking about what noisebridge generally is (in case people do not know):
Riley mentions: hackerspace, teaching, tools, distribution of knowledge, for free, for those that desire for anyone to build anything; do-ocracy, we try to make the future that we want to see, rather than waiting for others to do it for us Rule #1: Be excellent to each other
Different types of participation:
Philanthropist - you've made a commitment to come here regularly and take care of the space - this comes with responsibility, as well as 24/7 access - checking lights, setting things up, making a general monthly contribution to noisebridge (depending on what you can afford) Membership - big "M" membership is for the most part not something to strive towards; but rather something you become if it benefits noisebridge for the most part - you become part of the immune system and gain responsibility for keeping communication channels open, ensuring we don't burn everything in a mad fit of rage etc - its a hard process because you need to apply for it - after people know you really well and after 4 weeks its brought up at Tuesday night general meetings - (on the 4th) if there is quorum - the person will leave and the members can decide if giving that individual membership makes sense. Consensu based (if no one blocks) - but bave 2 weeks "grace period" where they can be blocked again and go back from being a member to being a philantropist. ** Caveat: we're all members (little "m") membership - so lets all encourage each other to be involved Consider talking/thinking about how to get more people involved in the future Anyone can ask for the memberlist - but, there isn't an official count on the number of members, but it is small. Don't feel like you need to be limited though - be yourself and do whatever you want (anarchy ftw) "Membership is like having kids" Philantropists and Members can give out RFID tokens that give you access to the space * Sometime around 10 or 11 in the morning to sometime in the evening like 10 or something? Doners, and "Super Philantropists++" exist. There is a form; althought it also matters to become well known by the other people in the space.
Philantropy Applications[edit | edit source]
- Cass Grant - are you here?
- Sponsored by Lady Red
- Ken Adler - are you here?
- Currently sponsorless
- They is a farmer; and is a maybe a member already? Maybe wants to restart donations?
If you are going to apply - try to come to the meetings *or* have someone represent you.
Aside: sometimes meetings can take a long time - but sometimes questions are good too
* "unmeetings" can take longer because we don't got none of those scheduled topics
Ryan is mentioning that everyone is focused on the new space, so because of that, some of the normal functions in the meeting might not be happening. Sometimes its hard to get things officiated when there are not a ton of members present.
Freddy asked about the binder and applications:
Matt mentioned - There is a binder; usually by the front door (there are applications also on the wiki) - so if you want to become a philantropist - you need to have a member sign off on you and bring it to a meeting.
There are more details on the wiki if you want to read more about it.
Announcements[edit | edit source]
- Freddy wants to start a SQL class for anyone interested - lots of people are interested in data and wants to share his knowledge
- Charlie - the camera was not working in the front. They helped set it up - if the camera stops, try jiggling the cable (or re-connecting it) - it can get loose.
- Matt - Its not noise bridge releated - but afterhours at the exploriorium this week (Thursday) has a bike related thing going on and has FREE bike valet parking (but is $20, or 45$ for a year of After Dark)
- Ben is helping others learn about Wikipedia and Wikimedia; its at the Wikimedia Foundation ( Look up "bay area wiki salon") - its at 6:00 PM - RSVP if possible (on the wikipedia event page)
- Pinard(sp?) teaches blockchain things and has an event coming up tomorrow (Wednesday) - come to learn about smart contracts and deploying them on blockchain - what about creating a noisebridge coin? There is one, but we could always have another! There is a lot of potential for fundraising.
- Izzy - participates in C / C++ communities - there is a deadline in Colonge for features in C++20-something - She has written 17 papers in very few hours!! Maybe there is a small function that should be part of the standard library - C++ is easier than C but reach out to Izzy if you're interested in doing that / learning.
- Michael - (who did the visuals at the gala) - has a bunch of videos on the poliwat youtube channel - he is organizing a show - if you're interested in doing a show/music - in the near future (this month)
Discussion topics:
- gala update (riley) - we net $3000 after expenses - there are details on discuss ryan menttions a probelem:
a lot of people were distracted during the auction e.g. VR is pretty distracting and didn't help the auction per se Next time - lets try to keep people more focused somehow? We didn't have high level unique investors - we're hoping to find people who can really help noisebridge out financially A lot of the bids were from other people at noisebridge; where our rich snobs/VC/philanthropic people at !? We need you! Freddy asks about donatation box by the VR station (just a thought) That can be problematic because people thing they're dontating to a VR thing but it might be more needed for the space in general Charlie: the gala vibe was a party-esque thing but maybe we can ask for more general donations It wasn't incredibly focused on fundrasing - but maybe that is ok that isn't sterotypical? Overall, Ryan mentions it didn't feel all the way right
Ben was asking about what has been done in the past. Matt mentions a group that does some of the fundraising together (which includes Ryan)
RAISE BILLIONS BABY - New space (real estate)
Lease runs out in august
-New Home! (narrowed down to the top two) 2021 Folsom (~$8k :: 4,500 sqft) potentially less w/ tennant improvements. 668 Guerrero (~$10k :: 7,200 sqft) owner looking to sell eventually, so maybe lease to buy. A bunch of other options with details and media on discuss would like members to be attending weekly meetings. have more of a plan, Copy on website needs update. (Front page. ".. next year") - makerfaire
- NB has booth for sure, at least 10x20 ft, corner spot. - Projects going are: ordibooth, flaschentaschen, vr cart, other thing maybe led table, need volunteers!!! - May 17-19
Need to move four projects: ngalac, ordibooth, flaschentaschen, vr booth (no need to move computer, can run from ryans laptop) Help out days: tuesday (pack noisebridge), wednesday (set up @ maker faire), Can get a full pass if help out for at least 6 hrs Can help out on ngalac on fridays (9pm) Can help out on ordibooth any day until makers fair Need help to improve UI for flaschentaschen Volunteer signup: nb vr need 10 people per day (at least 8, 10-12 is better) each sub-booth needs to be staffed for the entire day please list ALL of the available hours you can help out (not just the ones you want to work) Best place to get involved: look on, come to maker meetings, talk to ryan personally Can be a great fundraising opportunity and good to spread out the word for nb needing a new house soon
Ryan mentioned something about makerfair
- elevator stuff Old style elevator, literally build in 1920s, breaks a lot. Parts seem not be sold anymore. (Discussion on making this piece ourselves, but landlord may take care of it) Elevator people are waiting for a roller-piece-thing Three doors we are not in charge of, one of those broke (first floor far back side) Need the elevator to move ngalac
- Financial reporting - matt wants to help Talk to tyler to get access to financial data, Paypal, Stripe, Patreon (have APIs) Banks 20 years behind, hard to get automated Benivoty (outaded too) Idea for creating funds to donate to noisetor costs a lot, hard to really see revenue it brings in.
- bringing down barriers to participating at noisebrdige - tyler, intro page with basic info, like with link to discuss, and How to NB - Makerfaire a great oportunity to bring in new people. - Updating the wiki, - How to edit, - wiki guild was discussed, Ryan has a lot of info on stuff that needs to be updated that he knows of.
Wiki needs updates
broken links, out of date meetings/shops, front page for .net needs to be fixed (move out august of "next year")
New Home! (narrowed down to the top two)
2021 Folsom (~$8k :: 4,500 sqft)
668 Guerrero (~$10k :: 7,200 sqft)
FYI: front page needs minor correction. Says, "We plan to leave our current location by August of next year."
Meeting over.