Meeting Notes 2019 05 21

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These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: May 21, 2019 Note-taker: Alice; Moderators: Naomi.

  • we need to land this hacker spaceship hopefully Cylon-free.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

Alice rocks.

TLDR what happened at the meeting:

  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

We had a fundraising meeting. it was half an hour earlier (at 6:30pm).

Josef says he was evaluating our board bylaws and thinks we should change them to have an Amendment Procedure, among other potential things. Naomi responded by saying the bylaws were built that way by design.

Other work continues.

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Ayad - Secret Agencies Militias, human trafficking, tortured slave
  • Lady Red, finishing art school, working on finals. (Shows book cover design), and is not a slave or a puppet
  • Dave has an event announcement and wants to get on disqus forum, can't get anyone to respond to his emails on getting access to the forum.
  • Pizza has been to noisebridge a couple of times, he has a radio that plays only BBC 4 at a reassuring murmur, 8 hours ago.
  • Vladimir, has engineering questions and suddenly this meeting was happening. Software engineer.
  • Jehan is here to see what the meetings are like these days.
  • Alice - pro-bono tax attorney here to save us from goblins
  • Xander has been here maybe four times. not working on anything in particular, just interested in seeing what's going on.
  • Ryan (he/him) helps take care of VR and was in charge of Maker Faire. Helping keeping noiesbridge's survival at 100% chance of survival
  • David, university student, third time here - came for gamebridge but would like to get more involved with making shit
  • Tyler works on all sorts of porjects here. (he/him) very involved in the new space work recently and can talk about it.
  • Robert has to leave soon. (he/him) loves noisebridge and is working on making cats talk.
  • Naomi goes by @nthmost, has been around for many years. You can call me whatever you like.
  • Sophia is excieted to hear about the new space. Does android stuff and DIY, extinction rebellion announcement later.
  • Skot: is a discussion item. Runs a large space project, appreciates seeing a hacker spaceship on the outside here. Starting a new space in excelsior, has 5,000 sq ft and wants to start 30,000 sq ft church of art, more details coming. 360 just ended. 2-4 year timeline. Marked for discussion.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Dave - want to let people know about local wikileaks and assange support group and twitter @bayassange June 12 is the first extradition hearing and livestreamed from the Federal Building on 90 7th Street.
  • Ryan - makerfaire went well, got donations, $122.25 in cash, unknown bitcoin and possible other physical item donations. More info on donations in following weeks.
  • Ryan - In SF another makerspace is opening up, Humanmade. Public opening July 13th.
  • Tyler - real estate listing on potential list is 668 Guerro St. Has video walk through and current term sheet.
  • Naomi - Skot is here to talk about his space and the potential for Noisebridge to share that space.
  • Sophia - Extinction Rebellion coordinator meeting 5 pm Pacific our time tomorrow (Wednesday May 22). Wants to organize climate protests and create political pressure. SF chapter twitter is @xrsfbay
  • Ayad (Arabic name, from Syria) Secret Asian Militias and how we are all puppets. Email:

  • Ryan - Maker musicians want to host a jam session, maker and hacker musicians tomorrow May 22. Fun and weird music.

Anti-Harassment Policy[edit | edit source]

  • What to do if you feel uncomfortable...
  • Can you ask them to leave?
  • That might be a thing that you do.
  • Ryan - Guardian list, if you feel uncomfortable in the space and don't feel safe asking someone to leave or they are saying something that's hurtful to you or others in the space. You can contact the guardians group, or look for them in the space. They can help you ask someone to leave.
  • Noisebridge strives to be radically inclusive. What does that mean? We want this space to be radically inclusive but we don't want people to be harassed because it goes against our core policy of being excellent to each other. That person should take a break. If it's a big enough infraction they cal be asked to leave and probably never return. Talk to the people who work with the anti-harassment group about the actions of the individual, get a photo... Naomi pointed out there is no anti-harassment group now.
  • Noisebridge has an anti-harassment policy. What does that mean? Anarchy doesn't mean you can walk around stabbing people. That's too inclusive, so we are trying to use an approach that adopts common sense. You can be proactive if you see someone being bothered. Things are not always what they seem so make sure you talk to people before asking them to leave.

Participation[edit | edit source]

Invite a knowledgable volunteer to describe who can participate at Noisebridge, including: Tyler,

  • everyone can participate, you are all doing it right now. As long sa you are adhering to the one rule of being excellent to each other, everyone is an equal part member (small m) of noiesbridge.
  • Slightly different distinction for philanthrapist and Member. Philanthropists are committing to being an ongoing member of the community and give back, usually a monthly donation. In exchange you get a key with 24hr access. * In addition you help make sure people are excellent to each other, close the space at night and open it in the morning. You aren't suppoed to allow peple to stay if there are no philanthropists in the building.
  • Members have an added benefit of taking part in hte consensus process. To make big decisions, we require 100% consensus, so veto may be used by any Member. Use veto carefully - it's called "block" and should be used if you couldn't stand being here after the measure passes.
  • We have superphilanthropists which allows 30 day access. Lady: can we call it platinum?
  • We have the ranger cateogry for people hwo don't come here but do monthly donations.

How often are things blocked in practice? The entire laser cutter room was done outside of consensus, so it's really rare. Not a lot is decided by formal consensus, but a lot is decided by informal consensus, checking in with everyone affected nearby. We used to do consensus fire drills where we would propose tearing down noisebridge and it would have to be blocked.

Need a new binder. Ryan is going to bring one.

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

Philanthropists and Platinum Philanthropists?! this is news to some of us.

  • Any philanthropists in the binder? Four applications

Cass Grant sponsored by Lady Red, not here the past couple of weeks. Ken Alder, not here and no sponsor. (Stopped reviewing binder because no one is here)

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

  • no members in the binder...

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Consensus[edit | edit source]

  • Invite a knowledgeable volunteer to give a brief primer on consensus process
  • It is important that everyone in attendance understands at least:
    • blocking with verbalized principled objections.
    • why we use consensus over other approaches to decision making.
    • how consensus isn't a legislative process
    • why consensus isn't applicable to some things like conflict resolution, resolution of time sinks, and the like.

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

Skot[edit | edit source]

What are the particulars? He's working on a very large site. there's a section of the building, a level of the building, reminiscent of the exact shell we are sitting in today but more of a concrete block. edge of the city but on mission street. Skot offers to compare to the alternative site that Tyler is proposing. Looking at taking on th elease for a 2-4 year period 10 minute walk from Balboa park station. 14 bus goes through there. it's definitely a different part of the city. Looking at $1.30 a square foot as base level rent. Space is 6,000 and can be dedicated to noisebridge. Potential perk compared to alternative spaces, he's got an event facility upstairs - part of a broader complex doing other things. Basically a community art center. It's eventually going to be torn down and turned into affordable housing - not a permanent site.

Skot - What's NB's time frame?

Tyler - We need to be in the process of moving at the beginning of July.

Skot - We'd beginning the lease in July.

Ryan - Any dedicated parking? enormous parking lot, he's negotiating to get part of it. The landlords want to make a commercial parking lot. Probably three dedicated noisebridgers who drive to noisebridge currently.

Skot - sounds acheivable. Has a loading dock. It was previously a funeral home, so it has a good loading dock. (Skot teaches Noisebridge the concept of "DEATHMALL")

Ryan - Any usable street parking nearby? It's better than mission st. Safeway parking lot may work for some. Lady Red - anyone else sharing the space? Any others open to the public? We are one of the first. His limitation is creative uses, that's his agreement with the developer.

Lady Red - Zoning? It's mixed use by design, the city could permit mixed use again. It used to be a funeral home so doesn't have broad use. They want to see them active for a period of time to loosen the zoning requirements. Skot needs to understand more about noisebridge's use to see how that would impact the zoning discussion. It's 30,000 so easy to split up different uses.

Tyler - ground floor? Yes (shows picture) post this on Discuss.

Tyler - Noisebridge's timeline is very immediate. We need to sign a lease or we will run into big fees. Wants to be 50% finished with negotiations. What is the timeline for the lease proposal? Skot has a master lease with the future developer. Things look like they are moving forward for a July 1 start date. but no contract yet to sign with Noisebridge. Skot is meeting with them tomorrow.

Ryan - Would a potential tenant help expedite the process? Skot needs to insure it and make sure it's legal. It's temporary, but we are looking for a transitional place for Noisebridge anyhow. Downside comparatively a very different location from the current neighborhood.

Glen - has pictures of some options. Is Glen on Discuss? Naomi explained to Glen that he can participate in that thread and seed discussions for next week by posting picture.

Ryan - would we reinvent the clientele? Ryan says people have asked him if the new location can be in excelsior. It's more convenient for existing contributors to Noisebridge. Neighbor is Safeway.

Naomi - Will certainly have a shift, but anywhere on BART will have similar benefits to people.

Skot clarifies that it's a 15 minute walk.

Skot - natural light is limited unless you open the front bays. he can't tour it again until he gets the lease on it. Fake skylights. Ventilation? We don't have good ventilation here, and would really help with the laser cutter.

Tyler and Lady Red - Our priorities are accessibility and ventilation.

Skot - no bathrooms yet.

Naomi - we built our bathrooms here.

Jehan - He was my landlord for 3-4 years and I can vouch for him.

Lady Red - we should pursue multiple options in parallel.

Skot - rent is as low as you can find, so a first month cushion is reasonable but rent is not otherwise negotiable. Need to carry own insurance policy.

Skot/Naomi/Tyler - further discussion on but some internal pictures may not be posted publicly.

Naomi - is Discuss google-indexable?

Skot - Opening ceremony June 21, July 1 start date. Multi use space, parking space will be used public. Who do I officially make the lease with?

Naomi - With the board. Thanks Skot!

Skot: First church of San Francisco.

Elevator[edit | edit source]

Alchemist - "The elevator is magically fixed." The new elevator company "fixed" it. We had a permit problem, elevator bullshit. It hasn't been maintained well for years. The interlock on the ground floor stops the door from moving. It had a loose nut after 78 years of continuous use, and it wouldn't let the elevator move or let the elevator open. We'd jiggle it and it would work. Then eventually the screw fell out. The elevator company, Otis in all of their glory, wanted to replace it for $8,000 instead of looking at it. Alchemist found an easily correctable problem that was misdiagnosed and will be pointing it out to the new elevator company which can fix it for 20x less money. The window on the elevator was broken. The glass is special and expensive. Alchemist found the perfect size piece of scrap at $68 but had to show up very early in the morning and there were issues iwth the till so he paid $55. The elevator company was disorganized and didn't come to install the grass and the fire rated adhesive Alchemist drove to get. The owner called Alchemist today to apologize and make friends. It's going to be sorted out tomorrow hopefully. They were unfamiliar with the elevator so Alchemist drew a very good diagram of the elevator. There is a second switch that was deliberately shut off to prevent people from opening the door to live in the crawlspace. He's continuing to work on it and is optimistic. There are 54 comments on the thread so thank you to everyone else who contributed. it looks like the elevator uses asbestos breaks. Illegal since 1971.

Discuss access[edit | edit source]

Ryan - people are having issues accessing Discuss. Tyler - may be able to ask Victoria who is a moderator. Dave - is it possible to post anonymously? Tyler - ask about that on Discuss. What is the issue with accessing Discuss? Dave - never receive the confirm emails. He uses Zoho. they're very good at blocking emails. Spam gourmet has a counter and it's not getting filtered by Zoho.

Real Estate[edit | edit source]

(Tyler shows youtube video of property at 668 Guerrero. We previously talked about Folsom - that has fallen through, they had no interest in our business model and donation only was an issue for us. Guerrero has shown lease proposals. Guerroro and 17 is three blocks from here.

We need to fix the bathroom that would require construction permits and would be hte first thing that we would do. Truck loading bay up front. Noisebridge could fit on ground floor. There is an upstairs area but it's not very good, ceiling has angles and has a sloped floor. Ryan - back of noisebridge is already not level. Tyler - worse than that.

Tyler - best feature is the front entrance. There's a wall that can be broke down to see further into the building.

Alchemist - how close to residential units for laser cutter exhaust. Tyler - residential one side and church on the other side. Church is great becuse it's like having a neighbor who's only home once a week. We will be getting a filter for the laser exhaust though becuase it violates being excellent to each other. Ryan - talked to someone who makes fume extractors, may get a discount. Met them at makerfaire and Ryan is working on this. Alchemist - It's not normal to be filled with smoke, if you see that please stop lasering. Alchemist and another member had to unclog the machine against. Caused by alternating between paper and fiberboard.

Tyler - (shows lease terms). He wants to sell the building for $4 million, option to purchase.

Alice - Jenny Ryan can be here 5-7 pm next Tuesday to talk about purcashing a building and what it involves. Real estate attorney to discuss option to purchase so it doesn't require closing escrow by a certain date but perhaps has looser requirements.

Ryan - Can we make improvements

Tyler - he doesn't care about improvements. if we don't buy it he will demolish and sell it to a developer.

Alchemist - Wants to specify some of the uses that Noisebridge needs, laser cutter, casting furnace. We need to make sure they don't use this as leverage to try to get us out or something.

Tyler - One other major plus is the location. Not up a hill.

Tyler - you can go to noisebridge and then go somewhere else. That's not a benefit for excelsior. The more you have to commute to get to a location the more of a burden.

Alchemist - do we know where people live? Can we put a board up and have people put pins in?

Ryan - did a demographic survey during a prior event. Generally oakland san mateo san francisco. Makerfaire, found out a lot of people are half way from noisebridge and hacker dojo and if we moved slightly south there would be 10-20 people more that would come by. What is excelsior like? It is downhill from the bart station, neighborhood is four blocks from bart. What's around there? Schools including high schools. Has talked to city college with full partnerships. What's it like hanging out there? Pretty safe, foot traffic. Some retail.

Financial update[edit | edit source]

2018 Total revenue $159,000 Total costs $150,000 Total operating profit $9,000

Not including cryptocurrency donation of $100,000 from Handshake.

Almost break even in 2018.

Biggest expense other than rent was Krebs, the grant consultants. We haven't been using them as effectively as we should.

2019 is down in revenue month over month, but it's hard to compare becuase it's so volatile. April is better because of the gala.

Rent increased, garbage went up. Trash cans were stolen. Pay $600 per month for garbage.

Tor network expense went away. Moved off of noisebridge.

ROI discussion needs to happen for Krebs.

Approximately $8,000 rolling average donations per month, and so we are going to use savings at $2,000 per month to stay there.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]