Meeting Notes 2019 06 11

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These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: JUNE 11 2019

Note-taker: Alex GB

Moderators: Matt Stack taker: r

  • Consensus discussion about moving to Guerrero, consensus affirmed week 1 for confirmation next week on desirability pending zone/permit questions and lease matching expectations.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

  • Announcements: Tour of Guerrero location June 12 5-8PM
  • Finances: $170k
  • Consensus Items: Consensus discussion about moving to Guerrero, consensus affirmed week 1 for confirmation next week on desirability pending questions and lease matching expectations.

Premeeting Proposals[edit | edit source]

  • How to have a conversation: Wait for people to finish talking, to get in line raise hand and stack taker will keep track of you, if you get missed just try again. If someone says something and you have a specific direct response, raise fingers pointing till you're called on.

Introductions[edit | edit source]


  • Matt: I like NB it's fun! I hack on HW and SW. Hehim
  • Justin: Hardware, specifically.
  • TJ: Software.
  • Jay: Learning hardware w Justin.
  • Ben: Software.
  • Charlie: I do stuff.
  • Alice: On behalf of Perkins, helping process.
  • Milo: I hangout.
  • Michael MCT: excited about potential new space!
  • Liz or Lizard: I do hw/sw/writer.
  • Ryan: I like helping NB, he/him. I like doing everything.
  • Alex: I help with Gamebridge.
  • LadyRed: Use NB as really nice printer/lasercutter as I have workshop in my house, also community.

Via video:

  • Naomi:
  • Nicole:
  • Tyler: Work on SW HW woodworking and finances.
  • Alex: SW things to pay rent with as little sw as possible.
  • Ryan: First time here at [not] Noisebridge.
  • Freddy: I do sw/data stuff, came to NB couple months ago and I love it.
  • Tim: he him. SW biotech, will crush you in super tux cart.

[Argument about who is best at tux cart][Tim is reigning tournament champ]

  • r - they/them: Learning ansible for automatinginfrastructure.
  • J: I do music audio video and digital art!
  • Corey: he. I build robots and teach how to build robots, here because important to keep NB going!
  • Bernice: Pronouns they/them or she/her. I help with GB and random stuff.

+ X; Hello noisebridge, not at noisebridge, bit kicker, solder re-flower

  • Kap: Maker. Focused on getting the CNC Mill working. Viewing meeting remotely.

Robert nielsen from @work missing the meeting and wishing he him dude could be there, I'm on lunch so 8t will all be 8n one go..the meeting and wishing he him dude could be there, I'm on lunch so 8t will all be 8n one go..


Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Ryan: Last week of june I want to know what days and times people want to tour human made.

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.


  • Chuck: Starting a new class on Thursday nights called Let's Fight About Category Theory. 9pm. BYO Whiteboard Markers.
  • Roxy: One night only discussion on Puppet Feminism coming up this Saturday at 8pm. No fetish gear, please.
  • Albert: I'm taking a long bike ride next week and drinking some stuff I accidentally came up with while making tea in the back. Must sign waiver to join.

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

  • J: How we work things out.
  • Tyler: The process by which most major changes are enacted at NB. Like moving to a new location. Should be someone everyone agrees or at least no one blocks consensus. Members are able to block consensus items.
  • Ryan: There are proxy blocks where members who aren't here can block digitally or have a member who is here block in their stead. It is an option for members to take opinions of general membership and community of NB because members aren't the only people who matter at NB. They matter as much as anyone else and there are so few members present that sometimes they shouldn't have the final say if a large amount of NB userbase doesn't agree with something.
  • Alex: We had discussion that blocking is something you'd do when decision is a dealbreaker where you'd be ready to leave NB if it were made.
  • Matt: You don't actually get kicked out if it goes through.
  • Red: Most of the time we don't just block forever, we make modifications and build over time rather than one crucible that happens at a meeting. We've discussed this current item for a long time.
  • r: Blocks ought be well formed on principled objections rather than trivial reasons. Blocks don't stop the consensus process dead, it continues but someone having raised a serious objection doesn't mean it doesn't continue just that it has changed.
  • Alex: Small C consensus is for trivial stuff and does not require meetings, just do it.
  • New intro: Lee. I make beeps and bloops on computers.
  • Ryan: Can we get qorum count of members present?
  • Matt: 5, 6, 7.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Proposal for Noisebridge to move to 668 Geurerro street - Rent is about a 50% increase - Concrete floors - No neighbors - Option to purchase for 4mm - 2.5 blocks from current NB location - Access to BART - Geurrero is much less sketchy than Mission - Early move in clause gives us 2 months of free rent - 10k per month for the first year, 1k step ups per year up to 13k. - I am raising geurroro for consensus because it is good for NB - New location gives NB a blank slate to reivnet - Option to purchase the building gives a fundraising goal

PROS[edit | edit source]

  • Increased rent but larger space with more capabilities. Garage door, concrete, mostly ground floor ADA accessible. Contract negotiated with purchase price of 4 million for 4 year lease term.
  • A real fundraising goal over the next years. If we can get somewhere in the 1 million range we could start buying it.

Discussion[edit | edit source]

  • Ryan: It is a rent increase but also it is extremely low rent for SF. $1.37/sqft. Anyone who has looked has seen anything below $2/sqft is a steal and an option to buy with that location is a big deal.
  • Alex: Option to purchase is $4m till Jan 1 2022, increases by 3% annually thereafter.
  • Matt: Dollar amounts?
  • Tyler: 3% == $120,000.
  • Tim: What is zoning?
  • Tyler: Full report coming.
  • LadyRed: Why is it such a good deal. Is there a TRICK????
  • Tyler: The catch is the building itself. The street is residential so this building is not rentable for anything other than what NB might do with it. What other people would want, this is not useful for. It isn't zoned for manufacturing or office space without remodeling. Highest use case would be to demolish and rebuild apartments and that was the owner's intent but they came to math where they didn't have money to demolish and rebuild aptmnts so they used it about a year ago for storage.
  • J: Consider the amount of tax.
  • Alex: As 501c3 we qualify for exception from most taxes.
  • Tim: We are one.
  • Michael: Answered.
  • Bernice: Zoning... Are there current limits?
  • Tyler: Presentation coming.
  • Tim: Are there bathrooms, running water, etc.
  • Tyler: Elec is good, power supply was industrial. 220 outlets. Wiring dropdowns throughout. Water heater, sewage runs under concrete and comes up vertically. Toilet is raised off ground because pipe goes into back of it. We'd have to drill into concrete. Put pipe down into concrete. A general contractor.


  • Tim: So we have to hire a contractor because we can't do it ourselves legally.
  • Tyler: Structural supports, plumbing, wiring have to be done by GCs by permits. Non-load-bearing walls and paint we can do.
  • Justin: Raise floor saves money. I did it in my warehouse.
  • Tyler: Hurts ada-friendly.
  • Matt: Solutionizing problem we can solve under 10K we can deal with it later.
  • LadyRed: Utilities. Internet.
  • Tyler: Monkeybrains again. Same.
  • LadyRed: Line of sight is OK?
  • Tyler: We could do an antenna which would also draw people to NB. I hope that's how it has to work.
  • LR: Does it have gas?
  • Tyler: No heat or AC.
  • Bernice:
  • Liz: What about past uses and pollution?
  • Tyler:
  • Ryan: Looked at all of city files on property. 1 hazard issue fixed in 2004. It was underground tank of some sort. We won't have to deal with any hazard violations unless they stored something there recently.

Robert would like to invite everyone to invite a friend to come to circut hacking monday... which will happen every monday from now on taught by Robert. he is looking for more advanced help like with occiliscopes ect... He, robert, believes the move to Guerro will be good for us. Also the big m member and small m member is confusing and I think that we would benefit in our new space from a "more clear" idea in one word what a mMember is.

if there are any classes or events that happen on other mondays please let Robert know so he can communicate with said class instructor.

Noise bridge forever, may the farts(biological happening that potentially indicate haealthy gut) be with you. cheersRobert would like to invite everyone to invite a friend to come to circut hacking monday... which will happen every monday from now on taught by Robert. he is looking for more advanced help like with occiliscopes ect... He, robert, believes the move to Guerro will be good for us. Also the big m member and small m member is confusing and I think that we would benefit in our new space from a "more clear" idea in one word what a mMember is.

if there are any classes or events that happen on other mondays please let Robert know so he can communicate with said class instructor.

Noise bridge forever, may the farts(biological happening that potentially indicate haealthy gut) be with you. cheers d;* Alice: If we have noncommercial lease situation. Even if consensus on moving exists, least might not be tenable. It might make sense to reserve questions like hazards to discuss those with lease negotiation process. We need to have flexibility to walk away to have proper negotiations.

  • X: building last sold and appraised $2.5M Aug 2015 (spokeo)
  • Tyler: To move to Guerrero street assuming lease matches term sheet we got for it. Assuming the lease is not different. If they say rent is 24K we would walk away. This is not a decision to move unless it matches term sheet.
  • LadyRed: We can frame consensus to say we are happy to do it but authorizes negotiator to sign the lease with some discretion/negotation.
  • Jay: That is why we had meeting last time. Most importantly, we need as mamy members around to consense this. Not just 1 person.
  • Naomi: Liz was asking 1 step further. What would be the dealbreaker items that would trigger us to say no. Writing that?
  • Lizzard: Not exactly.
  • Naomi: It is good to think through what we would do.
  • Justin: Direct response.
  • Lee: I saw pictures. It looks like entrance is big enough to drive vehicle into. Notable!
  • Charles: Addressed earlier, ISP contacts.
  • Alice:
  • r: Tyler are we for sure in MB's coverage area?
  • Ryan: DR. Not in line of sight but in their area, I check their map for myself to get onto it. They might be able to get us fiber.
  • Tyler: Is there a 2.5 block ethernet to run from current NB?
  • Tim: Violates something for sure.
  • Tyler: We can tour tomorrow 5PM. This time realtor will send lower realtor intern who will give us 3 hours of touring. Jarod has drawn up perfect architectural plans because he is awesome. We will use a laser ruler to give to him for updated plans.
  • Tim: Should I put the tour on meetup?
  • Tyler: Seems ok.
  • Tim: I will put it on meetup.
  • Alex GB: Is it paranoid to think writing our negotiation positions could hurt our negotation?
  • Tyler: Our current concerns are already communicated to owner such as $10K bathroom fix and have already lowered the price. Not huge risk because we should be operating under our already signed LOI letter of intent and no material changes so it isn't giving our hand to give things away on discuss.
  • Alex: What is HVAC situation?
  • Tyler: Windows. skylight possible? Skylight exists; reaches both upper floor and lower.
  • Alex: How many rooms?
  • Tyler: 4 rooms with doors. Upstairs has windows but no doors.
  • Ryan: Last environmental report that was done... Can't find date but it mentions in CEQA impacts which are things like is the building hazardous, the only checkboxes are hazardous material and seizmic liquifaction zone. Also, before plans to destroy building, project could proceed without triggering CEQA impacts listed above. Since we aren't tearing down building, we should be fine but we might want planning department checking to see what the hazardous materials checkbox was. Not sure if it is the tank heard about elsewhere.
  • Matt: Is this something part of code discussion?
  • Ryan: Enviro survey was done, not sure if we need another one done to change code or if it is relavent to code. But it should address people's concerns that we do not need to dig up floor.
  • Matt: 2 second beer break. Thank you for beer!
  • Freddy:

Robert: Spherical Video...;)

  • X: Potential limitations on total occupancy? Sprinklers, number of fire exits?
  • New people intros:
   * Mark: I do game stuff, game archiving.
   * LadyRed: Need mac charger.
   * Josh: Flagella, around reboot time and before. I have workshop at 24 Valencia. Model trains, clockwork and high-powered nerf guns.
   * Naomi: Bike tire popped on way here. I want to see someoone's meeting notes.
  • Lizzard: In disaster scenario like economy tanks 2 years from now we can't pay rent, what happens. Who would be liable? Who is board?
  • LadyRed: I'm president, Naomi is on board, no VP.
  • Alice: Scenario where we owe on lease but don't have it. The way that it is structured, there are no shareholders. It just stops at a certain point. Only recourse outside entity itself which could be sued is indivi. who could be sued on behalf. To collect, they'd have to show gross negligence on fiduciary duties. It is unlikely. Once you stop paying rent, the landlord has rights of recourse under lease. Depends if he immediately says lease terminated and what lease allows them to do. It is practical reality about the process.
  • Matt: Can we just go bankrupt and end it?
  • Alice: It is a way of preserving the entity actually. You can distribute assets among creditors but it can reduce claims to preserve entity. You have option to make Noisebridge 2.0 entity and get another 501c3 and start again.
  • Lizzard: Want everyone to go into it knowing if small risks exist we can protect from it.
  • J: We have ability to sub-lease as last resort so we'll still be on lease but someone else can pay rent.
  • Freddy: Building year?
  • Ryan: 1906.
  • Tyler: Being in 1906 it has survived 5 or 6 earthquakes!
  • Matt:
  • J: What is the ability to withstand EQs?
  • Tyler: Ask a structural engineer, not retro-fitted. Talking to Jarrod, 1 story mostly, little weight on roof, shaped roof that is triangley. Peaked. If we decide to buy building, we'll engage a structural engineer to know what to do to make it totally safe like metal beams bolted to concrete going to roof.
  • Matt: It fits everything we look for for a year. If we stay in old one, there are possibilities where NB gets ruined if we don't increase income somehow. Making the decision, someone like us needs to increase donations and people coming in to pay.
  • Chris: Could we potentialyl have sub-tennants?
  • Tyler: Unlikely, unless we built out a section to sub-lease. Upstairs mezzanine could but legalities about sub-leasing because it doesn't match fire egress because stairs is in back. Not good from legal perspective to touch it. Upstairs is 2500 sq feet.
  • Ryan: Wondering if we could sub-lease server or rack space. Could get us 4-5 storinator things with 2 petabytes of storage we could rent out.
  • LadyRed: Too much details.
  • Alice: Motion to begin discuss of zoning. I have done analysis of current situation of finances and liability. Second is zoning and land use of space. Right now we talk about second item first but critical we do other part this meeting now or later. I'll keep it brief to not detract from meeting. My name is Alice Towns. Began in NB in 2015 as part of Restore the 4th privacy group. I am tax attorney dealing with nonprofits 5% of time. But I represent Perkins Coie. with massive commitment to helping low-income communities and they are glad to help. Large number of real-estate attorneys, speaking from their analysis not taxes.
  • Results are preliminary. Worked with 3 attorneys in land-use group. Haven't had partner do firming of analysis but preliminary.
  • We mentioned question of if it is zoned for our intended use. Zoning is half of question.
  • 1 is zoning and other is land use permit. Zoning is broad but land use permits are specific. Tennant by tennant, unit by unit designations.
  • Building is zoned as RH3. 3 residential units allowed. Primary focus of land use is on if you can take residential and use it as commercial. Prior non-conforming use on record only relates to commercial non-conforming uses. NB is non-conforming. Land use has to be eligible to exception to that zoning. Some discussion on discuss about continuing non-conforming use related to commercial uses we don't qualify for. Skipping over that section, what are we?
  • We are not a commercial enterprise excludes a huge number of options. Includes things making profits. 501c3 can never be. 2 primary options are Public Facility or Community Facility. It seems clear Community Facility is most appropriate description of our use. Would be non-conforming use for 668 Guerrero. There is conditional use permit available which we would have to apply for that. Planning application. Consideration by staff. Recommendation by staff. Hearing, approval if possible. Time frame for it is 6 months to 1 year. Estimates. Pros expedite these. Likely of approving before August 31 is small. Ways to be ineligible have to due with standards used for these permits. ...
  • Alex: Is main reason 501c3? Is it easier to create a commercial company and sublease it to NB?
  • Alice: Keep it simple.

... J: Alice: It has to be sole or primary purpose of use of space. Ben: Can it be community facility? Alice: Yes we have to get the permit to get it.

Alice: NB has around $170K in reserves to be drawn on for this process. ... Due to the way our lease is drafted, we're liable for what is referred to as a permit. Questions about advisor hired in 2017, let me know so I can ask questions. Matt: Trent handles lease stuff?

Alice: 2 land use attorneys looked at this and aren't finished in analysis. Money assessed by city could be liability for NB. Was not clear at last meeting. Not listed in our...

When you are thinking about our financial cushion, consider that.

It appears that the cause of fee was decision to build Sparkleforge. Decision was done without consensus so that is probably helpful fact. Building that area without permit triggered it alone.

Matt: Who is liable?

  • Alice: NB if they were acting on behalf of organization such as if they were on the board. There is argument NB could make to sue them but NB is primarily liable.
  • Justin: Building room or stuff inside?
  • Alice: They're using use of room as reason for fee, but they are using construction without permit as justification.
  • J: Are you saying city is seeking fee?
  • Alice: NB has filed or been forced to file use permit. Cost of use permit includes $92K fee. There's some delay happening.
  • Matt: The story with that is...
  • Alice: Colleagues have never seen fee like this and thought it was weird.
  • Matt: We can gather people who know to talk about it.
  • r: Heard many times there are multiple fees. Neighborhood impact fee, change of use fee, transportation fee, all included in that. Was that your understanding?
  • Alice: We don't have access, unlike some kinds of lawyers we can only see what is publicly available.
  • Ryan: I've been around since around that period and what Alice is saying sounds accurate to how there are sub-aspects of the fees imposed but that a large part of the fees were somehow incurred under the change of use permit that we were forced to file. ...
  • Matt: Questions about zoning?
  • MCT: Does NB have director/officer insurance? Yes. Excellent.
  • Nicole: We do have insurance for the board.
  • Kap: (remotely) Is the landlord considered commercial?
  • Alice: Doesn't matter, only what we are.
  • r: One of fees that matters is the neighborhood fee which won't apply since it is not in the Eastern Neighborhood tier 1 impact district.
  • Matt: Fair enough.
  • Alice: What is critical is that Perkins gets all records of work done by prior consultant. Working on how to do that. Reuben Junius Rose LLP.
  • LadyRed: I know who was in contact with them.
  • Freddy: Re $92K and gov slowness, is that going to bite us if we move out? We can cancel it for less than $5K and change use no fees.
  • Matt: Garment factory 4 eva.
  • LadyRed: Zoning: I was thinking we might move in and have NB there in August? is that not possible due to zoning issues?
  • Alice: Haven't asked if there's exception allowing using it while permit pending or what penalty if using. Will find out.
  • Tyler: ...
  • Alice: ...
  • Tyler: ...
  • Ryan: Would having construction permits in space be way to use space while going through things? Doing ADA improvements that need doing no matter what can be underway?
  • Alice: Writing it down.
  • Tyler: Master Builder had suggested construction permit that included use case but didn't ask for it such as new ADA compliant bathroom for NB community space. History on record.
  • Alice: Good idea. Architects are like lawyers in narrow area. Not licensed as such but experts in these issues. Master Builder may be right.
  • Matt: Master Builder got his architect license!
  • J: Zoning. While space is empty, raising money for it, can we hold concerts and such to raise money. Do we know neighbors?
  • Tyler: Apartments to one side north, church to south. Church is neighbor is home 1 morning a week.
  • Alex GB: Concerts have been loud and might not be best way to start.
  • Matt: Thanks Alice for coming and helpign us!
  • Matt: Thanks Ryan for asking Alice to come.
  • r: We had long discussion about zoning but does zoning issue blocks us from moving in August? Yes or no?
  • Alice: Can I commit to a y/n next week at 8pm?
  • Matt: We can take a risk we know we're taking and not be a blocked thing.
  • Bernice: What if we just move the things there and not use it until we get the paperwork sorted out?
  • Matt: Good solution.
  • Alice: Attorneys want to review applications to see if cost of staying is actually what it seems like.
  • Ben: Good to recap impetus for moving.
  • Matt: Landlord has said they're open to us staying in third floor lately. Current rent is $6500. Negiations will likely go up to 8. Elevator to pay for. Adds $1-2 per month upkeep to keep running. Rent is comparable.
  • Alice: Cost of utlizing elevator cost quantified?
  • Tyler: Otis quoted us $8K for 8 hours because elevator techs get paid $1000 per hour. ... Third elevator company being talked to.
  • Alice: Can we spend the money to get it fixed?
  • Matt: Landlord has to do it. They're owning the relationship so we can't call someone to do it.
  • Alice: I'll check lease.
  • Tyler: I've looked at it.
  • r: What's our ........ red .....
  • J: Off topic now. At this point, staying in same space, I don't think it is advised to stay there and elevator issues are only important if we stay there.
  • Alice: I hope to find out next week but proceed on assumption that you cannot move by Aug 31 atm tillwe hear otherwise. All args are valid on ways around it, but this is helpful to know we have to proceed on pessimistic assumption.
  • Lee: Is there distinction between moving and just being storage for a while?
  • r: We still need to change use at 2169 if we continue.
  • Alice: Mechanism we previously applied at Mission needs to be reviewed to mitigate cost.
  • Freddy: Saying we can't move by Aug. we just need storage.
  • Matt: Yes we can do it.
  • Ryan: What do people think is safest option? Finding out both preparing for options?
  • MCT: Landlord has been pretty excellent for 10 years.
  • Ryan: Should we delay consensus? What's our safest option for what we can do right now to keep moving forward?
  • Alice: Suggestion. Volunteer experience for quite some time. Making decisions with finality is difficult. If we don't form consensus on a version of Tyler's proposal, we will be failing NB. Important that we propose a version today to next week if any changes.
  • Tyler: I think we should come with tentative consensus on Guerroro today. Assuming we can get zoned and lease is amenable we should do it. We should get copy of lease in next day or two to get first look. Tour building tomorrow night to come up with costs to move there. Risk to point out: Zoning is a problem at Guerrero maybe. It has been expensive at current NB. Our options are between G. and 2169 because we are out of time. To find third option, we won't have time before end of currnet lease. We need a consensus today to be confirmed next meeting.
  • Alex: Does it make sense to have contingency plan? At worst we move into storage unit in case we run out of time.
  • Matt: We do have to given potential problems. Can't pay for something we can't use.
  • Naomi: Time has value.
  • Tyler: Agreeing with Naomi, I don't think trucking is near same cost as rent but killing off community will be. If human made opens while we are closed how many people will come back?
  • Canard: Did anyone ask landlord to beat other offer?
  • Tyler: No.
  • Nicole: Staying at 2169 likely means $20k use fee + $92k fine + $10k+ elevator costs. Beating other offer will be tough.
  • Matt: Alice is looking into those if we have to pay or not.
  • Alice: Noncommercial actually so it may not be accurate.
  • r: Humanmade is $250 per month not affordable. NB is not getting taken by HM.
  • LadyRed: What contingency looks like: What we might end up doing is get current LL to go month to month while we do permit process on G. and move once we can. They want us out eventually but kindly enough to let us stay on for some time. G. is not totally empty so they may not charge us in mean time.
  • Naomi: Commercial moves are fuzzier than residential moves. Commercial moves have more leeway for moving heavy stuff.
  • Tyler: Fear on that: 1 tenant down, LL probably cool with staying month to month. RE is quick in SF so ...
  • J: 2 things: This is obliviously obvious but need to elaborate. ... Do we know other people are looking at the space we want?
  • Tyler: We know we're only people looking right now since it was recently opened from storage. Doesn't mean they'll wait. ...
  • Alex: I'll read Nicole's comments soon.
  • Ryan: LL wanted us to move. They know.
  • Nicole: Alice, we _cannot_ move by Aug 31? (stream cut out, so please respond here)
  • Nicole: Would someone be willing to stream via or hangouts?
  • Alice: Nicole, taking it back to colleagues. Poss. 1: We move while applying for permit and risk penalty for non-conforming prior to issue of permit. 2: Overall risk of non-conforming indefinitely. Using for storage while in process are all questions that could impact and increase likely of move by Aug. 31. Need to take back to colleagues to answer these. TLDR: Find out next week.
  • Matt: Can't stream atm.
  • Tyler: Try to move forward with C. item. At same time, judge everyone's risk appetite. Can we move and submit apps and do back and fourth with c? Seems likely. If we get OK from Alice, we can hear back and can we all be interested in moving forwrd?
  • Bernice:
  • Naomi: It is 10:15. Smart decisions not usually made then. Traditionally for big decisions like leases, if lots of writing needs doing, it is wise to write something down now and reconvene online to workshop over course of week.
  • Matt: Doesn't seem like we hit actual consensus tonight but can we go around room and ask comfort levels?
  • Ryan: I think we could propose new C item for next week like risk assess, final thing, is there anything we need to C on regarding last week proposal or should we table full item till next week?
  • Nicole: update the current consensus item to give the option of continuing with Guerrero. It's not a major change, so we can revisit next week instead of 2 weeks.
  • Justin: Let's consense if we want to come to a decision tonight.
  • Matt: Final week means it has been viewed unchanged for an entire week. For the way this one is, we won't skip that. Alice will answer our questions for next week.
  • Mark:
  • Tyler: Can I re-phrase the question on this one? Is there any members here who would block Guerrero Street assuming that the information we receive from Alice next week is acceptable to us? If it means we can move in an start permits and not incur fees and go ahead? Any reason we would block next week otherwise? <-
  • Alice: My answer doesn't change alternatives just timing and cost.
  • Matt: I like the question. Is this property good for Noisebridge? C items. If things were great, would we be comfortable moving? If not, what holds us back?
  • J: To comment, it is not a meeting to decide, we need time to digest. We are learning more and coming to agreements. To clarify, it is not a done deal that happens tonigh.
  • Bernice: We can't even decide until our tour tomorrow evening, and we are still waiting for information from Alice's colleagues. Although Alice said that our decision can't be contingent on what her colleagues find. But the important question is: Is owner of the new place ok with us deciding in a later timeframe?
  • Tyler: They could give us leaase tmrw but they expect us to red line and back and fourth 1-2 weeks anyways. Lease would start Aug 1 with early access to move asap if needed. Worth 2 months, valuable.
  • Nicole: our lease ends August 31 - we need to decide on moving _very soon_. Ideally this meeting. Next week is less favorable.
  • LadyRed: Suggest we consense on Tyler's question: "Tyler: Can I re-phrase the question on this one? Is there any members here who would block Guerrero Street assuming that the information we receive from Alice next week is acceptable to us? If it means we can move in an start permits and not incur fees and go ahead? Any reason we would block next week otherwise?"
  • Alice: The only people who should be on stack right now are people who want to conclude meeting.
  • Naomi: Propose we go to a bar.
  • Ben: New landlord ...
  • Tyler: Is there a member who will block move to G. or on the phone and if so will they raise their hand?
  • Tyler: Is there any members here who would block Guerrero Street assuming that the information we receive from Alice next week is acceptable to us? If it means we can move in an start permits and not incur fees and go ahead? Any reason we would block next week otherwise?
  • Matt: No blocks were mentioned. Approved for consensus decision next week.

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]


These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: June 4, 2019

Note-takers: Jehan, Tyler{themanmaran}; matt(mpmckenna8) ; OTHERS o_o

Moderators: Ryan

  • followed the general template but skipped someparts.

These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge. Date: FIXME THE DATE HERE Note-taker: FIXME YOUR NAME HERE; Moderators: FIXME THEIR NAME HERE. One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary. Meeting Summary[edit] FIXME FILL OUT AT END OF MEETING AND SEND TO MAILING LIST TLDR what happened at the meeting: Fundraising Update Announcements: Tech support Finances: Tyler New members: None New philanthropists: None Consensus Items: 668 Guerrero Street Discussion Items: CCC Camp Fundraising Update[edit] Fundraising team gives update on fundraising (does not occur until later in meeting. See below).

What is Noisebridge About? And other Related Items[edit] 20:14

Ryan is chatting on the wireless microphone.

Introductions are on their way:

     * Tyler: "hi everybody, my name is tyler. I hack on a lot of stuff here. ..."
     * Jack: "I'm Jack"
     * Will
     * Kap: "I'm a maker, I make all kinds of things. I have my own space up on market street. ... (hacks on everything)"
     * John
     * Gwen
     * Oliver
     * Matt: "I'm Matt. I like bikes"
* (see other section lol)


Ryan: "can a volunteer explain what noisebridge is about?"

  • crickets*

Ryan: "Tyler"

  • Tyler describes the space as a hacker spaceship"

"Totally open" "Totally free to use"

  • talks really fast! :)
  • explains membership * (* explains closing the space & other good stuff *)
  • explains consensus *
  • Ryan inturrupts explaining that this stuff isn't being written down*

We have forgotten the old ways of NB meetings

  • Ryan becomes flustered
  • Ryan says we have betrayed the old ways


tyler - hacks on lots, like wood and finances jack - he's jack will - yeah, not interesting kap - maker, has a space on market st. with less cool stuff than nb. Please direct complaints about node.js to kap john - learning python and DIY-er Gwen - dabbler Oliver - artist/muralist/tatoo-er Matt - Likes bikes and stairs and cutting in line Gabby - Second time here Seb - Does audio and c++ essentially Johan - taking notes Alice - Tax attorney helping NB address transitions this year Sir Charles - Do-er Robert - building thoughtful cases Mark Hello - game stuff and game related things Tom - been here since 2013 - studies python and c++ Ryan - Moderator and VR and answerer of questions. Interrupt him whenever! r - infrastructure and security +

Access and IT[edit | edit source]

  • Get a github account
  • log an issue in the tech-support repo
  • subscribe to (star) the repo
  • help when someone else raises an issue
  • It's for NB things, not personal things. It not to fix your laptop. If you are a new philanthropist or member you can raise an issue there to get your accesschanged, for example. Or you need help getting access to the wiki or communication platforms. This is a volunteer org, so don't go acting entitled.
  • it's separate from NB architecture so it does not suffer correlated downtimes.


   - Alice: visit from sudoroom participant who helped get sudorooms building purchased. This talk will happen beginning of july.
   - Oliver: Talking about AndFriends event` 100+ peeps - public art event - July 20 2019
   - Number of issues with techsupport - Matt has volunteered to be full time tech support Matt will help this week with tech issues.  email him Lxpk (talk)anytimeLxpk (talk) at (You can for this week only, then you have to use github)
   - GODWAFFLE NoisePancakes will be happening july 13th. Noise band and VEGAN pancakes (noon - two)
   - Ryan: There is a tech support github which will help with problems with infrastructure.


Safe Space: Alice will explain it although she doesn't understand safe space:

   Be excellent to each other. making people uncomfortable is not excellent. If you are uncomfotable or you witness someone else being made uncomfortable then go to a group on the slack channel called space guardians for dealing with space issues. There is a url:


   - Jehan: to praticipate at noisebridge is... to... the best thing you can do is to be excellent to each other.
   - *Alice steps in to save Jehan*
   - probably one of the best things to do is to be excellent to each other.
   - the steps for becoming a member are on the wiki
   - M(lol)embers have a block vote
   - The mechanism of how this problem is done does not require memebers to attend. That is why it is a two week process, to give time to discuss and give an opportunity to block.

Philanthropism[edit] Described earlier Membership Binder [edit] No candidates present

Financial Report[edit] Funds in bank: $173,255.69!!!!!!!!!!!! Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of dead (check with elimisteve) Tyler wants finances to be open to everyone! To acomplish this he will be posting up to date info on a weekly basis! Below are some examples!

   - Weekly cash collections
   - Reimbursements
  • Tyler tries to hijack projector screen*
  • promises to give it back*
  • matt says you keep the screen! he needs a break*

- tyler started collecting cash - shows the audience a spreadsheet - talks about how he started collecting cash, shows us more data - matt says he can destroy the old cash box as a joke lol - the audience is looking at the broken cash box - A lock may have been able to jiggle open - "Neet to get Reimbursed? Let Tyler know!" / @themanmaran on slack & discuss - Use a beefy ass lock / "beefy" ass lock - We collect around 40-70 dollars a day in cash - We reimburse people fro contributing to the space - two funds. one pays 100%, one pays 50%. 100% for fixing stuff in the space? - For example someone was reimbursed for saw stop - Alice raises the concept that maybe its a good idea to reimburse 100% - If you want to buy something new for the space then reimbursement may be 50-50 - info on discretionary fund is in consensus items - - Financials: donations are down, becuase of the cash theft that was happening - We could put our money into a higher interest accoutn and get an extra 4k per year - We are above the amount that we were supposed to spend with Scanduzzi Krebs and they have not been asked to stop. - Scanduzzi krebs is a grant consultant - The fundraising team has not discussed whether to keep scanduzzi krebs - We should stop paying Scanduzzi Krebs because the money limit set by the prior consensus items has run out - Alice has not seen the people in the fundraising commitee because they have not been in fundraising meetings for the past few weeks - Brief history of fundraising group: Hired Scanduzzi to do fundraising becuase this guy thought that there was no better investment than fundraising, there was a call but it was very hard to get people involved. The original fundraising team has been at each others throats for a while. - Alice originally came to solve the burnout problem. - R has a direct response: What happened to the Tuesday meetings - WE PAID SCANDUZZI KREBS $1000 to ATTEND THE GALA lol! - What is Scanduzzi doing for us? Not Scanduzzi's fault that we've spent a lot of money on them. You have to understand what you are spending money on. We werent' sure what we wanted. Scanduzzi did everything they could. They have presented us with different avenues to try. They are putting grants in front of us. There are a lot of other things that go into grants. They get us meetings with local politicians. They put packages together so that we can try it out.


   - We are outside of the proposed consensus limits for hiring Krebs (consulting). The consensus was to cover $29,000 of total spend. 
   - Payments to Scanduzzi Krebs will be paused until there is another consensus item authorizing new funds for them.

Proposal for Noisebridge to move to 668 Geurerro street - Rent is about a 50% increase - Concrete floors - No neighbors - Option to purchase for 4mm - 2.5 blocks from current NB location - Access to BART - Geurrero is much less sketchy than Mission - Early move in clause gives us 2 months of free rent - 10k per month for the first year, 1k step ups per year up to 13k. - I am raising geurroro for consensus because it is good for NB - New location gives NB a blank slate to reivnet - Option to purchase the building gives a fundraising goal -

Discussion of Consensus Item[edit] - Cons: the cost - But our rent here may be raised again - There is a 100k fine which may be imposed on us or maybe the landlord at the current location, Details available here (click "Show Site Permit Details") and additional details regarding hte building are available here: (enter address) - Ruth started a message with Trent and some other people about reaching out with current landlord to renegotiate lease. But there have been no discussions yet - Jarrod is trying to schedule a 3-4 hour tour of the building and do a timing and cost estimate on what needs to be done to it - R: Trent is a Member who has communicated with the landlord before - R: we recently talked to the property manager who says that we are back in an ok standing with the landlord - Alice has teed up a real estate partner at perkins - Calling the city is something anyone can do. Communications with the city have been really stretched out over months. - R: One of the big expenses of staying at current location is potential fees and fines - The 92k fee is related to the fact that we are in a space that is not zoned correctly for Noisebridge. The $92,000 fee is for the permit for zoning change, which we would cancel if we moved. So moving would make this fee go away. - Elevators have also caused additional legal risk and have unresolved costs. yo - Having the option to buy a building is awesome - A new space gives people a blank slate to create their own stuff. Everyone could gain skills. - Our biggest issue is defining what the fuck we are as relates to zoning

- (Out of order) We need the views of the architect and electricians who are going to go to spend 3-4 hours to tour the space with Tyler. - Mark: it's june, we need to pass something now or never.

THIS CONSENSUS ITEM WILL GO THROUGH NEXT TUESDAY and if it is not blocked next week it will pass. Plea for additional Members attend.

- 501(c)(3) status. Deductions are available. Individuals can contribute and deduct amounts contributed. In certain circumstances, appreciated property may be eligible for deduction at fair market value without recognition of built in gain.

- June 25 meeting - board meeting - how will non-members attend or witness the board meeting?

Proposals for next week [edit]

Consensus item next week for 668 Guerrero

Discussion[edit] DISCUSSION TIME! (10:23PM) - Chaos Communications Camp!

  - In germany. At a campground. Tents and stuff like that. It's like NoiseBridge 
  - Chaos computer club is a thing
  - Looking to organize a camp.
  - Getting tickets is a fiasco. You need to be part of an organization to get it (hint hint NoiseBridge)
  - Camp is in late august - but the tickets are selling out now. Act fast!
  - This has been posted in discuss. 
  - Matt says: part of the impetus (good vocab word) of starting noisebridge was CCC!

- Matt got access to social media! Woooo that's cool. You can get in touch with Matt. He is Matt. Sometimes he wears a 'Matt' nametag that has LED's on it. @mpmkenna8 on lots of internet things

- Tyler requests a Finance category - Matt (other matt)[rando matt] say ok!

NOTE: You need to keep this ^ so the notes get categorized.

Post meeting meeting:

   - Michael (polywut?) started a non-profit and partnered with Social GoodFund to make a Musical Non-Profit music recording podcast thing. 
   - 1 hour Podcast coming to NoiseBridge Saturday at 8:00PM in the Hackatorium
   - Contact Michael to do musical stuff. 
   - Michael has some 'deep shit' remmixed recordings that will be displayed FOR THE FIRST TIME on Saturday
   - There is another thing on June 15th (with Nina - she makes living plant jewelry!)
   - At 24th and Mission there will be an art gala(?) happening featuring some interesting things that were made at noisebridge!
   - General discussion on NoiseBridge things happening