Meeting Notes 2019 09 10

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These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: 09/10/19 (2019-09-10) Note-taker: Ryan & Jaguar

Moderators: Tyler

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]


  • Tyler- 8 month, does a lot of stuff (hardware software, etc.)
  • Rex armstron- 5 months- he him- I work on props and costumes
  • Thiago- First time- He him- minerva school- coding
  • Mark - first time- python coding- minerva school
  • Chae- first time- he him, curcuit design , neurohacking
  • Tom- 2013 on an d of - study python
  • Roderick- a few months- learning and exploring - he that guy that man over there
  • Reily 5 monthsish- give tours, learning how to make a server
  • Esther- she her- minerva school first time- data analysis, python
  • Ait- guitar draw paint, c++, c#, studing old language, "secret agencys militias human trafficing torture slave"
  • Eric- first week, studying python, he him
  • matthew- likes to build furnitire, second time

Ryan- he him- member of noisebridge, likes helping out, takes care of vr setup

  • Will - about a year- project manager at spunk, teaches wing chun,

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.

Tyler- fridge is clean

  • cheers *

Tyler- what is this Minerva thing?

Ryan: is one of the minerva teachers here? just because like, I met the cofounders at a conference and told them about noisebridge.

Minerva is Skill based education, libreral arts college, frst year is in SF, then travel to 7 cities,

Robert: In two weeks, nick-p is hosting a circuit mounted class. fee associated with it to pay for all the cool shit. learn how to solder under a microscope. will be posted on Noisebridge's Thursday: IoT conference in santa clara. basically all day.

  • applause*

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

Tyler: Tim! What does this mean?

Tim: Wlcome-

you dont need to be nice you need to be excelet to eachother

- pick up after yourself
- act like this is someone else's living room
- don't shit in the wood shop.

  • stories about how someone shit in the wood shop *
  • no one knows who did it *
  • talks about the 86 list, who got banned for what, dude stuck in elevator *
  • talks about putting furniture on the ceiling *

Ryan: being excellent also means... we have a brave space policy. we do not harrass, intimidate, or annoy other people in the space. that is very much not excleent. it is excellent to like, talk with peopl eif they look like thye want to talk with people, but like, if someone looks very focused on something. don't inturrupt what they're doing. don't try to do things.... also, be curtious. if you're going to use the table saw, tell people it's going to be loud for a second. don't like, blare music....

  • tim comes on the mic *

Tim: I'm not the employee of the month! Ryan: you always claim it Tim: don't treat people like an employee. be nice.

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)

Tyler: everybody who comes to nb is a member of noisebridge.

THings work through do-occrecy and small concensus unless it costs a lot and affects everyone.

Consensus items come up when expesive things come up, or large changes are under discussion. idea: supposed to be unannimous. everyone agrees, and isn't activly against it. Members have the ability to block a consensus.

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

You get 24 hour axcess, but you are exspected to donate and help take care of the space

find a member to sponser you.

typlical rate is 80 dollar donation a month, but there are other options if you talk to treasurer


   - Kass Grant, are you here? nope.
   - Ken Adler, uhhh. nope
   - Justice? not here.
   - Dean. Aaron dean. ok. none here.

checked binder none of them are here

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

they get to participate in big C concensus, and are even more required to tke care of noisebridge, it is a two week process and then a nother two week veto ability

members have the option to block a concensus item, which means they are not okk with the current item

  • looks through the binder*

Ryan: we do not have any membership applications, so.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

Tyler: Just did a cash colluction this morning. $274.90. Rolled all coins. Usually get $350/week in cash, last three weeks have been pretty dead. Everyone went to burning man? Cost's $400/day to run noisebridge. Rent is going up $500/mo at current location. Donate to keep noisebridge alive.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

nothing with fundraising

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

Consensus items come up when expesive things come up, or large changes are under discussion. idea: supposed to be unannimous. everyone agrees, and isn't activly against it. Members have the ability to block a consensus.

members have the option to block a concensus item, which means they are not okk with the current item

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)

Ryan: no previous items

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Ryan: current ones... I'm going to copy them...


09/10/19 Ryan Sternlicht Approve New Lease When it is given to us
  • Noisebridge is currently negotiating a new lease, and it needs to be approved very soon,
  • here is some info on the current discussion
  • Tyler-One priority I have is removing the elevator clause from the lease. As it stands, NoiseBridge is responsible for 100% of the first $10,000 of repairs, and then 50% thereafter. There is no upper limit to the potential cost here. We are currently being billed $10,000 for the last elevator repair.
  • Tyler-For the month of September, Brian has told us to continue to pay $6,500
  • Tyler-My original request was a 5 year lease, same rate, without the elevator clause) but Brian was not interested.
  • Tyler-His response was $7,250 to remove the elevator fee. I countered at $7.0k
  • Tyler-He replied with $7,000 for a 2 year lease without the elevator cost.
  • Tyler-I asked for more then 2 years. Brian responded with 3 years at $7,100 / month.
  • Tyler-As it stands, I have countered with $7,000 for 2 years with a 2 year option at $7,250.
  • Per Jarrod - it is really hard to justify large future costs (Zoning fee, sprinklers / second egress, etc.) if we are potentially limited by a short lease. I'd like to push for a longer term lease, but it would likely come with additional rent hikes.
  • Looking for any and all opinions.
  • I think we should decide whether to approve the board and treasurer to finalize and approve a new lease as soon as we get terms that are favorable to the general noisebridge community


Tyler: till in lease negotiations with landlord. talking about rate, terms, etc. going to be financially impactful either way. Want a 5yr lease, landlord wants a 2yr lease. We got some stuff we need to do, like remodeling, fire safety stuff. costs a lost of money. Sunk costs if we move out in 2 years. We are really pushing for a long term lease. most recent option: 2yr lease at $7,000/mo, then an extension option at $7,250/mo. waiting on a response on this one. Raising a consensues item on this now. Any opinions?

Ryan: um, so, part of the reason we're bringing this up: there is a pretty high chance, 6/7, that we will get approval on a day that itn's a meeting. We want to confirm the lease very quickly after we finish negotiations.... so, I prepose this as we give the treasure and the board approval through through Big-C consensus that when we have the terms that small-C consensue deems good they can go ahead without having us way till the next meeting, or possibly two meetings to ummm, the signing of the lease. So, that's... giving the board control to secure our lease if the general community finds it appropriate, or, so, to do this, the final terms will be on discuss / slack. if people think these terms are good, we will be able to give our board and the treasurer to sign our lease.

?: Who is our treasurer?

Ryan: Tyler is our treasurer. No board members here. I'm the only member here at the moment. We will need more members here phisycally or digitally so we can go through the consensus proceedings to see if anyone blocks. Chance that we might hav ea new lease term next week. in that caes, we can approve everything at once. I definitely think that this is a core part of noisebridge, and can see it becoming a big-C consensues item.

?: Do you have a lawyer on the board?

Tyler: we do have a lawyer, not on the board.

?: Sprinklers and egress?


   *talking about landlord responsibilies*
   *story of noisebridge zoning*
   *talking about zoning changes, difficulties with SF around this*

Tim: fuck the gov


|Ryan Sternlicht |- |09/10/19 |Ryan Sternlicht |Purchace new Laser Tube |

  • Our laser cutter is broken, we need a new tube
  • a new tube costs around 1400 dollars, should we spend noisebridge money to buy a new tube
  • we use the machine a lot, and we should discuss if we want the 100 watt or 150 watt tube replacment
  • I think we should decide and then approve the purchase of a new laser tube.

|Ryan Sternlicht |}

Tyler: what will we pay for a new tube anywhere from 600 to 2000

Robert: coin op laser cutter

Tyler: laser cutter is an expensive tool.

tyler; It is a legit cost to run everytime it operates

Robert: need people to be socially responsible, and incorporate it financially.

Tim: broken 4 / 5 times this year.

Reiley: RFID system?

  • talks about reusing the door RFID's for the laser cutter *


       *separate RFID system for approval*
     * last person who used it before it broke *

Robert: having that in place, socially, I don't have to argue with you why you're using that. you won't be able to turn it on

Ryan: first thing to do: edit the wiki to change who can edit the page.

Tyler: new consensus item: RFID the laser.

Ryan: I think that can be done through small-c consensus.

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Tyler: anything else we have to talk about?

Ryan: no one is against us buying a new laser tube, but that we should have mor accountability for who uses the laser. so. I think we can probably slightly modify this consensus item. We can probably buy this thorugh small c consensues, but to modify who can use the laser cutter bring that through big-C consensus. By next week: a couple of us will figure out the options for what laser tube we can buy. We will probably use current funds, and probably have a PARTY for when this happens next time. LASER PARTY when it gets fixed


Tyler: anyone who has a 100 / 150w laser tube? some people collect them, it's a hobby.

Ryan: um, yeah, like, please donate to the laser fund. which currently means: DONATE TO noisebridge.

Tyler: and add a note: for the laser.

C: how do you do the donations?

Tyler: paypal setup, stripe (card donations), or cash (through donation boxes).

  --> QR code for the Paypal Link, 

Ryan: And patrion, ETH, BTC.

Ryan: you can donate precious item. we can refine precious metals.

  • discussion about dissolving gold out of components*
  • 1g gold / 10 motherboards *

Ryan: get gold by bringing in buckets of sand

Tyler: noisebridge accepts buckets of sand. Buckets of QUALITY sand.

Ryan: also we will take highly magnitized sand to make magnetic jelly... magnetic goo stuff....

  • talks about iron *

TYLER: ok! any other comments?

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

Chae: do any of you guys know when neurohacking takes place?

Ryna: Yes, I can chat with you after the meeting. Ryan: any other meeting questions?

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]