Meeting Notes 2019 09 24
These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge
Help take notes at -
Date: 2019-09-24
- Ryan Sternlicht
- Jaguar
- Tim (He/Him): genetic engineering
High Level[edit | edit source]
- Three new Philanthropists (Tinnei, John, Marco)
- New lease agreement terms
- 3 consensus items passed
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
- Fundraising Update: N/A
- Announcements:
- September 28th: Loisville makerfaire.
- September 29: Bring a cake get some cake day.
- (this weekend?): Noisebridge improvement hackathon along with noise pancakes.
- October 5th & 6th: Hacker Dojo is celebrating their 10th anniversary.
- October 19th & 20th: Stupid crap no one needs and terrible need hackathon.
- Oct 25-27: Calhack hackathon (also for non students), UC Berkley, ,
- Oct 25-27: TechTogether NYC hackathon (for woman & non binary folks), NYC,
- Nov 13-17: Morgan-Brainhack global ~
- Jan 31 - Feb 2 2020: TechTogether Boston hackathon (for woman & non binary folks), Boston:
- Nov/Dec (something?): LEGO is having a hackathon, up to . we have 98 days to integrate amazon alexa and legos
- Finances:
- New members: N/A
- New philanthropists: Tinnei, John, Marco
- Consensus Items:
- Discussion Items:
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- Tim: (intro in moderator section).
- Tyler (remote): woodworking, learning how to solder stuff good.
- Anas (he/him): copanhagan ~ Dotopia hacker, does hardware hacking.
- Frank: data comuunication, learning how to do stock option trading.
- Tinnei (she/her): Designer, illistrator, this thing xt to me.
- Marco: Software development, likes LED's, helping build new website for Noisebridge.
- Erik (he/him): Java developer.
- Dave Porter (he/him): software.
- Dave (he/him): software, electronincs.
- Jaguar (he/him/Jay/they): Software (not in meeting). I'm here now, also kinda do hardware. getting into ESP's.
- Morgan: Nerofedora, nerotechx edu, phyciatric neurotech.
- John (he/him): software, basic hardware, networking, visual programming.
- Ryan: Everything. Member.
- Ait (it/them): Syrian refuge, studing media, C++, media, (secret agency milita torture human trafficing slave).
- Rex (he/him): fabric, vr and wood hacker, beatboxer, cosplayer.
- Steven (he/him): I do software, hacking on music.
- Ian (He/him): video sculpture stuff.
- Steve (Member):
sitting behind flaschen, listening in
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Frank: on the 28th of september loisville makerfaire happening
- Ryan: On October 5th and 6th, Hacker Dojo is celebrating their 10th anniversary. If you want to do a presentation, talk to Ryan after the meeting. "[Hacker Dojo] is on their way back to being decent."
- Ryan: um, so.. we're going to try to repair some of noisebridges. um, so. noisebridge is going to host a. noisebridge marathon. what's the.... (marco: uh, the announcement is. hackathon to improve noisebridge, however, uh, it seems its colliding with noise pancakes. weekly improvement workshop. a lot of the things wouldn't be possible to do one weekend.)
- All: Stupid crap no one needs and terrible need hackathon (October 19th and 20th). The explination is in the name. Ryan tells stories about past projects (Ryan: there is not stupid of an idea. an easy test: if it can be funded, it's probably too smart.)
- Calhack hackathon (also for non students), UC Berkley, Oct 25-27,
- TechTogether NYC hackathon (for woman & non binary folks), NYC, Oct 25-27,
- TechTogether Boston hackathon (for woman & non binary folks), Boston, Jan 31 - Feb 2 2020
- Rex: Bring a cake get some cake, September 29
- Morgan-Brainhack global in november, can help you find a group, if you can do software. Nov 13-17
- Ryan: LEGO is having a hackathon, up to Nov/Dec something. we have 98 days to integrate amazon alexa and legos. I think noisebridge should. I'll happily buy the lego that's needed to paticipate. the winning team gets a free trip to the lego headquarters and get a private tour. if anyone knows. getting a private lego headquarters is harder that the disney headquarters. officially: 3 video tours of the lego headquarters last time I checked. ALSO: noisebridge doesn't have enoguh legos. I"m sorry (Rex: found massive kits of legos for dirt cheap. may have gift card money. will only do it if it gets used).
Excellence[edit | edit source]
Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.
Ryan: Ane of the folks that applied for excellence (new philanthropists) should explain what this is. John: contribute to noisebirdge while being positive. Ryan: question: what's our anti-harassement policy? John: it's on the wiki! *chatter about how there are many different versions everywhere* Tim: porn/sex projects? John: you let everyone know. Tim: someone who is not John? The question is: what's the other most important thing on the anti-harassement policy other than not be a dick. Tim: Maro, do you know what it is? Marco: Being able to ask someone to leave? Tim: winner! insta philanthrophy status. Tim: *explains asking someone to leave* / not banned for life / take a break for a day, couple of days, a week. if it's so bad, talk about 86 person. happens when you break stuff, steal, etc. John: if asked to leave, the excellent move is to leave. Ryan: I want to add one thing, that, um, also being excleent to each other also means watching out for other people in the space. if it looks like someone is getting harassed or something, step in, but be curtious. be patient when stepping in. know what's going on before taking action that could harm both parties. um, as a philanthrophist, or, as a general member of noisebridge. watch out for each other, and that is a very excellent thing to do. we're all family here, we're all a part of noisebridge. John: you don't have to be a philanthropist or Member to ask someone to leave. Tim: yes. Tim: if someone is making you uncomfortable, gather folks in the space to help get someone out. *Tim tells story of getting ~15 folks at a party and crowding someone out*
Participation[edit | edit source]
Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.
Ryan: can one of you three explain how to participate at noisebridge? Tinnei: give tours *could not hear!* John: open the door for people between 11 AM and 10PM. Marco: Organize events, clean the space, help people fix their thing, donate, ask people for help, Ryan: um, also, participation includes what you guys want to do. um, do your own projects here. help eachother, but also, if you need to work on something yourself (have a deadline or something), that's fine. can check if anyone else needs help on their projects.
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.
John: since you're allowed to be the last person at noisebridge. turn things off, don't cause fires. Tim: 3d printers are HOT. turn those off. Ryan: also, wait. where is Jay? is he a philanthropist? *chatter* Tim: FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. Tim: be aware of the space. Tim: are you going to orient them (the folks that applied for philanthrophy) after? Ryan: no, as the sponser I need to question them. Tim: good lord, do this fast. people want to talk about nosibridge stuff. Ryan: wait just a sec. first, um, with philanthrophy. this is part of the questions. ummm, uh.
Ryan's Questions[edit | edit source]
Question 1:[edit | edit source]
Ryan: why do each of you want to become a philanthropist. (Tim: one sentence or less) * John: already donate to noisebridge, and want to stay late. already come to noisebridge. * Tinnei: I just want to contribute regularily. want to stay late. help out more. * Marco: after spending 3 years on-and-off it's probably about time (*crowd laughs*) Tim: sunken cost fallacy, most excellent. ryan, next 9? Ryan: no, just going to ask three. so, um,
Question 2:[edit | edit source]
Ryan: what projects do you work on while at noisebrdige? * Tinnei: building a physical computing device. I am building a device that is going to be portable, (projector?). it's basically. building a device that helps enhance physical space interaction. information exists in here & here (phones, devices, etc.). very isolated. can we bring this into the real world? can we make learning more interactive. it's the reason for the project. involves software, hardware, and digital design. it's why I'm here. want to ask for help when I need to. y'all are very execllent. * John: currently workong on flaschen taschen project. maro on the flaschen *gives a demo*. it's all from scratch. I had another version where the window was incorporated. playing with other LED's. have a RPI that's not deployed at the moment, e.g. when people walk into the space, mary would say "welcome to noisebridge X". I have a duffle bag of LED's that I'm figuring out what to do with * Marco: software development, LED's, working on a new website for noisebridge Ryan: ummm. uh.
Question 3:[edit | edit source]
Ryan: how do you want to see nosiberdige improve in the future? * Marco: More people engaged in the space, helping eachother, help noisebridge sically, make the space more welcoming. * Tinnei: I want to help organize the information in the space, clean up and redesign items for the space, event poster, and more. * John: Improveing flashentashen, debugging noisebride projects, improve tours, improve communication with new pople. Frank: we are a cocreative space, Tim: co-procrastination space Tim: is that the three? Ryan: yes
Post-Ryan's questioning[edit | edit source]
Marco[edit | edit source]
Ryan: first up, Marco. does anyone block marco to become a philanthropist of noisebridge? ?: blocking? Ryan: anyone can block. Tim: should I do the countdown? Ryan: yeah. Tim: going once, going twice, three and sold marco is now a philanthropist. *cheers*
Tinnei[edit | edit source]
Ryan: so, does anyone have any issues with Tinnei becoming a philanthropist of noisebridge? Tim: so bad, that you wouldn't come back. Tim: going once, going twice, three times and Tinnei is a philanthropist! *cheers*
John[edit | edit source]
Ryan: does anyone want to block John? Tim: a one, a two, and a three. and john is a philanthropist. *cheers*
Final Philanthrophy section[edit | edit source]
Ryan: Alright, we have three new philanthropists. I'll show you around the space, show you how to close down, etc. Tim: *talks about the hunt to get 24/7 access* / "The real challenge"
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.
Ryan: we don't have any membership applications Tim: yeah that's a joke.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.
* Funds in bank: stable -- almost cash flow positive. * Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of N/A * Any other details by those participating in handling our financials: N/A * The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at Ryan: don't forget, we do have some fines and stuff. that will be brought up at the end of the meeting
Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]
How's it all going
Consensus[edit | edit source]
Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.
Ryan: Breocratic nightmares of noisebridge,
Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]
(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)
Ryan: three consensus items. Tim: Steve you're in the back? *confirmation from steve* Ryan: I need someone else to take notes during this section. Tim: Jay are you note taking? Jay: ye Ryan: current 3 consensus items. (1) allow the treasurer and the board to accept a new lease when it is given to us by the landlord, and is deamed favorable terms for the extension of noisebridge's lease. um. yeah. um. so. since there are two members here, we can probably actually consenus this. Let me post in the notes what our current goals are. Ryan: um, so, Ruth removed these consensus items, but I don't think we should do these things without consensus as these are different than extending a lease and stuff, so, um. I'm going to um. hmm. ok, wait just a sec. umm. ok, ummm. yeah, so. current_time: 21:18 Ryan: just going to post these here -----
Item One: Approve New Lease When it is given to us[edit | edit source]
Item[edit | edit source]
09/10/19 Ryan Sternlicht Approve New Lease When it is given to us: Noisebridge is currently negotiating a new lease, and it needs to be approved very soon, here is some info on the current discussion Tyler: One priority I have is removing the elevator clause from the lease. As it stands, NoiseBridge is responsible for 100% of the first $10,000 of repairs, and then 50% thereafter. There is no upper limit to the potential cost here. We are currently being billed $10,000 for the last elevator repair. Tyler: For the month of September, Brian has told us to continue to pay $6,500 Tyler: My original request was a 5 year lease, same rate, without the elevator clause) but Brian was not interested. Tyler: His response was $7,250 to remove the elevator fee. I countered at $7.0k Tyler: He replied with $7,000 for a 2 year lease without the elevator cost. Tyler: I asked for more then 2 years. Brian responded with 3 years at $7,100 / month. Tyler: As it stands, I have countered with $7,000 for 2 years with a 2 year option at $7,250. Per Jarrod: it is really hard to justify large future costs (Zoning fee, sprinklers / second egress, etc.) if we are potentially limited by a short lease. I'd like to push for a longer term lease, but it would likely come with additional rent hikes. Looking for any and all opinions. I think we should decide whether to approve the board and treasurer to finalize and approve a new lease as soon as we get terms that are favorable to the general noisebridge community
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Ryan: most of the board thinks thes can be small-c, but we should at lease have these written up. it sounds like most everyone agrees that it's a good idea to let treasurer and board. current options is.... (SEE ABOVE). Ryan: there are two members present. do both of us agree that we should allow the treasurer.... actually, first, lets take comments. Tim: do we have an alternavite to renewing the lease? Ryan: if you don't want to exist raise your hand *laughter* tim: if anyone has a magical space in SF.... tim: yo, steve are you here? are you good with giving tyler and the board to create a new lease? steve: yeah, sure. m: if ruth says it's good, then it's good. tim: can't find any fault with that logic. ryan: both members present consent that both the board and the treasurer can negotiate and finalize the lease terms without having to go through a full consensus.
Item Two: New Laser Tube[edit | edit source]
Item[edit | edit source]
09/10/19 Ryan Sternlicht Purchace new Laser Tube Our laser cutter is broken, we need a new tube a new tube costs around 1400 dollars, should we spend noisebridge money to buy a new tube we use the machine a lot, and we should discuss if we want the 100 watt or 150 watt tube replacment I think we should decide and then approve the purchase of a new laser tube.
Discussion[edit | edit source]
ryan: ok, the second consensus item is. to buy a new laser head for our laser cutter. looks like ruth, tyler, and a couple other laser cutter have already figured out what's best to buy. we can probably get a bit cheaper. maybe a 150w laser tube. people who are laser trained will no have to go through new laser training. tim: that's debatable though. ryan: might go through and prove that current laser trainer know what they're doing, sounds like.... the only reason it shouldn't go through small-c. sounds like every single person that I talked to wants a slightly more powerful laser. cut thicker materials more consistently so we don't have to run the laser over-and-over again. any comments? franK: question. with higher power, metals. ryan: because we have a Co2 mirror based laser, we can't directly laser reflective materials such as metal, but, if we get it certified, we can etch certain coatings, but not currently in our certified testing list. we recommend folks use a professional fiber laser system which is much safer. no chance that it will destroy our laser cutter, and will work a lot better. frank: one of the alternatives: vinyl on laser cutter? ryan: do not cut vynl. toxic. inhailing clorine is worst then drowning. tim: don't fuck with.... we consensed with putting an RFID on the laser cutter. Ryan: always had that plan. tim: expensive things *chats about RFID on expensive things* *loud motorcycle outside drives by* *chats about how RFID access on things is small-c* ryan: bringing this up in big-c consensues is useful. this system might be legally liable if someone gets injured. whoever purchases it could be liable. we don't want that. tim: that may be true, but we should ask a lawyer. ryan: in general, everyone I've talked to. 130 - 150w laser would be an improvement to the space and generally be an execllent thing. also, it would need to de taken care of quite a bit. more powerful, cut through thicker things faster. current air/exhuast system couldn't handle a laser cutter a quarter size of ours, but, after talking with ruth and tyler like, tyler I'm pretty sure is ready to spend the funds. sounds like, ruth, who has been in contact with a number of laser distributers knows quite well what to get, and I trust her decision in getting a new laser as she is someone who has consistently taken care of the laser, and is generally an excellent laser trainer, and.... tim: YO. HAlf this shit is Ruth maintained. frank: something got bumped and something fell into (??) ryan: failure mode: lots of little things happend at once. our laser did not have enough neon/argon/whatever in the chamber. that laser cutter which is a 100w tube is the equivelent to a 100mW tube. can't burn through paper right now. now all that useful. ein: one of the things I want to do is use the laser cutter. ryan: um, so, we do actually. if you donate to noisebridge, you can select, or write in that you want to donate towards the laser fund, once it's working again, we have consistent laser training every couple of weeks. once trained, you can use the laser cutter. free to use, but really really would like donations. costs $5/hr of electricity to use. takes a lot of time and energy to maintain it. tim: small-c. $10/hr to compensate for folks that don't donate? ryan: already did consensed on this. ??: have money for this? ryan: we already have the money to do this. tim: excellent to donate anyway *discussion about laser fundraising when the laser was first introduced into the space* *chat about replacing mirrors & other components over time* ryan: don't have funds set aside to hire tech to fix issues. small-c ok for this. ruth estimates that laser is used ~3hrs a day. about 3,000 hours put into it. had we maintained it better, maybe a bit more life. new laser tubes should last a lot longer, so, um. yeah. any other comments? frank: sign business. in 1996 to 2001. the things referred to neon lighting were opposed at the time. fill neon tubes? ryan: cann't be filled if that's your question. that 's a questino that we had. tech looked at our tube, and not the type that can be refilled. new one CAN be refilled. ok, yeah, this meeting is going on quite a bit. any other questions.. current_time: 21:36 ryan: other member like to block us buying another laser tube? steve: nope. all good. ryan: sounds like. anyone like to proxy block this? um, going to check on slack, um.... does not look like anything has been mentioned in general or finance. um. ryan: ok, looks like we don't have any proxy blocks currently. doubt there will be a block as most think this is small-c. looks like, or wait, someone have a comment. OK COOL. we have consensed on a new laser tube. now it's at least documented in the system (notes??)
Item Three: Give treasurer (Tyler) and Ruth access to NB bank account & allow board to grant access in necessary circumstances[edit | edit source]
Pre-Item discussion[edit | edit source]
RYAN: 3rd consensus item is from last week. wait just a sec. going through the other meetings. um. uhh, yeah, wait just a sec. this next one is pretty important, um. it was proposed by ruth last week, and um. uhhhh. marco: for the bank account? ryan: yeah. um. we should do this. uhhhh.
Item[edit | edit source]
2019-09-17 Ruth Give treasurer (Tyler) and Ruth access to NB bank account & allow board to grant access in necessary circumstances > Hi people at Noisebridge meeting, I'm Ruth, you may have seen me in > the sewing area with or without baby Lee. I'm also on the Noisebridge > board and have coordinated lease stuff with the landlord in the > past. Right now we're running low on people who regularly show up to > Noisebridge and also are signors on the Wells Fargo bank account. I > think it would be best if Tyler as treasurer were a signor (he only > has read access right now), and also myself as backup. The recent > events that have prompted this are that we haven't paid the August and > September rent due to the auto pay turning off as our lease ends, and > no one having either time or access to deal with it. Luckily John has > time to go to the bank to pay the rent tomorrow in person (from a new > York bank branch), so we'll be ok this time, but for the future it > would be good for Tyler and I to be signors to make it easier. As part > of the process for adding people to the bank account, we need to have > a record of meeting notes saying that we should be added. (The > remaining process is for John and Nicole to sign something as > administrators, and we also need two signors to go to the bank with > Tyler and I in person before we can be added.)Please discuss at the > meeting whether or not you think it should be a good idea for Tyler > and separately me to be added to the bank account, and record it in > the meeting notes.Sorry I couldn't make it to the meeting tonight. > > Ruth
Discussion[edit | edit source]
current_time: 21:39
Ryan: posting it in the meeting notes here: > Ryan: Is this current consensus item in > the wiki yet? (NB bank account). > > Ryan: I do agree that this is very critical > to make sure that donations are properly being > handled and being put into hte account on a > regular basis. A lot of people have mentioned > that we really should have a more regular deposit > of cash donations as well as more people who > can be, I can't remember the term.... emergency > monetary issues, e.g. treasurer gets hurt, or, > all of a sudden the financial market crashes, and > we have to start trading, like, Mate. > > *laughs* > > Ryan: ok. so let's discuss this a little bit. so > that it may be, could be brought up in more detail at > the next meeting. do people think, > currently... currently we have two maybe > three people that can actually access our > bank account. like, we have a large number of > people that can access our financial records, > like our finaial records, as well as our > fundraising and monetary systems > (i.e. stripe, paypal, bitcoin). very few have > access to our bank account, which is used for > reimbursement for people who donate stuff, > and use our general fund for reimbursement, > as well as when we have events and when we > want to pay guests, or big purchases like a > new laser tube, elevator stuff, or stuff like > that. it's critical that people have access > to this... trusted people... what do people > think? > > Marco: Read ruth's message on this? > > > Hi people at Noisebridge meeting, I'm Ruth, > > you may have seen me in the sewing area > > with or without baby Lee. I'm also on the > > Noisebridge board and have coordinated > > lease stuff with the landlord in the > > past. Right now we're running low on people > > who regularly show up to Noisebridge and > > also are signors on the Wells Fargo bank > > account. I think it would be best if Tyler > > as treasurer were a signor (he only has > > read access right now), and also myself as > > backup. The recent events that have > > prompted this are that we haven't paid the > > August and September rent due to the auto > > pay turning off as our lease ends, and no > > one having either time or access to deal > > with it. Luckily John has time to go to the > > bank to pay the rent tomorrow in person > > (from a new York bank branch), so we'll be > > ok this time, but for the future it would > > be good for Tyler and I to be signors to > > make it easier. As part of the process for > > adding people to the bank account, we need > > to have a record of meeting notes saying > > that we should be added. (The remaining > > process is for John and Nicole to sign > > something as administrators, and we also > > need two signors to go to the bank with > > Tyler and I in person before we can be > > added.)Please discuss at the meeting > > whether or not you think it should be a > > good idea for Tyler and separately me to be > > added to the bank account, and record it in > > the meeting notes.Sorry I couldn't make it > > to the meeting tonight.Ruth > Ryan: I'll read it out loud > > *reads message above * > > Ryan: I think that's a good idea. it's > critical that we have this as people can > see now. and also, for people who might not > know ruthr or tyler, ruth has been coming > to noisebridge for a long time. very > instrumental in taking care of certain > things. sewing area, laser cutter, runs > numerious events. ran our social media for > awhile. has been very helpful. on our > board. um, and she is also a member, um, > and then Tyler. Tyler is somewhat new to > the space. only about a year, but his > financial assistance with our historial > financial records has been one of the key > things that has allowed us to reinvigorate > our moneypary system so it's all up to > things that allows us to apply for grants > that require a multi-year history of our > background. Made treasurer two months > ago. has been working extremely hard on > keeping the noisebridge finances in > order. um. so. having our treasurer not > have access to our money is kind of bad > > *laughter* > > Victor: what do you mean? > > Ryan: He can look at the money in the box, > but can't spend it. Anyone else want to > comment? > Ryan: I think that's good for this > topic. So. That will. That's in the meeting > notes. Next meeting we can consensus on > that, hopefully, so that we can pay our > rent and stuff like that. um. so, yeah. I"m > pretty sure that's everything for the > regular stuff. Ryan: *describes the previous weeks discussion above* Ryan: need funds to renew our lease. right now we have to. our treasurer has to proxy our funds through the former treasurer. Tim: changing hands is nerve racking. it's your baby and you're giving it to someone else. Ryan: any questions? proposed next week. needs ot be done really really sone. we think maybe three people have access to our bank account. only one is semi-active with noisebridge. two of the others are international. so. yeah. one I think is in NY, and one I have no idea. OK yes, they're not on the moon right now. does anyone have any qualms with giving Ruth and Tyler and possibly one other person they deem fit access to the bank account? marco: *asks clarifying question* Ryan: tyler is our current treasurer. excellent beyond anything I can say. he has been excellent at helping noisebridge do a lot of financial upkeep and generally has allowed us to more more accurate than any other time with financials. ruth has been a board member, a, like, a person who generally oversees a lot of stuff in the space. an event host, a mentor, a teacher, a guide, she generally is one of the most dedicate people at nosiebrideg for quite a long time, and is generally very knowledgeable in taking care of noisebridge, and um, all that stuff, um. yeah, so. anyone, um, have any conserns they want to bring up? ryan: um... does the other member present want to block giving Tyler, Ruth, and if necessary, other people access to the, um, bank account on a, like, um, like, general consensus basis, or, right now Ruth and Tyler are the only two we neeed to consensus on. extra: allow tyler and ruth to give other people access. steve: fine. ryan: sounds like other member present is fine with giving tyler and ruth access. and allowing the board to give access on necessary circumstance. and, um, I don't block this eather. um. OK. that is consensused. tim: this is super fucking rare. we run on anarchy. ryan: yeah. we haven't consensused this many in awhile. tim: it would be a hat-trick if we could get a member tonight. *discussion about Members* *Ryan was the last full member jokes* ryan: now that we're done with those, there are no consensues items for next week. OK SO. discussion. also, um, actually. I think at the beginning we didn't explain what consensues is. yeah. holy crap. ryan: consensus is bureaucratic nightmares to keep it short. ryan: you pretty much saw what is it. you get to block what consensus items are passing. blocks signify that you think nb would die if it passes. rarely comes up.
Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]
Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.
1. New Lease[edit | edit source]
Tyler (remote): Hi noisebridge. Just got the updated lease from the landlord. Basics are: ``` Term 10/01/19 - 9/30/2023 (4 years) Rent: Y1: 7,000, Y2: $7,000, Y3: $7,200, Y4: $7,200 Elevator Clause removed Responsibility to maintain stairwell / landing / exterior removed ``` The line from the lease that is in question by our Attorney: > Tenant will take responsibility of > improvements/maintenance related to > occupancy of the third floor. Tenant also > has permission to do general building > improvements/maintence including securing > the gate, repainting the stairway and > entry, cleaning any grafitti on the > exterior of the building, and typical pest > control." Mostly the first sentence: > Tenant will take responsibility of > improvements/maintenance related to > occupancy of the third floor." There are some meaningful costs related to bringing the sprinklers up to code (and potentially opening a second egress). Ideally we want the landlord to pay for this. We'll see if we can come to an agreement on that.
Discussion[edit | edit source]
*cheers* *question asked on statement on the fridge* - Tyler (remote): wait the white one, or the one that caught on fire? - Jaguar: sec, checking on it - ??: the white one with cold mate in it Ryan: if you're on discuss, please message tyler if you thinkg this is good. um, because, we do want peopl edo to small-c consensus on if they think this is good. don't think we can get this any lower. having a lease is very important. um, legally speaking it's kind of what keeps us here. ??: um, are we in danger
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Discussion Item 1: space(pirate) problems and hackathon improvment ideas[edit | edit source]
marco: sewing machines are broken. ryan: rearrange wires on the ceiling. can't clamp or attach anything on the sprinklers. Marco: reschedule hackathon to first week of November, and add a weekly group
Discussion Item 2: Easy way to tag all broken things? So that we can work on repairing things[edit | edit source]
Ait: sign outside noisebridge? <-- maybe we can be creative with the sign (need more discussion) fan sign: holographic fan sign?
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
Meeting adjourned.