Meeting Notes 2019 11 05

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These are the notes from The 544th Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: 2019-11-05 Note-taker: Marco, Ryan Moderators: Riley

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

FILL OUT AT END OF MEETING - One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary. What happened at the meeting:

  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]


Relay- He him - some software projects lightly, trying to work on server stuff
Marco - mostly software development, and spent a lot of time on the new noisebridge website as well as my own website ( *shameless plug*)
 Tyler- He him, I do a bit of everythng, wood 3d printing metal, software, and is treasurer
 Ryan - He/Him pronouns. I like helping take care of noisebridge. Do a little bit of everything (hardware and VR mainly). Pretty available at all times.
 miromi / romy- First meeting in a long time,desire to hack more hardware,plans to be mother in the future (plan around 60, ~30 years from today) adopting 2 different kinds (what kinds?) of babies with two different hair colors, will dress them in awesome haute couture outfits. Names not yet selected. doing it for the kids. will probably teach them to codea t the age of 7 so they can earn their keep (just kidding / not kidding) 
 Alex- Just checking out noisebridge, first time
 Malik he him, just moved to SF, everything is interesting, interested in scooter disassemble a Scoot Scooter
 Wheezy - *impatient to introduce himself* software engineer by day, nerd by night (really nerd at all times of the day). Software and hardware hacker. Supplier of the 'Wheezy approved" stamp. Consider yourself blessed if you receive this sticker. 
 Ait - learning animation and coding. Including languages documented in world.

Steve - "I'm Steve" *slight wave* Freddie - "Yo I'm freddie, I go by He/Him. I am working on reorganizing the #library. Build a new #lable_system. If you wanna help let me know.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

Ryan: uhhh soo, this weekend is #Aaron_Swartz_Day international #hackathon on... uhhh november 9th this saturday from 11:00am until 9:15, I am going to be speaking there. I will be one of the opening speakers. I hope that everyone will be there. It is one of the really important hackathons related to #freedom_of_speech. Please come by, it is very important.

Ryan V2: #DAY_OF_THE_DEVS. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY. Some of the best devs releasing #unreleased_games. Cool music and games. Over 70 unreleased games. Please RSVP. INCLUDING SOME MAJOR GAMES. You can get VIP access if you buy the humble bundle. Otherwise it will be free.

  • Freddie arrives late*
  1. Marco: #you #can #hashtag #keywords!

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this?  Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? Also let's talk about Security in the space? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

Marco: welcoming and nice to others and pay attention to if other people are uncomfortable, #not_stealing, and join and mporve existing events
Be exccelent to yourself and don't work too hard.

Marco- you are welcoming in the space, you help take care of the space, work on cool projects, have a balance between taking care off the space, and takking care of yourself.  You can teach or take a class.  Run an event.
Steve: a famous (maybe not famous) for every one person who is #willing_to_take_a_stand, there are another 5 who are willing to follow around the community. That one person is excellent, while the other 5 are not excellent. #Harmony_seeking is not good for a community of intellectuals, or a community of hackers. You should be willing to stand up for what you believe in. Thats it.

Tyler- completly #open_space in the mission, where sketchy stuff can happen, stuff can happen, be aware of your stuff and stuff in the space, be aware of if something looks wrong, check it out, but be excellent while doing it.

Marco- be excellent while asking people what they are up to, and if you are not sure if a person did something really bad (stealing/damaging equipment) - ask people around you to help you out with figuring out if your assumption is correct or not - and ask the person in question in a friendly way

Steve: Ideally this is a space where everyone wants to be a leader.

Be excellent to tools if you see someone missusing a tool, call it out, as it could be putting them andd others at risk.

Ryan: Anti harassment: do not harass people! you will be asked to leave. If you see it, call it out, if you are making people uncomfortable, you are doing something wrong, harrassing others is not only sexual, it can also be phisacal, mental, emotional, or anything that makes you feel attacked or deeply uncomfortable.

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?) Tyler: If you are visiting more often you can get a 30 day access token between 11 and 11 if you have good report with people in the building. If you become a Philanthropist, you can access the space 24/7.

We have two major com platform: slack and discuss. Discuss a forum, great to announce events and projects - signup yourself!:) Slack invite only - ask someone in the space

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

Relay: Philanthropists are people in good standing with others in the space, know how to open and close the space, donate on a regular base (80$ regular rate), sponsored by a member during a meeting

Marco: Regular rate is $80 dollars a month starving hacker is 40 dollars an month,

Relay: Richard Barnt applied - is he here? (no) ok, then we will see next time again

You can find applications in the office supply cart by the dorr in the member and philanthropy binder.  You can also ask 

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

Ryan: membership at Noisebridge is the group of indiviuals most trusted at Noisebridge, trusted enough to keep Noisebridge alive - and are Noisebridge's cultural immune system. If people think you are already a member, you should apply for membership! Get 2 members to sponsor you (saying that you are an excellent person). for 4 weeks your applications will be talked about. Membership applications can be overturned by existing members. Members can reject Big C consensus decisions.

Ryley: we have 2 membership applications: Tyler M. and David G. (laser cutter trainer) Ryan: I feel comfortable with sponsoring Tyler, would be the fastest becomming member so far Steve: I don't have any reason to block Ryan: I will sponsor you (Tyler) Does anythinking ane anyone

(people discussing about Venta Black... because reasons^^)

Ryley: anyone has anything to say about his application? Ait: sounds great, him becoming a member miromi: tyler is awesome, great treasurer Ryan: Tyler now has 2 sponsors, so he is now starting his 4 week process of becoming a member. No one has blocked Tyler today. Woo.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

  • Funds in bank: $166,122

Crypto: $10,756 Cash Collection (last 7 days): $323

Ryan: no one responsible for NoiseTor knows why it stopped working Luis: put money in the cash glass, but not sure if I should move it to the more secure box (people agree) Ait: if someone wants to buy a shirt - how does it work? Tyler: ask for 20$, put it in the money box and give them a shirt Tyler: do we have a sock option on our online store

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

Tyler: me, david and ruth are working on a 50000 dollar #grand to inprove creative spaces. Can anyone help getting realistic estimate to #build_walls inside the space and other constructions things. See on Slack: somethingwoodworkshop channel (aka) (#woodshop-grant)

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

small c - ask people around you: what do you think about this? Does anyone mind if I do this and this? (moving flaschentaschen, coloring a wall, etc.)

Reley: Large C concensus items must be brought up in a meeting, and must be discussed, and at time of concensus, members can decide to block the item.

Freddy: large C fundamentaly changes how the space operates (moving, installing security cameras, big investments - example: expensive machine)

Ryan: any new items?

Wheezy: is it small or big c? building a separate #wall / #sound_isolation for music area, to not annoy people, while beeing able to play louder music

Ryan: think doesn't need big c, bring it up in discussion items. Except you want to have certification (legal stuff) or invest lot of money.

This will be moved to discussion

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

- opening #email_addresses with for limited number of people (members & treasurer & others?) Ryan: this was already agreed on, its just logistics

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

How to add money/ improve #money_collecting (cash box, safe?)

Tyler- i was big on #retail_deposit safe, but they are expensive, noisebridge figured out the main proble was large build up of money to the point of it being a threat.

Miromi- #hacking_hardware_kit_box make phisical object to send to doners. Make sure to use a pretty box,

(#Mannys_sign people coming back and showing awesome photos of the sign they built for Manny's)

Ryan- Impove the entrence area to see if more people will buy stuff

  1. Limited_time_stickers, viral marketing of objects for patreon

Rex: badge that glows and shows timeline

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

  1. safety_improvement / #sewing_area

Ryan: we need to move machines to improve safety the Q: switch gaming & sewing Ryan: doesn't fit the Q: who is concerned about this? (multiple people showing their hands) Tyler: Jared (our resident architect) warned us There should be more usable computers, so they can't go away Freddy: I noticed the computers are super slow Marco: yeah also noticed it for the gaming computer

Discussion Item 3[edit | edit source]

  1. sound_recording_room_improvement ?

Ryan: (as someone who helped with the room) yeah professional equipment would be useful, but we should also add a movable wall, or a audio drape

Discussion Item 4[edit | edit source]

space is a mess/ #people_dont_clean_up Electronics area, metal, wood, ceramics areas were all terrible. They have been cleaned a bit Ryan: we should make it more difficult to leave a mess. And we don't use the walls in our wood workshop good enough Marco: Have #better_labeling, make it easy to clean make a area between the shops for safety gear and commonly used tools from each area. Internal wishlist of things to do and buy Marco: adding a to do/wish list on our website for internal

  1. Noisecoin for improvements to the space,

or #Noisefines for unexcelence

Ryley: social credit system (hope that's not serious..)

More people need to care about the space How do we get people more invested in the space

the Q: if people feel there can't get cool things for Noisebridge because it gets stolen or broken - they loose interest in doing stuff for the space

(people agreeing)

Ryan: this is why we have the Guilds, to take care of areas of the space

Marco: see the design draft for the #Guilds section for the #new_website - suggestions on improving that?

Ryan: clean up! it's super excellent and super important

be empowered to #ask_others_to_clean the space.

the Q: I think shaming people who don't clean is important

trash can managment

Discussion Item 5[edit | edit source]

Avian data transfer protocol Lets do it at some point Does anyone know anyone who train carrier pigeons in the bay area.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]