Meeting Notes 2019 11 26
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These are the notes from the The 547th Meeting of Noisebridge. help take notes at - Date: 11/26/2019 Note-taker: matt m, Moderators: Matt m. ** we want to make meetups? ** meetup ** maybe contact marco ** wiki contacts about meetup!! ** for now Announcements: ** ODC event wed 8pm for webVR ** Extinction rebellion fundraiser in December ** new drill press back there ** New drill press Discussions: ** A few people expressed interest in getting an event on our meetup page, figure it's taking a little longer for people to get back due to holidays but it would be great if there were kind of official contact people for getting things on meetup. ** winding down the meeting there was a great discussion of how to make the meetings more participatory and streamlined. Hopefully we'll be able to have even more excellent meetings in the future.