Meeting Notes 2019 12 17

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These are the notes from the The 552th Meeting of Noisebridge.

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Date: 12-17-2019

Note-taker: Ryan Moderators: Ryan


Hi I am ryan, it is holidays and is thus the dead weeks of noisebridge

this week we are having a unmeeting, but have a few things to talk about


Sage- This Saturday from 3:30 to 11:30 is WEPA A community event on Decolonization & The Climate Crisis Educating on the intersection of colonialism and the climate crisis through arts and advocacy. Ten local bay area artists will be showcasing and two speakers from the Sunrise Movement will present on sustainable solutions and environmental racism. All proceeds from donations will go to Noisbridge and the non-profit Earthjustice.

Concerned cidizen- Do not prop door open while goiing for a smoke, as that lets people come in without being veted when entering the space. And it sets a bad presidence for other people. It also is increases the chance of random people walking

TOOOL- Members of the TOOOL lockpicking group are having problems with their access cards since they only come to noisebridge every one or two months and even if they get in, they can't easily let general attendees in without needing to find someone with a working token to open the door for them. A few months ago they said someone was waiting a very long time to get in (the toool meetup is in the backof the space and thus cant hear the doorbell.). They would like to know if there is a way to extend their access tokens (either a two month extention, or if there is a remote way to do it.)

Ryan- NOISEBRIDGE IS OUT OF CLUB MATE!!!!! We need to order more, we typically order half a pallet or so every six months, is the general noisebridge community fine if we order again? Club Mate does bring in quite a lot of money for noisebridge, typically double its cost or more, and as we are one of very few places that carry it in the US, the international visitors who come to noisebridge often get quite excited.

Ryan- I will be gone for most of the next few weeks as will a lot of other general noisebridgers, anyone in the space, please keep the space clean and take out the trash and put new bags in the bins.

Ryan- Happy Winter, everybody. Noisebridge has one thing on its winter wishlist - (Be Excellent to Each Other)

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]