Meeting Notes 2020 01 28

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These are the notes from the The 555th Meeting of Noisebridge.

help take notes at -

Date: 01/28/2020

Note-taker: Jaguar, Ryan, Tyler

Moderators: TIM

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

mary has been muted

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Tim - I am tim. I am he/him. I like biotech stuff and polishing my locker to a shiny petine. Need money Weesey- hobbest, I come to noisebridge every now and then Tyler - ok, um. my name is tyler. i am a person who comes to nb, like to work on different projects, handle money stuff. if anyone has money for tim let me know. Jaguar - I like noisebridge. That's all. *mumbled something* Ryan - hello I'm pyconaut, nevermind I'm ryan. Tim - Ryan like videogames and hording lockers Ryan - I have more than three and do VR stuff Hamleton - first time at a meeting, have kids: 9, 7, and 5. looking to build more electronics. JEAN LUKE PICCARD - Starship captain. Most of the time. Keeps he/him busy Morgan - brain scientist by day and by night because he doesnt have much of a life. Member of NeurotechX Jamie - he/him - likes kareokee Tim - needs Jamie to make anarchist love songs Ian - he/him - doesn't hack on anything Reily - lets see... um. I am enthusiatic about FOSS. Currently hacking on books scanner to make it less of an awkward script

  • Relay in the background apoligizes about something*

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.

Tyler-Hack comedy this satudry

barbot will be working
legit comedians. this saturday at 8-ish. 

Ryan: this weekend is also Global Game Jam. Friday - Sunday afternoon. Theme not yet posted.

Jaguar: New 3D printer in the space [ender 3]. 3D printer class coming soon. Probably Tuesday mornings.

Morgan: NeuroTechx year in review coming up. Presentations and stuff. If anyone's got a demo or presentation please let him know. Week of the 10th probably. Leaning towards the 13th. Location will depend on interest level.

Mo - will add class for 3D modeling. Rinho or Fusion360 maybe. Maybe Open source route.

Ryan [timer is restarted]: During GDG noisebridge will probably be hosting a couple of events. Sunday pre gdc talk day, and Either Friday or Saturday GDC detox - depending on interest.

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

tyler: so excellence is the guiding principle here at nb, it means a lot of things. the main rule is to be xcelent to each other, but also the space. lots of crazy fun stuff happens here all the time. mainly revolves around.. if you're doing something, make sure everyone in the sace is ok wiht it. ideally something that positivly effects the space. can break stuff here if you plan on fixing / adding something better. uh, yeah, the antiharrassement policy. if you're uncomfortable, someone makes you feel uncomfortable, you can ask them to leave and that person has to honor that. other people in the community will come in to support that decision. Perhaps leave for a day if necessary.

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge. (What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)

Wheezey: if you see something do something. If something is broken, fix it to make it better.

Mo: especially cleaning dishes

Tim: deal with your own problems I'm not your mom.

Tyler: sersiosly do the dishes.

Getting a dooe key: Ask a Member or SUPER PHILANTHROPIST PLUS

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc) will copy from previous meetings

None from binder in are here

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

Tim: the only difference between a member and philanthropist is that a member can participate in big-c consensus.

Tim: anyone can block a membership application. including cheeto eating dude on couch

Ryan: uhhh, no, only members can, but can take input from anyone.


Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

  • Funds in bank:

$152,000 Cash in the bank $11,000 BTC + Etherium

High level overview: Cash is down from out high point of ~$190k. Part of this was the payment of the ~$10k reimbursement to Roguelike games due 2018 So really we should have been at $180 at the start of the year. As well as the ~$30k paid to grant consulting last year. The rest of the year was close to breakeven.

Still. Pretty low on funds relative to the last year. Need to get some cash flowing in.

Recent money deals though: Brazillian class: Netted $1,000 for NoiseBridge Stupid Shit Grant: $1,500 from Starch Press grant.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

GuildMaster's Report[edit | edit source]

What is the current state of structural organization at Noisebridge?

  • What are the guilds? Which ones exist?

Tyler: Mark became the Arch guildmaster.

Stuff is working, but arch guild master is not here


  • How is our online community doing?
  • Guild Rep's Reports

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?) Small C concensus You ask any peoplle in the space currently if something is ok and if no one is

Something you need to ask the Big M members to discuss at two tuesday mettings to see if they possibly block

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)


Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)


Discussion[edit | edit source]

Tim- Any items

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

Ryan - do we know the state of the next lease, a lot of discussion online about the elevator.

Tyler- rent will be 7000, no elevator clause, and will have 30 day

was discussed over weekend

dave - if we're making 12,000 in donations, and a couple thousand in grants, how are we breaking even?

tyler - $500 trash, maybe $400 serevr hosting fees?, reoccuring ??. we bring in between 8 - 10k on average. donations are usually 8,000 on their own.

jeremy - is fixing elevator dependant on the lease?

tyler - folks at noisebridge can't touch elevator.

jeremy - what can we do to expediate it?

tyler - the flyer should have never been posted. the elevator works just fine. we have to convince the city...

ryan - I think it's the state

tyler - we can't touch it. the landlord must do it. we must convince the landlord to do it. nb could be shut down for messing with the elevator

  • discussion about how the landlord must take care of it*
  • discussion about the landlord & communications with them*

discussion abouut elevator stuff.

charavator in stead of elevator


Tyler: Holy heck that meeting went 44 minutes. TIM THE MODERATOR

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]