Meeting Notes 2020 02 25
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February 25, 2020 February 25, 2020 February 25, 2020 These are the notes from the [ The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge]. help take notes at - Date:2020-02-25 2020-02-25 2020-02-25 2020-02-25 Note-taker: themanmaran, Jaguar Moderators: Moderation === authority. Anarchy reigns 2/25/20 = INTRODUCTIONS = coming live from Humanmade Tim- hi I'm Tim. He him. I sing spongebob. tyler- Tyler. He him. Wore uncomfortable shoes and walked too much to get here gwen- excited that it will be 70° on Thursday Paul- he him - lowkey organizes free code camp Enrique - is this really how the meetings run ? Tim- yes. jaguar - oh hi I'm jaguar Tim - no longer known as Tim. Hereby. Uhh. Full metal. Uhhh nah that's not good. Oh. Ice weasel. YEAHHHH that's it. Chris - he, him; at the 'bridge in the flesh; electronic music production, general anarchist philosophizing Hamilton, he/him, Monday morning circuits... That's tots not what happened - Malik: dual screens in church Trevor: joined our crowd because he saw a lot of people. He's a circuit hacker an bostonian. Will be attending Noisebridge soon. Mark: Archguildmaster and games person Ryan: he him, joined after humanmade meeting happened. I do stuff, to much stuff yes, not enough also yes. = Short announcements and events = '''60-second description per item in bulletpoint.''' humanmade front laptop is now the Noisebridge main page. tyler promo'd Stupid shit hackathon at the hardware startup meeting fyi on Humanmade job placement for their classes - 7 / 45 people ended up with jobs. Pretty lame. paul: yeah that's about equivalent to free code camp. Paul: but yea. Noisebridge should be getting more meeting notes. Nope: [REDACTED] Tim to Tyler: I'm not ice weasel you bastard! Tim: I fucking hate the ice weasel browser, no. I refuse. tyler: dude. Youre wearing ice weasel gear. jaguar: something something it's just the phrasing that Richard stallman hates Mark: On the subject of HumanMade, John has a question: Is it a invite-only sort of place, or can one just show up and ask to see the place? tim: it costs $250 a month, and their chairs aren't as good. tim: you can get a tour I think tyler: yeah. Ryan: DNA Lounge HACKERS 25th anniversary. Cyberdelia dance party is having a 25th anniversary showing of hackers this friday Feb 28th. doors open at 630, movie starts at 7:30, dance party starts at 10pm Ryan: SF State documentary Malakai Wade: I'm in a group of students at SFSU working on a long-form journalistic video project on noisebridge. We would love to talk with people who want to shair their story about noisebrige and hacking. We also want to come into the space to talk with community members working on projects and film their processes. Feel free to contact me if you want to be involved and we can set up interviews and such. We're interested in learning more about this place and the cool people working here. You can email me at Thanks! Ryan: Hack Comedy Hack Comedy is happening on March 7th Ryan: Noisebridge PRE GDC hangout and talks planned to happen on March 14th before and after godwafflenoisepancakes. 9:00 to noon, and 2:00PM to 9PM Ryan: Noisebridge GDC Detox hangout will be on Friday, March 20th from 9PM to 2AM Saturday. Ryan: 5MOF 5 minutes of fame will be happening on March 19th tyler: wooo that's my birthday = Excellence = '''Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.''' Ryan: ANNOUNCING TO NOISEBRIDGE THAT THE MEETING WASEN'T HAPPENING AT NOISEBRIGE BEFORE MEETING. Though having a meeting at a friends space is definitly excellent. = Participation = '''Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.''' (What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?) = [[Philanthropist|Philanthropists]]= '''A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.''' Tim: Any new philanthropist's tonight? going once, going twice. nope Malik: How do I become a philanthropist? tim: = [[ Membership Binder ]] = '''Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.''' tim (ice weasel): pineapples should be pronounced Pine-nipple while in Noisebridge. It's a real GMO idea tyler: blocked. Añanas or nothing Tim: I consense, Añanas it is. Mark: What is actually going on here? I was not notified that the meeting would be taking place at humanmade! Was Anyone? :O Tyler: it was not announced anywhere. There just happened to be a ton of noisebridgers and alcohol at humanmade tonight. so we started meeting Tim: we're honestly just having fun but I am serious about pinenipples though. tyler: still serious about not doing the [ananas]thing jaguar: yo. what's up mark? tyler (also mostly here to mess with Ryan) Mark: Yo. \o jagu: yo o/ Tim(ice ) [on behalf of Tiffany] : wut. Are we really doing this meeting now tim: no wait call me (no input) tiffany: WOAAAH WHO PUT NOISEBRIDGE ON THE HUMANMADE SCREEN (no input) : it's = Financial Report = '''Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.''' tyler: $150,000 in the bank. == Fundraising Update == '''How's it all going''' = GuildMaster's Report = jaguar: mark? Work on guilds is moving. Woodshop: We have a pretty good amount of discussion activity happening in Slack. People are getting organized and really getting stuff done in that area. Electronics: We have identified some leaders in the space and are getting discussion going. Need to update the wiki page this week still. Planning to also get Discuss and Slack comms channels working together nicely so that communication is not scattered. Music: About the same as electronics. Identified leadership. Working to update wiki page(s) with their info. Chris - Where is this discussion happening? I'm in the music area just about every day. Mark: Private messages mostly rn. Message me on Slack or Discuss Chris. My username is mark. Chris - k. MetaGuild: We cleaned stuff up this weekend! We made a printer area and general use computers area in the back, where there previously was just a pile of stuff. Documentation on the wiki should be up shortly. tyler: the printer area was really awesome. Thanks for all that work New-Space: There was a meeting with a real-estate broker last week. Details may get posted in the discussion section down below? Discussion with various interested parties is happening via Slack. If you want to be involved, they meet to discuss new-space stuff Wednesdays at 6pm in the Hackitorium! = Consensus = '''Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.''' == [[ Consensus Items History | Proposals from last week ]] == ''(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the [[Consensus Items History]] page.)'' == [[ Current Consensus Items | Proposals for next week ]] == ''(Add any new items for consensus to the [[Current Consensus Items]] page.)'' = Discussion = == Discussion Item 1 == tyler: New Space Tyler: Moving in with Alpay(cool Noisebridge guy) at 1077 Howard street he has some ~5000 sqft if extra garage space available for Noisebridge for a reasonable rate. We will be meeting with him Wednesday night. jaguar: subtenant issues? tyler: yea likely. Especially since Alpay runs a fabrication shop and has lots of fancy tools. So we need to make sure noisebridgers aren't over there impacting his business. tyler: but I think we could build out a good separation. *assaf shows up* Tyler: we are now at 9 active Noisebridge's here Tim: what about X! (he runs this meetup) Tyler: ok 10 Tyler: Alpay has a 10-year lease because he put 100k down. Tyler: right now his rent is $18,000, and he pays an extra $2,000 in utilities. Tyler: *Talks about salesforce* *3-story high LED monitor story* /* (no input) - *is 80's mom dancing right now* */ == Discussion Item 2 == jaguar: Move metal working tools back to sparkleforge? Mark: Yes please. I had been talking with Ryan about this. He may have something to say here, but is currently giving tours to folks. Stay tuned. jaguar: yeah, ryan and others have brought it up ~ what should turing be turned into? classroom? audio? mark: I think it should be another classroom again, though I'm open to whatever. Perhaps the crafting area can move in there? It might make things less cramped for them? I will ask around == Discussion Item 3 == tim: Tyler is currently pitching NB to someone at humanmade 🤣 Hamilton: awesome! *tim gives a "boston handshake" to someone at humanmade* Mark: What is a Boston Handshake? Tyler: oh man it's like real jank. Imagine two people reaching out to grab an electric fence that they're not sure is powered or not. so they're like half committEd, but it turns out it is powered, so they're super shakey Malik:You shpuld touch the elec fench with your palm facing away from the fence so it doesnt shock close to it == Discussion Item 4 == Mark: Elevator "news". Whats going on with this? Do we have anything more than "he says he's going to fix it asap"? tyler: Brian just wants to fix it because it's a requirement for Noisebridge to move out. But otherwise we have no information than Brian saying "I'm on it" == Discussion Item 5 == Noisebridge overstaying it's welcome at Humanmade *employees Start eying the big group of people hogging all the couches* *noisebridgians start finishing their drinks* *others get refills* = End of Meeting = bye --- jaguar