Meeting Notes 2020 03 24

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These are the notes from the The 570th Meeting of Noisebridge. 

help take notes at -

Date: 3/24/2020

Note-taker: Ninjaa Is Not Just Any Aditya

Moderators: James

Carl has his own flaschen taschen at home Pscyonaut: Ryan is wondering where all this content has come from ...

Please stay Muted when not your turn to speak. :)

  • Spacebar is "push to talk" when muted on Zoom for PC & at least some macs
  • Zoom also has push to talk on mobile ... swipe left

James: Welcome to nb meeting 576, I'll do my best to keep stack

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]

James - 
NinjaA - he / him / we / us - I am legend
Ryan he him- Doing Half life ALYX livestreams, planning noisebridge livestreams
TJ - he / him / his - robotics enthusiast
Tiffany - she/her, I host Free Code Camp and Sewing Project Night meetups.
romy - she/her - flowers in the attic cosplay & civilization 6 addict, finally learning Unity game engine (point click point click)
Jaguar - zzz.
Carl - he/him - flaschen hacker
jermopos - he / him - maker, doer, flyer
Mark - Guildmaster, Games Guild (kinda here, if you get to the guildmaster's report, just read last week's and fill in details if you run a guild, sorry!)

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

* Circuit Hacking Monday returned this Monday for an online class!  Thanks @Roboto
* How's everybody doing? 
  - sucks, stuck at home
  - local markets in the sunset seem to have everything except paper products
  - there's been a lot of events that we've started hosting online ... circuit hacking monday which we livestreamed, gamebridge as well, last thursday we livestreamed 5MOF and it worked pretty well but YouTube had some crashing issue. luckily Ryan has a copy
  - The whales and dophins are out, nature seems very happy
  - the white pony express in Costra Conta county provided overstock from Whole Foods for hungry people. Also food not bombs is very active
- jermops: we helped out at the SF / Marin food bank in Bayview, turns out that the next spots to volunteer were in April because so many people are volunteering
* Jay mentioned that he's interested in hosting Ableton online if people are interested
* Repaired the calendar on discuss, so you can add calendar dates and subscribe to calendars
* Also you can now log in to discuss with your Google or Facebook account
* Ryan: If people want to learn how to livestream their classes on Facebook and Twitch, please let me know :) From Zoom or Jitsi. I could be livestreaming the noisebridge general meeting. We could also add voice modulators so that everyone could be anonymous. We are going to be hosting more online courses - going to talk with comedy people to see if comedy night can be livestreamed. Being able to watch hack comedy from home would be really cool.
* I am @jermops and I approve this message

@J is open to hosting an online Ableton Class if people are interested.

Calendar works again on so subscribe now!!
* includes Classes, One-offs + Underground Community Events happening anywhere
* Please add your events today!
    * Classes & Events here
    * Underground & Unofficial Community here

Users may now log into Discuss from their Google & Facebook accounts.
  * Please test these new features and report any issues.

Excellence[edit | edit source]

'''Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.'''
(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

Pyconaut: Noisebridge has one rule: Be Excellent to Each Other. That means you don't have to perfectly kind and love everyone in the space, but you do need to e courteous to people in the space, to the space itself, to what other people are doing in the space. Which also means being aware of what other people are doing in the space. If you're doing something loud that will make people uncomfortable, let people know through small c consensus. 

There's a difference between being uncomfortable and harassment. Noisebridge has a very strict anti-harassment policy. We do not tolerate it and you will be asked to leave if you're found harassing people or if you consistently make people feel uncomfortable when in the space.

Jermops feels that being kind is true, be firm and kind, disagree and be kind. Being kind is fundamental to being excellent.

Pyconaut says people have different forms of expression when kicking people out. But we should , strive to be kind while yeeting people out of the space. 

Tyler commenting on harassment: be wary because of the prior age where the environment was toxic. Now that everything is digital, we should be wary.

James is amazed that the process in the meeting worked last week at all. Thanks for being muted and waiting your turn.

Participation[edit | edit source]

'''Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.'''

(What does that mean?  How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)
NinjaA: Should we be drawing people in online through digital outreach?
Tyler (the compiler): not sure how digital reach will work out ... introducing people to Noisebridge culture without going to Noisebridge
Jermops: On one hand going digital enables us to reach a greater audience to people in other geographies, OTOH we're then building this community that is unlikely to persist once the space opens back up, and video is forbidden again. If we're going to cultivate these broader communities, do we continue this once the space opens back up? And how do we best do that? Or maybe it's enough to do this for now. The bigger external inclusion is over. Welcoming people into this community and then shocking them by closing it suddenly could definltely suck. Let's be consistent about the expectation we set.
romy: while outreach is nice and it's good to seek diversity, most people aren't going to stick around. Not everyone is obessive enough to be a hacker or feels like being creative all the time and that's ok. so it's ok to accept that people will drop off \. very few people will stick to stuff. it's always going to be a small core group of crazy people imho. that's how it's always been at artist collectives.
Ryan: This will be a very long discussion, one of themain discussion points is how we are going to move forward with online Noisebridge. will  pull from my own experience and past discussions over 4-5 years. Should we keep dis

Tyler: this is very case by case some groups will have an easier transition
Aditya: While we are online, this is a great time for outreach, in our digital format
Carl: as far as the video format will continue later, case-by-case basis is great. I like the idea of having some things on video since my commute to Noisebridge is bad. Also can we have a general Noisebridge zoom channel that's on all the time.
James: i set up a zoom channel for noisebridge that is set up and integrated with Slack and Discuss. Hopefully we can all set that up as a group in the coming days
The channel still needs our financial group to pay for it, then we can roll it out. Should have updates soon.

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

'''A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.'''

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

Philanthropists are trusted enough by the community. You apply to become a philanthropist by getting a big-M Member to sponsor you. Also attend a Tuesday meeting. Philanthropist must have a couple different duties. How to open and close the space. How to take care of regular parts of the space - such as taking out the trash. And it's also you are supposed to donate monthly, between $40 and $80 per month (or more). Other amounts can be worked out with the treasurer as well.

X - You can also totally give Noisebridge money because it's awesome. 

OMG wheezye your head. Sorry for interrupting I was just drooling on my laptop.
*Wheezy shaved his head everyone!* :o

Aditya: resetup his corporate payroll donation since he now has a job again.
Tyler: yes we get those through Benevity. Donate pretax dollars and hopefully get corporate matching.

James: Lots of good ideas here. Fund raising, corporate matching. Etc...

James: Moving along. Membership binder, any names there? Anyone waiting to be a memember? Etc??

Kinnard: I would like to become a philanthropist.

James: What is needed to be a philanthropist, remind me.

Tyler: Just a member signature

James: Do you have sponsorship?

Kinnard: Not yet.

James: Start a Discuss thread, no one should wait.

Ryan: I can send over the philanthropy form.

Mark: Should it be public on Discuss? Or more private on Slack?

James: We can make it on Discuss but restrict it so only specific users can see it if Kinnard wants.

James can create a trust level on Discuss that is only for capital-M Members

Kinnard: I'm fine with either. I am broke right now so don't know how much I can contribute immediately. 

James: The recommended amount is $40-$80 but that is something you can work out with the treasurer

    here is the pohilanthropy form on the wiki

James: Do we do anything else to have Kinnard do the pledge? 

Pyconaut: Have Kinnard print out the form, send it to his sponsor, have them sign it and then let him just show it on the screen. And the member that sponsored that confirmed verifies in the meeting that it has been signed. 

James: You can also sign a PDF digitally on your computer. That should be easier. 

Kinnard: Sounds good.

James:  I'll look into adding a better method for handling digital philanthropy and membership requests.  One that respects basic privacy while allowing community input.  Expect updates in Slack, etc.

= [[ Membership Binder ]] =
'''Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.'''

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

jermops: membership is a burden. You are burdened with the responsibility of Noisebridge. You have the ability to block big-C Consensus. As a member you are custodian of Noisebridge in a caring about it sense and looking after its future sense. The idea of being able to block big-C Consensus - because this is a doacratic place and a hackable place - if you're going to affect people, get more buy in, if your changes are hard to undo, get more buy-in. The idea of blocking big-C Consensus is to save Noisebridge from self-inflicted existential threat. Because if it's not a threat to Noisebridge, what's the problem?

Ryan: I'd like to talk about how you become a big-M Member. Becoming one is a four week process where you first need to get your Membership pledge filled out by at least 2 big-M Members. Then it will be brought up at 2 Tuesday meetings, and at the second one when it's time for your ballotting decision, you will have a number of questions asked to you ... much deeper questions than when asked about philanthropy. Then you'll be asked to leave the room to see if a big-M Member blocks you from becoming a member, and if there's any proxy blocks that are going to happen, and if noone blocks you, you come back into the room, and you are told you succeeded in the most sad voice possible. Then you have a two week period where you can be retroactively blocked for any reason. I think that's it.

James: the difference between being a member and philanthropist just depends on how much you want to participate in the space and be part of the community.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

'''Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.'''

Tyler: overview - not much has changed so far. In another 20 days we will know what the quarantine effect is on donations. I know we are going to lose out on $1200 on cash donations, but not sure what percentage of recurring donations will stop, but let's see what happens to one-time donations. 

In other news, the bitcoin selloff has begun. So far 1.5 btc have been sold. Every Monday at noon, over 20 weeks, 0.75 BTC are sold. After selling 14 BTC we will be close to the 20% threshold. So far the average price is $6000. We have roughly $168K in the bank account and $109K in crypto at today's price level.

jermops: How did we arrive at the selloff strategy

Tyler: it's the basic cost-averaging strategy. Best form of avoiding fights and regrets is to just stick to a set schedule. Over 20 weeks is a good time to get a good average price per coin regardless of swings.

* Funds in bank:
* Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
* Any other details by those participating in handling our financials
* The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at

Tyler: Don't know what's going on with Noisetor. I saw that it was started back up again, but have not talked to crypto steve about that again. I saw that he was asking for donations for the server cost. But as far as I was aware those server costs are not in our infrastructure budget. There was a point where that ran a $21K per server cost per year, but I never saw a matching amount of donations. 

James: I noticed while I was doing sysadmin stuff that it looks like we've been setting up some services for Noisetor on our existing servers. Basically it looks like we are using our current infra. 

Tyler: Is this something that the price increases with band

James: Good question. And obviously we have the funds to pay for them, or depricate them?

Tyler: I think because that has been brought up before it should go through a consensus process before paying for the server fee

James: AFAIK we have dedicated funds for the servers

Tyler: Not that I have seen

James: AKAIK Duckduckgo gave us 10K for that

Tyler: That makes me feel better but I have seen no evidence for noisetor. But it is never more than $75/mo

James: Great, we will look at that later. I think we are done with fundraising update now unless there is something more you want to add.

NinjaA: Last place I worked used to webscrape a lot. We payed $200/$300 month per server with unlimited bandwidth, from a cheap Canadian host. So from my experience it could cost that much upto 10x more to run Noisetor

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

'''How's it all going'''
Recommendations from Tyler?

Club Mate?

X: Can we get club mate. We had been importing it. What happened? I am all out. I need it. I would totally pay for it if there was somewhere that could deliver

Tyler: We were going to pay for some, but we are moving soon anywayz. So better to wait for 2000lbs of club mate

X: I can "store it in my garage".

Someone: """"" STORE IT """""""

Ryan: Right now mate would be soo expensive to ship becuase of the shipping chaos right now. But I um.. defnitely think we want to have this stuff the day Noisebridge re-opens and have a NB re-opening partay. Whether we reopen at the current space or new space first. It would be really cool to have club mate for it. And it does bring in a decent amount of money for how much we have to pay for it. 

James: I just create a thread for it on discuss. Please discuss there further for that.

GuildMaster's Report[edit | edit source]

'''What is the current state of structural organization at Noisebridge?'''

* What are the guilds? Which ones exist?
* How is our online community doing? 
* Guild Rep's Reports

JAmes: Any guild updates?
Mark: I will say something real quick. Can I ask generally: A call to action for meta guild. Create a guild coin system. Digitally. What I would love is any web dev ppl to ... maybe some digital aritsts. So if interested talk to me (Mark) as for games guild, we are online now, 6p.m. on discord. I links to it on slack and discuss if I haven't already

Games: Please join us Saturday at 6 for Unity game dev class here!

James:  Great thanks. Please share those links and put them into the notes as well.

JAmes: Any other updates?

Ryan: Slight update for the VR guild. Not doing much. Space is closed. Kind of related. I am streaming live play through of a new game. I am going to be discussing NB stuff while live streaming. So that hsould be a bit of fun, maybe I will post it in slack and discuss...right now there is not much that the VR guild is able to do outside of the pace. So I can give info to ppl that the VR guild is trying to imporove. I will post that on slack and discuss later...

James: Awesome. I will wathc out for that.

So... let's see... lets move on.

X: One more for guild... do we have an out of space guild yet? I don't know..if it is out of space or outer space... IS there any particulary effort... umm things like that? Just curious...what are we doing to keep things lively. I am self...volunteering some out of space extra circulular activity for out of space NB. In that regard?

James: If you want to help us set up a Jitsi instance... you have access on unicorn...

Tyler: We have a jitsi instance... it is on #virtual hackitorium...

Qolen: Is that our instance? or a meeting space
Tyler: meeting space
James: yeah yeah yeah. Let's set it up on our server.

X - I've got some experimental space I 've got configured. Can also try unicorn. best with clean Debian, but flexible

James - Jitsi works with Etherpad, also integrates with Slack, so it's awesome
Look here if you wish to help figure it out.

Mark: Set up wikipages. formalize guilds. Say you "Do things regularly". Otherwise it is disorganized random discussion about a topic. Which is FINE. It just isn't really a guild?

Ryan: I like the idea of an out of space guild. But it is probably a sub guild. Looking at our digital infrastructure. Generally. It would allow some ppl of the infrastructure guild some tasks.
But what Mark said. It is about documenting what works. *CAT*::: ***Meow***
But what we have right now, is not the most accessible.
So it would be nice to have some documentation.
In the case that you guys leave.
And we need to make sure that it keep running.

X: That sounds good. I will totally leave it as experimental open-ended. And we will take action as a guild or TOTALLY documented as a stand along effort.

James: [Broken up, no idea. Bit and pieces...] and I um will push that back. For git hub. add information.

Ryan: Even if on github, copy some documentation to the wiki. Most ppl understand wiki over git. Specially internationally.
Running spec should be on git, but i nocitced a couple of times, that we have pages on wiki that went to the git instance. I had to spend an hour to copy documentation from the git to the wiki which is frustrating.

James: Sounds good.
Any more ideas on docs or being excellent.

Let's move on.

Mark: Next week. Someone else say what guilds are.
Ryan: OK, I will.
Mark: We need more consensus and all agree on it.

James: OK, lets move on.

Out of Space Guild (now with less gravity)
- This is new and totally made up, no particular reports yet
- This may or may not be an actual guild.
- Ok, it's official, I "The-X" hearby declare this is a guild.
- Merger's will be considered, current offerings are one Kittay
- If this waz a guild we'd be building a Noisebridge beyond the cloud with tools for remote meetings and activities outside of 2169 proper.
Crossover with Cyberpunks guild for self hosting?  

Consensus[edit | edit source]

'''Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.'''

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

Now! Consensus. Who wants to describe it?

*blissful silence*

X: I can. 

Consensus is this crazy idea that anarchist hackers can decide together on things that will drastically change things. Consensus is a multi-week process where everyone has the opportunity to weigh in... capital-M Membership gives the ability to block consensus. If we are to discuss eg getting a new space. Consensus is the balance to do-ocracy. If something is coherent it stays on the docket and is officially consensed and becomes officially what we do from there.

Ryan: Who can propose a consensus item?
Wheezy: Anyone can propose one. Small-c and big-C. But members are needed to vote on big-C

Qolen: My vague understanding is that blocking is a very extreme event, and that most of the time members and non-members should be engaging with consensus in the same way. Is this true?

X: Blocking can be a nuclear option. As a member if you block, it probably means you no longer want to be part of this space if the decision is agreed to. Blocking is a stop-gap that provides room for more conversation.

Jermops: The block should not be the end, it should be a starting point for conversation

X: This was all developed prior to philanthropy and extension of the member structure. I don't think we've ever had complete consensus on what consensus is. The Members are always stewards of the process ... people in the space who are afraid to speak up, Members should advocate for them by potentially blocking so they are heard. The fundamental thing is that everyone can live with a consensus decision and that it improves Noisebridge.

James: Does that answer your question? 

Qolen: Yes

James: The fact that we have so many philanthropists shows that there is a lot of trust in the community. 

X: Speaking of good choices, I nonconsenually took a screenshot of the screen with everyone in it.

X: Sorry. You should only take pictures of ppl with their consent in advance. Let me know. I can delete my screen shot. So sorry.I can delete in either way.

*Silence * Noizzzez*

James: Breaking up. No idea. 

Someone: Hey James, we are having a hard time hearing you. Can you cancel your video and give more audio space? 


James: OK, hopefulyl this will be better. No more video for me. Unspoken: (Radio kill the video star)

Ryan: I think it would have been better to announce that before you took a screenshot. Also don't forget that people are at home, a screenshot can reveal where someone lives. For a while I've been wondering what events we should livestream for this reason. I think it's something that should be preemptively brought up.

X: I totally agree. And I am making a point of it. Since it is our standard and norm... 

James: Great. So, the person who took it. Just delete it. And next time. Ask>

X: Totally. And keep in mind. You can be recorded at any time.

X: I am not recording.
Wheezy. We got that.

Tyler. I like the chechered floor.

Wheezy. Thanks for inviting us to your home.

Ryan: you are welcome.

*General video banter around where ppl live, features of their house, etc... really juicy. Ppl reading the notes are missing out. Wow. So many cool details. ... 

Ryan: This is great. I bet some of you know hwere I live so... Yeah.

James. Do we have any consensus items.

Do we acutally have any consensus items.

Wheezy. Just an item about 86ing someone who came in about 3 weeks ago...

James.: Lets move to that!!!
Ryan: I just want to mention I just moved through the wiki items.
Some items got tabled, and now they are just gone
*virtual gasps*
Something about giving power to the boards... that was taken off
And isnce the one taken off last week
We no longer have any that we have to consensus on...
So I defintiely thinkg we can deinfitely move on straight.

Someone: Can I say something briefly...

Qolen: Consensus around shutting down the space last time, we not excellent. Want to ask if that got more resolved?

Ryan: One thing I want to mention. Closing the space was not big C it was small c... So it is completley able to be undone.
I went out of my way to try and do what ppl discussed. And it took a couple days to figure it all. I am ... Once stuff starts to change back, I can go back and fix things...with regards to accessing the space. I have seen more discussion online around closing the space. It should continue. No one in this group wants NB to be closed for more than a couple of weeks. But we need to figure out how to have it open and not break any rules.

JAmes. 2 points to clarify: 1. Ryan helped secure the space.
2. Ppl who were frustrated are not here right now. But it is important to hear from them if they wish to follow up

X: A quick thought. Big C policy...around the space is that it is as open as possible (AOAP) 

Dan: I am dan by the way. I think it would be great if NB could get open again. For legit essential ... for the survival of our civilization purposes with our safety in mind. So that would support that. That said, I understand. Got to close, got to close. Coming from the person who put foward the as open as possible. So Ryan. Well done. Thanks for taking that responsibility.

Tyler: Yes, staying open would be good. Can we get a letter from the city to say we are essential that would be great. That said, it is not really a consensus item, but a question of legality. Like: should we pay rent? But operating in a flagrantly illegal manner is not something we should do.

Wheezy: I live nearby. Anyone who is there is there illegally. So anyone who is there should not be. Just want to say about it. FYI. So a lot of it, is more personally motivated, and not community... So FYI on that.

Tyler. Yeah, that is going against. What...with non essential businesses being closed, we just have to do as much as is necessary. But if ppl are abusing it. We need to think about that. They are violating the legal order and the spirit of it. A lot of ppl are staying home. So I am disapointed in that.

Wheezy: I want to be there right now.

James: Just want to interject. right now. Ppl are doign a good job right now. But for now, we can let it go and move on. It is kind of an endless converation. It shows trust for Wheezy to speak up.

X: Let's all imagine we live in a world where we all are at NB. Lets move to a Jitsi to talk more.

Dan: I would suggest people look at how Omni is handling activies. Drop-off for essential goods. But we need to do it with absolute safety protocols. Take a look at how they're deciding to open/close for very specific purposes.

James: Lets start to talk about Matt and his 86ing.

MArk: Sorry. Just quick. On the space close... 
James: OK, quick
Mark: Just want to clarify who has keys
Wheezy: Ryan, Tyler, Wheezy.
Mark: Thanks. All we need to know.
Carl: Want to ask: How did the people who are in the space right now get in? Is the space secure?
Others: It is not secure. They know how to get in. 
Carl: Got it. So that should maybe be part of a discussion on how to make it more secure.
James: Sounds excellent
*General agreement*
Ryan: Added a 3rd discussion item for later

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

''(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the [[Consensus Items History]] page.)''

was removed last week after discussion

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

Consensus item from X next week that we close the space. And a consensus behind that we open the space.

''(Add any new items for consensus to the [[Current Consensus Items]] page.)''


Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

86 Matt (MIT GUY) <--- THIS

Wheezy: Saturday I talked to multiple people ready to 86 Matt. Came in for the first time 3 or 4 weeks ago. Lot of unexcellent behaviour.  Interrupting and threatening people physically with a blade.  Telling people "be careful or you might get hurt."  Staring at people.  Asked to leave for a week... 4 days later Noisebridge was closed.  Heard about him physically threatening a regular (Malik) and has made me uncomfortable by staring at me for 15 minutes straight.
He was staying at a gym for a while. And now he is looking for a place to stay.
And he hinted just staying at NB.
Also stuff is going missing. Speculation about him taking it.
I will stop rambling. Got a work meeting in 10 mins.
I have seen him taking books. I confronted him and he admitted to stealing books. And he has not brought them back.
Lots of ppl don't want him there, me included.

Ryan: since i was closing NB a lot, I interacted with him on a daily basis. I drove him to downtown to a bus stop 4 or 5 times and he generally seemed OK though he did also seem very much new to the way things work. I want people to focus more on the people talking about him making them feel uncomfortable vs talking about him speaking up at the Tuesday meeting, since it was his first Tuesday meeting. He wanted to announce that he was doing a compilers class at Stanford that he wanted to teach concurrently. He was reading books in the library related to coding. If he did take books that really angers me because I had a discussion with him that Noisebridge does not lend books. You should just be scanning the books and not taking them. If he did take the books that's very bad. I'm wondering what ... I think there's been other stuff that's been stolen recently from Noisebridge ... one or two people have been stealing computer parts and it's really hard to figure it out since quite a few things have disappeared.

James: Missing parts / lost parts should be in slack. Coming back to Matt, as long as he's threatened physical violence that's just unacceptable. Also being confronted and admitting to theft, these are issues that do normally lead to an 86. 

Aditya: maybe he's on the spectrum.

Jermops: That's no excuse if he's physically threatening people.

Tyler: Noisebridge is not a mental health facility. He's a compulsive liar. He says he's a professor at <insert Ivy League>. 

Wheezy: His extreme obsession with assassins and assasinations and Assasin's Creed is disconcerting. I think there's plenty of reasons to 86 him.

James: Ryan on stack

Ryan: So. When I've talked with him. He has actually showed me the compilers course. He was gonna take it but because of corona, couldn't... it does sound like there is a lot of stuff he has been lying about. Which is definitely what needs to be considered. From the discussion... I have had... with the person that sits in the back... when he told me about the razor blade thing. That blade has been in the back for a long time. I don't think it was a threat, but it does sound like harrasement, which is very bad as well. A lot of this has a lot of context which we need to understand. It does not need to be a big C item...but we want as many ppl as possible to voice their concerns. Seems like a lot of ppl.  Right now it seems like he should be 86d. But we want to make sure there are enough ppl to rule out misunderstandings.

James: Thanks Ryan. TJ?

TJ: *silence* 

Someone: We can't hear you TJ.

James: So now, X.

X: So, I have a lot of opinions on 86, and I would hope we use it less in general. My proposal would be that this person is not welcome. And the space is closed, so no one is welcomed. Maybe just put this off and revisit when we are open?

James: TJ??
TJ: *silence* *stone silence*  If you are here, let us know. I'm here, my mic doesn't work. I was clarifying that the Assassins thing was about an MIT group (assassin's guild). But that's a minor detail, I agree with the overall conclusion.

Wheezy: Just real quick, I ahve to go. Malik said: "When I told him I didn't want attention from him, he came to me twice suggesting I should carry a weapon".

Ryan: OK, that definitely changes everything I said, very....different...that the short conversaiton I had with Malik last week (I probably misunderstood what Malik was telling me). 

Wheezy: I hate punishing, I think evaluating is best, but I have tried..but.... and I don't think the severity will be that big since he is so new. 

JAmes: A quick thought since you have to go. It is never easy to ask ppl to leave.

Wheezy. Thank you guys.

(Thanks Wheezy, we love you, etc... *farewells***

James: Do we have anyone who disagrees with 86ing this person?
Robert you are on mute.

Robert: Lets not focus just on the fact that he interrupts meetings. I have spoken to him, and I get weird vibes. I am not going to speculate. What matters is that he threatened ppl. So I agree.

James: Back to the stack.

Dan: based on the razor blade complaint, even though I am pretty non ban-happy, to sum up, personally I'd be fine with nobody letting them in. I'd rather unwelcome them formally first to see if that works. Then if they come back we can get big-C Consensus for banning them.

James: jermops can you tell us about the 86ing process

jermops: there's no clear process for 86ing. Does not require big-C Consensus. 2 weeks is too long to get rid of a clear and present danger. Historically we have just taken a poll. Are people willing to advocate for them so that it overcomes the weirdness. Threatening people and stealing from the space make it a no-brainer for me and most people here. We should publish it on slack and space guardians. 86s can be undone so better to act presumptively if there's a clear and present danger, there are multiple reports of safety being an issue.

James: A person has the right to request being un-86ed through Concensus

THANKS Jermops for setting up the zoom call!

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

Discussion Continue'd[edit | edit source]

Please finish reading discussion items before finishing meetings.

Discussion item 3[edit | edit source]

reopening noisebridge / securing the space
It is definitely essential we secure the space

Ryan: As most people know I changed the locks on NB's doors in the hopes of making it harder for people who said they'd force their way in. This seems to have only partially worked. I'm wondering what steps we can take while moving forward. Plus  

NinjaA: Should we have someone report that there are people in the space (how do we tell?)

James: people who have strong feelings about this

X: Noisebridge spurns lock and key. We need to uphold a community standard. I would propose that we (a) define the scenario - if anybody is allowed for any reason, then those reasons are clear as per community guideline and (b) we have to come up with some sort of rotation. 

You should only go in to grab stuff, or to go check on
Roles are well defined.  If you don't need to retrieve something, you don't need to go inside. If you need to retrieve something, you need to check in on the space.

Ryan my COmPUtEr crashed , ill rejoin in a minute 

Dan: Having designated trusted people there. It may turn out that some of those people using Noisebridge as their living room can be appointed to take of the space. These are things that I've had some experience with - people taking a nap in the space. We can maybe make it official that they are the people who steward the space. That may possibly work much better. I got no skin in this came other than to see this problem solved.

Ryan: I definitely think that this is a community trust thing. Having ppl who want to get stuff from NB would be to get in touch with the stewards. Right now it's me, Tyler and Wheezy. More community members should step up to get those keys. People will try to get into NB no matter what. If we can make it more obvious you need to have a valid reason to go in and you'll be socially scorned for going in to NB. Just be like don't go into NB or you're being unexcellent. 

TJ: Agree with Dan that they are going to break in even if you change the locks. A couple of us saw what happened ... someone was yelling at us to keep it open. There's a lot of people that really feel that NB should be open. Hyroponics group wants to serve food to the poor. Other essential non-profit things. I feel like it's unsafe for people who might get exposed to the virus. Would like for us to discuss with the Noisebridgers who strongly feel it should be open before policing it... do not want to be forcing people out of NB. I live a block away and can volunteer for shifts. 

James: in terms of what I was thinking, I have seen a lot of phases at NB. I hope that we can find something where people feel safe that the space is being maintained. As far as people being in the space, it doesn't sound like there's any larger issues with something being threatening or theft. But there is clear friction with people really wanting the space to be open. It's very taxing to guard the space. Let's work towards a way to trust each other and build a community together that will help us find a permanent home and keep thriving.

I'll let all of you handle stack from here out.  Feel free to edit this as needed. -James

X: Peace out James, thanks for moderation and excellent participation.

Dan: Would like to hear agreement about the possibility of getting people who may be part of the problem be part of the solution. Going to check on the meeting notes to see if I can volunteer to check- in and get to know if it's still an issue. Encourage people to consider the possibility that these people might be part of the solution.

Ryan: I did want to mention that the person who spoke up about not wanting to leave the space. After the meeting ended, Wheezy explained to him what the issue was. A couple people helped closing, and after it was explained, the legal implications of NB not seeming like it's closed, they understood very clearly. A lot of people who truly needed NB needed internet, which is a critical infrastructure thing that SF is not great at having. We are talking about 20% of SF that doesn't have personal home internet. They have landline-based DSL that is not usable for modern browsing.

James: Quick thought.  Alice the lawyer mentioned last meeting that providing wifi does definitely not qualify us for essential status and puts Noisebridge at risk in terms of city fines, etc. if people are using it.

If a medical provider needed servers running stuff, we could set up servers in our space in hours. 

X: Let the city approve that before we do it. We need to do that in an organized fashion. Living rooms and internet access are not good enough. We need to out of practice just shut the space down and start from 0. From how we've got on top of this in the past, let's just start by creating a visit log. We can work from there. Consensus item next week that we close the space. And a consensus behind that we open the space.  Dial in the stuff to keep the space closed but not dead.  There are provisions to keep mantinence on the space.

TJ: How can you get wifi without gathering in public. A compromise especially when people are talking about proposing this to the city it seems like they want to do a lot of nonprofit stuff. Can it become a nonprofit hub

Aditya: Can't that discussion be had on Slack?

Ryan: A lot of people had said that NB was critical because of the Internet. But there are ways that other things can be essential too. Such as hospitals needs masks. Same with bike repair shops. A number of different community action groups that need more server bandwidth because their websites keep going down. But we need to go to the city with all of these things and ask if any of these are viable enough for NB to stay partially open. 

X: Adafruit in NYC in an even worse shutdown has an executive order to function. They provide electronics for medical prototyping and distribute masks. But that doesn't solve the core problem of access to technology. But I don't think we're well-equipped for it.

be there to clean that is th only reason to be in the space.

Ryan: 80% of the breakers are off. All of Earl is connected to one socket. You could flip Earl's status to on and off with a command on unicorn or some other server.

get mary to tell people to leave 

X: remote entry would be dope

Ryan: all people in space