Meeting Notes 2020 03 31
These are the notes from the The 571th Meeting of Noisebridge.
help take notes at -
Date: 03-31-2020
Note-taker: James + Volunteer(s)
Moderators: Pyconaut
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
- Fundraising Update
- Announcements:
- Finances:
- New members:
- New philanthropists:
- Consensus Items:
- Discussion Items:
Introductions[edit | edit source]
NAME- Little about you
Ryan- He him, currently doing VR at home, and helping plan guilds
James - He him, working on virtual infrastructure, guilds
TJ - He him, robotics
Jermops - he/him - robots, techops, frikkin lasers
dan - he - neuro stuffs
Jaguar - zzz, will read this tomorrow :)
Analog (aka Tom) - he/him - laser cutting/engraving, metal work & woodshop
Kinnard — crypto-guy
Morgan - he/him brains, growing brains in a dish
Ⅹ - Space h4x0r, fiddling with Jitsi's
Mark - Games, MetaGuild
Live Meeting w/Zoom:
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
60-second description per item in bulletpoint. Write here! Announce to the world. Briefly please.
(Dan) Need to arrange locker cleanout for Zach and neurohacking locker. Not urgent, but would be good to get in touch.
- Q: Are both of these lockers for same person?
- A: No - 2 lockers. One is Zach's stuff (laser curtting materials). The other is neurohackery - eeg etc
If you can help, please chime in! Zach needs his things from Noisebridge with a little coordination. :)
Kinnard: Crypto-Party Wednesday Live from the CryptoCastle, kinnard, despite claiming to be techie needs help streaming . . . : Tomorrow at 6pm. Details on Meetup and Discuss. All online.
Please Mute when not speaking.
Shelter in Place extended through May 4th.
Thank you @jermops for providing a Zoom account.
Marco is rolling out a beautiful website for Noisebridge using HackspaceOS to integrate with our wiki, this forum, Meetup events, social media, etc… Check it out on Github. Planning to roll out at (currently unused & will connect to wiki, discuss, meetup, social media, video streaming.)
You may now begin video calls from a post on this forum. Instructions here:. Pairs nicely with the calendar for simple, online event planning.
Noisebridge has a Folding@home group of volunteers – see stats here – donating spare computing resources to help solve Covid19 for Science. More information in being involved in this thread. Volunteers encouraged to join! Team 243788
Ryan: Comedy night might be happening online on Saturday night? TBD
Note to note takers, they don't have to be transcripts ;+)
Ryan: Does anyone have standing announcements?
Ryan: Ok, that means we've announced everything
Kinnard: Wait!
Critical Infrastructure/Crisis Response Resource Request Process is running:
More info there, maybe move rest to discussion?
Ryan: Most of tools are not legal, even if we were critical infrastructure because of zoning issues. There has been discussions of 3D printing / sewing machines zoned for home use, no evidence we can use them, 3D printers considered hazardous because they maintain heat for a while, and we can't have anything that heats up. Please post link in Discuss if you have any further knowledge of this so we can change ^^^.
Ryan: Any other announcements?
Ryan: Can always announce it later, so I'll go back and say it in meeting
Ryan: Next up....
Excellence[edit | edit source]
Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.
(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)
Ryan: What is excellence at NB?
Mark: I'll chime in
Mark: Excellence is being a helpful person, no harrasing, contributing to culture and to excellene of others and yourself. Facilitating others, promoting discussions, *good vibes*. Making yourself and others better, working toward betterment
Ryan: Is there anything they would like to add?
Ryan: I assume everyone likes it, then.
Mark: One person's excellence varies from another. But generally it's about cooperation and resolving inevitable conflicts.
Ryan: Anyone else want to add anything? If not, we'll move on.
Ryan: Ok. Next up... What is----
Participation[edit | edit source]
Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.
(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?) (important now that we can't physically be here)
mhough: Helping others, seeing what needs to be done and doing it, not sure how NB is responding without space, asking others when possible if there are things to do... checking discussion boards (and Slack).
Ryan: Also, want to mention people welcome to keep hosting events through online systems such as Zoom and Jitsi server, Youtube, Twitch. Livestream from home! Participation can still happen without physically being in 2169 Mission.
Ryan: Anyone want to add anything here?
Ryan: Ok, moving on to----
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.
(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)
Ryan: I know Kinnard was trying to become a Philanthropist
Kinnard: I'm here
Ryan: Since you're trying to become one, what is a Philanthropist?
Kinnard: Phil. have a higher sense of duty and obligation to the space, beyond regular hours. They are responsible for clearing people out at end of night. Contribute with a regular monetary donation, proven to be excellent to community.
Ryan: Nice job. What are couple of duties/responsibilities Phil. should know?
Kinnard: Should know how to introduce / give tours, as well as open/close the space.
Ryan: Were you able to get Phil. form filled out?
Kinnard: No, actually.
Ryan: Do you know Member willing to sponsor.
Kinnard: Tyler volunteered last time.
Ryan: Any members at the space can volunteer.
Naomi: I will!
Kinnard: TY!
Ryan: Have you talked with Tyler about donations?
KInnard: NOt yet, I'll message him now
Ryan: Not sure if it's been done like this, we can in essence make you a Philanthropist, fill out form post coronation
Jeremy: Seems fine to me. Probably good to have the form for record keeping
Kinnard: Potential online form?
Ryan: It actually is online, since it's easier to find online. Let me find it and get the pledge form here....
Ryan: fill out the form here, Naomi sponsored you, I'll sponsor you on behalf of Tyler. Send it to one of your sponsors, then send it to me as Witness (as moderator of this meeting). Then we can make sure it gets into system at some point. Rn considering 24 hr access isn't useful, takes couple days to get 24 hr access since you have to be there to figure out token #.
Ryan: Anyone have Q's they want to ask Kinnard about Philanthropy / motivations
Naomi: Kinnard -- what kind of people do you hope to bring into space?
Kinnard: I want to bring in ppl who have intuitive sense of excellence, looking to grow and learn about excellence. This is a big personal milestone, as I came back in 2013, been anarchist since 16, powerful for me to experience actual anarchist community. This space is anarchist from the door. Since there are so few of these in the world, NB is precious, and want others to appreciate it as I do, who make excellent things and are excellent towards each other.
Naomi: ty!
Kinnard: ty
All: Next question?
X: What do you like to hack on?
Kinnard: Crypto guy, community organizer . Do whole stack web ddev, really into Lisp, for those who know that. Recently got into hydroponics, thanks to NB
Steve?: Crypto as in coin, not cryptography.
Kinnard: I always try to teach both, history to modern times / bitcoin
Steve: Is it true that Noise is the greatest crypto coin in the world? (the most exccelent DAO)
Kinnard: I hope it will one day become the most excellent DAO ever!!!
Kinnard: I hope to build a community at NB, and hope to build a de-centralized autonomous organization, implement do-ocracy / spark contracts for hackerspaces around the world.
Ryan: What infrastructure / system at NB do you most want to improve / build out / create?
Kinnard: Tough to pick one, some sort of software-defined radio for radio preparedness, ipm node, my radio knowledge isn't deep enough, also want bitcoin miner and tor node running
Ryan: Any more Q's
Ryan: Anybody object to Kinnard becoming philanthropist (un-excellent)
Ryan: No objections, so you are now a philanthropist!
Kinnard: Thank you so much, this means a lot and has influenced so much of what I've done the past several years.
- Woot!*
Ryan: Ok... any other people up for Philanthropy? I can't see anything from my invisible binder
Ryan: Ok... guess we'll move on to ----
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.
(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)
Ryan: Does anyone know if there are any candidate members? My binder shows none.
Ryan: Can anyone explain what a NB member is?
Naomi: i suppose I will. Unlike philanthropists, members can block consensus. If there is a formal big-C Consensus, that the member feels really bad going forward with, they can block, which means they feel so strongly about consensus that it would be unwise to continue talking about it the coming week. Other than that, not much difference. Members can create Philanthropy tokens, some Phil+ members. It's mostly an administrative difference. I see Membership as a trust network so NB can help survive ups and downs of (m)embership coming and going. Requires a lot of signoffs, that there is a lot of trust in these Members. Need to encourage these people to be excellent and resolve confilcts in an adult way.
Ryan: That was a great explanation
Naomi: Gosh. I've odne this before.
Ryan: Next --
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.
Ryan: Tyler said he couldn't make it, but he posted financial info on discuss, also here:
- Funds in bank:
General = 163,195.00 Crypto = 105,300.00 Total = 268,495.00
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- Any other details by those participating in handling our financials
- The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at
next week: (First week of second quarter, so we will have quarterly finance report)
Ryan: Any info on NoiseTor project? Summary of NoiseTor work
Per $37 contributions in March (likely not accurate)
Steve: Yes. So the idea is for NB to continue Tor like we did years ago. Originally just posted, will find Tyler to find magic Tor script to pull Paypal money allocated to Tor. Accounting hasn't been done in a couple years, when Patrick did a year ago, said we needed to investigate finance report. Need to get a script to comb through Paypal and report to Tyler. Should have money, if not, can do fundraising.
Ryan: Ppl who don't know about our accounting; for a while, we had a way to mark donations to specific projects, but script to take care of that has been broken/dysfunctional for a couple years, which caused our funds to be unknown (AV, VR, Laser, etc.). We don't have correct info what's in them, NoiseTor funding as an example. Half of NoiseTor was through funding. certain donations go to projects I didn't know we had. Can't remember which. Can fund to different groups, but can't track it like we used to.
Ryan: Is there any more finance updates?
Steve: Just as a followup: What is the name of the tracking system? Fixing it could be good. Some Ajax frontend that displays/graphs NB donations. Data is there, but it may only be partially working
Ryan: It's been a while since I've seen it. Not certain where it is. I'll let you know. You'll find it before I can, since you have direct integration with PayPal & I'm guessing stripe
Steve: Good thing about NoiseTor was money was only allowed to come in through Paypal, for sure, I'm not sure how the rest of funraising happend
Ryan: There's a lot of work going on here folks. Money is of arbitrary value anyway
Ryan: Anyone have ----
Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]
How's it all going
Ryan: Anyone working on fundraising?
Naomi: I'd be open to talking about it. If anyone wanted to ramp up discussion, might help
X: Is there any ongoing objectives?
Ryan: Looked at different fundraising channels / pages to condense Fundraising Guild work, there's serious documentation. Even though S&K thing didn't get a ton of money, we did write about things we can do . Maybe put this in discussion after other points. I think we shuold move on to Guild Announcements!
Kinnard: We are still working on building CryptoGuild. COVID has stalled things, but actively working on it!
Paul: Opened up a Zazzle site, made some things there (like a hat and whatnot). Bringing this up to make some money on the side . It's a fun design system, and you have a lot of room to be creative. Cheaper to make by factory. Good thing about Zazzle is it's pretty hands-off, can work from couch.
Ryan: We also have a Threadless store, bith should be mentioned at the same time, as they have differnet stuff. If one is mentioned, so is the other. Until we have a clear winner. People will see we have more stuff if they see both stores, but we haven't done that.
Paul: Lot of designs on threadless. Hat is on Zazzle, which is why I did that. How much can we self-promote, accept branding?
Ryan: Please join fundraising working group (#fundraising-wg on Slack).
Paul: Mostly just my afterthought, but not formally vetted by the group
Ryan: Then I need to condense fundraising wiki / guild pages on Discuss. If you have designs, send to Paul or me or post on Slack, Discuss, or wiki. Can use any design, but would be great in a couple different formats (such as vector, or high res png or jpg). large enough so that we can make a towel without aliasing. You CAN get do-ocracy towels
Steve: Do-ocracy face masks?
Ryan: not yet. Were thinking about slap bracelet (antistatic wrist strap mod), still need to find if it's doable. This went on a bit longer than intended, are you good Paul?
Paul: I'm good, Thank you for going back! (and yas! Fanny Pack! )
GuildMaster's Report[edit | edit source]
What is the current state of structural organization at Noisebridge? Getting better! We are doing well keeping in touch online! Keep going!
Mark: I run Metaguild, we are trying to create organizational system that sits in parallel with Anarchy. Just copied a report below to define the goals of the guild. Feel free to add definition.
- What are the guilds? Which ones exist?
Goals of Guilds:
1. Get people involved. Get them involved on day 1. 2. Create structure that can help organize the vast swaths of Noisebridge information in a progressively more easily digestible form. We do this by providing incentives to update and crop knowledge and information regularly. Mark: We need to provide and crop knowledge daily. We won't know everything (anarchy), but it's extra help
3. Serve as a balance against the disorganized tendencies of anarchy of Noisebridge.
Mark: Helps keep ourselves in check, since we get all over the place, since we can do what we want 4. Provide a route for those Noisebridgers who desire to better themselves in the domain of organization-building and membership. There are only so many board positions! (big M membership exists but seems to have a very limited scope) Mark: This is a huge one for me
This is what I see as the goals of Guilds. Anyone like to add anything?
Ryan: I would like to add this about guilds: . I will share my screen quickly, to ... let's see ... I'll leave it be that I created list of theoretical guilds that were brought up
(screen sharing time)
X: You are sharing the spreadsheet.
Ryan: Ok, it's just wonky. I have (see docs for the list) (Out of Space might move off of the proposed list) I've also posted Discuss pages and wiki pages. Some of wiki pages are out of date. Wood, Metal, and 3d printing are egregiously out of date, some aren't actually guild pages, just a link to resources. Also, we considered implementing badges into the system, which are things that Guildmasters can give you which show you know how to do things. Some ideas I had for badges, already have badges of a specific sort working in Discuss area: pretty cool, but not updated in a hwile. Will also work at some point in the new website, which we will be talking about a bit more lately.
Naomi: Can I jump in with more about badges?
Naomi: Preserving information is a key guiding principle. It's really frustrating to have unaccessible / undocumented resources. Example, what's the password to that machine in the corner (hint: noisebridge) SOlve this with Guild system, apprentice and even master, which I would like to emulate. Would start at apprentice, can be taught by masters and journeymen. For example, how to extend an RFID to someone else, or how to log into Earl to get entries. Noisebridge lost a bunch of people who could administer the door system, and that would be bad. We need people who have the skills to not only do it, but own it. Not only that, we can have a directory of people who DO know how to do something.
Naomi; Wouldn't it be cool is something you worked on a guild is a good resume builder? Can record "Master" level as a resume takling point when applying for a job, and even can pull in references to prove it's not bullshit. Feel like we're in holding pattern.
Mark: These are all *theoretical* guilds, not organized groups of ppl, but we want it to be. If you say "Does it exist?", you can add it yourself.
Ryan: I'm going to add something on "Is a guild active, and how active it is?"
Mark: I have a definition. which is: 1. Have a charter (only MetaGuild passes this, but lot of leeway as we are building system) It would be cool to have recognized / desired guilds, for official guilds.
Steve: One thing I'd add: in addition to Naomi's vision, it doesn't happen to be anarchy, but can be opt-in / cop out. We wanted something that wouldn't fundamentally changed Noisebridge's vision, but it is an anarcho-synd.... (**help me here**)
Naomi: Bit of a nitpick, but I agree. We focus on *what needs to be done*. We should figure out what needs to be done, rather than what rules we need to follow. The guild system represents a codification of expertise, rather than a governance system.
Mark: Well said.
Anarchy can tend toward emergent order.
Dan: I'm more of a DAN-archist rather than an anarchist, but I think it means we figure out what the real deal is without the top telling us what to do. We organize oursleves.
???: Absence of rulers, not the absence of rules
Dan: Rest of the details are left as an excercise to avid reader, not much else. I heard Mark in the explanation of guilds. Mark you said it was the antithesis of guilds, but I wanted to say that anarchy can be misrepresented, that is all.
Mark: I appreciate you chiming in. That helps a lot.
Mohammed: Hi! Hope you are doing well. Talked to Jay (Jaguar) talking about proxy code sites for guilds (guilds can be done online). Some guilds can be done in the space. We were working on it for a while. We were thinking of a web interface of things that need to be done for NB, including doing the kitchen. This will have an easy "DoD" line
Mark: Can you post this on Discuss? That would be great.
Mohammed: Yes
Ryan: I was thinking of things that aren't inherent to one guild, like cleaning up the space, which theoretically could be infrastructure maintenance like rack does digital maintenance, but EVERYONE should take care of space, not one guild. This gets more complicated, and so we want people on Discuss to chime in with opinions
Naomi: Run into trouble trying to over specify things. Should answer: What's in it for me? (The WIFM) for all stages in guild. Sweeping the floor, there's nothing in it for the master. Should make sure guild has intrinsic motivation, rather than forced.
Ryan: That's why we takled about Noise coin to be earned by doing, if we wanted to create monetary incentive. Or a reward system of some sort (no monetary power, but you get more sewing stuff). Please put ideas online, because people should be motivated to take care of the space. Things that help the community, but have a barrier of no incentive.
Kinnard: I think we should be VERY Careful not to undo people’s intrinsic motivation Taking out the trash at NB is being a good anarchist!
F: it should be driven by excellence, not incentives IMO
Ryan: I think this needs to be discussed more on MetaGuild there Naomi: Take it to #bravespace
Mark: it should be a 2-minute REPORT, not an hour-long philosophical discussion.
Naomi: I think it's ok!
Mark: Think of this as a membership / philanthropists section, justa check in the box.
Naomi: I think we will need to rearticulate it over time
Steve: And clarify it.
Mark: Don't want ppl to be bored
Paul: Can we go back to fundraising?
Ryan: We're almost done. LEt's go back.
MetaGuild (only active guild)
Games Guild
- How is our online community doing?
Its basically our only community! Lots of people are participating and trying to make things happen remotely!
- Guild Rep's Reports
Out of Space Guild - not a guild, reverting to Cabal
Crypto-Guild: The Crypto-Guild does not exist. Crypto-Party is happening this Wednesday in order to help educate the NB community on Crypto so community can conscientiously buy into NOISE DAO. Interface with Marco and HackespaceOS has been opened so that these systems can be integrated
Games Guild: We are doing a Math for Games class tomorrow on our Discord!
MetaGuild: Created a first draft of a Guild Charter. This is very important, as it outlines what we think should be some guiding principles for guilds in general. We can discuss it in the discussion section of this meeting or async at
Consensus[edit | edit source]
Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.
(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)
TJ: Consensus is the process where everyone has to agree to some extent. Small-c consensus is... idk
Ryan: Consensus is all in agreement. Small-c is the process of discussing within a community to get buy-in for doing something small, or something that can be undone. If it fundamentally change what NB is, it should go through Big-C consensus. Hosting events, moving stuff, etc only go through small-c consensus. Big-C Consensus is changing board members, moving where NB is, deciding to spend half of funds on Club Mate, NB turning into for-profit company lololol. Big-C takes >= 2 Tuesday meetings, where it is first proposed and discussed at meeting, then next meeting it's discussed again, then Members present will decide if ready for Consent, or Block it.
Naomi: Really good technical breakdown, want to add spirit: We are making decisions that the entire community agrees on. May not be original proposal, may need to change a few times before being consensed upon. Which is why Block ability is important to us and our anarchism. We need the ocmmunity to feel that we are making decisions together
Mohammed: The way I see it, it starts with do-ocracy. Then there is do-ocracy that affects others: small c. then there is something that affects the whole community: Big C.
Dan: Another wrinkle - Starts with little c, *distorted* trust... ***** big C ***
Ryan: You're breaking up. Could you rephrase?
Dan: Turned video off. It's not necessary that everyone agrees. Can step aside and see what happens, it's livable at least. You've had enough conversations that your perspective has been heard and hopefully respected. There's an official outcome for consensus. But the reality is that it's an ongoing process of conversations, difficult to get absolute agreement. It's possible to get some forebearance and wiggle room for general framework of moving forward. People still part of decision even if it's no one person's ideal. Bottom line is: agreement is great, but resolving disagreements is what we're looking for in Big C Consensus.
Ryan: Thank you very much. I was checking wiki, ppl posted consensus items we had alrady consensed on, taking that out
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)
Still 3 on the wiki, we should talk thru whats up. (i just fixed them)
Ummm, silent hand of consensus proposal redaction. (un-re-fixed)
Ryan: ONe of the items proposed last week
Ryan: *pulling out items*
Ryan: Still wanted to know in consensus items: was proposal by X to SHUT IT DOWN and then OPEN IT UP (w.r.t. noisebridge(
X : Was the one from February consensed? What's the timeline?
Ryan: It was consensed on, still in there. Other two (?) had been rescinded because I dind't see them on the Discuss. Accidentally deleted those as well, but I put them back
X: ONe on coin will get moved to consensus history?
Ryan: Yes.
Ryan: So X, do you still wnat to move forward with the proposal that you brought up last week?
X: Would like to clarify if it's needed or not. What is consensus? The current state is not in our control, if I showed up to noisebridge, I'd be confused. Consensus is our official record for reference. OUt of deference to broader community, and to make outer members of community know, I wanted to get current state of bridge. Not pushing anything, but wanted to clarify where we are, and then what it means to be physically functional / fully open.
Ryan: Any thoughts on this?
Steve: I'm also confused. Gather from things discussed in slack / discuss that hteere are specific people allowed to get in / have the keys, worried about "gatekeepers", but there are rules in the state of California for only essential businesses, so NB should be shut down.
Ryan: I'll clarify. Two Tuesdays ago, when SF ordered all of non-essential infrastructure be closed down or face legal repercussions (jail time, fines, etc.) that we in our situation are especially sensitive too. We discuseed how ppl get into noisebridge so the general public can't get into noisebridge, and also change so only a couple people had keys, one of them would be contacted to let people into space in most circumstances. Right now, Idk if all keys have been passed out yet but if not, I want to figure out how we can get more keys to ppl who can access NB. We have total of 8 keys to front door. Originally, me an dwheezy had keys, wheezy got one to tyler, I'm pretty sure if someone else has front door keys, please let me know.
We should update the signs at noisebridge and the list so we know who to contact. I hate to shut down NB, but if we don't, we will get in trouble. There's headway on getting enough critical infrastructure so we can operate legally, we currently are airing on the side of caution, but can be changed. This consensus item is useful, but also don't know if there's enough wording to warrant being a Consensus item.
X: Can I summarize? There's discussion in meetings and channels, there is small c consensus, small number of keys to help people to get in the space and get their stuff. Is that it?
Ryan: Yes
X: I can amend current proposal to reflect that, obviously should have more text. Open the floor to more discussion X; Better to formally close, to help with reopening, but we are actively trying to navigate future of space.
Steve: Are we planning to open soon? Ex. Kinnard proposing mask building
X: Possibility, but given space and inability to make things legally, can't actually do that in this space.
X: By the time we have a space to gather in, will be in new location. One of the things in consensus, more in draft thatn anything X: Dan has brought up that we should be as open as possible. Not open could be as open as we can be. Deserves conversation.
Ryan: Do we have any ...more comments
Mark: We do have someone talking to our landlords about this, there's a lot of pushback due to city ordinance stuff, but we can get info. I think we are moving back the moving out process
Steve: I don't think we'll be kicked out immediately after coronavirus.
X: From a standpoint of opening the space, do you think it's worth big C as to whether we are open to the space, or do we need to follow ordinance of California.
Kinnard: I overheard you talking about essential infrastructure: There are masks printing in NB, ready to go to hospital in Oakland. This is one case, whole thing is still happening in space. Unfortunately, hydroponics got taken down, but all important.
Ryan: One thing I'm worries about is the 3D printers. Sewing masks is legal. Lawyer looked over zoning, we can use home sewing machines. Need to find out if small 3D printers are legal. That would be zoning violation as well. If we are making masks for specific hospital, please print out receipt / confirmation from hospital that says "NB is critical infrastructure" in case the popo come. Then we can resolve conflicts pre-emptively.
Ryan: Hard to define how certain manufactured items can be deemed "critical infrastructure" -- so much gray area, the City can do what it want, almost martial law in terms of gov't power. I would look up: is it legal to create masks witha 3D printer in non-F1 zone space.
Dan: I kinda want to focus on one thing at a time, we're speaking about activities in the medium. I want to ask: do we need Big C consensus on what is already done: restrict access to noisebridge. Is SHUT IT DOWN accepted?
Mark: Good question. We already did it, so I don't think it should be re-consensed. If someone disagrees, let me know
Ryan: I agree with mark
X: Point was clarification, communication, documentation. If there is small c consensus on this, then memorializing this with Big C is less relevant
Mark: ;By homepage, do you mean main NB page?
Kinnard: Even though I don't disagree with Nb closed to non-essential things, but we didn't clarify what was essential or process for custodial ownership. It's opaque / ambiguous who as access, could be more clarity across community.
Steve: I agree. I was shocked this wasn't made into a big deal. Like in the meeting, letting everyone know that "hey, we are clamping down hardcore". More voices than the handful of people who made the arbitrary decision.
X: Multi-week consensus wouldn't fit the needs of the situation. It's already done, but wanted to know what is acceptable use of space. Pivot: we've been here 2 hours, and wanted to say: we aren't sitting in the hackitorium, but wanted to converse how we're moving together and forwward. Would like to spread this to greater community. i.e. Our physical space is closed, but we are building an online space. Don't want NB to lose sight of the fact that we spread excellence. How do we deal with current moment, and how to we go back to functioning space.
Mark: Would recommend that the keyholders get together, lay out plan, post to website and mailing list so community knows what's going on. Doesn't matter what time, better late than never.
Dan: wrt keyholders, is there anyone here tonight that have keys? Would there be an objection to expand keyholders to others (Mo, Kinnard)?
Kinnard: I have a key.
Mohammed: I also have a key. Today, we were working on masks. We do have access. Also have given phone number to members of community in case they need to get their stuff.
Dan: Can I talk for another 30 s? That's important that the keyholder group is open for revision, no one is excluded without good reason. Thinking about people being in the space in this situation - should consider what's the worst that can possibly happen? Dealing with the city / state etc is one thing - but from my point of view, what would really suck is if someone were to catch the virus at NB. If we can make a point to follow protocols to prevent contagion at NB, then if we ever do have something to explain to the City, it would be a much easier conversation to have.
Ryan: I realize some of this is nebulous, because situation is crazy and so many ppl on both sides of keep open and stay closed, we are doing our best. If someone has experience writing letters to community gov't, feel free to post and help. We still haven't figured out who has keys, but this has helped a lot. I wnat things posted ot mailing list to be accurate. I do want something posted to NB website as to what the present community is doing about situation. Both how we are protecting people who come in, and how we are determining what essential things we need to do while closed. Process was def rushed. It ended up feeding its own frenzy that night, end of night, ppl seemed ok with me going and switching locks. It WAS largest meeting we've had in a hwile (40), but only part of larger perspective, which is why it needs to be discussed more with as many people as possible.
X: I've moved the current consensus items of consensus items. If anyone has edits, please feel free to do so. I will volunteer how to annoucne to broader commuinty through email. Would like to talk to owner of for update here. Encourage do-ocratic efforts. how to manage space, etc.
Ryan: Sounds good. Would like to have discussion on new website on new website stuff that will be deployed iin the next day or so. Wanted to mamke sure we are done with this part of discussion and moving this onto discuss / slack so we can finish meeting
Additional discussion about consensus moved to discuss, wiki, slack, etc.
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]
New website
Ryan: Marco (1 of NB's philanthropists) spent 6 mo. working on new websites to work with media wiki, slack, meetup, discuss, basically all systems. Going to be deployed soon, we want ppl to discuss: We want it to be, and point general public to it, while the .net becomes wiki front, where we store information to be pulled into .org website. We chose .org b/c general public seeing nonprofit as a nonprofit, and also donors like .org websites. Our current website turns off websites very quickly. When we had S&K look at how we talk to large website, they took one look at our website and said "No traditional source (besides crypto, etc.) would donate to that".
X: For the better part of the decade, has been the wiki. Annoyed that the main page has no access to the wiki. Would love the main page to be moved to .org, if there is a staging site we can check out, but .org can be a great staging site that we can see.
Steve: Marko has a staging site at (it's a unicorn site), non-wiki version of Django there, but it will be hacky. Super Q made an interesting point on "wouldn't it be great if Noisebdrige had a full do-ocratic wiki?" Also, we could make the distinction that .net is inward, while .org is outward for donors, etc. Even the domain extension seems to support that. If staging looks good ( asking for help making SSL and stress test on real site, etc., then we can put site on there.
X: mumble is one of the new ones.
Steve: He set up dev server, but didn't have it on EngineX. can see what's on port 80, which is probably the Django server.
Ryan: If one of you could bring it up, that'd be cool.
Steve: I;m not sure if it's world visible.
X: Who has the ability to unroll .net to the wiki, do we have timeline fro that?
Steve: No one has committed to that, it would be nice to ask others for that, we have had 2-3 people say .net changes would be helpful. I could help with the Django server.
Ryan: What comments to other people have?
Steve: Would add to propose on NB "Hey, would it be ok if we strip out for other things'"
Mark: Also working on independent guild component of website with Marko. Wanted to put that out there.
Ryan: I do want to mention there's no talk of decommissioning the wiki. WE should have the wiki be as well devleoped as possible. Should pull wiki edits to the Django site, and that guilds and a number of different things would be easy to have updated on the new website s.t. it would be a lot easier for genreal noisebridger to find info they need even if it links to wiki page. Our wiki is inefficient, amount of high level loops is insane. It's... a mess. It has a lot of information, but no one can find what they need, big reason website like this could be of use.
X: Is anyone on slack / knows who has access to
Steve: Super Q. I was given shell access one of the servers, Ruth is also one of the only admins on the classic servers. Except Unicorn. it's pretty loosey goosey. Usually if not on ansible, not allowed, but most Noisebridge sites are on Unicorn.
X: Would at least like an interim update on if no action will be taken to update that.
Steve: Don't know how homepage is separate from wiki, but will look into it.
Ryan: Any more comments, or should this be added to discuss? Sounds good, moveing on to discussion item 2
Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]
SPACE, how, what, when, where Tyler: check the post on Slack #new-space for the Zoning Review we just got back from our attorneys. We will be working on a redline of the draft lease within the next week.
Ryan: They want this posted everywhere, I read before meeting. Looks like space they're talking about is the Capp street address. Looks like they're zoned the way we need them to be. very good. We can't have about a 5 hp electric motor for tools, which I want to look into that, b/c/ cnc machine could be higher hp, tablesaw upgrade, etc. very few instances of even being close to violation.
Ryan: For those not in the know... you can chek...
X: Do we have wiki page?
Ryan: there is Noisebridge Space Program, which we should modify or put a new one in place of this, becasue right now this is talking about 2018 new space program.
Ryan: We might set up a new page on the wiki, which I think would be useful, because as Tyler mentioned, we only have information on detial in slack and in discuss, although I think Slack is public enough atm, it should be on Slack as soon as possible.
Turning over to Tyler
Tyler: Not much to add. Only reason to post on slack, because we don't want to put online unlisted, as that would be open to public (also legal issues) . We would fall under light industrial categoriztion
Some wonky rules: no electornics over 5 hp, table saw is 3 hp, as long as we don't have monster CNC machine or something won't be an issue
I guess we take all materials, add up sq footage, if less than 700 sq feet, we're fine
No chem Engineering, we're fine with that
No bay windows, loading dock. previous owner was auto body shop, so we sohuld be fine
Ryan: What did they define as chemical engineering? possible bio lab
Tyler: They don't define anything, what is machine? Asked Alice what a "machine" is, so I guess we won't have a clear definition for chemical engineering. ONly get in trouble fro manufactured chemicals
Ryan: I get it. No chemical production stuff. As long as we can still use simple things like 2-part epoxy
Tyler: Not that. Has to be provable use of chemical engineer. Only issue is square footage. ex. table saw needs 8 ft of operating space, so adding that up could be an issue. An inspector guy has to come in and map the floor. Laser cutter takes up 60 square feet, 750 square feet would be a dozen of those, so we should be fine. Hydroponics does not count. if a plant is a machine, we shouldn't be here
Tyler: Part of light manufacturing is the growth of cannabis, so hydroponics should be fins
Steve; Down to accountability. Government won't stamp our throats. Acting on the least likely gov't scenario isn't why. (Back to COVID shutdown stuff).
Tyler: RObert asked question on front of space, that could be more difficult. Things outside of building are first to get reported. NIMBY'ers be NIMBY'ing. Really cool grill / garden setup we fcould do.
Ryan: NB hot tub!
Tyler: Gross.
Ryan: If we have outside area, I would build brick oven for pizza etc. / What about welding, kilns, hot shop?
Tyler: Idk, I'm guessing welding / metalwork will be, since last group was auto body shop. Talking to department, these F1 F2, etc. Kilns are qualified as H1 hazard, which might be a problem. But last contractor was sympathetic to us, he would be okay with us classified as F1, which is less severe, the main issue is that building sprinklers not up to code for F1. As long as we are qualified for F1, we are good to go. Some limitations for plasma cutting or acetalyne torches.
Ryan: Is the building able to zone up to H1 Hazard, and do we want to ?
Tyler: I don't think we can be, because we're with real estate (only in Dog Patch to be Hazard)
Steve: New or current?
Tyler : New space. Continuing on, we can do some heavier metal work, not valuable to pursue that path.
Ryan: Go over to Cruicible for that stuff.
Ryan: other comments? Or should we edn this?
X: Down to update status on wiki, or photo tour / video walkthrough (wheezy video tour)? Could you share
Tyler: We have video tour on discuss and slack.
X: If you could post that'd be great
Ryan: Updating our moving status on wiki could be useful
X: Current status and plan of action would be hlepful.
Mark: We need general statement on front page of the wiki.
Ryan: Two major updates to front page: NB is closed to public, and we are going to be moving soon. New new space should be added with old (2018) wiki status page.
MArk: If you're busy, give me a call, or post to slack.
James: I have a quick suggestion, I'll leave a link, but there's pandoc, which converts markdown to media wiki format.
Ryan: That's cool.
Mark: Tyler, since you're here, could you come up with email to send out, since it hasn't been done. Can you guys get on that? Pepole who are holding keys should come up with email to send out.
Tyler: Is announce the email mailing list? yes? cool, I've never seen it.
Mark : wiki/mailinglists. there should be some instructions on how to use them. I want to see the update saying NB is closed there are keyholders, this is what you do to discuss.
Ryan: Current keyholders are: me, Wheezy, Tyler, Mohammed, and Kinnard. Does anyone else know?
Tyler: Jay / Jaguar has key.
Ryan: Have we been able to get through to landlord?
Tyler: NO, who has extra key? I can get one and drop it off with Ruth at that point.
Ryan: That sounds like a pretty good list. I want to update it to reflect who has the keys. I'll put it on Slack or discuss, who wants it.
Ryan: Does anyone else have any other info they wish to share?
James: We want to get clearer with information online, we can also do that with discuss forum. Can have header/footer promoting threadless store and the like. Just a matter of editing
Ryan: Good idea.
Tyler: put ads on noisebridge lol
James: It's pretty threadbare,
Ryan: Can we have stupid ads to redirect on wiki?
Steve: As a hardcore privacy activist, I can work on destroying your privacy
James: Already started discussion, bonus is you use clipart
Steve: Oh god, it'll all be memes. Just half the homepage of Reddit
Ryan: Ok, we discussed enough tonight. I think we should end this meetings. Any last points.
Mark: Continue to be excellent.
Ryan: Meeting adjourned.
Can this be posted somewhere accessible (unlisted discuss page), not all of the community has access or follows slack.
Also space as in, how does noisebridge continue to better function beyond physical meet space, as we are for x amount of time.
Ⅹ: Volunteers to moderate a meeting, also taking a poll, would you like to try Jitsi Jitsi: yup (x), ?
Meeting adjourned