Meeting Notes 2020 04 07
These are the notes from the The 572nd Meeting of Noisebridge.
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Noisebridge Hackerspace is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Noisebridge General Meeting Time: Apr 7, 2020 08:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Every week on Tue, 20 occurrence(s) Apr 7, 2020 08:00 Meeting ID: 972 291 454 Password: 830078 One tap mobile +16699006833, ,972291454# US (San Jose) +13462487799, ,972291454# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 972 291 454 Password: 830078 Find your local number: Date: 04-07-2020
Note-taker: boredzo
Moderators: X
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
- Fundraising Update
- Announcements:
- Finances:
- New members:
- New philanthropists:
- Consensus Items:
- Discussion Items:
X: I'll moderate. Notetaker feel free to summarize.
Introductions[edit | edit source]
X: Let's do introductions in person. If you want to add camera, you can do so. Icebreaker: what's your favorite backdrop
Romy: My favorite backdrop is NB. I'm getting into Gamebridge, really miss the space and want to get more into it
NB HACKERSPACE (Ryan): I'm ryan, he him. I like doing VR, currently improving Folding At Home.
TJ: He / him, melt background, building robotics / integrating with NB / robotics.
Naomi: She/her/they/them. I like aquariums, made 1 per week since quarantine. Just saying hi!
Morgan: He/Him. I electrify brains. Usually alive. Organize NeuroTechX hacknights Thursday evening
Matt: I'm into maps, sickness maps, Animal crossing. My favorite background is Max Headroom
Dan: Hola! I represent the patriarchy, so he/him. glad to be with fellow kids, peace. catch y'all later.
boredzo: he / him , I do sewing guild
Mark: I'm Mark, doing games stuff and MetaGuild, the guild of guilds
Tyler: Tyler, he/him, little bit of everything, finance person of Noisebridge
X: additional zoom feature. There's a cool Zoom feature called "Raise hand". We can use 'Raise hand' for stack, but given the size, we can figure out as we go.
Icebreaker: favorite meeting backdrop
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
60-second description per item in bulletpoint.
Ryan: Noisebridge Folding-At-Home team just broke into the top 10,000! Could definitely use help, we should get to top 1000. Half of our points are from streaming laptop, which could use improvement. Team number is *243788*
Mark: Ludum Dare Game Jam happening online, 17-20th. more information at
X: Next Thursday is Third Thursday.
X: Any items can be pinned for post-meeting discussion, in order to move the conversation forward.
Excellence[edit | edit source]
Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.
(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)
Naomi: Excellence is continuing to hold this meeting, even when we can't hold the space.
Lemon: Escellence is do-ocratically doing something in the moment and when a need is there.
Naomi: I'm glad we have a bedrock / tradition / culture at noisebridge
Dan: I won't expand, but wanted to totally agree with you. We should follow one rule: Be Excellent to Each Other.
Dan: Normally, excellence is in context of achievment. But here, excellence is in treatment of each other, and making the (hard) effort of getting to know each other, starting with these meetings, and hopefully continuing into our spare time.
X: We also have an anti-harrassment policy, which we should be respectful of even in our digital space (as we are still par t of NB)
X: Think about this in our Brave New World of technology
Morgan: Just coming in, adding to meeting notes (putting face to Morgan in etherpad)
Participation[edit | edit source]
Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.
(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)
X: Typically, in a non-pandemic area, it means "how can we get access and come to the physical space"? Now, in the age of online meetings, what does it mean?
Dan: Ah dammit. We have this Slack thing... I participated there, reach out to a few people, endeavoring to keep legit activities in the physical space at noisebridge. Might need help maintaining excellence in doing so. Anyway, back to main topic. We use Slack and Discuss, Discuss is better because it is a private server rather than corporate messaging. Check in with other people! We're not always tuned in, so I don't see much eyes glazing over, etc., but participation is respectfully tuning in to what other people want of you.
X: We are Noisebridge. Those that participate help maintain space and community. All participation is valid and helpful. I'm trying to facilitate rather than run this meeting, I have no more authority than anyone else. It's on all of us to create space.
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.
(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)
Mark: Philanthropy is supposed to be some kind of lower tier of Membership, which is to say, it's a Membership level of NB that is more than base membership, just existing at the space and being Excellent, but less than big-M Membership, which is participating in Consensus and being responsible. Slightly lower standard for Philanthropists than Members because they're not involved in the humongous day-day-day decisions. You take physical responsibility of space when there, you give tours to people, you make sure things are going smoothly, and get people connected / staying excellent. You pay a small dues of some sort, less than a Member.
pyconaut: You pay the same dues as a Member, but it's a sliding scale between $40–80, but the more people can pay, the more it helps NB. $80 replaces the broken table saw cartridge. $40 will, if we weren't in this situation, buy us two weeks' worth of TP.
Right now, $80 will buy us a roll of TP.
Tyler: Kinnard, were you officially Philanthropized at the last meeting?
Kinnard: Yes, but you and I still need to work out a financial contribution.
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.
(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)
Tyler: Higher trust level; it's a way to come to NB and pay money to do more work. Signing up to say I'm going to be involved and active for the long run.
Members have the ability to take part in the Consensus process by blocking or not blocking. Any Member can block. These are people who have long-time vested interest in the space, so they're going to be the best people to make decisions as to things that will change the space.
Also pay $40–80 a month.
x: You can formalize your relationship through Philanthropy or Membership. Do we have any entries for consideration?
If there were an application in the binder, we'd read that out; ideally that applicant would be present and could make themselves known to the community.
We don't typically use Membership as much as Philanthropy now, but would like to encourage everyone to encourage others to attend and participate at NB with or without Membership, and consider applying for Philanthropy or Membership, as it is a process that takes time and navigation.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.
Monthly revenue is usually $8k–10k. Benevity brought in about $3k in annual corporate donations in January. We just about break even at $10k, partly because our expenses are lower because of people not in the space. Our crypto donation lost some value after the number reported from February. We've also been selling it off; crypto holdings are currently $105,216 at the end of March. Now about $115k after Bitcoin rebounded a bit. Selling 0.75 BTC per week to dollar-cost average.
x: Can we save any more money being shut down?
Tyler: Considered cutting out garbage. We pay $600/mo, because we ordered more bins than we need, because people don't take trash out—they let it build up for two weeks, and then there's more trash than bins, so they order more bins. But rent's our biggest cost; last month we had total expenses of $9.9k, of which $7k was rent, $1600 was utilities, the rest was various recurring orders. TP, equipment reimbursements.
Would like to know what our server fees are like. $220/mo, plus $150 at EOY? And then a $400 annually for some sort of cloud storage? Seems like we're paying for a lot more than the bandwidth we're using, and it's a fixed cost.
x: What's the best way for folks to connect with finance in terms of budget-cutting?
Tyler: Finance tab on Discuss. I think forum-style is the best way to communicate on finance issues. Messaging me directly is usually the best way to get me to respond, but I often forget about it because people send me Slack messages a lot. So I'd say Discuss.
x: Do we maintain a Treasurer@noisebridge?
Tyler: Yes, that's the email address.
x: Noisetor?
Tyler: I'm still kind of in the dark on it. James and ElimiSteve worked on it together, on getting budget reconciliation for it. No-one really knows where the details are, but my thought was it was not self-sustaining. 2018 was the last year it was running, and we ended up running $20k in server fees for it. Based on PayPal contributions for Noisetor, we get $150/mo in contributions for it right now, which doesn't get close to the current costs for it.
x: Currently not maintaining any Tor services so we're not expending any funds on it?
Tyler: Don't know, but not that it's hit the bank account that I've seen. Crypto Steve said he's got it running again, but not sure where the billing for that is.
- Funds in bank: $268,415
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- Any other details by those participating in handling our financials
- The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at
Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]
How's it all going
pyconaut: Quite a lot of people are interested in helping us improve online stores with Zazzle, Threadless. Think we should create a StickerGiant account, which is where we order our stickers from. I was the last one who ordered, and either Ruth or someone ordered them before that, but that should be through a NB account instead of myself.
We also need more artwork. For any artist who's bored during this current chaos, please design some artwork for NB. It could also be NB based on a guild you're part of. Like, if you look on the wiki, a lot of different groups have guild images of certain types, like the archivists, GameBridge, 3D Printing, they have images. But a lot of places don't, and those would be really cool to have stickers and pins and stuff.
There's a place on Discuss where we've been talking about it a bit. I'll put it in the notes:
'guild updates moved to after consensus'
Kinnard: Looking to raise funds to buy 2169. See #nbremain.
Consensus[edit | edit source]
Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.
(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)
TJ: Small-c and big-C Consensus.
Consensus is the idea that because we don't want to be a group where a large majority can impose on a minority, we have this rule where everyone has to agree, to an extent, for any action to pass. Even if you don't support it, you only would block if it's entirely against what you think NB stands for.
Small-c consensus is for any action that only affects like a small group of people. Doocracy applies to affecting one or two people; consensus a group of people, Consensus the entire space. Moving vs. shutting down was a big-C Consensus, because it affects the entire NB space as well as the NB community.
Small-c you vote on it the week of.
Big-C you have a week to discuss before you Consense on the item.
pyconaut: Shutting the space was not a Consensus item. It went through in one meeting. And in small-c consensus, you don't vote. You discuss it, and anyone can take action, but you also need to remember, but you need to be able to undo the action you took. That's one reason why changing the locks was a small-c item, because it's undoable. Big-C to change the locks would be much more unlikely to happen. So you don't actually vote on small-c items, and they don't have to be brought up at a meeting; you just have to discuss it with people, e.g. via Slack or Discuss.
And yes, big-C does take two weeks, and Members can block an item, but anyone can propose or discuss them.
x: The status of the space has been publicly disclosed as closed in compliance with the state. Was doocratically done and discussed, but not Consensed. There is a draft Consensus item on closing the space, but they hasn't been a particular need or furtherance of it as an item. Does anyone feel that the current state of NB needs further Consensus, or is being properly handled through doocracy and consensus?
Tyler: Think it's being handled correctly.
x: So NB continues to function as defined by consensus, which is as open as possible, and closed for any further definition.
James: Having consensus among ourselves is great, as is discussing things.
See wiki for current consensus, also check history and draft for related topics
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)
GuildMaster's Report[edit | edit source]
What is the current state of structural organization at Noisebridge?
- What are the guilds? Which ones exist?
If you'd like to propose a Guild please do so at a MetaGuild meeting. Or on Discuss in the Guilds Category.
- How is our online community doing?
- Guild Rep's Reports
Meta-Guild: Looking for an actual weekly meeting time. Posted on Discuss; looking for people's opinions on when to talk about that kind of stuff, want to work with their schedules. Best point of contact is Discuss, Guilds/Meta-Guild, which is distinct from the “meta” category for discussing Discuss itself.
Essential Infrastructure Guild was born this week:
- Kinnard: Looking to not be the Single Point of Failure, partly because it's not very NB and also because the whole point is to be Essential Infrastructure which must be reliable. Jay has helped by making signs as required by the latest order, cleaning up the space, etc. Mohammad has been helping. So, making this a Guild where people can aggregate knowledge and coordinate, and to be the go-to rather than me individually for Essential Infrastructure efforts. Please help build out the wiki page.
- Making thousands of face masks, which CDC has now endorsed as necessary for the public.
- Badges Coming: Water, Food, Energy, Comms
- Keiarra is the Guild's Food Captain
Crypto-Guild: The Crypto-Guild Does not exist. So far the crypto-party has been doubly resceduled. Kinnard apologizes(He's getting slammed this week but will soon hit stride) and will get it done. Noise DAO updates pending.
pyconaut: There is a Crypto-Guild page on the wiki, and on Discuss. So if you want, whoever's involved with that can just take it over. We did have classes, but those are irregularly happening currently, so go for it. It's definitely something we should have.
Separately, I am interested in probably creating a Guild around systems like Folding@Home and distributed scientific processing stuff, since I've been taking charge of F@H for the NB team and started to put out updates.
Mark: Should that be part of Essential Infra?
pyconaut: No; want this to be going on for a long time. Essential Infra should stick around; should have trainings on preparedness for all sorts of disasters and stuff, like an earthquake prep system. But I think they're different enough to be useful—
Mark: Seems off-topic. Can we pick it up in Discussion?
James: I like a lot of stuff Kinnard said. Was thinking, what we need a lot is an Infrastructure guild as much as an Essential Infrastructure Guild. We need Infra that helps us pass our knowledge on. Think that's what Mark wants; right Mark?
Mark: I think you are the Infra guild right now. You're a guild of one person in my book. But we are going to have a more well-defined idea of a Guild.
James: Guilds are just a name for the groups that already exist at NB. We need better processes for continuity of responsibility. Ignore the word Guild; just think of groups of people, and let's come together more and make sure that knowledge doesn't perish as people move away.
Electronics (TJ): Met with Robert last Wednesday; discussed project ideas and what we want to do for #electronics that supports this Guild structure and keeping people together to see what we have in common between electronics and robotics.
Evil Dan: We've been talking about Essential Infra guild; don't want to miss the chance to get as many people who have keys involved. Most of you are pretty new to NB as far as I know? Every now and then, sometimes when you least expect it, there's serious opsec issues. There's a few people who've been around long enough to have witnessed people do things that buggars belief. Mohammad is trustworthy. Let's talk about security concerns offline.
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]
Conferencing/Meeting tools, ie., Jitsi
Chat tools, IRC, Slack, discuss, riot/matrix?
Kinnard: Express gratitude to everyone for everything, being Excellent. Being slammed outside of NB so I have to leave the meeting early. Hoping to come back online and be hit with a blast of Excellence when I turn my devices back on.
pyconaut: Enjoying Zoom, though there are a lot of current issues with it. Liking the password login. But they try to force you to download a client or log into an account, which under our current settings, you do not need to do either of those things and you should not download a client. It's the clients that have been hacked recently. Zoom has a web client, which they make very annoying for some people but it has good features like the waiting room. It also has raising hands, which I don't have as the host. Screen sharing is cool, and you can change how active screen-sharing can be.
I also like Jitsi, and want to see if we can improve that enough to replace this, because it's OSS, it has features we like, and we can run it ourselves.
x: Any objections or opinions on continuing to use Zoom, or would we like to try Jitsi or something else?
Tyler: Jitsi is great but only scales to about 10 people.
x: That was using the free public Jitsi Meet?
Tyler: Yes.
x: Dan and I have set up a couple of servers that can be utilized by NB. Also exploring setting it up on Unicorn. Maybe we can have a stress-test session prior to next Tuesday's meeting and see if we can get 10 if not 20 users on it. When might we do that?
Mark: James was working on setting up a Jitsi server on Unicorn. There's a thread on Discuss about it.
x: We're currently running Debian 9, and I've had the best luck with Debian 10. Don't want to make that change without more discussion. Also Jitsi is pretty intensive, and Unicorn might be able to handle it, but we also have critical infrastructure like Discuss on it. We've set it up on other servers but are still looking for a best place for it to live.
Proposal: Friday night social hang-out, “Break Jitsi”. Advertise it and get a lot of people to join in and help break Jitsi under load.
pyconaut: Do we know if we're able to set up something like a green room or some sort of a wall or entrance, just to stay kinda safe? I don't know if we have to worry all that much about trolls in the way that a lot of people are currently worrying about trolls, but I'm wondering if we can set up something like a green room or a breakout room. Especially for events, like we might have multiple people who'd be hosting, or we want them to have a separate room compared to the audience. Just wondering if that's something we can set up on Jitsi.
x: Doesn't have that out of the box, but it is OSS and could be done. Let's focus on our meeting needs first, and hopefully gather enough expertise to make those modifications. Some other services specifically provide that as well, but we don't have an out-of-the-box solution that's also open. If we get epically trolled and people stop behaving, I have an interim solution which is we turn the server off and on again.
Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]
Clarity of goals, tasks, and responsibilities.
Mark: Chose the word “clarity” very deliberately. You can see a stark contrast between two sections of this meeting when it comes to clarity: The previous discussion item, and the Guilds section, the Guild reporting section. The Guilds section lost clarity; it turned into a kind of free-for-all discussion full of lots of hypotheticals about what Guilds should be. We should have that discussion, but we should be doing it in the Discussions section or at the Meta-Guild meeting, right? Whereas what we had in the last discussion item, where some things were proposed and an action item was chosen and some folks are going to do it. That's clarity, right? You ended on a note where some process was established and responsibility taken. We're lacking that in a lot of our discussion as a community lately, and we need to get back on track with that.
As to guilds specifically: Because I've noticed this so frequently lately, I'm just going to start laying down the hammer and start recognizing Guilds. I wanted community input, but the community has come and given me anything to work with. I wish they would, so I don't have to be the Guy That Makes the Decision, but a decision needs to be made so we can move forward with this. Otherwise we're just going to keep having this thing every week where we devolve into hypotheticals about what Guilds might be.
x: As Moderator, I hear you. I noted last week that there's kind of derailment or lack of clarity around Guilds. The Guilds section should just be a top-line recap of existing, defined, established Guilds. Other discussion should happen elsewhere, and there's opportunity for that in a separate Meta-Guild meeting or in Discussion.
Mark: You were really close to the point, which is that NB General Meetings, if we're not careful, can go on way too long and drain people, and we shouldn't do that. Tyler gave a good financial report today, he showed his document, explained what the numbers meant, and that was it and it was great. Kinnard gave a great example Guild report today: talked about what his Guild was doing and who was doing it, and kept it short. That's all that needs to be done.
pyconaut: I definitely think some of this is about not enough clarity in the section. The reason I was asking a question about a Guild coming into existence is that this Reports section has changed a lot since last week. And there's all these question marks about stuff, which don't allow for clarity because questions are about confusion: you aren't sure. Mark, definitely, throw the hammer down. Have the Guilds, have people give reports. I didn't even mention the VR Guild because we aren't doing anything, but I should've mentioned the VR Guild's not doing anything.
Also, if there's something in the section that says “If you want to propose or discuss a Guild, please do so at this meeting”, which is why it makes sense for us to set up a weekly Meta-Guild meeting to propose Guilds and discuss what they need for their Guild to work better.
Mark: Also want to make the point WRT clarity, responsibility, and process: I still feel pretty strongly that we have failed to establish clear goals re: closing and assigning responsibilities and ensuring people act on those. A bunch of ideas for responsibilities got tossed up, but nothing got done that should've. We need to figure out how to handle that better going forward. For instance, the whole idea of sending out an announcement email got dropped. I suggested it, and I feel like I asked people to do something and they just didn't. I said if you can't do it, tell me; we just lacked any sense of responsibility-taking. This happened, I think, in a number of different situations with a number of different people. I don't have a good idea of what we should do about that, but it seems to be a pattern.
Tyler: Regarding the definition of roles of people who are currently at the space: I think that you could, if you were up to it, define those roles, and send out emails about it. I just don't think that'll affect the real world: There are three people who are in the space; some people are cleaning up, some people are printing masks for the hospital. We could try to come up with some sort of list of roles and responsibilities these people have, but most of them aren't on online platforms. The doocratic thing is just to continue working. We can come up with official doctrine, but the three people who are there are all being pretty Excellent, so it's not worth pursuing further until we run into an issue. Only issues I've seen are if people want to come and get stuff out of their locker.
boredzo: The first step in resolving issues, especially in an anarchist space, is to acknowledge and discuss them. If you want to see something done, do it, or reach out to a specific person to ask them to do it. I think the fact that we are having this discussion right now is the start of keeping the process moving forward.
evil Dan: I've got a request for everybody right here, right now: LA LA LA LA I can't hear you! And it's OK! I can feel it. It's all right. Just making peace with it. So while I have all your attention, just priorities: Don't get sick. For the people who are NB: It's serious. We're going to have to work with this. There are protocols that the City has suggested/demanded; they want some things because they're dealing with stuff in the large. They want a name and a phone number. I, personally, am not in any way any kind of official representative of NB. But if some joker was to put “evil Dan” on that poster that DPH wants for social distancing protocols, I got a burner phone, we could put that there, but if someone else wants to do it and not have some plausible deniability of not being in the space and printing out face masks, that's cool, too.
Some stuff is gonna have to wait. Mark, I hope you feel like that's OK, I hope you get used to it.
Mark: I'm sorry, I don't quite follow.
x: The lack of brevity was made up for in entertainment and distancing from stressful communications. Part of essential operations is process from the City, certain notices being displayed. Part of that is a name and number. Sounds like the ask is for somebody to step up and put a name and number on it.
Mark: All I was trying to get at was a point of NB's internal process, nothing to do with interfacing with the City. We did not delegate responsibilities to people and then hold them accountable. We just didn't do it, within our own little group here. That may or may not have been responsibilities having to do with the City, just in general. We gave a few people keys, but did not tell the greater NB community who had them. Not suggesting we define roles for people who are currently at the space, but we should have minimally defined amongst our internal community who had access to the space and ensured that information got disseminated properly.
x: Making myself available after the meeting to continue this discussion, and then we can bring the fruits of that back to the broader community.
Essential Infrastructure, and/or Infrastructure Guild
Folding at home and Distributed computational guild?
Pyconaut: will ask outside of meeting.
Discussion Item 3[edit | edit source]
remote access to noisbridge computers
pyconaut: I've noticed that the F@H computers aren't really running Folding all that well. Was thinking about trying to use Parsec, which is a remote access for gaming and high-end machine tool to remote into the NB computers and make sure things like F@H are working. But also, in the future, possibly enable people to block out time to use the NB computers for things like 3D modeling, video editing, etc. I need to talk with #rack a lot more about this, but I think it would be really cool if even if we aren't able to access the space, we'd be able to use the computers to work on stuff and considering the three computers that were set up for Folding are really good computers, I think it'd be an excellent opportunity to allow the larger community at home to use these computers for work and stuff like that.
x: This sounds like something you'd like to see progress on in the short term. Do you have a proposal for how to move that effort forward?
pyconaut: Probably going to download and start testing Parsec on my own computer and ask someone at NB to download it on all three of the computers there, and see if I can connect to them. Not used to using remote access for things, but I think there are some NBers who could help me. Could also be done that the remote access is through a VPN, so it'd be very secure to access these computers remotely, while also keeping latency and everything low. But separately, I need someone with a RPi to hook it up to all three computers so if those computers turn off, I can cycle the RPi remotely to turn them all on. I can do a lot with this software, which I'm looking into, and everyone here should too. It's free, and it's cool.
I want to hear people's feelings on being able to remotely access the NB computers.
These are the three most powerful computers NB has by a large margin, only set up recently because I knew no-one's going to be around and there's a much lower chance that even more stuff will get stolen. Half their RAM already got stolen, don't know when, but these machines are very nice and the kind of thing people love to steal. Didn't want to set them up until either NB was more secure or we had some way of checking on them more consistently.
x: Presumably Phreak is still screwed to the wall. I can SSH into it, can show people how to set up a reverse shell. I'm volunteering to join the Remote Hacking Noisebridge Computer Club.
pyconaut: I'll create a Discuss post about this. Already started chatting on Slack's #rack channel but will create a Discuss post.
Discussion Item 4[edit | edit source]
Noisebridge Moving update.
On the Capp St. location:
- Received zoning diligence from lawyers
- Awaiting lease redline from attorneys. Should get in the next couple days.
- Move in date: "30 days past the lifting of the City or State shelter in place order, whichever occurs later"
- Unanswered question about openings in the building; does that include garage doors?
- It's Light Industrial zoning.
x: Is there a Consensus process for this, continued Doocracy? What's the roadmap?
Tyler: Don't know. It seems to be a good deal. Will see what we get on the redline, and what the attorney thinks we should change. Should be pretty light. I would say yes, it's pretty much a done deal, and the best opportunity for Noisebridge. We don't have another option out there. If there's going to be more debate, it needs to come with another option that we can use.
Mark: 100% agree that if there's going to be more debate it need sto come with another option. There was the idea two meetings ago to amend that one Consensus item from last year or whenever it was, March of 2019? about giving the Board powers, but then having a 24-hour-notice meeting.
Tyler: Yeah, I do. Not sure where that went into its process. There was the one Noah suggested.
Mark: Yes, March 2018: In the event that a lease decision is required a special meeting may be called with 24 hours' notice. So yes, you should give us 24 hours' notice before we sign a lease, and we can have a meeting and potentially block.
Tyler: If anything, we'll have a week. We'll get the redline back, have a week or two. The Corona thing's kind of nice in that it's slowed everything down. No-one's physically able to tour buildings right now. I think we'll be pretty good on that.
TJ: I know Kinnard is, it sounds like he's still going full-force with buying 2169 Mission. If he does raise enough money for that to happen, what's our plan for that? Seems like there's a group of people kind of doing their own thing, two groups doing independent things. We could have two buildings, but… not sure how it'll get resolved if that does happen.
pyconaut: There's been many discussions of this over the years, much longer than Kinnard's been around. In the event that we have the money to buy 2169, we wouldn't buy 2169. We'd buy a better building in a better location. 2169 has a lot of issues inherent to its buildingness, such that even if we raised the money, I guarantee there'd be a lot of people who'd block spending that money on 2169. I know I would personally block us from buying 2169 because there are many better options for the community. Anyone who claims that it being right where it is is perfect, that is an opinion of that person and a couple other people who live right there. There are more people who live a long distance away, and there's much better locations for commute.
TJ: Even Capp St. seems like a better location. Just seems like it could be an issue, a serious movement called #nb-remain, given that people are raising money to buy the building, and then they block the move, and…
Mark: If someone raises money to buy a building, they can do that, but it's going to be an uphill battle.
Tyler: To clarify, I haven't paid much attention to it; it was a few weeks away from buying the building a few years ago. Current idea is to release a Noisecoin with a funding cap that would pay for the building. It's a neat idea, but don't see it panning out.
x: Would strongly encourage that this be a topline discussion at next week's meeting and ongoing, as long as we have a legitimate option to move forward.
x: [gavels out]