Meeting Notes 2020 07 14

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These are the notes from the The 587th Meeting of Noisebridge.

help take notes at -

video meeting on zoom at -

  • Date: July 14th, 2020
  • Note-taker: bfb
  • Pre-Meeting Moderator: FIXME YOUR NAME HERE
  • Moderators: J

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

FILL OUT AT END OF MEETING AND SEND TO MAILING LIST One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary. TLDR what happened at the meeting:

  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New philanthropists:
  • New members:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Pre-Meeting[edit | edit source]

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)

Philanthropist definition[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

Membership Definition[edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

Guilds Definition[edit | edit source]

Guilds are how groups at noisebridge organize.

(What is a guild? How do you join one? etc)

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

Main Meeting[edit | edit source]

Introductions[edit | edit source]


  • Mark - do stuff with video games, just cleaned out the videogame locker, going to be working moving the videogame stuff. Also working on the guilds project with a few people. Guilds will be discussed at the guild report.

J: What's the status of moving the videogame stuff. M: Currently coming in a moving a little bit at a time. Storing most things at my apt until we get into the new place. Plan to get rid of the video game shelf, get a truck to move big things like the arcade cabinate. Will need volunteers to support. PM me on slack/discuss @mark.

  • Pyconaut-He him- Doing VR and anime stuff
  • James - Moderator of mtg. Coordinating moving of music equipment to the new space.
  • Ryan (pyconaut) discord, VR and neurotech's
  • X - general space hacker here and at sudo, etc. into electronics hardware among other things. Recommends getting in touch with Crucible in Oakland for metalworking. Once upon a time there was a place called the BoxShop in SF, Hunters Point, that specialized in welding as well.
  • Rikke - just lurk'n
  • Tyler - he/him - also lurk'n. Will drop in financial info
  • Christian - dabble in a lot of things. work for a biotech company right now. looking for a welder to do some work on a project.

add yourself to prompt for intro's here... (

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.

  • Video game equipment being packed up for the move by Mark.
  • NeurotechX SF hacknights meets Thursdays 6-9pm, recordings of our meetings are on NeurotcchX youtube.

This weekend is a neurotech and gaming event that the larger neurotechX group is doing. Link to be added here. It's free! from slack "What if you could connect your brain and body to a video game? Join free online NeurotechGaming 2020 event. Presentations from Valve (Counter-Strike, Half-Life), Teslasuit (full body haptic suit), Neurable (everyday BCI that combines VR and EEG), Brink Bionics (increasing the speed of reaction in games) and others.

Crucible link please!

New Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

New Members[edit | edit source]

  • Ⅹ 4th week and 4 sponsors - been around for a number of meetings now prior to the membership app, talked to a number of folks here. Any questions? Sponsored by lxpk, kevin, ... refers to notes ..., naomi, and ryan.

James: Would you talk briefly about what you think membership means?

X: Generally speaking, membership is a more specific committment, financially contributing dues, one additional responsibility/right on full membership to block consensus, keep certain items from coming forward as concensus. excellent not to block things, used as a way to create more conversation about how to come to consensus. i've enjoyed many years of coming to NB not as a Member. Making a point this time, there's a lot going on, I'm involved in a lot of things. The space needs members to help cultivate other members. Part of this is being more visible/more accessible to the community. Also to help maintain the history and practices that we could lose over the years.

Ryan: What do you want to do as a Member/member of the community?

X: Set good examples and best practices for doing things. Near term contributions include organizing around the move in tandem with the pandemic. Involved in helping complete the lease at 272 Capp Street. Helping to outfit and upgrade the new space. How to move in and continue to use it. Also starting to backfill the Secretary role at Noisebridge. Members help to ensure essential roles are filled.

Ryan: Do you know how to give a tour at Noisebridge.

X: Right now I know how to point people to youtube videos of excellent tours. Also familiar with how to introduce new folks to the space and will figure out how to do that at the new space.

James: What's the process for this given it's 4-weeks.

Kevin: Ask X to leave while we discuss their membership.

Dan: X will be exiled to the chicken shack out of ear shot. your honor. my lips are sealed and will be listening with half an ear. happy to converse as well.

Stuff happens

X returns from the chickshack

Many had raviolii tonight. ricotta, spinach, lemon.

X is now a Member of Noisebridge

  • clapping*
  • be-kawing*

Is spaghetti ravioli? How about pizza with ricotta?

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

James: Is this still a thing?

Ryan: We're bringing it back! Need money for building out the new space. From last week we maybe want to do an ADA fundraiser to install a vertical lift to the 2nd floor. I think a lot of the doors have to be replaced or have buttons added to open the doors. ada bathroom at new space on first floor, but has old fixtures, second floor is ancient and needs work.

Rikke: When we have keys to 272 Capp, lets figure out what needs to happen and get quotes on the work. If we can do it ourselves, let's do it. Else, let's pay someone to do it and figure out what it's going to cost. Need to get into the space and take measurements. We can start calling around for the wheelchair lift.

Ryan: I think we should have a state ADA inspector come in. They will tell us how to make the place ADA accessible. Pretty sure that DIY Spaces, who helped us with a preliminary inspection, know someone who can help us out with understanging the ADA work.

Rikke: Do you mean inspector, someone who would certify ADA compliance? Or ADA consultant who can tell us how to make the place compliant.

From tyler- Called a CASp inspector. David from DIY knows one.

Ryan: If in the next week we could reach out to one. And get input from the community on what ADA things we need. Do we want every door to have a wheelchair access button...?

X: Let's move this to either the moving or ADA discussion items.

Ryan: Can we add fundraising as a 3rd discussion item?

James: Welcome everyone to write in items/thoughts to the notes, under discussion items.

GuildMaster's Report[edit | edit source]

What is the current state of structural organization at Noisebridge?

  • What guilds are active? (Read the active guilds from Guilds wiki page)
    • (For each guild mentioned, ask if guild rep is present for a brief status update)
  • Would you like to join or start a guild? Checkout our guidelines or contact MetaGuild for help.

Mark: This week will be brief. Meeting on Thursday at 8PM PT. Come to it. URL in lastweek's notes. Figuring out badges on badger. Requires an email, want an alias for Ask superq on rack. Tell him alias you want and alias to redirect to. you can also use if you like. James has info.

Dan: Q' for James, plug-in for events on disucss/calendar Installed, but needs to be configured. (check) All built into calendar plugin. Was fully overhauled in the update to Discourse I just installed for July.

Mark: Does anyone else do a guild thing? Have any updates for us this week?

Ryan: I can give a VR update. Alex is going to work on the VR chat version of the NB VR project pretty soon. I also will have more time to work on it soon. We're going to soon need a lot of 3d models of different items in the space to an accurate scale to "place" them in the space to figure out what a good layout/orientation will be. If you have time/energy, accurate models will be better for VR tours/VR makerfair/etc.

Rack guild: last week we were focusing on the move and infrastructure. rack philosophy as simple as possible. Where the rack lived at 2169 in plain sight to limit chance of hacking. essential infra. everyone has access to the internet is the basic idea. will inform placement at the new space. To do: inventory of what can be useable at new space. Could drop money on an upgrade unless what we have can just migrate as-is. schedule a cut over date with monkeybrainz to bring 272 capp online. A good question is:do we have permission from the landlord to get on the roof and install stuff? someone: i think we need to ask specific permission from landlord to do stuff like that case by case. mb will assist and we must carefully move the existing laser hookup. tyler will help with coordinating with the landlord?

ADA guild: still recruiting a workgroup over the next couple months to craft a policy and setup the new space. need help with measurements at capp. message Rikke ada moving and guild channel on discuss.

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1 - Moving[edit | edit source]

Schedule for packing/cleaning 2169

  • Minimal access and numbers in space, as scheduled Monday/Thursday/Saturday

Schedule for work and upgrades, then moving, and moving in?

Ryan: Moving strategy during the Pandemic. Comments compiled on a page. Would be useful to summarize comments. *Starts sharing screen of doc at link below.

Ryan: These are all things related to COVID and our plan ideas. If we can get this written up in a single page that can be posted wherever we need it could be useful to let people know what some of our COVID actions are. Tyler and X are doning a good job limiting the number of people in the space. Good to have something written up to show we are taking the pandemic seriously. I am not good at writing things like this in anything other than bullet points which is not reader friendly.

lxpk: was afk listening, anything about X or ADA now? I like the idea of having an inspection that would teach us how to implement stuff. Do we have a time for the ADA guild meeting?

Rikke: Let's get to ADA in a minute after wrapping up the moving discussion.

James: Anything that you're looking for input on related to the move that you want discussion around?

Ryan: Yes, lxpk has worked on a sketch up model of the new space. Need to get some design ideas out and about to plan the layout. One of the very first steps. Can't do electrical until we know where we need it. Same for the ADA buildout. Is the sketch up model ready or does it need more work?

bfb: Layout known in advance would be very useful for ada, electrical, network. Or ad-hoc with just setting up as we go, but that would be a mess. In support of a layout and a plan.

lxpk: first floor sketch-up model is done. second floor needs more accurate dimensions.

X: I can explain the second floor dimensions. The ground floor and the second floor share a back wall. On the ground floor there are two extensions that go out beyond the building. Will share more detail offline.

lxpk: will finish up the model soon.

Mark: good to plan certain things, but leave lots of room for malleability. planning electrical and ada is good. letting people figure out what spaces are what as we go is also good. we should put all these things in as many places as possible. while also leaving room for accessiblity in every little space. We should be arranging and re-arranging the individual spaces over time, because that's part of what makes noisebridge fun!

Ryan: maybe after this meeting we can meeting and collaborate on the sketch-up model. i have sketchup 2017 on my computer right now to work on it. the hard part is 240V plugs. you do not want long wires with 240V, need the plugs exactly where the laser cutter, welders, kiln, etc. will be. no 240V extension chords.

Mark: it is important to figure out where the shops will be.

lxpk: is there an electical resistance cost to having more high-voltage sockets than we need?

Ryan: i don't remember the costs to 240V electical buildout. it shouldn't use extra energy just to have the plugs. each 240V socket should be on it's own breaker.

lxpk: i can see how the costs will add up. will there be a regular buildout discussion? or should it happen in weekly meetings?

ryan: having a separte buildout meeting before the tuesday community meeting makes a lot of sense.

james: yes, both items for discussion are related to the buildout of the space. stack is clear. yay! any other thoughts on moving?

lxpk: Build Guild!@!

Mark: What's our timeline and where has it been posted?

Tyler: Guessing we'll get keys in the next 1-2 weeks.

Ryan: We'll want to measure and start moving in stuff with the buildout. Tyler set up a nice toolset for all the moving related stuff. Tyler might have an idea of the order which stuff should be moved.

X: let's pick this up at 7pm PT on Tuesday and move on to additional discussion items.

Ryan: All stuff that would be best discussed in the "Moving" catagory, "terraforming plan" team on discuss.

Mark: We do not have a hard move date yet as we do not have a hard end to shelter in place yet?

bfb: Just to be clear: we will get the keys soon and start moving things and building out in a limited capacity, this is separate from shelter-in-place dates and when we actually start paying rent, etc...

Discussion Item 2 - ADA & Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Add Yourself to Stack:

   1. Your Name

ADA & Upgrades - Please write any specific items below. :)

  • Policy

Tyler: RE: CASp inspector. David from DIY Spaces knows one, but he was timid on recommending that we hire them. As david said it was a good step to prevent us from being sued for ADA. But maybe not the best idea to hire one for pre-planning. Also it seems like some of the planning will come after we learn what tools go where. Since one of the main concerns is to ensure that "everything possible on the second floor should also be doable on the ground floor" It would be helpful to first have a layout of what goes upstairs, and what goes downstairs.

Rikke: Speaking to the policy - requesting broader participation in the effort. Trying to write-up something along the lines of the anti-harrassment policy to be posted in the space and on the wiki. Also with respect to the ADA buildout of the new space - let's talk about how far down the rabbit hole we're going to dive. Does anyone have comments on the balance? E.g. doors with electic buttons vs doors that can be opened with ease.

Ryan: Doors that can be opened with feet, foot door pulls, doors we don't have to touch. Need to have wheelchair width doors. At least some form of easy-open handle. If the doors are not automated, need to have an easy way to open.

lxpk: foot and mid-height pushable buttons > foot pulls

Rikki: European-style door handles. Down with the round knobs!

Ryan: discussion of latches that can be mechanically or electically triggered. all doors need a sci-fi door opening sound. required.

lxpk: footpulls are not a substitute for a button. in principle only need buttons on the doors to the bathroom, other doors can remain open during normal hours with a sign on them indicating as much.

ryan: woodshop, metalshop, etc. doors may be closed to contain noise.

lxpk: thoes rooms could have sliding star trek like doors.

James: also cool to have a sensor notifying if bathroom is closed / in use.

Mark: is a sensor based trigger for a door latch a good idea?

James: have seen this before to indicate if a door is in use.

mark: wondering if that could backfire

james: the people i saw using it loved it. the sensor simply turned a light on.

mark: contact-less doors sounds like a good idea

ryan: way to make electro-mechanical doors work even when the power is out.

mark: sensors can be used to turn lights on.. but can a faulty sensor lock people out if used on a door latch?

ryan: always have a physical override to the system.

mark: then that's not a lock

ryan: always want a physical override

  • midway down the rabbit hole of doors*

Or skip that locking thing and just have a cool light.

Rikke: has there been any discussion of budget for buildout?

x: fundraising discussion for ada up next :) is there any difference? they are fully related. rikke: haven't hear any numbers kicking around for the larger buildout. looking for an overall budget, not for specific things, but general funcationality.

ryan: i'm guessing $100-150K. ~$50k to ada. ~$50K to to electical/hvac. ~$50k to walls, rooms, etc. on the high side. we could do it for a lot less, but it's going to be hard since we're doing this all by the books. need licensed people for some of the work which adds costs.

bfb: in the past we've used consensus for funds far less than this. curious on process for agreeing to a plan. Will it be piece by piece or bring together a comprehensive plan with budget and individually executed items. how can this be done quickly and inclusivly?

james: also curious about this. all the work is interrelated.

ryan: we'll need the board to sign contracts when working with contractors. we're going to want to break this down into somewhat small chunks. if we find the right people we can do this for ~$60k. break it down into 4-5 smaller, ~$15k projects.

TYLER: Ok. Main point I'd like to make on buildout cost. Noisebridge (in it's current state) was built out over a decade. And we have lived with very limited shop capabilities. The wood shop has not had ventillation for 10 years. Its ok if it goes a few more months without building a full hvac system I know we have more money right now. But rent is higher at Capp St. And if COVID pushes more people out of the city, noisebridge will definitely lose some revenue. So I worry about designating $100k of renovation day 1. Because it could leave us in a very fragile financial condition 1 year from now.

rikke: i think ryan's numbers are right. spending it all at once is going to be painful and potentially ill advised. optimally, we lay out something roughly like a plan with the things we want to do at some point and we figure out what order we're doing them in. doing it completely peicemeal i am not a particular fan of. we'll have an easier time of it all around if we take the time and make the effort to hash out the bigger things. one of the things i'm trying to hash out is if we're going to put in a wheel chair lift to the second floor. ~$30-50k.

bfb: I don't think the previous consensus was planned to cover extensive financial costs. I would encourage us for large items like hvac, wheelchair lift to have discussions about financing these items. Could come from Noisebridge or we could ask on splitting costs.

ryan: from the prior consensus item proposed April 14, 2020 and consensed on April 28, 2020.

item 1. The board officers of Noisebridge may enter into loan agreements, building purchase negotiations, lease negotiations and building improvement decisions in the interest of acquiring a suitable building to be our permanent home. This authorization lasts until a permanent home has been secured, or until Noisebridge has either renewed the 2169 Mission St lease or signed a new lease and any related building improvement decisions are completed at which time the measure will be ended by a 24 hour Consensus.

3. In the event that a purchase, lease or building improvement decision is required in under two weeks, a special meeting may be called with at minimum 24 hours notice to form a special consensus on the lease, building improvement or purchase decision. The meeting will occur at Noisebridge and provide a mechanism (e.g. Google Hangout) for remote participation. A link will be provided to remote in the 4 channels described above and the notes.

Ryan "in item": Authorization should last a bit longer than the moment of a new lease so that building improvements probably done after lease is finalized can be decided. Some form of small C consensus or big C consensus should decide when the item has ended in effect since it likely will take 3-4 months before we become comfortable in the new space. Also, add in more things related to each building improvement so all will trigger a 24 hour special consensus period.

Ryan: In short, these items say we can call a quick consensus in the event that urgent action is needed. In general, we'll want to use tranditional consensus for these items. It also says the board can authorize the buildout of these things.

bfb- We can call quick emergencty meeting if we need to call for special concensus, and that the Membership has authorised the board to enter buildout contracts.

Rikke: What are folks thoughts on potential high-value projects?

1. Wheelchair lift to the 2nd floor 2. ADA modification to 1st floor bathroom now and 2nd floor bathroom after the wheelchair lift is installed. 3. build out for 240v connectors ala laser cutter. 4. Ventilation system for dirty shop, hot shop with laser and other things like kiln? AND COVID! (these could be 3 distinct systems, some protable, others fixed, etc.) 5. Rooms - can we do this ourselves? last time we got into a heap of trouble winging it. 6. sound proofed rooms (for recording and for other rooms to keep noise down). possible diy but true sound proofing is very tough. especially the door and noise bleed.

tyler - we can build rooms ourselves, we just need permits FIRST

tyler: remember what the space looks like. There are aleady three rooms built. We only need one more room.

Network stuff? bfb: ~$2-3k in total, will try to reuse existing eq as much as possible. ryan: can be incrementally improved

dan: intrigured to hear hvac and $15k mentioned in the same breath. we need to think through hvac, airflow and covid safety. what would it take to safely accomodate 8 people, 12 people? 20 people would be great. the more we can engineer a space with all kinds of covid safety, the better. i'm very interested in airflow. contaigen.

BfB- Would designing for covid be useless in long term? If we spend a lot on

Dan- maybe 20k for imediat use of space once we are aboe to reopen, and how to minimise covid danger with that build out

ryan - a decent general hvac could be useful longterm. hvac layout/inspection/etc. i recall being confusing. general hvac would be seperate from the exhaust system needed for the kiln/laser/metal shop and an exhaust system for the woodshop.

Kevin: Any other items? I think we've exhausted the exhaust discussion?

James: Any comments on the ADA Policy?

Mark: Rikke posted good suggestions with research on timelines. Not much activity on the thread since then. Could be that people are a little burnt out right now. I know I am super busy with a bunch of different projects. Happy to help with the ADA policy when I can.

Rikke: Taking a half step back after the discussion at last weeks meeting. Who is interested in participating in the wording process? Take time to give it some thought.

Ryan: I'm interested in helping out, but am a bit burned out at the moment. Still trying to do research into equipment. How we can make sure to write in stuff that will be followed. Things that are very simple to understand.

Rikke: That's really good to hear. We can start to recoalesce around some shared goals.

James: Other apects of ADA to be discussed? Updates or fundraising?

Discusion item 3[edit | edit source]

Most of these have been discussed in some form already, this could get picked up on with a Fundraising Guild meeting.


  • Funds for ADA
    • wheelchair lift
    • doors
    • restrooms
  • New projects/space buildout/equipment
    • electrical
    • shop spaces
  • promotion and outreach

For LuLz check out classic cable cut over:

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

tyler: signing out too! Sorry was text only this meeting. Hiding from the cops. Really look forward to a dedicated BUILD GUILD Last couple points: - Ryan likes fancy expensive toys. He will bankrupt us all! True (from ryan) - An HVAC unit will involve roof work. And we need landlord buyin. This will be a longer project. - The downstairs space is a beutiful giant open room. Let's not fill it with rooms too quickly.