Meeting Notes 2020 12 22
These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.
- Live notes
- Virtual Meeting (jitsi mic/cam off by default link)
Date: December 22th, 2020
Note-taker: Who 'dat!? (Anonymous)
Moderators: plausibly sounds like Dan, mostly nobody
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
60-second description per item in bulletpoint.
rC3 Dec. 27-30[edit | edit source]
This year, CCC hosts the Remote Chaos Experience (rC3) instead of an on-site event in Leipzig. This endeavor requires creativity, joy of experimentation and active support.
Networking Class DATE_FORMATTED[edit | edit source]
Victor's Networking Class ... (add more)
DEF CON NYE[edit | edit source]
Announcement! DEF CON's first New Year's Eve Party! October 30, 2020, 21:37 December 31, 2020 through January 1, 2021
Let’s ring in the New Year together! We’re putting together a free online party for the global DEF CON Community. Join us on our Discord server ( for some low-key DC-style amusements like Hacker Jeopardy, Drunk Hacker History, live music, movies - you know how we do. No talks, no lines, plenty of hacker fellowship and shenanigans.
We’ll provide the tunes, the games and contests, even some ‘celebrity’ bartenders. You just bring your dancing shoes and the refreshments of your choice.
Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]
Pyconaut- We need more people to give us ideas on building out the new space. Even if only a few people can build the new space, if the can do the work that others ask of them, we can build a space that everyone fells like they have input on.
Relay- lets get others to help on different projects, gate, woodshop, library, sewing, gaming, music area.
Dan- We need to work on ventalation and outdoor space work. We also need paperwork done. The timeline is a bit unsure, but we should be proactive so that we can accomidate people when stuff starts happening. Bootstraping a safe space for people to work.
Relay- outdoor space would also need gate work as well.
Pyconaut- We should get permits, and to get the permits we need to get the blueprints form the city which is a big issuue right now. We do not want happened the past few years of noisebridge.
Dan- We also need safety plans for doing cunstructions during covid. All of thhis is not optional, it is required. We do not even know what we can and can't do without permits. This part will not be fun, or exciting. But if we do it correctly, we can then have people come in and work on stuff again. We need help doing the gruntwork to lay the groundwork.
Relay- Will any of these hurdles go away once covid ends.
Dan- We do have money, and can focus on buildout, as we do not need to worry about rent. We can also get grants in the future.
For people who want to help out, actually help out before asking for a key (there is a lot to do online that can help build out the new space).
Pyconaut- I agree
Dan- Also in person work does currently need a lot of coordination too happen as safety is the first priority, so just showing u is not really useful. It will be a few weeks tell much hhappens again. And it is not easy to figure out
Relay- So if you want to help out you should give info on what you want to do while in the space.
Dan- Bring your offer to a meeting, so that we can decide together.
Relay- People should try to get small c concensus at a meeting to move forward on buildout. A lot of people don't seem to know how to go about tha
Dan- It would be good to also be good to post on discuss to helpp coordinate.
Discussion Item 3[edit | edit source]
Web of trust
Dan- Web of trust, in terms of vouuch and veto.. It is granular, as what do you trust that person to do. Example (good at buildout, but night set noisebridgeon fire). It is hard to do, but we do have historic example, with access tokens. Currently who do we trust for buildout? Having a key is a double edged sword as you have a lot of power, but you also have a ton of responsibility. And people can be socially engineered into giving out keys. Also who should be trusted to give out keys.
Dan- Members doing psuedo consensus on who should get keys could be useful. People who help out can get keys. And having a key does not mean that people should use them. Not having a key is a safe option right now as how people use the keys is being looked at very very closly. Also not having RFID is making it much harder to control levels of access. Trying to force your way into noisebridge is unexcellent.
Pyconaut- Having keys vs RFID does make this much harder then it usually is. keys are either full access or no access, while RFID allows for many levels of access, and for that to change on the fly.
other[edit | edit source]
Ministry of contagion is waiting to be overthrown by the era of the knowledgable volunteer.
Carl- We need a better name for the "era of the knolegeable volunteer".
Relay- Knowledgeble vounteers should be exellent community members in good standing that is trusted by the community, and cares to improve noisebridge and bring our knowledge forward in an exellent manner
Name ideas Gatekeepers union Those foolish enough to build Plague INC. Builders
Virtual noisebridge upcoming[edit | edit source] Do not buy a ticket, just create an account and email.
Create a new account here (direct signup page, and then e-mail (<-- ‘.io’)with your username to be added to our assembly team.
Dan- Come join us. There is no reason not to.
Pyconaut = Might try to get Virtual Hack Comedy going again next month.
Pyconaut- You can also leave this noisebridge hackitorium jisi open in another window so you can visit virtual noisebridge at any time.