Meeting Notes 2021 03 09
These are the notes from the The 620th Meeting of Noisebridge.
- Live notes
- Virtual Meeting (jitsi mic/cam off by default)
March 9nd, 2021
Note-taker: TJ
Moderators: Pyconaut (driver), Dan (second driver)
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
- Fundraising Update
- Announcements:
- Finances:
- New members:
- New philanthropists:
- Consensus Items:
- Discussion Items:
Introductions[edit | edit source]
TJ - yellow Pyconaut- currently been skiing and teaching NB'ers how to ski and snowboard again in teh Tahoes Carl - Local LED flaschentaschen hacker in East Bay Jero - New to hackerspace, from Columbia, like to see the hackerspace. X - Watching random things in and out of the 'Bridge. Currently playing with glowing tubes (others)
<<Jero lives in a tech city in Columbia, fertile ground for TFC, and may be connected to noisebridge>>
Been under more strict quarantine, people are coming back in, twice a month
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
60-second description per item in bulletpoint.
- Algorithms class on Wednesday 6pm - Crypto class Wednesday 8pm - happens
Every other week
Neurotech noisebridge on Wednesday at 8pm, every other week
- NeuroTechXSF on thursdays at 6PM - Gambebridge on gamebridge discord on Wednesdays at 8PM - Noisebridge in Exile Thursday 6PM - to whenever - O.H.S.N.A.P. (aka Tinfoil Chat) on Saturday at 2 pm - Interest in intro to Linux command-line / bash shell - TBD (maybe Friday or Sunday?)
- Sunday is Pi day, Please eat pizza and Pi and other round things.
Potential Pi party on Sunday?!?!
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.
- Funds in bank:
cash= 304,392.82 crypto (price as of 03/09/2021= 53,953.10)= 207,719.44 total= 512,112.26
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- Any other details by those participating in handling our financials
- The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at
Treasurer has been monitoring bitcoin / math , talking about selling 0.75 coin, just matter of timing
Noisebridge intro-
Excellence[edit] Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other. (What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.) It a reference to a phrase from Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure. The key concept is to be excellent to others. At noisebridge it means being considerate to other people in the community, and making people Comfortable in the space. If you see something wrong, speaking up is excellent. We want a space that feels Safe for people. We also have a strict Anti-Harassment Policy as making people feel uncomfortable or harrased is not excellent. This applies to physical, emotional, psychological, socially, etc. Facilitation for Technical Enthusiasts!
Participation[edit] Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge. (What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?) Participation can be as simple as Introducing yourself, or as in depth as building out the new space. It is easy to participate at noisebridge since we run on doocracy.
Noisebridge is entirely run through donations. It is excellent to give NB, one wayis to be a Philanthropist. You made inroads with Members, willing to attend, and can donate some amount, usually $80/month.
24/7 access is no longer guaranteed. We do, however, show up on Jitsi instance and forums . Overall good start for people who want to be capital-M Members.
from an old meeting (pyconauts definitions)
Excellence[edit | edit source]
Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other. (What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)
Excellence is about caring for yourself, others, the space, and the community, it is about calling out when you see something wrong, and being available to help others. Being excellent can be doing things like taking out the trash, fixing a broken machine, cleaning up one of the areas, etc. As long as you follow the one rule, you will be welcome at noisebridge. We also have a Strict antiharassment policy, so if you are making people feel harassed through your actions, you will be asked to leave.
Participation[edit | edit source]
Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge. (What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)
There are many ways to participate at noisebridge, this includes taking a class, teaching a class, giving a presentation, using our equipment, etc. You can also do just about any project since we run on do-ocracy. But if you think that the action or project might disturb others, please go through small c consensus and ask the community before you take any actions. Once you come by for a bit and gain some trust from the community, you can ask for a 30 day access token which will get you in the noisebridge door from 10am to 11pm for 30 days (then it then needs to be renewed). You can also participate digitally through our different online systems- noisebridge slack noisebridge discuss noisebridge wiki noisebridge meetup
Guilds Definition[edit | edit source]
Guilds are how groups at noisebridge organize. (What is a guild? How do you join one? etc)
Guilds are groups at noisebridge that rally around a common interest. Any group can create a guild by writing a Charter AND maintaining the group according to the metaguild guidelines:
Philanthropist definition[edit | edit source]
A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space. (What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)
Once you come by for a while and have a lot of trust from the community, people might start asking if you want to become a philanthropist (you can also apply right away if you think the benefits are worth it). A philathropist is the next trust level after daytime access (30 day token) usually in escalating participation. You get 24/7 access during non plague times, pay some money (40 to 80 dollars amonth), you must know how to open and close the space, give tours, and introduce new people to the space. We want you to be able to help more people be able to access the space, and be excellent! To apply you get a big M Member to sponsor you, then you fill out a Plilanthropy pledge and read all the associated materials, then you come to a tuesday meeting to submit the application. During that meeting you will be questioned for a bit, and then if no one objectas to you being a philanthropist, you will become one.
Membership Definition[edit | edit source]
Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus. (What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)
Big M Members are different from just being a member of the community, this is the highest trust level of the noisebridge community, it means that everyone in the community trusts that you would make good decisions about how noisebridge can move forward. This is an annoying bureocratic level of trust, as the only theoretical benefit is that you get to block big C concensus items, and vote on who we place on our board. To become one, you need to go through a four week process, where you fill out a membership form sponsored by two big M members. You bring it to a tuesday meeting where it is submitted, your membership will be discussed at that meeting, then at the next tuesday meeting your membership is discussed again and if it gets to concensus, you will be asked to leave the room while the members present decide if they want to block you or not, if no Member blocks your membership application you become a Member. For the next two weeks any big M member can retroactivly block your membership for any reason. If you get blocked figure out why, fix the issue and then reapply at a later time.
Consensus[edit | edit source]
Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works. (How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)
concensus is the process by which things that can't be done through basic do-ocracy (things that affect others in the space.) It has two flavors, small c and big C. Small c concensus is the process where things that might cause slight issues in the space (events, big projects, moving rooms, etc), you just talk with the community before doing things. Big C concensus is the process by which action are taken at noisebridge that are too big, too expensive, or too critical to be done by small c concensus. These are things like Moving, spending a lot of money, or doing legal bureucratic garbage. This is a two week+ process where an item is propsed one week (if possible you should already have the item posted in draft concensus items, and the binder). At that meeting it will be discussed for a while, then the next week it will be discussed again, and if people feel confident, it will be brought up for concencus, and if no big M member blocks the consensus item it passes and becomes a Consensed item.
Dan: Like to point out the NB leans on capital-M Members a great deal, Philanthropists are awesome. If this is daunting (it's been something I personally prefer the informal approach to), you don't have to be a capital-M Member to contribute and have credibility. Don't let the details be too daunting, you'll find your comfort level. A good contingent of people who know the community and aspire to excellence.
Dan: We should add this to the definitions page!
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Discussion Item #0 Closed? and check-in[edit | edit source]
X : Current guidance posted - potentially amping up more : indoor dining became official on March 2. General guidance is : stay home as much as possible, don't mix households. Specifically, office type spaces are closed for non-essential business. My reading is that the only acceptable activity at Capp is minimal basic operations. We are now in Red Tier, the Third tier below Purple. SF COVID page has relevant documentation
Current consensus is that we are closed for business as usual, general community input has been looking at reopening in July. Also, ongoing conversations on being liable for rent.
Would like to pass appreciation to the community at large, would accept input, still are closed, but would like to solicit knowledgable volunteers to improve the space until we are hacking again.
Ryan: Any questions/thoughts/comments?
Discussion Item #1 Pay'n Rent[edit | edit source]
- X : The landlord thinks we should start paying April 1, cut a check in May. Doesn't track to letter of lease agreement, get range of opinions & community concensus on current state of rent.
To recap:
1. Lease term doesn't begin until 30th day after relevant restrictions are lifted. Some restrictions lifted March 2 due to going to Red Tier. Were in orange for part of last year, so Red shouldn't be loose enough criteria.
TJ-- Does our landlord think our restrictions were lifted on march 2
X- Seems like it, but there could be more discussion
Dan - Let them know we are still closed, and won't open until at least July, but not totally unreasonable. let's find out what they need. If we do depart fromletter of the lease (all relevant restrictions lifted), we need to rethink that, and consult an attorney. Got them to sign off on the chairlift / elevator, so they could be reasoned with. We should talk to them, in short.
Ryan - It sounds like we need to talk to landlord/treasurer, potentially bring in legal advisor. Could ask treasurer to check in with attorney.
Discusssion Item #2 Noisebridge 2022[edit | edit source]
X - Can you imagine it? What would it look like? Then it can inform near-term decisions.
(Time stats : myself, TJ, Dan, and pyconaut, but haven't heard anything from Carl)
Pyconaut : Long-term I would like NB to stay cleaner. Proper ventilation and ease of moving objects around space for cleaning would be excellent. We should also make more equipment ADA accessible.
Henner : Looking for RFID system stuff. Is it somewhere? (Looking for RFID system) (ADAfruit donations of electronics...)
TJ- Have the ability to have people again and be able to hold people comfortably.
Carl- Every wall covered in LEDs
Pyconaut- Would projection Mapping be Ok?
Carl- why not both?
T7- More connected to other hackerspaces around the world. Many look to us, we should becoume a bigger worldwide comunity. More intro classes that can be done by any hackerspace.
Carl- Independnt ordor of hakrspazes
Noisebridge is the vatican of the hackerspaces?
Create a money pot to help birth new hackerspaces
X- More fiscal sponsorship, and how to get it to work for noisebridge and othhers. How do we get the ability for more growlth in thhis sector, without the nmss of burocorocy.
X- Noisebridge built mobile hackerspaces
Dan- A cyberpunk Utopica
Dan- We want an elevator
Discusssion Item #3 Elevator[edit | edit source]
Dan- we might know a guy who can do it for 100k (permits included)
Pyconaut- I think it will cost a bit less than that since we don't need a full elevator. Vertical Wheelchair lift might be $10k, hole in the ceiling would be $20k, instalation 10k, permits and certification 10k total $50k maybe? But let set aside $100k to be safe.
X- From our treasurer is eems like this would be a great item to get a grant or city donation to fund.
Dan- would 100k be enough?
X- Our hight is to high for a virtical wheelchair lift to be permissable in ouur use case
We would need a fully enclosed elevator
Pyconaut- what type of lift would it be?
X- Not a freight or big one just a simple enclosed elevator.
Discusssion Item #4 Knowlegelable volunteers entering space[edit | edit source]
Dan- Are there people who are knowledgable and can come and help out safely
Pyconaut- I might be able to come by more by end of april.
People in chat- we are ready to help out.
Discussion Item #5[edit | edit source]
Hardware around door systems?
Had development in 2020 on #thebikeshed, dave made stuff on Github