Meeting Notes 2021 05 04

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These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: 2021.05.04

Previous Meeting

Next Meeting

Note-taker: pyc, et al

Moderators: tyler

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Pyconaut- He him- Playing games , gardening, watching anime Tyler- he him- Work on stuff, treasurer Piratee person Carl- I am foo and work on bar, and bazz. Ⅹ - still space hack'n TJ

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.

NeuroTechX SF hacknights is doing a capsasin and EEG community experiment over the next few weeks. Join us on thursdays at 6pm (look on meetup).

5mof prep starting soon 3rd Thursday May 20th

Driveway buildout will happen soon. Will be starting May 15

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

DEvilDan- Exelence means having some gosh darnd respect for your fellow traveler.

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)

Read the wiki

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

Read the wiki

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

Read the wiki

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo. Crypto: 177,126.42 Cash: 337,939.69 Total: 515,066.11 3.2 bitcoin left

Can we put some money in blockfi as we can get some intrest.

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

read the wiki

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)


Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

nope not really

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

how we are opening?

Rebooting philanthropy and member system (access tokens, etc) Will we be open june or july. Will we have member times, open hours, project hours, etc.

Tyler- Key managment will be importaint. How will we set up the new one.

It seems like we need to figure out

X- Seems like right now there are almost no active philanthropist. As there is no easy way to track it. Same with big M Members. Payments are only a small part of this.

c - did they stop paying monthly dues?

X- This is really about sponsorship, and opening to sponsored individuals.

Pyconaut- Restarting Philanthropy from the ground up might be the best option, ans there are quite a few people who Members could

X- We are probably not ready for a 24 hour access to the space right now. Which is what philanthropy was mainly helpful for.

X- Having 2 people needed to open the space could be very useful for going forward.

Tyler- We dont really need to have people there 24 hours right now, since many people seem to be more about building out the new space right now, rather then spending long hours on personal projects.

X- Even if we had things like the laser running it would still be hard to let people use it, there are some safety and security issues. Right now we need better community understanding about how access to the space will work. We want to keep people from randomly waking in even when we are "open". We do not have any good physical barriers to seperate parts of the space, and it could turn into a free for all.

pyconaut - if we upgrade the driveway gate and have some kind of door there for access control. Two seperate doors for access, gate door and front door like at 2169.

Tyler- That makes sense and could work well.

X- With hours as well, many noisebridgers usually come out at night, but we should definitly look at noisebridge during the day.

X- having a gate door would also help with people feeling safe and easier to leave and enter the space.

tyler/moderator: lets circle back to philanthropist and membership. proposing a clean slate on philanthropists. focus on members re-inviting people they have/would sponsor.

dan: oppurtunity to do some outreach, hey how ya doing sort of thing. Joyous and non-grueling

py: All philanthropist that reapply get a new noisebridge shirt. OR sticker. Considering the overall value they provide, something like a shirt is cheap. New space, rules are pretty much the same. But we need to restart at the ground and rebuild our tower of HACKERDOM into the sky anew!

x: sounds good. I'd like to see it as a piece of hardware. Maybe part of access, or just something involved in useing the space. RFID, circuit badge, etc. Maybe a way of philanthopists/members being visible in the space

Tyler - Like defcon badges

Pyconaut- Or guild badges

Dan: The trust model for philo's is that they know to open and close the space. My expectations are that there is another level of wherewithall(spelling?) of what philo's were expected to do in the past. Knowing 2169 !== knowing 272. Philanthropists are facilitators. And that's a hard job right now, and until we get a critical mass of people know know what's up. We need designated, committed volunteers.

Dan- No one knows what is actually going on at 272 fully, it will be hard to get all the philantropists up to date on the new space, probably for the next few months as so much is changing.

Dan- What we want to happen and how we can get good faciilitators on board to help with the new space. Looking forward to business as usual again, but not yet, still going to take some time. Calling for more facilitors.

x: check in with moderator on topic, and proposing idea of "build" day to start at least a once a week critical mass.

Tyler- it makes sense to have philanthropists reapply as this is a new space and new all new setup. And build days could get people up to date on the new space and help them prepare to apply.

X: sounds like general consensus on rebooting philanthropy with reaching out to individuals to re-apply and clarifying what philanthropy at 272 means and looks like.

X- we need to give a lot of tours and the tours will change. We've also not really figured out how to do virtual tour/introductions. We can start the tours small, since stuff is constantly changing.

Dan: thoughts on orientation/tours. aka: onboarding. I've been trying to do for the last six months or so. Presumption is that volunteers are there to do some useful work and they don't necisarly know what to do. Needs some assesment do you want me to tell you what I want you to do? Letting volunteers in and get comfortable with the space and get to konw that they can contribute to some of thinking as well.

Dan: If someone really wants something to do, sure, what I really want you to do is everything I'm doing, like introducing other people to the space. It's not just a tour it's really onboarding volunteers. Not entirely about showing people how to use the space for what they want to do, but also to help other people figure out how to use the space as well.

pyconaut: starting with well done tours of what we need peoples help with. still want to do a walk around tour of the new space so people can start thinking of ideas. after a general tour of the entire space with very little detail I would go over specific details of what we need to better at the beggining.

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

money stuff & operations

Tyler: suggested some investment options. Really high level. Will need to spend some more time preparing some options.

Pyconaut- I was looking at grants and stuff and found some interesting stuff from Filecoin, who just donated to the Internet Archive.,single%20donation%20to%20the%20organization.

I think we could get a grant from them if we have a project that they would like, or if we can show that noisebridge has value in a decentralised web future.

Their project is related to IPFS if you know what that is.

For elevator- Landlord is concerned about reassesment of property taxes, but would like building imprvments that add property value. We should wait until the first rent payment to the landlord

Water bill has been re-imbursed and check sent to building management. Recap from previous discussion, we had an > $800 bill that was sent to the building management as well, they paid it, and then paid it again so we ended up with > $800 balance. Tyler has sent a check for the full amount that we paid out and will work out the difference with the utility company, we basically have a credit for future water use. There is also a substantial charge for 5 days of water usage.

On the start of the lease and paying of rent, the commencement date has still not entirely be set or determined. Now that SF is planning to go to Yellow tier as of Friday May 7th 2021 restrictions will further be lifted. This seems like a reasonable point to consider relevant restrictions impacting noisebridge being reduced to a point of suitable operations. Per the lease the rent starts 30 days after restrictions are lifted.

Having a crypto class more often could be very useful, and might help us get more donations.

We are having a crypto discussion tommorow night.

Discussion Item 3[edit | edit source]

Art in/on the space

Access for artist

X- We need more art in the space. How can we get more art in the space and how do we reach out to artists. Also how do we allocate space. What about areas that can be used for other things. How can we keep from needing a artist commision. Can we use canvaces or movable pieces.

Tyler- I think at top of stairs might be ok.

Pyconaut- I think Puting Murals where we want ADA corridors would be useful for keeping them clear, we could also do the ceilings, and the stairs and stairway.

Pyconaut- We could also Mural The Rollup door. neighboor (steve) is interested in helping us with.

X- (showing Panel murals at Curcuit launch)

Dan: the panels, art murals even, +1 (as an artist) awesome, like 4'x8'

Pyconaut- I like 4'x4', easier to fit in cars.

Dan: eithers great, I like 4x8', fundraising connection, like sponsor a panel. Sponsor an artist, help pay the artist and noisebridge, and get art out of it and help the artist.

X- Dan are yo volunteering to put up panels.

Dan: not quite, I'd like to make some arts, can't front $1,000 for materials.

Dan- Pyconaut thought about getting the Plywood from boarded up stores, last year.

Dan: like the idea of making some fine art surface would require a lot of gesso and some plywood.

Pyconaut- I will help put up panels and prime them.

Discussion Item 4[edit | edit source]

Other ideas on projects for the space.

Pyconaut- Robotic parts wall for electronics components, I already have intrest from a few people and am reaching out to see if people will donate parts for it.

X: Getting general electronics space back up for doing small scale assembly and testing. Basic bench tools, power supplies, oscilloscope and microscope. ideally keep building out to include desktop pick and place with reflow.

X: This could be a good group project with art Hexagon RGB wall art

Pyconaut- There has been intrest before for building a waterjet, a CNC table, a cnc plasma cutter, heated 3D printer chamber, and a number of other machines. THis intrest could get people interested in the new space.

Jeremy Fielding has some great videos on this subject

Pyconaut- I also want to build an ADA tool wall for power tools and general tools so that they are easier to access at different hights. I have a few designs that I am working on.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]