Meeting Notes 2021 05 25

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These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: May 25th, 2021

Previous Meeting

Next Meeting

Note-taker: TJ

Moderators: dan, X

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Person1 - she/her - something i do
  • Person2 - they/them - first time here, hello
  • and so on

X Jermops broccoli - briefly here evildan-has been noisebridging for a few years, has been pretty wonderful. TJ

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.

Meetings are now 7 PM! (need to update the website - jermops?)

Laser cutter could be out front, hose out door and up.

Last meeting:

   - Rearranged the building, but need more plans for the wooshop and other shops.
   - Should also talk about for weekends


  • Chuck: Starting a new class on Thursday nights called Let's Fight About Category Theory. 9pm. BYO Whiteboard Markers.
  • Roxy: One night only discussion on Puppet Feminism coming up this Saturday at 8pm. No fetish gear, please.
  • Albert: I'm taking a long bike ride next week and drinking some stuff I accidentally came up with while making tea in the back. Must sign waiver to join.

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

jermops - Don't be an asshole. Help out the space. Contribute and help, give tours, improve and hack on the space, donate $$/time/both. Leave better than you found it. Participate in consensus, pay it forward.

dan - the people is what makes it excellent

X - think about broadening the space, and diversifying our community, talked with Liz about creating a space for the broader community. Clean and Safe space 2021

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)

dan - (We might need to re-up philanthropists and members, don't need to but should help.

TJ - Should there be a signup / potential philanthropists and Members

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

Tyler - Been a stressful few days, bitcoin has fluctuated. Would like to liquidate another Bitcoin, when it was 50k, days before the collapse

Tyler - $400k, $120k ? in bitcoin, richer than we've been but could be better

X - What do you think of diversifying. With everything in dip, Ether is probably dipping at well. Any benefit / option in spreading to other coin?

Tyler - Ether, blockfi / other stable coin (8.5% APR), get at least a 4.5% return. Ether got a little bit harder than bitcoin, I should know :(. Could see meaningful appreciation in the next couple weeks, if it doesn't burn out entirely

Dan - X and I have been talking about things like 3.2 bitcoin that we have left, we should cap speculative exposure to 20% by consensus... that was done a long time ago. It worked really good. If we followed to the letter, would've sold more, appreciate when plan is followed, less stress. Bitcoin, you're swimming with sharks and whales. It's magic money, we should be aware what we're doing with it, get our bitcoin street cred. Prefer Etherium, but still cool. I would think about spending the money wisely, and how to get monthly recurring revenue, and grow the project / invite more big $$ donations. That's the *real* value for treasurer. If you are

TJ - DR --> Tyler is actually da real MVP understanding finance like he does, don't knock accounting.

Tyler - Could invest in non-Bitcoin investment. Would like to get good enough interest to pay our monthly rent each year. Need to grab more monthly recurring donations though

Dan - great you're channeling the will of the community - we'll be ok with your decisions, and generally trust you to do good stuff, including selling to 20%.

Tyler - one consensus item, to hodl 2 bitcoin, sell the 1.2 bitcoin.

J - what if we hodl it all?

Dan - hodl a bit, not it all.

X - I would propose multiple parallel strategies : hodl 1 bitcoin for a year.

Short term - diversify, long term - hold, how to balance those two. Tyler, we respect your guidance and judgement, and appreciate you excercising the judgement.

Tyler - Thanks. I'm about to head out, good to see people. Stack

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Flaschen Taschen - Carl will be there next Saturday to put wooden on wheels, so it can be maneuvered around.

Wheels? Carl - Our friend Jake has a collection of casters

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

Meeting / Pre-meeting times - just let people know (Done)

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]


dan: ok with cameras, don't want to talk past each other,

TJ: Good when noisebridge is closed, more of a deal when closer to opening

are we open?

California has a June 15th opening guideline bar disaster, and it's our goal to be ready to open to the public by that weekend.

Tyler - aReN't cAmeRas iLleGal aT nOisEbRiDge? Space isn't open, we need to minimize robberies while we build the place out.

Tyler - probably won't camera the interior when we open.

Will it be permanently this way

tyler - 1 of 2 options : ban cameras again, or if there are cameras, it is a public live-feed camera. Opposed idea of hidden camera with only a few camera logs.

TJ - no arguing with imaginary opponents.

Tyler - Steve and Ryan both oppose cameras in the space, strongly.

X - We have several levels: inside, outside, and in-between (podcasts, lecture, etc.) . We can discuss what is necessary for each.

Tyler - we are also on the first floor, so we'll get robbed more easily

X - I want to talk more later, in general motion detection, so appreciate what we've covered / where we're at.

J - There is plenty to discuss in good faith regarding the cameras. It is a difficult conversation in talking about the cameras. We need input from people; share thoughts. But I see it being stressful if those thoughts are being actively directed at the maintainers of the system over this live meeting. Just thoughts to consider. (Please quietly consider how this discussion can fruitfully progress if it is of importance to you. Hope this helps).

Discussion Item 1.5 New Philanthropists/Members[edit | edit source]

X - on Philanthropists and Members, see another Member, want to check on active vouches for Phil. We discussed "resetting" Phils and they would reach out to folks, # Phils that were confused. Active members should be vouching for them (at least 2). Tyler, the other member, we were talking about Members. Anyone else want to volunteer Phil / access to Noisebridge. Jster here Saturday, excellent hacker and potential Philanthropist, but hasn't been made clear to broader community.

Tyler - Recapping... Philanthropists are good, uh.... they do dirty work, happy to sponsor.

X - Any phils you are vouching for continued Philanthropy?

Tyler - 1 this upcoming weekend, wanted to be a Philanthropist... most my friends are Members. Good candidates who are vaxx'd and ready to start...

Jermops, TJ -- *waves*

X - I'd vouch for Dan and JD, as they are trustworthy to be at the space when excellent to do so.

Tyler - would vouch for jermops

X - big userbase who doesn't account for either. Propose weekly pass, where two Members small-C consense that they should have access to the space. Would extend to people who are good to the space and can be welcomed. Majority of people interacting with space are neither

Dan - Summarize everything you said!

brocoli - is it possible that having more activity in the space with individual projects / hacking not directly related to buildout could help with buildout. If people make music and use music station, then they could use it.

X - jermops have helped with network, so they can help out, so long as they are focused on the space. Let's get a focus on weekly events. I can be there Monday and Wednesday, and can host open hours, get to know people in the community. Generally open to be hanging out 2 to 5 on Tuesdays, and volunteers to be around socially / Circuit Hacking Monday.

Dan - It sounds like you have a lot to share with the group. I have thoughts as well.

brocoli - Main focus should be building out, if we want to cut a piece of wood, no hurt

Tyler - experienced people should help out more.

X - Want to see mini assemblies to help make this happen. Maybe superconfab of metal and wood, and we want to set up assemblies of people with first and second priorities.

Dan - good ratio of people who know what's going on, what's about to go on. You were psyched about this Saturday.

TJ - People are coming, and see Noisebridge as a thing that's happening again.

Not much use in setting it up if no one uses it

(Footnote, come back to driveway & soldering)

(Come back to financial report soon)

Discussion Item 4[edit | edit source]

Increasing the count of people in Noisebridge to 20 vaxx'd - ok Dan - what are expectations for conduct in the space - sbananabananabananahould we be around when people come to party afterward?banana banana X - Let's say 8 max at once, 20 during the day

X - 8:39 , be excellent, fits with overall pattern in decision making, max # people congregating together, look forward to growing, and can stabilize it. Only comfortable with more knowledgeable volunteers than volunteers. Need to be 5 facilitators per 8 people. Over the next weeks, can move from knowledgeable to facilitating and regular volunteers, we can move to the masses. need a critical mass of consensus and community, helping grow things

Dan - It depends. I'd love to have 20 knowledgeable volunteers. Contagion scenario - isn't over, but a lot safer than before. Look at scenario in a couple weeks. Just need to manage the space without catching late term COVID. It's a lot to stay on top of, don't want anyone there who you know or want to get to know. Wouldn't have a problem with 20 knowledgeable people, not ok with 5 tourists / people who use the space casually. banana Jermops - hone in on 20 knowledgeable people. What do we mean by 'knowledgeable". If we can get clarity on what it means, then we can get more "knowledgeable" people who can be excellent in the spacebanana

Dan - Good question.

2 minutes to 9... Thank you for coming!

Who want to talk about what?


Discussion After-Items Laser cutter? (General buildout)

jermops - having a couple different discussions with X, JD, etc. on how the shops should look. Originally wnated walls, but they need permits, and are too permanent. Time-consuming , $$$ , and immature. Also talking about ventilation for shop. Esp. the laser cutter and vacuum with googly eyes. JD's wife is architect, can help with ventilation planning. Best idea is to go up, no going around bends, more issue with sideways because of various thing. Short-term though, the idea was to vent out garage door, and a vent structure to go up. Then we can open door, plug laser cutter, than have the air go up. Deals with "Oh the air will just go back in!"

That's all for now. Anything people will want to talk, say so.

David - I would want people to consider fume extraction for laser cutter

jermops - I'm talking ventilation. As the shop area takes space, how to extract from building, consensus is to go straight up. It will be in back wall, takes up little space, easy to enclose.

David - could reduce fumes being produce. Laser extractors could reduce produces films, a lot of places use that. Sparkle Forge got smelly, but that could be other factors (like fans).

X - Fume extractors ==> filtration + venting out. FWIW Justin laser bong has volunteered showing up on Saturday and contribute implying carbon filtrations and percolation. Latter may need more discussion, because a lot of liquids. Anyone who's managed weed growing, perfect filtration system -- large filter machine, works good for lasers.

Dan - we should do everything we can to maximize air quality. Don't know details, but will provide full support (short of inviting unvaxx'd volunteers - could talk about that). Back to current topic.


X - on vax positive - appreciate it, and ahead of Saturday should come up with written policy of extending validation to other people in accordance with city guidelines. Need more official validation -> after main crew, people who may or may not be vaxx'd came to space. Need to workshop this before any gathering

Dan - It's hard telling people "No, you can't come in -- you're vaxx'd"

David - It's more compelling to say "We decided as a group (not just county guideline) that people need to be vaxx'd". That's the way we roll, right? We have a strong honor system, right?

X - It's different when it's people I don't know

TJ - I had written consent for first 10 to 12 people, but it broke down.

X - We had a specific program, but at end of day ppl randomly showed up. Fortunately we wound down, kept it to outdoor activity. But it's hard to say no, need to say that to people confronted with it tho.

Dan - don't want to accomodate wackjob psychology. Vaxx'd ppl are bad.

X - I want to solicit a small-C consensus that everybody participating is vaccinated. If people can't be, we'll work with them. Work parties are vax-only, clarify how to do that. We're still a vaxx'd workspace, and we should still keep masks when hacking at noisebridge.

TJ - maybe ppl who show up without signing up

David - ppl who are excellent showed up, even when they were not planned.

X - I absolutely have a problem with people who showed up uncoordinated who worked with everyone who agreed to these terms.

David - I have to disagree, there was a consensus to shut down the space, it wasn't updated, so it was nullified. I don't think that regulars showing up is a bad thing. could be healthy

Dan - Big C consensus was decided, but we did little c consensus ever since. it's a slippery slope, though.

David - I'm ok with turning away people who came in late, but pre-defined list doesn't sit well with me.

Dan - I sympathize with the spontaneity, and there's benefit. But I can't afford the cost. But you're imposing risk stress, and confusion / discomfort. Hope I gave X time to gather their thoughts.

X - Thanks for moderation break. How do you prefer to be addressed, we have a bad feedback loop. David, if you don't mind muting. I want to recap that yes, the big C cnsensus has expired, we ahve small consensus. We are NOT open. We can hand in the driveway. But everyone in the space needs to be validated and trusted. We were doing a specific thing from 12 to 5, extended beyond that. Being a facilitator, I'll be as open as possible, but people need to work with me. The way we approach randos in the space is checking if everyone is ok with "people who aren't possibly vaxx'd" , and the response was overwhelming. What we're doing is as safely as possible build a bridge that is more open. Would love to have more conversations with you, build out the space. We need an agreed protocol.

Carl - I was there Saturday, I was hearing that a # of people showed up unexpectedl at a late hour, no bueno. Could we have a couple of hours we set aside for drop ins. I'm concerned with people signing up ahead of time. If we did Saturday 1-3, we'd let people know

X - volunteering hour and day to host drop-ins? We have noon to 5 scehduled buildout. Could do Saturday

Carl - I could volunteer possibly Saturday afternoon. It is a possibility

David - We could communicate little-c consensus that someone comes who shows up late, but is knowledgeable.

X - We had over 10 people signed up.....

Dan - what are your thoughts

David - someone I know well showed up at 2 on Saturday, but were'nt on list, I wouldn't feel weird helping out. It's lame if anti-vaxxer shows up, but well-known people who showed up at 2, I'd give them a chance

Dan - how could we do it better? It's hard not to have a glibly optimistic judgement.

David - what happened, Ahmed do you wanna come, J, etc. they told other people, etc. what can you do?

Dan - people will come again uninvited. Let's just learn to bounce people who come in uninvited. Noisebridge 101, on steroids. That's what's on my mind.

X - Let's end the meeting now. David I appreciate your input, and glad to discuss this with you.

David - I think we can extend trust as more people come

Dan - This Meeting is over! (no new notes will be taken, except as a takeaway)

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]