Meeting Notes 2021 06 01

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These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: June 1st, 2021

Previous Meeting

Next Meeting

Note-taker: Pyconaut

Moderators: wolf (ghost moderator Pyconaut)

Last Weeks Notes:

There was no "meeting" last week during the build out, there was more member and hackers present then ever at noisebridge, and we collective said, gee this seems like a good time to think about a meeting, how about next week, lets talk about it at this weeks Tuesday meeting.

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Pyconaut- He/him - Just gave 5 hours of talks at Fanime this weekend, hve missed 2 noisebridge meetings.

Wolf- He/him- New to noisebridge, wants to start helping out, first meeting

Evil-Dan- He/him - been here for a while, does neurotech stuff, old software, blinkin lights, soft and wetware dev.

Carl of the clan Noisebridge- I don't know- Bearer of the Flashen Taschen blinky lights.

Introducing the noisebridge cameras (is this a good idea what do people think) banana robot noise DJ- Front door access safety cam out back- jitsi computer security cam devil

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.

Pyconaut- Noisebridge Build out dauzs on saturdays (in person). Please be fully vaccinated (2 weeks after second vaccination). Many people do not feel safe working with unvaccinated people at the moment. Though we understand that there might be reasones people can't get vaccinated (health issues, etc). There can always be a discussion before hand.

Pyconaut- NeurotechX SF hacknights are still hapenning on thursdays at 6pm PST. look on the meetup. We are doing a capsasin and EEG experiment, and have early evidence that spicy food does affect brain activity.

Dan- Wednesday Night noisebridge virtual Crypto meetups alternate weeks at 8pm (check with victor)

Pyconaut- Noisebridge Virtual Cohacking livestream on Wednesday at 7:30. (watch on noisebridge youtube)

Pyconaut- Gamebridge Unityversity is still happening on Gamebridge discord.

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

Dan- Do a solid for your fellow travveler, and to the space.

Pyconaut- Excellence is about caring for yourself, others, the space, and the community, it is about calling out when you see something wrong, and being available to help others. Being excellent can be doing things like taking out the trash, fixing a broken machine, cleaning up one of the areas, etc. As long as you follow the one rule, you will be welcome at noisebridge. We also have a Strict antiharassment policy, so if you are making people feel harassed through your actions, you will be asked to leave.

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)

Right now it is a bit weird as most things are still virtual. But people can help with buildout or teaching an online class. Or pacticipating in discussions about how new noisebridge will evolve. We do not allow for 24 hour access really and tokens are not working.

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

Once you come by for a while and have a lot of trust from the community, people might start asking if you want to become a philanthropist (you can also apply right away if you think the benefits are worth it). A philathropist is the next trust level after daytime access (30 day token) usually in escalating participation. You get 24/7 access during non plague times, pay some money (40 to 80 dollars a month), you must know how to open and close the space, give tours, and introduce new people to the space. We want you to be able to help more people be able to access the space, and be excellent! To apply you get a big M Member to sponsor you, then you fill out a Plilanthropy pledge and read all the associated materials, then you come to a tuesday meeting to submit the application. During that meeting you will be questioned for a bit, and then if no one objects to you being a philanthropist, you will become one.

This is being rebooted for the new space, as now old philanthropists currently cant meet the knowlege requirements at the new space tell they are retrained. Saturday build out days are a good day to learn some of this stuff.

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

Big M Members are different from just being a member of the community, this is the highest trust level of the noisebridge community, it means that everyone in the community trusts that you would make good decisions about how noisebridge can move forward. This is an annoying bureocratic level of trust, as the only theoretical benefit is that you get to block big C concensus items, and vote on who we place on our board. To become one, you need to go through a four week process, where you fill out a membership form sponsored by two big M members. You bring it to a tuesday meeting where it is submitted, your membership will be discussed at that meeting, then at the next tuesday meeting your membership is discussed again and if it gets to concensus, you will be asked to leave the room while the members present decide if they want to block you or not, if no Member blocks your membership application you become a Member. For the next two weeks any big M member can retroactivly block your membership for any reason. If you get blocked figure out why, fix the issue and then reapply at a later time.

We currently need more Big M Members, there are only about 5 semi-active members.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

Lets look into grants

Please look into grants

We need GRANTZ!!!

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Saturday General Meetings?

Discussion Item 1 Saturday General Meetings?[edit | edit source]

Pyconaut= Sounds like an interesting idea

From premeeting discussion

It would definitly be a better day to train new philantropists and introduce people to noisebridge. But they have to have notes so that there is a log related to new philanthropists.

It could also make turesday meetings easier, by spliting the introduction / boilerplate stuff from the discussion / concensus stuff. THis would be benificial fro both new people who just want to learn about noisebridge but not deal with the crazy complexities, and it would allow for deeper tuesday discussions.

Pyconaut- I would not be able to make 3pm saturday meetings, but would be happy if hey happened.

Saturdays are a great day for community engagment,

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

Engagement and getting more people active

Being transparent about you wanting to help noisebridge, post it publicly, talk with the group, not privately, where you can't get even small c concensus on helping and how to help.

Use the wiki and discuss as they are transparent to the open internet and can be indexed in search engines, then move to private communities on discord, slack, whereever you can engage with others. Just showing up can make it harder

We need to announce meetings much more, only old noisebridgers really know that the online meetings have not slowed down.

16 hackers participating in the open and directly while blabbing to the internet about it

Liz is trying like crazy to get people to join the git that is organizing next steps, it's all of what 2 day old effort now.

Please be excellent and don't randomly post things to the internet (especially "social" media) of people, projects, thoughts, photos, with out explicite consent everytime, like done here.

Pyconaut = ^ this above is so importaint.

Discussion Item 3 Mural Opening[edit | edit source]

Can there be a mural completion event even if noisebridge is not fully open. Mural will be finished before end of June.

Pyconaut- Personal opinion- If noisebridge is not open yet, then I don't think it would be cool to have an event to this type, as it would feel unexellent

Dan- Later in the year will be much easier then even july, we also have other asks for events that people want to do.


TJ- We are building out pretty quick, and almost half way to opening the first floor, and might be able to get to 20 people with masks and fully vaccinated. Might be able to have first floor open to

Tinnei- Artist would problaby be fine with after july, and would be willing to wait for 30 people to feel comfortable in the space.

Discussion Item 4 Buildout[edit | edit source]

James - suggestion on build out: we could encourage people with specific interests (music) to meet up at the space at a time that works best for them for a focused build on a particular room / section of the space. I think that would be efficient and useful & fun. Just an option for getting the second floor moving along, etc. (thanks for reading and considering)

Pyconaut- people are keeping an eye on ADA and will want classes available downstairs. So important to keep in mind anything class related upstairs can be made available downstairs. Built out can continue on the second floor as events happen on the first floor.

Discussion Item 5 Meeting Time on Tuesday[edit | edit source]

Carl - Sorry to James for having meetings for 7 PM for some time, but nobody updated the wiki. We didn't update things. Should we move meetings to Saturdays? Should we just move back to 8 PM? Need to update wiki accordingly.

J - no apology needed. Happy things are happening.

Ryan - We consensed 8 bc we were lazy even though we Concenced for 7 a few years earlier. We could do 7-8 PM intro stuff, 8 PM on is discussion.

Dan- What do peole come to meetings for, and how long do people want for each section.

Pyconaut- Would you maybe skip the first hour if you knew you wouldent miss discussion

Jermops- it can be tedious to sit through boiler plate, and would be a posibility that I would skip it, but then I might miss new people. What if intros end early. Noisebridge has time issues. It feels imortaint to meet new people, and all the social aspects. If everyone has been in the meeting before maybe we can shorthand the boilerplate stuff.

James - I almost always join an hour in. At least 45 minutes. Sometimes I'll drop in 2 hours in. Honestly, it is an ongoing failing for us... that we cannot respect each other's time. I know we do our best, but these meetings simply are not able to respect when someone has less than endless time. (historical context: someone with a specific issue might have to wait so long for a discussion item that they simply leave the meeting. Or, everyone is too tired to be present when that item is brought up. A successful resolution has been to allow discussion items to be bumped up and re-ordered if those in the meeting concur.

James- The time issue is so importaint to consider, and often happens. You can drop off the meeting for a straight hour and miss nothing, then get to what you are waiting to discuss.

Carl- We had the meetings at 8pm, and then had the 7pm pre-meetings and then the meetings kind of shifted to 7. Boiler plate can take up valubule time. Or can we cut down the boiler plate.

(pyconaut) I do think premeetings are a good thing if we move them to 7 or 7:30. It is fine if we have a segment of time with nothing happening because this allows people to take a break or introduce people to other aspects of Noisebridge. There is never a truly empty period in the pre-meeting... we can easily fill up that extra time. If there are only regular people I just paste in my definitions as text (I spent a lot of time writing them to use as boiler plate filling). ...Once we have in-person this is likely to change (might do tours).

Dan - it is difficult for me to respect the reality. Going to organize my thoughts.. if I spend three minutes on 5 subjects x 7 people: that is a lot of time! "let's talk more later" as a way to circle back later and keep it short.

TJ- In order to make things short, maybe having topics be announced early, this could save time, and can figure out how long they take.

Carl- It's hard to have an agenda in advanced, and will usually bring someething up at the beginning of the meeting.

Pyconaut- introducing people to noisebridge is better earlier, as new noisebridgers often need to leave before 8.

James - I've noticed it works to have a specific "insert something in the notes we need to prioritize" that the mod, etc. Can then bring up as a straw pole: shall we move directly to discuss (x).

TJ - like... an agenda?

Pyconaut- I do think we could get some form of pre meeting discussion topics list to happen. I remember when we used to have in person stuff we usually had some idea of what we were going to talk about well before the meeting.

Discussion Item What was saturday like[edit | edit source]

TJ- As of last week we have recrutied a coordinator and created a github ( for making tasks, and assigning tasks. Moved aside a lot of the lockers, and set up two large table shelves, and gathered all the wood. Orginised the church area a bit.

Carl- Saturday worked well, and hope to help out more this saturday. I am hoping to work on creating a new platform for flashen tashen. I think everything will be figured out over time.

Jemops- Started working on earl a bit on saturday.

Dan what support would help with that.

Jemops- Not much right now, just looking into it, and finding out what else it needs to work.

Dan- The request is that more people coordinate through the proper means, and not just show up randomly. It would be nice to have a bit of a policy so that people don't randomly show up at 6PM or something when people are leaving. Maybe some signs or some default communication method. How can we improve the system so that we can deal with more people or onboard people faster.

Pyconaut - I will be there on Saturday, will bounce from 2-4 PM for a meeting (probably take an upstairs room if that is possible).

Meeting donesod

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]