Meeting Notes 2021 06 05

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These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: June 5 2021

Previous Meeting

Next Meeting

Note-taker: Lizzard

Moderators: TJ

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
  • we discussed kicking up membership process which will start next Tuesday meeting. 3 applications are in the binder and we welcome more
  • we discussed limited reopening without a clear plan as a result but moved towards making it happen
  • plans for next build out next Saturday afternoon

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Person1 - she/her - something i do
  • Person2 - they/them - first time here, hello
  • and so on
  • TJ - he, robotics, helping organize buildout things
  • sophia, her, sewing area expertise, by weekday a programmer
  • X - space hacker, microcontrollers, electronics, open soruce things
  • Carl - software, work on internet archive, east bay, hayward hackers, flaschentaschen, coming since a long time ago maybe 2010
  • Relay - free open source software projects, do as many things f/loss as possible, hobby/lifestyle, improving the book scanner, python or go, make script run in rasp pi 4 and with less expensive cameras
  • lizzard, they- old NB since pretty early, work in tech, project mgmt stuff for buildout, poetry and translation, writer, etc.
  • james - mindfu - sf/f writer, tech writer, python,
  • iceaxx - he, college student, east bay, robotics, musician,
  • wolf - he, software by trade, dabble in everything else in the space, jack of all trades person, first time at noisebridgE!!! (applause
  • dan - he, nb for 8 years on and off - neuroscience hacking, learning and teaching at noisebridge
  • John - he, neurohacking - electroncis, 3d printing
  • Steve - fineline, he, he's been around since 2012 or so, theoretical physicist, hacker by culture, ai/machine/ deep learning, looking for work
  • Amy & crew upstairs!
  • JD - remote - helped a lot with the move, setting up the far back of first floor with large power tools and table saw. stagehand skills, craftsman and carpenter!
  • james - remote join midway through

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.

  • Saturday afternoon ! Noisebridge buildout noon - 5 will happen every saturday until we open
  • Tuesdays general meeting 7pm and you can join remotely via jitsi (pre-meeting first with What Is Excellence etc) 8 for core meeting
  • 5mof 5 minutes of fame on June 16th (17th?) 3rd thursday of the month. starting 8pm! social hangout at 6, talks at 8
  • github for issue tracking for the buildout - tell lizzard your github handle to get added to this for the project board / organizing! useful for scaling up the buildout crews.
  • CircuitLaunch, brazilian BBQs quarterly, diy robocars, talk to X or look it up online! X would like to get a team together to enter their next quarterly race in mid-august! Could be a good first NB robot project Maybe also a NB drinkbot

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

Riley explains it for our current crowd. Excellent, small c consensus, everyone just kinda agrees. big C consensus we need to have quorum of official big M Members.

Steve adds to excellence, crazy genius neuro non typicals get together and we may have big nerd fights and create drama so that shit is not excellent, be aware you're in a space with a bunch of awesome geniuses and try and regulate yourself because you're one of them.

Don't let your ego get in the way of things or make you hurt other people

When you have a conflict in the space you can ask someone to leave, if you see something unexcclent you can call it out and ask someone to leave or ask someone to help and make a small c consensus decision and if that includes you as a participant in some sort of drama please also leave and let it cool down.

Example from Steve a couple comes into the space and the relationship is primed for drama and the relationship drama spilled into the space Ask steve for the story on the down low.

However (added from lizzard) harassment and problems with violence (refernce to online harassment policy

Dan - when people are new to noisebridge and don't know who to talk with I want them to have a good person to talk with.

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?) Anyone can come to NB and do wahtever they want if being excellent to each other

Right now, Saturday build outs. We don thave access control set up yet and aren't quite open

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

2 kinds of membership, no particular special access or ability at the space but in general you can do whatever you want for free and don't have to be a member.

restarting philanthropist roles, their "sponsors" asked to reach out and get people re engaged, please come to a meeting and re-establish yourself

fill out application, read it in a meeting it gets read at (2 meetings)?

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

Who is a member right now? We don't have a good list of who are the members!

(right here and now in the meeting, we have 3)

  • X
  • Lizzard
  • Steve

Membership binder! we have it! block power in NB meetings kinda entails more of a stewardship role

2 active members to vouch for you and unanimously no blocks over 4 weeks

Who is the current board? X is acting secretary, Tyler treasurer, and Lady red is President. Board is Tim, Tiffany, Tyler, and Ruth. Ruth is no longer active In theory we have board elections at some point.

mindfu - was previously philanthropist sponsored by beka

We have 4 membership applications. We will start that up in the Tues meeting

- sophia wisdom previously philanthropist who sponsors sophia - relay - TJ - richard barnes from 2019 sponsored by kevin we think this is outdated. if anyone knows richard let them know.

We had a paypal issue in January and so if you are a member please email treasurer and make sure you are set up again

We kind of no longer have a membership binder of the past members and have no idea where the heck it was.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

  • membership/philanthropy discussion
  • admin tasks assigning some people to them
  • rent, taxes, etc. currently treasurer
  • tyler does it, rent due on the first
  • Our lease starts 30 after "non essential reestrictions lifted" we are not sure of the correct interpretation. We paid first month's rent (we just don't know which month that actually applies to and Tyler and X are trying to clarify with landlord)
  • Taxes - same as every year we have a consultant but they missed the filing date and we file an extension and we need a couple hundred bucks penalty. taxes for 2020 are in progress.
  • Anyone who wants to volunteer to be treasurery committee? iceaxx and TJ! will write to treasurer

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

  • Who has the front door key now? We had handed out a few keys and they got copied and handed out. We want to replace that front door key soon because X wants to make a fresh start
  • TJ lives very close and has a key
  • Dan has a key
  • X gave their key to Jermops to work on network infra so he doesn't have one
  • nthmost probably has a key?
  • JD may have a key and is willing to do a shift
  • liz doesn't have a key and willing to do a day or afternoon shift
  • Steve fineline also willing to
  • Sophia willing to be a key holder and lives super close!

Discussion Item 3[edit | edit source]

  • limited hours opening plan proposal
  • cap of people in the space (20?)
  • hours announced
  • key holders commit to a time and make it known
  • how to close safely
  • currently driveway / porch open noon-2
  • start with front of space and stick to daylight

Reasonable cap? discussion: periods for limited opening

4 "coordinators" for 20 people right now

  • steve - How many people do you personally feel comfortable "facilitating" rn
  • mindfu - not everyone had 24 hour access. 30 day tokens 10am-10pm
  • X - During pandemic trying buddy system thing, with him and dan being accountable to each other at least 2 knowledgeable volunteers per people in the space. balancing number in context to that ratio
  • riley - what's the point of having someone here who is not a knowledgeable volunteer right now during the build out/ limited hours time
  • lizzard - want to run classes, want to invite group of trusted folks, want to use own judgement as to ratio of people in the space, not be too insular, be able to foster good stewardship and inclusivity and responsibility
  • steve - godwaffle for example, not ready for it
  • x - hack comedy, art opening Not in next 30 days, biggish 30-50 crowd,
  • dan - been doing this for a year, nb for 8 years, take nothing for granted, amazing thing to even try to do, it's a miracle if it works. ratio, it of course changes if you think people are drunk or something. worries that we can't allow more than 1 person per 2 "facilitators"
  • liz- don't want it to be something where we have to check that x and dan are ok with someone before they are in the space because bad power dynamic though we all appreciate what you have done to keep the space safe in the pandemic
  • dan - omg yes we do not want to be the gatekeepers!
  • TJ - doing 5mof online, fully online classes, are hard, but having online presences is great b/c people can be part of things and involved Having some sets of projects that NB works on togehter is a great way to bring new people in, we're all working together.
  • Iceaxx - year or so of helping out with building out and being a part of meetings it's cool to see how excellent people are being and faster we get vaccinated etc . Question about full reopening. because there's no events being planned , withint that 30 days is where the state is going to reopen , on june 15th. Are we going to consense on mask mandate, social distancing?
  • X - we can put that on the discussion, summarize general intent, During Saturday build outs, we want to be as open as possible. 30 day focus, what can we do? host more virtual events from the space
  • Liz - that isn't his question it's masks and vaccination policy.
  • x - i'd like that to be something we state now and discuss on Tuesday
  • dan - when, we're not near ready for "full opening" (focus on limited aspect please)
  • steve - let open freeform thing finish
  • lizzard - let's stay focused on limited opening thing, but, we also can focus buildout on the blockers to full opening (Access control system, safety fire exists, etc)
  • sophia - if everyone is fully vaxxed then masks not needed indoors, but public health recs are conservative generally and even they say it's fine for the evidence of safety and outside is generally understood to be even more safe.
  • steve - we could be hard core and require vax card showing. but probably wont. so someone who isn't vaxxed will likely come.
  • Liz - agree with sophia we sould be able to agree to be unmasked
  • x - but we should stick to the all mask all the time indoors at least, maybe we have a break area for eating inside
  • mindfu - definitely have a mask with them and be ready to put it on if someone is uncomfortable
  • TJ proposes time periods could also be set. like, front door is open, afternoon, facilitator is there, and it's OK to be unmasked.
  • dan - why do i wear a mask when only one in the space "masks suck" thats why i do it to be a habit etc. heuristic to err on the side of caution, seeing things move too fast, week by week we will get our cues. in the mean time filter for people for people who will be socially compliant
  • x - let's talk about how to close the space!
  • sofia - we should start this meeting later so that we have more time to work on the buildout!
  • lizzard - dan are we cool that i just disagreed with you a bunch! (I think so)

Discussion Item 4[edit | edit source]

Procedure for closing the space

  • 1) close front gate and secure it , then go back to front. there is a combination bike lock and a rope on the front gate to block casual entry to the porch though obviously anyone can climb over the little barricade.
  • 2) be super careful controlling the roll down of the garage door. it is wonky . don't crush anything. Put everything inside the space from the front porch that's moveable. Roll down the door slowly.
  • 3) bring the trash bins in if they've been out
  • 4) go to the back and.... (x took the tour back there - fill this in later)
  • 5) close windows upstairs , check for things to turn off like fans, lights.
  • 6) close back door downstairs
  • 7) close down the bathroom kind of just chekc it
  • 8) close inside back door
  • 9) turn off lights and the monitor
  • N) Lock the inside front door
  • O) Turn out the front light in the hallway
  • P) close the front door try not to let it slam, push it all the way closed

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]