Meeting Notes 2021 06 22

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Date: June 22nd 2021

These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.

  • Live notes
  • Virtual Meeting (jitsi mic/cam off by default)

Date: June 22nd, 2021

Previous Meeting

Next Meeting Note-taker: pyconaut Moderators: X

  • Finances:

Cash: $334,103 Crypto: $108,588 Total: $442, 691

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Dave- Doing random stuff, likes hacking on stuff Dane- He him- sudo room hope to help out at noisebridge X - Space Hacker, I like flying things too TJ- He him- robotocist Victor - He him been coming to noisebridge for a while, does hack comedy Evil Dan - he him hum- I like noisebridge, weekly neurotech person, excited to become part of the background woodwork of noisebridge Maya - She they - high schooler, want to learn more noisebridge Pie ko naught - He him- been coming to noisebridge for a while, doing a lot of events and livestreaming. Agustia- High schooler working of hyperlight aircraft group

Summary of Previous Meeting[edit | edit source]

...queue Dan, also was there a meeting before the last meeting, notes seem to not be, or are we calling that the driveway way meeting (

Victor- Talked about when noisebridge will be reqady for an in person event and what needs to be done. We do not know when yet, as there are some things that need to be discussed.

And had a Noisebridge culture and gentrafication and the issues in the neighborhood.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.

Maya looking for space to build a plane multi school student club

This Thursday Build Day TJ facilitating with others 3'ish?

Five Minutes of Fame Third Thursday's 8pm. July 15th 2021 next event.

Pyconought: Neurotech hack night thursday 6pm (did a capsasinyan EEG experiment)

Gamebridge is still happening on wednesdays at Wednesday cohacking livestream session 7:30 9:30 NB youtube/twitch

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

You can baciscly do what you want at noisebridge as long as it does not infring on others, if there is ever an instance of harracment or anything making you feel uncomfortable you can always feel safe to speak up, and if you fell unsafe by doing so, you can find someone in the space who can help you.

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

We have no employees, and are run completly riun by volunteers, takeing care of the space is everyones responsibility.

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

Gotten trust from people in the space, and want to donate regularly and get 24 hour acess, know how to take care of space.

Dave - Philanthropy is dead, and facilitators have killed it.

Dan- Keys are the access method right now which requires a different method then traditional philanthropists. We need members and philanthropist to come back once it is safe to do so.

Dave - Said how I feel, not trying to hurt your feelings. What we have [w/ facilitators] is working, may not be a long term plan. But we don't have philanthropists.

X- This has been discussued over a few weeks that we can not have filanthropy right now as it allows 24 hour acess to space which does not work right now while we are closed. We also decided it was useful to reboot philanthropy as so many have left and many are no longer able to meet the general requirements,

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

Funds in bank: We have money Balances for 6/22/2021 Cash: $334,103 Crypto: $108,588 Total: $442, 691

  • Any other details by those participating in handling our financials

"FYI an $11,863.78 check is being sent out to Roguelike's new fiscal sponsor. -- Tyler

- Roguelike used NB as a fiscal sponsor for hosting their conference for several years. That means we handled their transactions (ticket sales, etc.) and held on to their cash. In exchange for a 5% comission on transactions.

- They are moving to a new sponsor:" (quote retrieved by TJ)

Note: for reimbursements, please post to .

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

You can do alot as long as people do not object. that is small c. Big C consensus is similar, but is on a different scale. It is for things like remodeling, buying a space. it fundamentaly changes noisebridge. It can be proposed by anyone, but can be blocked only by big M members, and blocks stop the stuff in its tracks.

Dan- If you block a concensus item it is not dead in the water, it is the start of a new discussion.

Proposals from last week NONE[edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)


Proposals for next week Omni Commons[edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Proposal to provide funding help for Omni Commons


Discussion about it

The number that was proposed for noisebridge to donate was 30K.

X- I think it is better to talk about cponcensing on giving to omin, before figuring out a number or how we will donate. Could we do matching fund.

pyconaut - This seems like a draft item, should be discussed as draft not as proposal. If we propose this week, could go to consensus next week, which was too early, and will be blocked. I'm not sure about this, but if it's blocked, it will go through re-consensus in another 2 weeks instead of one week.

Dave - That clears things up. Dane, you're from Sudo Room, right? Want to give you the floor for a while, but bear in mind what it'd be used for

Dane - I agree with drafting idea before donating, and discussion too. Love Sudo Room and Noisebridge interacting. Throw parties for each other, etc. Omni commons is struggling, mortgage for 4 year, COVID hit Sudo Room hard, became basically dfead, but still active and getting people to join. Rest of Omni Commons has been mutual aid organization, primary component last year. Happy with any decision, hope NB and Sudo room can bond

Dave - any idea of how revenue over the next few months? Expect self-sufficiency?

Dane - Ultimate goal is self-sufficiency , money. Each of the Omni commons group get money, help pay money. Other payment menthods through Patreon and Facebook. Events are the big fundraising events, renting out the ballroom etc ($2000 for renting large spaces like ours). Not financial , more communication, it's like $10k/month, counter culture labs more consistent financially. Hopefully will open up to more events, move away from covid restrictions.

X- maybe a little history, how long has the space been around, how well has that been sustained, will the space ever be owned out right

Dh- Yes, we are going to hopully pay off the building and become a land trust. space started around 2013, physiccaly since 2014, on morgage since 2017. We are a collective of collective.

Dan- Cinical perspective- this is a rare opertunity for for a good cause. But what is in it for noisebridge. What is in it for a donor, and what is our goals. Also we want to buy a building as well. How will we do that, PR. Matching funds would be very cool. We could go back to kracken and talk with them as well. We want to be careful with our money but can easily come back if we do this right. be courteous but also savvy

Carl- I am also a member of sudo room, and am happy with this discussion. I want to make sure we are specific about who we are donating to. Sudo is under omni and is currently in debt to omni. I can exsplain some of the finacials. Helping sudo helps a lot of noisebridgers as well.

Dave - How much was sudo room in debt?

Carl - in email list; latest figure is $18k, sudo owes omni

I will show up to as many NB meetings as I can. No sudo room meetings today, have been inconsistent in meetings

pyconaut - point about knowing where we're donating and where the money goes is important. Impacts how donation is perceived by news or third parties. Helping fellow neighbor is good thing; carefull that we are'nt forcing them to be indebted to us. Make sure sudo room doesn't take money and spend frivolously. Very valuable overall. Sudo room is only hackerspace I know anywhere clsoe to owning a Forever Home. Every other makerpsace is in a lease, afraid to lose room. This is a big deal.

Dave - Generally assume people we're donating too are good stewards unless otherwise. Do you have any inclinations otherwise? ...I'll take that as a no. Just assume of reverse situation, how it'd make us feel if they didn't trust us with money.

Dan - You're opening Pandora's box. General range of opinions, clear money will be put to mortgage; they're worthy, not just spending on beer. Epitome of financial responsibility? Who is, though?

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1 (Logistics / Requirements for opening)[edit | edit source]

- Git project requirements for opening:

pyconaut - general opening or event specific stuff?

victor - ok with General opening, as that's a prereq for events. Should we talk about that first.

Dan- Events are one day, while general is all day all time. Though getting the space ready and event supporters is critical. Open noisebridge in milestones (donstairs vs upstairs, day vs night, etc) We have to meet basic safety for everything in general. Not just events.

Dave - we are unsure of what will come first, full opening or for events only.

Victor- the reason the event was easy to manage at old space was because noisebridge was generally open and there ere knowledgable people arround in general.

Dave- Safety seems to be working on very fast and should be done soon.

pyconaut - unless we do outside, it'd be difficult to set up in space right now even if we get set up.

Victor - I was thinking from the curtain in garage to the outside area. That's already set up & stuff. How did 5mof go? When will laser cutter move, how can I help? Can we have an event from curtan to font of gate.

X- For 5mof we only had 4 people at the space, and it worked quite wel

Dave - I think we'll have better idea of contractor timelines next week, see if you can get consensus of opening front area.

pyconaut - we'll ahve to move a lot of stuff to clear front area. (sounds like most stuff was moved).

Dave- When and how many people could we get?

Victor- maybe do First saturday in august. We will probably have to cap it, as this often drew a lot of people. Multiple people do not want to have more then 30 people, unless we have a ton of volunteeers. most of the current faccilitators might not be available for the event.

Dan- get some volunteers will be critical

Victor - it would be great to get something that brings energy to noisebridge, spread the word, drive excellent people to space. That's what we intended b4 covid. 2 weeks, then a month from then. Sooner would be great, but I can be patient. Come back to meeting. It could even bring volunteers out of the woodwork as they want to help out at noisebridge.

pyconaut - can help with technical stuff, I'll be around and help out (even if I have to come back from camping for a day) Dave - thanks for being patient with us. X has points, to summarize, need volunteers, clear out the space, <30 people, some lead time before a date(month or so to lock in)

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

21:26 Excellent Moderator Dave you are releived, meeting officially concludes.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]