Meeting Notes 2021 07 20

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These are the notes from the The 637th Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: 2021-07-20

Previous Meeting

Next Meeting

Note-taker: Lizzard

Moderators: Lynx!!!!!!

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

TLDR what happened at the meeting:

  • Announcements:
  • Dave B - weird announcement - there is a big tall metal structure attached to the building, we need to find people to help and pick a day. (naomi will do the going out the window in a harness!)
  • Sophia - emmeline and I moved the bolts of fabric to the back patio and we want to get rid of them. Bring to SCRAP! (Lizzard can do it if someone load the car tomorrow) (We have to call SCRAP first)
  • X - Cart , put bolts of fabric on it. Defcon is coming up 5th to 8th of august
  • X - 5MOF is third thursday in august
  • X - talk to him about hambridge for anyone interested in satellite radio
  • Finances:
  • * Finance update 7/20/21
  • * Cash 313,122.82
  • * Crypto 95,162.20
  • * Total 408,285.02
  • New members: TJ is on week 2. sophia is on week 3. Several people spoke up to praise their doing excellent things!
  • New philanthropists: manadream, relay, jd (jdurst) ! Actually, relay was already a philanthropist but now is a DOUBLE PHILLY
  • Consensus Items: X put a consensus item on the agenda for next week, that Noisebridge fiscally sponsor "Hambridge" in some way TBD.
  • Discussion Items:
  • * we are near to initiating board elections! Tiffany to gather the old board.
  • * Hold space physically for new people, don't fill up what we have with personal things; also when new people come in give them some space to look around, sit and work on stuff without being in their face. 5 min is enough for a tour, maybe 10.
  • * Current cap on people in the space is 49 (under 50) until we figure out actual legal number based on square footage and distance of places from fire exits. We have 6057 sq ft.

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Lynx, here for first time!
  • Dave B he/him
  • Michael, first time here, wood shop!
  • Jackson, was at old space
  • sophia - sewing and emmeline is taking tha tover and now sophia is behind our Twitter!
  • Lizzard they/them - game dev and zines and also, getting noisebridge fully open!
  • X - hacking village for defcon, 5mof every 3rd thursday
  • Dave - just started coming last week, linux from scratch, tetris, brain computer interface!
  • Danny - re-decentralizing the internet! playing around at noisebridge revamping membership system and putting QR stickers on everything in existence!
  • from online!!!!!!!!
  • Tiffany - webdev! Board election
  • Augie - electronics circuits, checking the place out!
  • MOre people walked in!
  • Samson - guy with red hair who just got here! build prototypes
  • Daniel - excited to be here and see your projects!
  • Maggie - freshman in college and would like a tour!
  • relay - free/open source stuff! and leftist politics! always happy to help noisebridge!
  • manadream - music and video game stuff
  • mark - he's here!
  • daniela - just a friend

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Dave B - weird announcement - there is a big tall metal structure attached to the building, we need to find people to help and pick a day. (naomi will do the going out the window in a harness!)
  • Sophia - emmeline and I moved the bolts of fabric to the back patio and we want to get rid of them. Bring to SCRAP! (Lizzard can do it if someone load the car tomorrow) (We have to call SCRAP first)
  • X - Cart , put bolts of fabric on it. Defcon is coming up 5th to 8th of august
  • 5MOF is third thursday in august
  • hambridge for anyone interested in satellite radio

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

  • a dude explains being nice to each other and respect boundaries and stuff!

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)

  • everyone who comes to noisebridge can participate in things with few minor execptiopns, you don't have to pay, one exception is the laser cutter
  • but we are supported by people who give us money! So please do!
  • We don't have card system yet but we DO have a door key! you must a) be a philanthropist b) know how to do the Opening and Closing stuff for the space ! See below for how to become philanthropized

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

  • fill out this form! get a member sponsor! be excellent etc!

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

  • everything about philanthropy, but also you can block consensus.
  • livin' la vida noisebridge

Membership applications:

  • TJ - week 2
  • * Steve: the whole last few months TJ has done so much and he is member fucking++
  • * X - was showing up even from thousands of miles away and ran online classes and helped noisebridge have a pulse!!! 8 saturday buildouts!
  • * relay - also sponsor!!! yay so awesome
  • Sophia - week 3
  • * Liz - Sophia has been super excellent and responsible in organizing things as well


  • Jdurst

(Some talk about JD and why they should be a member too, but they are not super interested in coming to meetings, etc... just doing work and letting that speak for itself.) X proxys for JD.

  • Mana - They do cool things like organizing the music space and just generally helping about
  • relay - re-upping philanthropy - no formal indoctrination needed
  • Philanthropist - mcint (He was not around, but his application is in the binder)
  • Note, Mark was already philanthropized in Sept. 2018. Last Thursday he joined the walkthrough for [Opening] and [Closing] the space. Also he made the Opening page. Thanks Mark! I gave him a key. - lizzard


Relay, JD, and Manadream are all philanthropists!

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

Cash 313,122.82 Crypto 95,162.20 Total 408,285.02

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

"not" – Liz

We don't have as much coming in as we are spending (On Rent).

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.) X - for next week - an item - Revisting Noisebridge as a fiscal sponsor

  • "Hambridge" wants to do deployments and things like this. X has already put in money themself, but would be interested in noisebridge sponsoring it for ~1y.
   Liz - is this a 501(c) 3? are you making a nonprofit?
   X - I would ideally create a new nonprofit entity and work with NB. not interested in tax writeoff, but organizational structure. They want someone to do the accounting. 

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

  • Board election stuff! (Tiffany)
  • * We want to do a new board election but aren't sure how to do it
  • X this is in our bylaws , we have to look it up , we have a 60 day process from when we announce the election, goal is to do one by the end of september.
  • Danny - we have to have an annual election. our board members generally agree not to do anything apart from abide by consensus. they do nothing except they are our interface with the state. the last time someone tried to do something on the board, the consensus had an uprising and deposed them. The board meets once and decides never to meet again other than to depose themselves. We get the old board to agree to disband. We can start the process in parallel. The election consistes of someone experimenting with a complex voting system, . The board also nominates the secretary, treasurer, and president.
  • sophia - are we allowed to just nominate random people?
  • danny - will look it up and see if we can bend the law to our own will. Part of why we have members at all is to vote on this process because the state needs someone to talk to (a board)
  • X - we had an election in 2019. Lady red, Tiffany, Ruth, and Tim were the four appointed board members. We may need to touch up some paperwork, maybe we should get some 2020 pandemic guidance. How do you do an election when you can't really get everyone together.
  • Danny - Tiffany does this mean you are on the board?
  • Tyler - we needed 5 board members. Tyler is not sure if he is on the board or not.
  • Danny - Tiffany can you find the rest of the board and get them to disband or meet or something?

Tiffany: Sure

  • X - per the wiki, /board, tiffany/tim/ladyred/tyler/ruth was transitioning off.

"Discussion Item" 1.5[edit | edit source]

  • membership binder - we forgot to do it!!
  • we have membership applicaitons, please go back up to the membership section
  • do we have philanthropist applicants?

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

  • (lizzard) The concept of Holding Space. How we can think about being good hosts!

We are trying to make noisebridge the space for the people still to come. Try to show new people the space, but give them space to be themselves and do the things they want to do.

In the physical space, I want to make some space for new people and their projects. Generally, clean up your shit and make room for others. (paraphrasing) We want to be good hosts by making physical and mental/emotional space for people w ho come in. Back off, don't be in their face.

  • tyler - ideally, the tour should be like 5 mins, max
  • X - a tip, consider one floor or the other
  • Liz - one more thing - consider the dynamic that you might be in. Think of power/social dynamics when giving tours. Don't be overbearing basically. Make people feel welcome Leave the person alone a bit! Don't stare at them for an hour!
  • Tyler - tailor your tours based on what people are interested in - if they are interested in 3d printer, don't corner them in the wood shop for 20 minutes!

Discussion Item 3[edit | edit source]

X - Should we have a cap of how many people in the space? What should the cap be?

  • sugesting an upper limit, legal compliance - more than 49 people in the building, everything is a fine toothed comb
  • Danny - Where does the 49 people come from?
  • X - fire regulations. it goes by square footage Under 50 is legal but we ened to figure out square footage
  • Lizzard - would anyone like to figure out the square feet?
  • Tyler - I think it is 6000 square feet
  • X - SF fire dept requires us to know
  • Distance to exit is the big thing. number of exits and max distance to exit, according to their info
  • TJ - 6057 square feet from the property record

Discussion Item 4[edit | edit source]

Defcon (X) - Happening Aug 5-8, 2021

  • Danny - it's like Fast and Furious but with microcomputers
  • Lynx - it's alike a hacker hackathon for hackers
  • X - it's so amazing it's like drinking and big hotels on the vegas strip so X wants to simulcast some talks or have a hackathon satellite event. Car Hacking village and X wants to talk to some people Making the front porch a car hacking space for the duration of defcon Has a car to volunteer Is anyone interested?
  • Steve - is defcon cancelled? what 's up?
  • X - last year it was and it was a hybrid event
  • X it is full defcon 29 and it is hybrid
  • Lizzard - is anyone interested in the car hacking?
  • lynx - can you connect power with a dashcam and solder into the side? What's goin on there besides power?
  • relay - nothing really
  • Dave - Sounds interseting, want to see what's going on
  • OBD2 you can plug a dongle in and get sensors, etc, cheet on emission tests etc
  • X - there's also crypto and bio hacking, packet, security, ocean, password etc

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]

  • Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
  • Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
  • Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
  • Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
  • CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
  • Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
  • Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.

Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]

  • Reprise of the Hackernationale. [This is anarchy - we do what the wiki says!]
  • PGP Key Signing could happen now (if it doesn't happen before any given Meeting). Ask others around the space or check the list to see who wants in on the action.