Meeting Notes 2021 08 10
These are the notes from the The 640th Meeting of Noisebridge.
- Live notes
- Virtual Meeting (jitsi mic/cam off by default)
Date: 2021_08_10
Note-taker: Lizzard
Moderators: fineline
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
- Upstairs Mural by sailorhg - opening party will be Sat Aug 14th (prep noon-2, event 2-4pm)
- 5MoF Five Minutes of Fame will be August 19th 6-9pm (Talks at 8p) in the garage and on-line.
- Hack Comedy Aug 21 8pm - 10pm!!!
- General agreement to take down any surveillance cameras we find and re-do something for some level of "space is empty" security that is protective of privacy. Doing stuff like streaming a view of a 3D printer (without sound) is OK
- Agreement to pay the 2020 invoice from Safer DIY spaces and next time get a quote in writing to avoid any misunderstanding
- General discussion around removing personal items or "aspirational hack it someday" items from the space
- Suggestion that this week, everyone clearly mark electrical outlet locations that we want/need on the walls using tape or post its!
- Review of our reciprocal ban policy with other bay area hackspaces. No need to take action unless we are informed about a ban based on safety reasons
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- Steve - physics data science tech art
- TJ - he/they - thinking of leading some classes, will update tonight
- Paul - likes zines, teaching people things, tinkering with electronics!
- Dave - currently plugging in power strips and fixing the CNC Roland!
- relay - he/him -
- Mentar - robotics - cnc stuff - cs degree - working with dave on shed (door entry)
- lizzard - they - working today on shelves in Turing print room 3d / 2d / CNC room!
- sophia - she/her - working on sewing and stuff
- loren - working upstairs on front lounge!
- danny - hack on decentralizing the interenet
- carl - flaschentaschen code and also do stuff with internet archive and mobile apps!
- tyler - finance stuff (treasurer) software, hardware, all sorts of things, and i like dannys cat
- tiffany - she/her - sewing, art,
- LE - I can't hear them! oops
- victor - does the comedy show! here to talk about how confident we are about having events here
- nicole she/her - not new, been a while since been around a lot. re-new! want to get laser cutter and vinyl cutter up and running and will teach those classes! Needs help. Pm her.
- james he/him maintain the discuss forum
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
60-second description per item in bulletpoint.
- DEF CON 29 remote Aug 5-8th 2021
- Was a lot of fun, super great beats the whole time from soma fm down the street.
- Some talks posted
- $146 in cash donations deposited
- 5MoF Five Minutes of Fame August 19th 6-9pm (Talks at 8p) in the garage and on-line.
- Common COR1A Network Node hacking workshop, TBD as soon as a few people have a time that works
Excellence[edit | edit source]
Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other. and to party on dudes!!!
- Dave B - Being excellent is treating other people with respect and making the space better and stuff like that. Let's use the time when other people have been particularly excellent. I want to call out Mentar! he's bringing to life a CNC machine!!!
- Relay - Contributing to the space, learning and producing environment for our organization, mentors, behave excellently
- Lizzard - alberto and friends from UCLA hackerspace came and just pitched in and started working on buildout stuff and putting up shelves!
(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)
Participation[edit | edit source]
Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.
(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?) You don't have to pay anything, just participate , show up, do stuff
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.
(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)
- Position of trust, you can come into the space at 2am, we ask that you contribute and help out and be responsible person, fill out a form
- We have 1 application in the binder for Dane but he is not here tonight. He also needs a sponsor
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.
(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)
- just like philanthropist but be around for a while and undetstand the culture and demonstration you are vested in maintaining the space and preserving it. Consensus items. Just one member can BLOCK a consensus proposal. Explain why and work with the people who proposed it to come to a better one. These blocks hardly ever happen because we usually can communicate and decide things without this formal of a process
- james - when a consensus item comes up the idea is when you come to a decision you can stand aside and still let it happen. the idea is you would rather quit then let that thing happen
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.
$166,108.76 in checking account
- Debit equipment purchases (project ventilation)
- $86.86 on 4 box fans from builder supply on noisebridge debit card
- $223.18 on a industrial 24" fan and high flow 20" fan with 10% bird shit discount and paper towels
- misc few things lizzard bought for the space, reported in #finance-wg, will add later. air quality sensors. heavy duty shelf brackets. shop towels.
Funds in bank:
- 8/10/2021:
- Cash: 306,445
- Crypto: 146,726
- Total: 453,171
- The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at
Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]
How's it all going
- 5K ish per month income and 10K ish spending.
- We need more members and monthly donations!
Consensus[edit | edit source]
Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.
(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)
- you want to do something and you think people might object that's just like "small c consensus" like get general agreement
- big C Consensus is putting it on the agenda at a meeting and then discussing it at the next.
- you dont need to do consensus for everything you can just do stuff. you don't have to come to a meeting just kinda let people know what you are doing and do it
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]
- Cameras in the space (TJ)
- Been discussed in chat several times. We have several cameras on the entrance and inside as well. for example a hackitorium camera. There are also more cameras pointed at various things. They are not turned off before and after meetings they're just always on.
- General thought is that this current framework is not long term excellent
- Just putting out the intent that we need to do something about it
- dave b - generally agree with TJ. come in with a camera and get small c consensus to have recording then fine. But if they put on a camera and leave, uncool.
- sophia - heresay that i'm repeating, X apparently set up t his camera system and he says that, when you leave, it's turned off or something? I mentioned this criticism but he said that when people are here it's somehow turned off, but i don't see how that is true.
- fineline - if you dislike the cameras then doocratically take them down
- relay - Let's not be violating everyone's privacy We sholud get rid of the cameras in the space for privacy reasons. Maybe some people have stalkers (personal or government).
- dave b - if the community makes exceptions for specific cameras t hen fine! Maybe a 3d printer only camera ! like it's pointed at a 3D printer but has sound off!
- lizzard - put down cameras, but replace them with motion sensors (less violating). Even that is privacy violating in a way, in that someone whoever comes in after motion sensing is done is on camera. I propose camera feed that goes away after a few days
- loren - x discussed that he put up red lights that the camersa were on.
- dave b- can we list the cameras. One on the street pointing out,
one on the telepresence bot in hackitorium , one pointing at 3d printer, one in the stage area at least
- lizzard - are they wired for sound? does anyone even know?
- james - are people in the space regularly now enough to not need the camera oversight?
- question: is there any reason to not turn the indoor cameras off?
- tj - several afternoons people are here
- relay - a self driving car just lingered outside ! camera!
Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]
- Paying the invoice from last June from Safer DIY Spaces (lizzard)
Last year David from Safer DIY spaces worked with us to go over our space, our new (as yet unsigned) lease, and the SF building code. We used their advice to modify our lease. We also have a 27 page report. (
X thought they were working for free. David thought that he would be paid for the many hours (over a few months) of work with us and our lawyers
The invoice is for $2200
This is a small 2 person non profit with strong community ties to other hacker, maker, and art spaces in the Bay Area, to help there never be another Ghost Ship Fire. They are experts on our particular needs. With a good relationship with them, we can get their help to get good contractors (for example to do our much needed electrical work, and work adding a ceiling sprinkler when we are ready to enclose the wood shop)
It sounds like they did mess up in not having a written contract with us before doing the work but on both sides we were running on trust.
I think we should pay the invoice and work with them again (this time with written quotes) on future projects. - lizzard
Tyler - I'm supportive of paying it as well, they did good work for us, it was definitely never made clear, they attended several meetings, we had no payment contract so that's where the confusion came from
Carl - Diy spaces does good work, i support paying them for the work they did for us despite the confusion they deserve pay for their labor!
Sophia - a bit contrarian - how much do we care with our relationship with a random non profit in the bay area - it's a fair chunk of money
Danny - push back against idea that we should screw over other people because we might be able to get away with it. we're both local non profits. i think they work with other hackerspaces and that's our community If we're being utilitarian about it we will probalbly need them or some similar work like it . if anyone wants to go off and have another hackerspace which DOES HAPPEN at noisebridge you may want to work with them. I was going to suggest we pay them interest
TJ - why this happened in the first place , the story was that we got an email from Safer DIY and then with no followup suddenly they plopped a $2200 fee on us. from that original premise i would be hesitant but with the data that we actually got a full report and other work i do thihk we should pay them
- Daveb - in favor of paying the bill
- james -
- carl - diy spaces is not just a random org, David is an active member of omni commons and i would not like to see our relationship sour with Omni
- tyler - can pay it typically we would get agreement , bring up at a meeting and agree on a cost and get quotes In future get paper / email contract for this
- davb would like to konw why the misunderstanding. is someone lying
- tyler - no it was a general confusion on both sides. we were all operating in good faith
- nicole - they were formed recently after ghost ship fire. to try to prevent another horrible tragedy. right now we need to get things done The Right Way
- TJ let's just pay them unless theres a serious rebuttal
- nicole pay them more money because we want more of their work!
Discussion Item 3[edit | edit source]
- Guidelines and suggestions for storage of personal ( or "aspirational hacking") stuff in the space
- Informal requests by many people have not had a result.
- We need to start putting dates on these objects as a deadline for removal and making some clear boundaries.
- DaveB - Agree we should do that. I also knd of want to enterain the idea of maybe having paid lockers. As a way to get revenue but also to convey if someone is using a ton of space that that space has value they shoudl be paying for
- mentar - learnings from london hackspace - 2 weeks hack project not massive cars or anything, someone has to approve that but a technical solution to social problem, have a record of what promects are being worked on, if not, then the project is abandoned and needs to be recycled.
- relay - in old place we had a system, if you leave stuff here please mark the date on it that you left it and if it is not .. if it's 30 days past the day and if not it is assumed collectivist
- lizzard - what if a person just fills the space with their stuff and puts their name and date on it
- tj - what liz just said. what if it's more than a certain amount, make an effort to open it up to the community. Flashcentashen takes up lots of space, it's completely open for people to hack into it, contribute code, come work with it and understand it if you want it to. It's a good example of a big community space that isn't a big personal project
- fineline - hey liz and tj can you say whose shit is here
- lizzard - yes it's x's stuff and i literally measured its square footage and a conservative estimate is 160 square feet of stuff. That's the very small end
- daveb - let's pretend that's anyone else hoarding stuff at the sapce. we'd say this needs to go in 5 days and this was a habitual problem we'd ask them to leave. And that's not waht we are trying to do here
- are you not familiar with jonny who would magically show up with 50% of the hack shelves and would magiclaly show up every 30 days and
- it's happene before , it's a noisebridge problem
- danny - we hit this problem with X before in the past he set up #fort and sort of took over a big chunk of the old space (in 2014, lizzard adds) and he does a lot of good stuff but it's a common pattern. if you put a lot of work into noisebridge you end up feeling proprietary about it. you stop thinking about it as a space for other people .
- lizzard - happened in 2014 here and happened in sudo room too where he was asked to keep it to just a locker. they had to draw a line. i asked x why are all these rooms and things locked up, he says we want Nice things. i don't want nice things i want nice people!
- daveb - he has a whole pandemic worth of projects and that's possibly why he takes so much space of this stuff. i can ssee it. but it's not cool that it's just here all the time
- lizzard - it was me i dragged the crossfit machine out onto the street and listed it on craigslist and called it in on 311 to the city as trash because X said he brought it in off the street because if it were on the street it would attrackt more trash and people sleeping on our porch and besides he could probably sell it on craigslist or maybe do some sort of vr project with it. then he told me about doocracy so I doocratically dragged it outside
Discussion Item 4[edit | edit source]
- Electrical work to do
- everyone please mark ont he wall with tape or sticky notes where outlets hsould be
- machine shop kill switch for whole area!
- let's do this after the meeting
Discussion Item 5[edit | edit source]
- like to discuss reciprocal ban with Sudo Room for "reasons of safety".
- * carl - recently we had a friend of noisebridge show up in slack and said she had been banned from Omni and it was a retaliatory ban for her trying to defend women etc against harassment Carl hasn't had a chance to speak with her
- * Carl says she was not actually banned
- * Reading reciprocal ban policy now! From sept 9 2014! If sudo room bans a person for reasons of safety that person is not welcome at noisebridge unless specifically welcomed by the community
- * Carl would like to explicitly welcome her to our community. besides it wasn't a ban and it wasn't for safety
- so many people just vouched for jenny tunabananas . 6 people welcome her here.
- carl adds that our consensus item says sudo room bans a person. it doesn't say anything about Omni.
- james - read the entire delegates meeting as well, it's unclear what happened, we don't have to bandy about, haven't read the notes. as far as he can tell there's no indication there was any ban. no ban was reached. Table this - we don't have to reciprocally ban becuase they have to clarify what happened.
Discussion Item 6[edit | edit source]
Hack Comedy? (Victor is here) :D Yes! Lets talk about feasabilitiy
- August 21st!!!!!!!
- 40 people extending out into the porch (at least) are we comfy with it?
- What time? 8pm to 10pm !
- Ad with chiptune music!
- victor is either going to sink money into the ads or not
- Who will sign up to help! setup, chairs
- chairs are the work of a few minutes, we need to clear the space out
- microfphone etc
- fineline - delta spiking hella dangerous if you arent vaxxed and i've made that call to be out - can we ask that people be vaccinated. we dont want noisebridge be blamed for shit
- victor - we can take proof of vax
- fineline - let's not do that but instead Put up big signs that say by coming into NB you assert that you have been vaccinated
- lizzard - great lets do it
- sophia - more cases happening now than we did in january
- lizzard - money? donations? come for free or do suggested donation. do you need money?
- victor - will do this show usually at a loss but will pay myself back for the ads.
- lizzard - sounds reasonable please do pay yourself and dont take a loss
- it's happening!
- pixel art commissioned for the show! put it all over noisebridge! make stickers!
- chiptune dr wfiley's song from mega man (???)
- fineline - magnet man theme!
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]
- Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
- Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
- Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
- Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
- CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
- Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
- Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.
Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]
- Reprise of the Hackernationale. [This is anarchy - we do what the wiki says!]
- PGP Key Signing could happen now (if it doesn't happen before any given Meeting). Ask others around the space or check the list to see who wants in on the action.