Meeting Notes 2021 08 24

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These are the notes from the The 642th Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: 2021_08_24

Previous Meeting

Next Meeting

Note-taker: Lizzard and sophia

Moderators: Tyler

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Tyler - stopped back by treasuery and hacking
  • Lizzard - zines and hacking and judged a book award about gender the Otherwise award. i am working mostly on making the space usable for other people and their projects!
  • Relay - software! making sure NB is open on sundays!
  • spencer - from michigan just got here 10 days ago. likes to hack and do media stuff
  • tim - he/him, kinda infamous, tech stuff, ask me to turn your hair green, check me out on github. (half a mil, couple years to turn it green)
  • tj - do robotics stuff, little bit of music. (new member as well)
  • constantine (?) - came to check out the place, print stuff, do tinkering 3d printer expert!
  • sophia - sewing room and likes to hack, simulation of walking in the city. maybe book stuff too!
  • Gautam - from india - here for grad school info science ! hacking! radio stuff! music!
  • anaïs - just moved here from germany (berlin). first time coming to hackerspace. curious about 3d printing and music
  • naveed - guitar guy his uncle has a glass shop on 14th street. saw the space while walking by. Now i'm here! Not sure if it's good for me or bad for you!
  • pyconaut - he/him - here for many years love helping out the space - will respond online if you message!
  • Dave - he/him - worked on workstation for the Roland cnc mill - setting up buttons for access control
  • josh - tinkering taking things apart and putting them back together!
  • david - programmer sometimes do game dev


  • Carl - he/him - i am a flaschentaschen hacker, software developer, internet archive, long time noisebridger. calling in from the east bay
  • dan - occasional participant
  • tiffany -

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.

  • sophia - tyler -- do you have the venmo account. did you see that thing
  • ryan - gamebridge unity university still happening Unityversity discord, watch these notes for a link. Neurotech meetup thurs 6pm, online, may be in person soonish
  • dave b - We need a lot of raspberry Pis for the 3d printers in the Turing room. Call for Pi! model 3b+ or 4 please
  • carl - also a pi for the other half of the FT, and a backup

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

  • be kind - compassion - treat others like you would be treated - respect

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.)

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

  • Tim defines Do-ocracy. just fix it! get some new toilet paper! You can contribute! For a really big change do "small c " consensus just talk to people!! big c consensus we all kind of more formally agreed to move .
  • door key - will explain that below!
  • Discuss is an open forum
  • discord also totally open
  • Slack is more closed and you need an invite

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

  • apply
  • get to know people and do good stuff around the space
  • come to the meeting

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

  • Relay explains membership. just like everyone else but you have veto "block" power
  • relay reads out the application make sure nb stays excellent, and doing stuff here anyways so might as well
  • contributions : took notes, helped move, donate, give tours, teaching people about random things, managing people who are disruptive!
  • what circumstances would you block ? Make sure noisebridge is accessible to people see it as a communist college and factory people can product unalienate labor and explor what they are capable of. without capital! you can fuck up and try things without giving money to a college! that's why i want it to be a place where people can be excellent and even if they are in dire straits they can contribute and have a place!
  • question for relay : what if you could spent 200K of nb's money what would you spend it on. Found a community currency an spread it throughout SF in case the currency collapses!


Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

sophia: should we ban unvaccinated people from the space

  • awkward position to allow someone unvaxxed in,
  • form? Ask people? require they say yes? check cards (against this)
  • Liz - worried about inequitable application of asking people. Put up lots of big signs so people can self declare.
  • Naveed says he didn't want to be vaccinated because he expected a chip up his ass but he had to do it to pass travel situations
  • Tyler - Is our goal to keep unvaxxed people out of the space? You can just walk past a sign. but i don't want other people coming to noisebridge being a vaccine guard. Forcing people to constantly engage in an awkward conversation The sign is good, by entering, it should be bigger and more of them i'm a sign not a cop
  • josh - visually noisy place, we need big signs and we can point them out
  • dave b - part of the tour, point at the sign and bring attention to it. If you are a person who gives tours and the thought of interrogating someone about their vaccine status bothers you , please say something now.
  • pyco - very worried about people spreading delta variant Think holistically about your interactions and how you might be putting people at risk.
  • riley - I give tours quite a bit -
  • kim - did not occur to me to ask about vaccine status. not opposed to asking for proof, but don't think of it. canned response in pocket so its easier to deny people if no vaccine.
  • lizzard - I'm happy to reject people if they aren't vaccinated . When i give a tour I can universially say we ask that people be vaxxed and keep mask on in the space
  • liz - don't like the idea of showing papers. just saying we ask that you be vaccinated is fine. weird power interaction from showing card and doesn't make you feel safer.
  • dan - support getting consensus. much easier for people to explain. good to have nuance. Not taking a hard line on vaccination status can't count on it if it is self reported. appreciated sophia handling things Dan felt safer with the unvaxxed guy wearing the mask than he would with vaccinated people in hackitorium not wearing a mask. my bottom line is safety. nb could be a lot better on this.
  • tyler - moderator injection. covid safety has been discussed for 2y. put it up for consensus, and then offline discussion.
  • liz - we agree we should have the policy, disagree on how we should implement it.
  • james - it's important to evertyone that people coming in the space if they aren't vaccinated they should wear a mask and be cognizant and respectful and keep the space safe We're asking that either they self declare or that we do a checkpoint. But people don't want to do that. we could just ask that people be masked up in the space.
  • liz - we're already doing that.
  • tj - we have for a while asked that everyone have masks on. during saturday buildout, have made sure people are vaccinated.

Mulitple consensus items :

   * 1. No restrictions on vaccination status
   * 2 Have restrictions but make signage more clear
   * 3 make it part of the tour to ask people for vaccine status    
   * 4 ask people for vaccine cards

james - doesn't make sense to ask people for things, but does make sense to ask people to remain safe.

  • pyconaut - multiple levels of consensus. we can change as we go.
  • naveed - i am anti vaccine but that being said i have had to work in the professional world and you share access to other machines and equipment and consider people around you
  • Kim - there have been prominent anti-mask/anti-vaccine people. in the back of our minds have an incident response in our pocket. have way to respond if they dont want to leave.
  • Idea is we pass a minimum thing asap that says if you're actually declaring you are unvaxxed then you can't come inside the building!
  • What if you say , by coming into the space you declare you are vaxxed
  • Better signs, first part of tour is , read the sign!
  • TJ : would anyone actually disagree/ block?
  • No one objects!
  • Dan mentions there may be people with a medical reason not to be vaccined Dan trusts the masks more than vaccination... But would not block consensus
  • josh -

- You must broach the subject of vaccination, either by pointing at the sign, or asking the person if they are vaccinated. If people are unvaccinated they must not be let inside without very good reason. No one blocks this?

  • Relay- delta variant vaccine not as effective masking up is encouraged! yes we have been doing that

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

(anonymous member) Banning Jackson

  • harassing local folks from both NB and bike kitchen: Threats, violent threats, threats to burn down their houses
  • multple arrests in last few months in san mateo and SF counties for arson, burglary, etc. warrants are out for his arrest
  • attempting to seek out people and sent death threats to their friends houses. he had a mental breakdown in 2015 and attempted to leave town. bike kitchen people had same problem. can come in with specific person.

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

  • pyco - Offer for a really nice 3d printer - we took a look, it's nice, it needs one thing repaired and it is quite big. how big is it conex it's free square footage as the scale!

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]

  • Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
  • Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
  • Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
  • Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
  • CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
  • Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
  • Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.

Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]

  • Reprise of the Hackernationale. [This is anarchy - we do what the wiki says!]
  • PGP Key Signing could happen now (if it doesn't happen before any given Meeting). Ask others around the space or check the list to see who wants in on the action.