Meeting Notes 2021 10 26

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These are the notes from the The 651st Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: 2021 10 26 *** Need info for 2024 ***


Previous Meeting ***

Next Meeting

Note-taker: TJ, Sophia

Moderators: fineline

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances: 324,730 + 132,980 = $457,710; $5-6k monthly revenue vs $12k expenses
  • New members: -
  • New philanthropists: Les
  • Consensus Items: Dismembering X etc. -> asked to leave pending mediation!
  • Discussion Items: Lasers + lots of stuff

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Steve - he/him moderating, I'm a Member, been since 2015, theoretical physics, ML research, making music / art Sophia - she/her Also a member, do a lot of software projects (ask about simulator) Kyle - probably a member. started a sewing business at nb in ~2016, moved his shop to the outer mission. Leon - any/all - fairly new here, work on HPC, other things. Ait - been coming for 2/3y, living in a different reality than everyone else Lovi - new to the space, community run bikeshops. from portland. into laser cutting, linux, coding, hardware hacking. Jared - architect. like woodworking tj - do robotics and music. sad he missed last week's 5mof. Adrian - he/him - used to be pretty active 2016-2018. build mechanical and electrical projects like 3d printers and currently fixing laser cutter Ryan - he/him do robotics stuff, machine working romi - she/her active at NB at various points, like someone sick in elevator updog - newish, love working with laser cutters Dave - he/him electronics code corrie - she/her, game dev, learning various other skills.

Mark - game dev, all things game. tangentially interested in e.g. hardware as it relates to games. JD - he/him Ronald - I like software, been if sf 2 mo. Looking for a job. Ryan (pyconaut) - he / him - currently working on VR stuff, will mount maslo CNC to wall tonight shrata? - would love to do printing and other makerspace activities, live 1 block away pashish - mostly interested in mech eng, used to do cv, these days just mechanical les - she/they

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

60-second description per item in bulletpoint.

Steve - Omni commons was having a work party. They're our sister hackerspace in Oakland, in decrufting mode in past 4-5 mo. When it happens, I'll yell at you to go. Sophia - let's do bookshelves stuff. pyconaut - neurotech sf hack nights are thursday night from 6-9 PM, will happen at NB again soon. Brought in 2x4s for project help. pyconaut - interactive art experience at gray area opened a few weeks ago, i helped work on it, lot of other nb/sudo room/bay are artists worked on it very fun.

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

sophia - NB has a lot of neurodivergent ppl, so ppl can get prickly. Take care of how you interact with people. No hierarchy, just be friendly (don't be a jerk). It's the "one rule" because most of the other rules can be broken given the right circumstance. Don't bring drama.

romi - like respecting boundaries

dave - promoting the future of the space, keeping it running

sophia - all the people working on laser cutter romi - blender class is excellent

(What does that mean? How does the Anti-Harassment Policy fit into this? Are we SURE we know what being Excellent is? This is an important and fundamental conversation at Noisebridge, so let's give it like 120 seconds.) steve - let's talk about the anti-harassment policy. What does it mean? romi - respect boundaries TJ - maybe we could bring out the anti-harassment policy and read it? ryan - {reads out the anti-harassment policy} If you want to read it, visit*

Steve - any comments?

Lobi - That's about the best written thing on that I've ever heard pyconaut - It took us 5 months to write that!

Steve - I haven't heard it discussed in meetings, would like to bring it up again

Lobi - dropping hints, a female might not want to reject overtly, but will make hints they're not available. respect that as a "no". It's just trying to be polite. Relationship of gender is irrelevant. Some ppl can't take hint, if you can, please do.

Dave - not sure if explicitly covered, if someone is harrassing another Noisebridger outside space, ban the harrasser to make the victim more welcome

pyconaut - even if you see someone in an awkward situation, please help the person, because everyone here is fam. If you see something, say something. If not, find someone who is able to speak on your behalf or you feel comfortable speaking out with. It's understandable to ask someone to leave. Please look out for each other

Mark - bringing objection offline, very minor and understand spirit.

Participation[edit | edit source]

Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.

(What does that mean? How do you get a door key? Access to Slack, Discuss, etc?)

Steve: everyone is a participant at NB. New people who walked in have jsut as much power, how do you get access? dave: anybody c na sign up for discuss. anyone can sign up for discord/matrix (link on our website). We have a slack that's invite-only. If you're around for a few days, easy to get on slack. Somebody can let you into the space pretty much every day now. If you've gained some trust you can get 30 day access from a Member. You just need a clipper card.

Steve: anyone else?

Les: Are all communications on one page? sophia: probably, but who knows what it is. NOTE: (Discord / Slack can read all) Les: I found this link that seems to have all communication mediums in sidebar except discord: But no instructions to join.

  pyconaut : can also participate by taking or teaching a class. Helping others by helping or starting projects

Do-ocratic Task Board[edit | edit source]

Participation also means doing stuff to contribute to the space. Pick some tasks from github, from what needs to be done around you, or whatever, and see if someone will sign up to work on that task. Anyone can sign up and it's a great way to show you are contributing!

dave: let's check up on the tasks from last week

Review previous tasks:

  • Set up and test the laser cutter!! Corrie, Lovi, also Broccoli, Adrian
  • Emergency lighting! Loren
  • Clear upstairs hallway: Sophia, Ronald (maybe?)
  • Where should our electrical outlets be! TJ, Maybe also Loren?
  • Big green industrial snap setter thingies! (Ryan L)

Doorbell Loren and TJ Organize hackshelves - Ronald

Laser cutter progress since last week: Lobi - Liz manifested this huge "manual", tried to follow up on each step of process for getting started. Created a plan that needs some modification of getting vent to ceiling. Original ideas was to create setup with one fan outside and pipe inside, so you can connect with aluminum piping. Might need to be raised more than I hoped. TJ and I moved the laser cutter, then gathered all supplies over there. May be still missing grounding cable and another cable. Last night, brocoli and I fleshed out the fans, tested different fans. Big green one is huge, avoid doing that. brocoli says not enough, adrian says enough. There may be a lot of crap inside. Do we have permission to screw in wall (from exterior)? (yes) one of those would be most excellent. One connection would be enough. Several pipe raising straps, rain protection costs $25. brocoli and I fleshed out problems with chiller, got it working to do a test pulse, draft run for calibration. Got laser to go through end, calibrated for several hours, got it to middle and front. brocoli got it to fire pinhole. I can't believe it, but laser focused beams and created pinhole. Adrian found problem with step up transformer.

Adrian: we have new connector, connector has wrong parts, can hack it. Could bypass faulty transformer.

Lobi: might need anemometer to get it right if not sucking enough, need to waterproof at least one outside fan (preferrably no outdoor fan at all).

Lobi: We're at point where we need to set up workstation. I talked to Chris, previous Member, Chris said they knew previous workstation, could not find it here. We need to have a laser training meeting, to train everyone. Have a ton of materials, playing secretary to it right now. Could someone please bring in a paper scanner? (follow up offline regarding scanner) Replace distilled water in chiller, need shelving materials

Dave: quickly Ryan from stack, then fineline again. Ryan: I'll talk afterward.

Steve: Jared, you did work on laser cutter in old space

Jared: we just used monster fan, and that was it. We only had 30 feet to window to vent, though

Adrian: This also seems to be a temporary setup, because more permanent solution needs to be a lot of work

Dave: Emergency lighting? Yes!

Dave: Upstairs hallway

Sophia: Moved all weird metal shelving with connections, accessible but out of way. If you want it, you can come get it, but not visible to public eye.

Shelving left is solid metal, which laser people want, so bring down there. ideally, bring sheld downstairs, put books in shleves, everything will look super nice

Lobi : Abdel volunteers woodworking effort

Adrian: i have some shelving that's way too big for my workshop, could I donate?

Dave : take picture, show on slack

Dave :

Electrical Outlets TJ: i took a bunch of pictures of where they could go. planning on stickering them tonight.

davE: we have two giant big industrial snap setters in the corner.

Sophia: could we donate to ewaste pla ryan: the neighbor knows a place where we can donate the scrap metal. pyconaut : best to donate them assembled, as theoretically more valuable, but we should do the easiest thing

  Sophia: if you have specific place lmk
  Loren: I like mentioning over assigning

Sophia: want Mark: CAn we volunteer? (yes)

Dave: Does anyone want to volunteer to make Loren: yep TJ: i can

Mark: I'm going to volunteer to fix the toilet steve: Yeah!!!

pyconaut: planning to replace downstairs toilet because it is awful.

Mark: communicate offline

ryan: if we're doing the toilet, and want to do tiling, tiling should be done before the toilet, if you want to make it nice. Relay: Do we need new tiling? dave: it's worth minimal effort to make a more welcoming restroom. Dave: Does anyone want to sort through hack shelves (pulling out item, see if useful, etc.) ronald: i could do some of that. there are some items that belong in other rooms and i can sort em out. Dave: {pointing out the hack shelves} All the ones on left and right, except top shelf Adrian: Top shelves are individual, bottom is communal. Sophia : We could also go through top shelf

Dave: does anybody wanna work on refurbishing the telepresence/jitsi machine for use? Relay: *raises hand* (also, it seems TV is broken) dave: we want it to be easy for someone who doesn't know anything to start a meeting. relay: we might need to replace the TV dave: maybe we could replace the HDMI relay: it's not producing a signal Dave: should we assign more ? (no)

Example tasks:

  • Collect all the trash in the space into the large bins on Sunday night!
  • Document how one of the 3D printers works on the wiki, print out QR code linking to it & tape it to that printer!
  • Find us a plumber to fix the toilet and hang out with them in the space while they fix it (Perhaps organizing an entire toilet replacement workshop!)

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Philanthropists? How do you become one? etc)

steve: there are two classes of members at nb. philanthropists and members.

relay: philathropist is someone who has shown themselves to be responsible for someone. often they pay a certain amount of money. they need to be sponsored by a member, they get 24 hour access as part of that.

Steve: any other comments

sophia; need to show up at the first meeting to present first meeting

Les: I will officially apply tonight, have been around nb and sduo room.

Steve: I'll sponsor you

  • commotion to get application to Philanthropy*

Dennis bishop, here last week, not here this week, any sponsors? (no)

Next is dane michael, Liz sponsors them (old)

{going through old applications}

corrie: i got philanthropized last week but i didn't complete the process, so what did i do.

steve: $80 a month, or $40 for starving hackers. Really negotiable, set up a monthly thing. Sophia: Go to @themanmaran on Slack (Tyler)

Dave: easiest thing is to set up Patreon (but it takes 10%) Sophia: Slack themanmaran

Sophia: if your Company has benevity, that's also good.

Les: Is there any witnesses or such?

Steve: No, just sponsor me)

  pyconaut: How will you use newfound powers to take over NB?

les: my main motive for applying is that i moved to the mission. i can add more open hours, close and open the space, potentially hosting classes (though not 100% on that).

Lovi: what classes would you teach les: potentially ML stuff TJ: let's talk offline about that – i'm trying to get an RL thing going.

Steve: you're now a Philanthropist Les!

Steve: Same convo, $80 a month, or $40 if no money, just contact themanmaran.

Sophia: Since you're not on slack, could you DM me after?

Loren: Brief announcement: any key can get in or out of gate, need a key to get out. I propped the door in a way that forced someone to undo it.

Dave : Good time to let ppl know of back emergency exit

Steve: That's it for philanthropists

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.

(What does that mean? What do we expect from Members? How do you become a Member? etc)

steve: relay is the newest Member, explain what membership is relay: members are people who are trusted in the community, need at least two other members to sponsor them. they can sponsor philanthropists. generally means you're a trusted member of the community and help to elect the board. if there's a big c consensus item, you get to veto, though generally that means you're really really admant about something and want a change in a proposal.

Steve: anyone else?

Jared: You're making public commitment to keep NB running, perpetuate space. Don't feel uncomfortable asking a Member about projects, as they are interested in maintaining at space.

Tyren: As member, you are aware that this is community owned. If you want something to be done, do something for it and to help space.

mcint: We hope that everyone who comes space has values, upholds the values of the space. Ask the community to be good stewards of the space.

dave: an important part of doocracy is taking responsibility for the things you do. letting people know, documenting it, etc.

Steve: Any more comments? (no) moving on to next section (as there are no new members)

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

``` 10/26/2021 balances Cash: $324,730 Crypto: $132,980 Total: $457,710 ```

Nearly 50% Expense is $12,000 , income is around $5-6k. More philanthropists means more money, so that's good

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going


Consensus[edit | edit source]

Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works.

(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)

ryan: there are 2 types of conesnsus at nb. small-c and big-c. small-c is just asking people in the space if somethings alright to change. these are generally small changes: moving tables, installing something, etc. generally easay to reverse. big-c consensus are items that really change how nb as an entity functions. examples include moving, buying something really expensive, need to be formally proposed at a meeting and discussed at multiple meetings thereafter. if any big m member blocks an item, the item is tabled or dropped. once the proposal goes through consensus, it's pretty hard to un-pass. generally they are forever: give it that amount of weight when you make it. or put a limit on how long consensus item lasts, which we've been doing lately

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Sophia: two new consensus items, let's discuss at end of meeting, as it will take a while

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

tj: while i was away, went to a hackerspace in arizone, pre-pandemic their membership was about 1000. talked to them about how they started and kept it together. wrote down some ideas that i might bring up.

Discussion Item last: X[edit | edit source]

2 consensus items: We have had a lot of conflict by a member of many names, most commonly X

We have 2: - Suspend X's membership indefinitely - Ask X to leave the space for 1 year.

This is not something we take lightly, X has contributed a lot, but we have important reasons for doing this. We've had a lot of conflict with X in the past. Short summary to give context: - When NB closed in march 2020, july 2020 moved to new space, elected Dan and X as stewards of new space (which until May was just boxes). They made sure no rats or robbers. X may have imo a paternal complex of the space, and had some conflicts when opening. Most were anodyne. Ended up being more conflicts over time. Took mic from host during 5mof, many such confilcts with TJ, Liz and I. Ended up bringing rusty huge scale into space, literally hundreds of routers stored in cupboard. But now there are other uses for the space. Had special office (locked) for his own items in the back. Went to Denmark for September. When he came back, did two things: 1. An issue with Ronald. Ronald was philanthropized, after contributing to space recently, so X didn't know him. X changed locks and was hesitant to let Ronald into the space. Ronald has as much right to be there as anyone else, espeically considering the trust we put in. 2. CAmeras. In pandemic, it was reasonable. But imo it was around for too long, so they were put down. Recently, X put them back and uploaded to Jitsi. X doesn't use legal name, as is his right, so he should know better. We have invited him to mediation a week or so ago, but no response. We've attempted to reach him for three weeks on various chat systems, texting and any other methods. Nothing has worked. He hasn't come to a meeting in months. Even in person confrontation has not worked. (note: X has been attending many meetings virtually, just not commenting or giving an introduction) We think it's important to prevent X from being inside the space, as well as de-memberize X. We are not banning him permanently.

Steve: A lot of things have been grating on me since May, but I let it slide. x wanted no more Members , re-Memberize everyone. But it was because of a very special circumstance, it seemed audacious to m

tj: there was also an attempt to make this known to him in person, through Ronald, but this has not worked either.

lovi: i as a new person was there. i've come and he didn't want to let me in. he only let me in because he didn't (?). he then sets me up with a chore doing cleaning and he just watche sme. the gate-keeping was real and awkward. this kind of gate-keeping very much did happen. no excuse. he told me in particular the cameras were not going online. from what i understand there is evidence they were. i can forgive someone for lying with context and apoligies, and with surveiling with context.

Please speak into mic. Cannot hear

Les: If not storing the data, there is logical case where it's possible

Sophia: it's not really okay, as the Jitsi was open to Internet

Dave: if it was not public, it was at least his, as he was VNC remoted

James: Streaming was on a public channel. james: please add things to the chat instead of the notes because no one else can hear these. k... notes are what end up printed and published, not chat. so rather leave here. sorry for inconvenience it's fine. sry idk not clear what best remote interaction is.

Ryan: add a few specific c. the backroom was locked with everyone's authority. No one had ever brought it to attention that they needed access to that. I didn't know about this situation specifically. I would currently block item on being de-Membered, but open to changing opinion on that point. This has been done before with many people. He had permission to have the cameras on when the space was closed. but he didn't have permission to have them on when there were people to be in the space. Having new cameras stream to Jitsi is enough for extended leave. Everything, which is more egregious, like gatekeeping and harrassment, is definitely grounds to ask to leave

Steve: you said two things. I block this, and I'd be willing to have my mind change. wrt having your mind changed do we have to do it in this session: or is it fine to do it offline.

pyconaut: I'm fine talking offline, and waiting to block.

Steve: we're going to proceed with the consensus item this week, and make sure to come here next week pyconaut if you want to block it.

Dave: Also look forward to changing your mind. Would like to add couple notes. - We cold make consensus item conditional on future mediation, successful mediation attempts. in 3-4 months, if X is willing to talk to us, clear misunderstanding, etc. I'm open to possibility. I think it should be included in consensus item. I want to point out clear violations of anti-harrassment policy, like literally silencing someone during a meeting. We sohuld follow through with that.

Jared: Do you do ask to leave now? Has X been formally asked to leave?

TJ: as i understand danny has said that to X. Then X said "oh i'm going to Denmark".

adrian: but i believe the ask to leave rules include going to mediation, and until the issue is resolved in mediation they're not allowed to go back.

"Harassment includes recording" Noisebridge Anti-Harassment Policy

adrian: if you're asked to leave you're not allowed to come back

jared: Has he been asked

TJ: we can't get him to talk at all to ask to leave. maybe it's not intentional but he comes at 7-8 in the morning and leaves by 12.

Sophia: We started the shed system late, so a lot of people have keys.

ryan: i think it's better to do this formalized style of ask to leave than just ask to leave. In the past, people have just been coming back at different times. Not everyone will know about the ask to leave situation or whatever. Also, extended ask to leaves do generally work. We've had 4 extended ask to leaves in the last 5 years. By the time they're done the people have become more excellent and are more

we will probably have to do an 86 if this keeps happening, which can be overturned, but takes much longer and is harder to reverse.

Mark: dave said what I wanted to say, if we explicitly say a year, we should allow ability to go back.

Dave: Feel better about 86 for a year if we allow backdoor for mediation?

Mark: yes

Ryan L: There have been two ultimatums but it hasn't gotten out.

TJ: a little over a week ago i had two posts, asking X to move his stuff out of the space and also a written ultimatum, please talk with us. along with all the stuff that sophia mentioned, there has been no response. i asked ronald to at least mention it to him so that X is aware. ronald has done this. basically stonewalling/arguing against it. that it's not his fault. that he sort of refused.

Ryan: the burden is now on other people to deal with this.

Mark: I wnat to stress that we as nb are a family, x has been part of this for a long time. as a family we don't give up on any one of us. we don't know how much time he needs to sort out their shit. i understand people are getting impatient, and that's ok, but i think it's very important to let them come back and join the conversation whenever they want to. ultimatums are whatever.

TJ: because i have not been successful getting in touch with X, I did talk to Dan, who has been helpful talking about mediation. I'm unsure of what Dan reads of X's situation other than he's stressed out. we're trying to work on something there.

Corrie: I agree we should try everything, but we might be justifying behavior

Evil Dan: Thanks. Could I ask somebody to repeat what was just said. Thank you for doing this. this is an important process to have. to be able to handle difficult personalities and power tripping. that said, x has really done this to himself with the stonewalling up to this point. i'm here to tell you that he has good reasons to let me do the talking tonight. i'm pretty comfortable with how things are going. anybody willing to have a private conversation with some respect for privacy, boundaries, and all that stuff. we're definitely looking for mediation. i haven't been able to talk to him up until yesterday. spent a couple y and a few today. up until this point i was just like... i've had words with x on and off for a while. i possibly put him up to a few things. i trained him wrong, as a joke. but lately i've checked out. not dealing with nb. not really dealing with x's stuff at nb either. have not been talking. he's not been in a condition.

  Sophia: May I inquire why? 

dan: not here, but yes. he's stressed. he's just absolutely devastated. he deserves to be, up to a point, but the lack of communication is adding to everything that's led up to this point. some of that's on me, like yeah i'm not going spend my weekend in hostage negotiation mode. that's where we're at. sorry i left it for everyone to see. this is good stuff this is classic epic nb. gotta apppreciate what mark said. you could table it and be glad you did, you could keep going. alex, your name was mentioned as someone X would feel comfortable with. maybe you and i could talk. wouldn't it be great if nb had a better handle on mediating. I don't stick my neck out for aholes, and X is an ahole. really annoying to be around sometimes constantly stimming with static from a walkie-talkie, probably more on the spectrum than whatever personality disorders are blowing up in your face*rant rant rant* . Not a full-blown narcissist , could be nudged in the right direction. Not trying to be a mediator, don't have temperament, but still willing to advocate for him, advocating for mediation, and for noisebridge. X has some comeuppance, has explaining to do. Has done explaining, need to hear him out. This venue does not work. Happy to talk more later, don't take personally, really appreciate how ppl handling things, hope this helps.

Jared: Hey dan, good to hear you on the phone. probably would be excellent to let him know , if you get in touch, while this is good to sort out, would be excellent to not come to space, but schedule it in case that does happen.

Dan: Let's make that a hard line. Only interaction will be scheduled, supervised. It's not about the stuff at this point. But let's deal with stuff, that's low hanging fruit. In terms of damage done to ppl who aren't comfortable, that's a line drawn. We could alll ask him to leave. People tell him that he's on thin ice. Welcome change of pace. Carrots, but sticks.. nah. Noisebridge can dish out punishment, I don't worry about group of ppl in the moment and ... (interrupted)

Alex: quickly in response to what dan said. if we don't have a person who's the point person for moderation, we should figure out who that would be. i've helped with other mediations in the past. might not be the best ultimate arbiter, i'm friends with x, this seems very different from the behavior i know from him. We should bpick for mediation team. I'd be happy to pick the team. Everyone wants to hear from him. I'm willing to help, but have somebody else.

everybody ehre has really important concerns. i kind of agree with what mark said. i have strong positive feeling with what mark said. because this could happen to any of us. we could all have a mental health episode and be unable to communicate for a period of time. if there is an ask to leave consensus, goal is to have that to happen. seems crazy to ban someone for any period of time. someone should help us to get it done.

TJ: There is no one else. The list of people who are friendly with X and have been heavily involved (recently) in decisions in the space are mutually exclusive.

mcint: I'm going to keep myself short and to the point, only adressing new points. Can balance lots of considerations, this can be done offline. Point I bring up is institutional memory. I will yield my time and suggest we close stack. I want to say it all, want to respect other times.

Steve: 7 more people on stack. Anyone else

Les: I second institutional memory. This has happened before

n00b / lxpk : Clarify we shouldn't do anything other than now, just missing that there is a point of communication for mediation. At least have that person. X mentioned my name bc he could communicate with me. Not impartial, but getting communication process to start, I'm at least willing to start the process and hand off in the future

James: Good to hear people's thoughts. Following up on what's said earlier. I agree with stigma Dan said earlier, want a hard line, but want action taken. Already full weeks' discussion, so action can be taken. X has been following along and knows. Membership and 24-hour access are priveliges, not rights. X does not need this right now, he can coordinate with other people if he wants help in the space. He violated anti-harrassment policy by recording people, and being responsible for actions. Convo is just painful, block is silly.

DR Ryan: suggest the same thing. there hasn't been good faith or him meeting us in the middle. until this is all resolved, showing that he'll listen to other members and respect people's privacy, good to do something now.

DR pyconaut: With that comment, I rescind block on consensus to take away X's membership

Lobi: So first of all, Evil Dan said he would like to hear what corrie said. you have to draw the line somewhere. we can't continue certain behaviors. Family members do this all the time to other members. X has violated 3 anti-harrassment guidelines. If there is a case he is seeking mediation. As for institutional memory, he must follow these. As a big, burly white guy, he is exerting his power too much. He didn't let me in bathroom, wouldn't let me take off mask, said it's not okay to eat here. Other people have said he's manipulative, I felt that too. If X is neuroatypical and come, that's no excuse for using your power to manipulate. If he uses a small group of people to talk with, he can use his manipulative powers. He's not the victim, but the perpetrator

Adrian: i've known X for a while, haven't seen any of these recent incidents. feels like a different person than the X I knew, where my interactions were positive. Clearly things have changed in the space.

Dave: to be clear are you recommending yourself to be point man for mediation

Adrian: No, I won't

Mark: I'm happy to volunteer my services as needed (woo!). I have done so in the past

Steve: I've been ok with him too, but I have seen newer Noisebridgers get fed up with his activity. And Liz, who is an older noisebridger too, to be fair.

Adrian: I may not have known him enough

Ryan L: i got my point out in the direct response.

Sophia: Bring up 2014 NB and Sudo Room banning

Suspend X's membership indefinitely until he goes through membership process again. nobody blocks. That goes on to next week

2. X should not come back to NB other than scheduled/supervised until mediation is resolved (i.e. removing stuff from the space)

Dan : suggested wording, all activity has to be consensual, scheduled and consented to.

can we write: 24 hour access and membership are revoked.

Dan : I don't think we should change the locks, we can trust him not to come.

lxpk: have it in effect now.

James: we can consense to remove 24-hour access and membership. I don't see why this has to drag on.

Steve: this is the first week in which Big-C consensus items have been proposed at the week.

James: anti-harrassment policy violated, so you can directly take action

Adrian: we can ban ppl without big-C consensus

Les: I like to see how this plays out. X is annoying

Sophia: We will ban X from space, indefinitely, until mediation is resolved.

      • We create a path to redemption. Needs to be structured for mediation.

Mark: I'm not losing any sleep over this, I suggest no one else do as well. For mediation, Dan, reach out to me if needed.

Dan: I will, but not tonight.

Dan: soften language without softening intent. Ask to leave, not ban.

Sophia: Fine, let's do it.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]

  • Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
  • Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
  • Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
  • Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
  • CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
  • Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
  • Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.

Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]

  • Reprise of the Hackernationale. [This is anarchy - we do what the wiki says!]
  • PGP Key Signing could happen now (if it doesn't happen before any given Meeting). Ask others around the space or check the list to see who wants in on the action.