Meeting Notes 2021 11 30
These are the notes from the The 656th Meeting of Noisebridge.
- Live notes
- Virtual Meeting (jitsi mic/cam off by default)
Date: 11.30.2021
Note-taker: Claus
Moderators: TJ
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
- Fundraising Update
- Announcements:
- Finances:
- New members:
- New philanthropists:
- Consensus Items:
- Discussion Items:
Introductions[edit | edit source]
Tj - he/they doing robitcs project and starting up an AI meetup on Wednesday @ 6pm.
noah - Buliding stuff with arduinos, and doing a circuit hacking monday on December the 20th
Josh first time here. Software developer and intrestred in lockpicking and circuits and electronics.
Tk first and a half time here. I have been looking into python and I would like to a community where I can come and do it more consistently. Lockpicking sounds good, and I can do sewing.
Claus - they/them - jck of all trades
Leon - all Currently work in high performance computing, also like coding AGI, systems in general.
Carl (he/him) - software developer and hacks on the flaschen taschen.
Mark (Remotely lurking) - game dev and suchnot
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
60-second description per item in bulletpoint.
TJ - going over what is happening this week General class stuff is Wednesay Ai meetup @ 6pm Thursday hack the space night 5-9P.M. Chess night Friday 7PM, but we should confirm.
People are welcome friday night, we are usually hanging out. That is it for one time events. A hanakuah event we are planning.
Leon from sundown till whenever we want to leave there is going to be a large pot of oil, bring things to throw in it, we will provide the oil and the pot. Drop donuts, and meats, and veggies. Please come celebrate with us. December 4th, Saturday night.
Gamebridge will be in person Tomorrow! Feel free to add your game jam projects, and will be at the space this weekend. Will be in person and on Discord, possibly on Jitsi.
Unofically on monday, there may be event. Synth building jan 8th
Excellence[edit | edit source]
TJ Since we have new people we can go over excellence and particpation. Exxcellence is our motto at noisbridge. While that changes the exact meaning betweeen different generations of noisebridge, we generally expect that people are cortoues to each other, and respect each others bounadires, and space.
There is a blurb: There are some atypicals here, and we need to understanding when dealing with each other We have an anti-harassment policy near the front door that explains that we expect certain thinhgs that are unexcellent at the space. The other part is partipation.
Claus - Partipcation is encouraged, I fyou dont know, ask for hlep.
Tj - do-ocracy anything you want to see in the space, do it, but be excellent.
Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.
Participation[edit | edit source]
Everyone at Noisebridge is a participant at Noisebridge.
see above.
Nicole was excellent and hosted an amazing hacksgiving event.
Do-ocratic Task Board[edit | edit source]
Participation also means doing stuff to contribute to the space. Pick some tasks from github, from what needs to be done around you, or whatever, and see if someone will sign up to work on that task. Anyone can sign up and it's a great way to show you are contributing!
TJ I cleared up some of the stage area. There are some work with what to do with the space and how to arrange it. Phsyically moving the space. We will record and write that out in the future. In the meantime I would defer to the server guild on updates.
Claus - Server stuff is moving along. We have issues - don't have access to DNS, can bring up, can't point domains to it. Jitsi instance on server, IRC on server, scuttlebutt, and minetest all on server. Unicorn migration repo, which has files and tutorials on Docker, how we organize listed there. Also, access request should start there, so people who have access to servers can also change the code
- rack on Slack has info, Github has info, Slack me or TJ to get access to the server. Please lmk how to get DNS information!
Philanthropists[edit | edit source]
A Philanthropist at Noisebridge has earned enough trust from the community to open and close the space.
Tj I'm getting the binder.
Leon philanthropists responsiblities are to close down the space, ask people to leave the space if your the only philanthropist there. 24 hours access, you can open and close the space. There is a suggestesd contribution of $40-80. Your expected to understand the culture and what is needed in the space than a normal member. The membership is the same except they can vote for the board, and block big C concensus. If you want to apply you need two members. To become a philanthropist you apply and must have a single sponsor.
TJ - Philanthropist is a single meeting, member takes 4 weeks.
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
Membership in Noisebridge entails community Trust in Consensus.
Claus = Do we have people applying?
TJ - There are two philanthropists apps in the binder, but we do not have anyone applying for membership
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.
Tj - since you can give philanthropists access for 30 day users, you can talk later and I will set you up.
noah - Can I apply to be a philanthropist? Does anyone block noahs app.
no blocks.
Claus will help setup 30 day access, once claus has the ability after the meeting.
TJ - Is tyler here? It appears tyler is not here. I assume its the same. Claus - The laser fume hood is/is being purchased, so it will be around $7000 less
Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]
How's it all going
Alex - The fundraiser likely timeframe will work be Feburary. If we wanna do multiple things. Ideas that we want to do is an auction. If peope have ideas for things to auction. Any ideas for entertainment. Realistically its about what is the work that we wanna do that it feels like a grand reopening. So that everyone who comes will want to stick around. This is the summer faire anime episode where all the clubs show off their accomplishments.
TJ - I can be more involved and help with some of the planning. Also I see that robot has entered the chat. Do you wanna talk about wednesday?
Robot - I'm announcing my thing on Wednesday. Wedneday night is going to be starting at 5 -9 we are working on building and selling iot project. Concept design, case design deployment, backend, frontend. We are gonna go sell it!
TJ- Sorry for the delay of our regularly scheduled programming, and we are back. In any case
Consensus[edit | edit source]
Consensus is how the Noisebridge Membership may change how Noisebridge works. TJ - We don't have any concensus items currently.
(How does Consensus work? What types of things are good for formal Consensus? What is small-c consensus? What is a "block"?)
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
(Add any items which are consensed upon or someone has raised a principle objection for to the Consensus Items History page.)
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]
Management stuff hanukah cookout.
TJ - Are you good leon with planning?
Leon - claus and I will figure out what we need from the hardware store. There may be some costs associated, I'm fine with footing most of it, we are buying a burner. Having that matched would be cool.
TJ - Post in finance WG. Tag tyler. We have some pledge amounts that were partly for the propane.
Claus - WE should have the infrastructure to fry things, so bring thisgs you want to fry. I'll ahve cornmeal batter, we will throw stuff in fryer and eat them. That's all
Time - sundown ISH
Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]
TJ - Upstairs and downstairs hackitorium layout. Potentially we have some space upstairs and downstairs, and what is the best way to rearrange so as to best utilize the building, and the infrastructure.
Leon - There is a library, which is a thing. We need to build more shelving, but if htere is a near term project on the library bot. I don't know how much we need.
Claus I would that the shelf is useful regardlesss.
Alex on the subject of rearranging, I have put some work into the original sketch pyconaut and I worked on when we first moved in, and combing it with the old noisebridge model in one 3d model. For the old one I had a bunch of the objects modeled, and we had a 3d scan version. The model versions were aproximations so we could rearrange. We are putting it up on a git repo so that it is usefull for planning. Its rearranable while your in. I'll post to VR chat tonight, anyone will be able to log in. There isn't a lot of furiniture. We need to itmize all of the things. We already have some stuff(laser cutter etc). It wonj't be 1:1. The 3d version is mutable. The VR stuff is getting setup tommorow, and will be able to see the 3d version. And save a version of each layout, initally a video. The future could be this is noisebridge idea 1 noisebridge idea 2. This sounds esoteric, but once its up it will prove useful
TJ - That would be amazing, can you share some of the files online in a chat. That would make planning work a lot easier. ALEX - The original models are in the space chanel, I'm pushing it to git so you can fork and change. Add furniture in unity and push it to the repo so we can upload to VR chat.
TJ - That will help in terms of getting anything else for the space. We are trying to clear somethings out.
Claus - REferencing discussion item: we are ordering fume extraction for laser. Laser will be mobile, we can put it somewhere else. I'd like ppl to share vision of where pepole want things. Come up with collective vision, move things around in the space. Hard to have convo without being here. If you are interested, Thursday's good place to plug in
Structuring upstairs to be accessible for classroom, audio setup upstairs, encourage classes
Layout is in my head, VR is great place to lay it out
Alex - I can hold a sketching session after the meeting. Its in unity and the files come from any 3d program, and we can even bring paper drawings from the floor. We can put it on the floor in 3d. One idea I had is moveable wall sections. I did some research into the construction techinques to build htem. The biggest problem is the ceiling isn't sealed.I don't know what the code is around moveable walls. In the old noisebridge issue. Anything that obsctruted the spriklers was illegal. We got things up to code later.
Claus - issue is wall to the woodshop can't be movable bc it needs to function as barrier. If we use steel catblocks as roofing mechanism, sprinklers can access underneath. Use tiered storage like warehouse rack. Permanent wall will not necessitate division of walls.
TJ - as long as its not wired, its considered a partition, and we are safe to build partitions, as long as we cover the existing spriklers
tk - if you put the wire ones as a shelf, doesn't what you put on the shelf. Won't that block thep sprinklets.
Claus - sprinklers can access what's beneath. If on floor, things underneath floor aren't around sprinkler
lx - even if below a sprinkler, other sprinklers can get to the floor. Water moves around the object.
alex ould we try it might be neat to build rolling partitions to see how effective it is.
Claus - we have the materials as well.
Alex - you need insulating blackets thats the only ingredient we don't have on hand.
TJ - We need to figure out where we are gonna put the laser cutter. Then build out stuff around it, like the hack shelves, wood shop, and the hackitorium. Upstairs all we wanted to talk about was what to move there. Getting another couch would be great.
I don't have an entire layout in mind, but I had a general idea, before we get to the upstairs being accessible. We seek to have the core functions on the ground floor. If somebody comes to NB and the class is upstairs. They could stream a person could still partipate. Its a stop gap. On the other hand the wood shop was upstairs, that would be a no go.
Gaardn Laser cutter could really benefit from big table in front or side of it (with space for operator to access workbed/controller)
TJ - we are making sure the audio/video setup works so that we can have those classes online, and there can be remote participation. I want to get peopes blessing for an omnidirectional microphone. People seem to be okay with the camera mic, we could also use one upstairs. for a classroom setting. Anyone oppose.
Claus - - as an addendum, Dave had cameras in the upstairs music room, and speakers, so with mic we'd have full setup. We could get computers, we have projector around up there.
Noah - Do we have computers for people that might need them that don't bring them.
Claus - We have a mostly working pile, we have everything needed to do that. Can show to anyone interested.
TJ we have lots of keyboards and mointors. Let me know the best way to have these computers ready Should they be in a closet, or along the wall. What is the best situation for you.
Claus - I would like to see them, and that processof organizizing the space, is where we can put them.
alex - I have a cmall donation of laptops that we could setup with all of the things involved with gamedev/music they could be fully loaded laptops. For those who complete the gambridge bootcamp, they could be schohlarship laptops for firstime hackers that don't have a laptop. We have done that before.
Claus - We have a few laptops here as well.
Alex - I suggest we bring those laptops to the space so they have what they need to be useful. For the gamebridge camp. We are going to be announcing we are doing a camp starting in January. Teams of two, those laptops would be avaliable to those who didn't have access to a laptop.
TJ - Thanks alex, we appreciate the donation. Hope the class goes well. We have been on this topic a lot.
Discussion 3:: Laser cutter.
TJ - Nicole updated we need a computer, having a table and some sound dampeners. Could you give us a summary of what you were saying in the chat? What are the next steps
Gardeen - As requested we are getting a spare filter at a discount so we should be good for two years with that. The purchase total is in the laser channel. Someone made a point, we need a place for the laser cutter. I'm happy to put it wherever, the fume extractor is loud Brocili had the idea to build a sound dampener, and it would be nice to have a big table with enough space would be able to comfortably manevuer.
Claus - Power/location There's some discussion about identifying what power needs. 120 v model, so need to wir ein new breaker. That's something we could reach out to electrician. CAn't do anything in box. Shuold take electrician 15 minutes to change breaker. Matter of organization, won't use fume extractor until done. Wehree we're putting it; general zeitgeist is to put with woodhsop, as both loud. That means we need to run power from front to back. We can do it without permit. We can do functional extension cord, need to price out wire, etc. Dependent on where we put laser cutter. idk any other ideas, I've mulled over and space constraints make it so back ocrner is only place where fit and accessible usable + insulated from sound. Don't have flexibility.
Garden - Anothe factor, once we have it where we want it, I'm gonna set it up, and once I'm done all of that calibration, we should really not move it. I will teach a bunch of people how to do it. Moving it after it is in place.
Claus - wiring is cheaper than runing conduit. Added flexibiltyy that we could move it, not hard wired in.
Garden - Moving it is expensive in time and mainteance.
TJ - We are moving the laser cutter to the back. Are we agreed on this.
Garden - Please move it, but only m ove it once. Make its home permaent.
Claus - wehn will laser be here?
gaardn - Probably within a week. By next Tuesday, tyler will know once bill is paid.
Claus - Once it gets here, take the time to reach out to electrician, if anyone has recs. etc.
gaardn - Take the time to figure out location of laser. Get laser where you want, then can hook up fume extractor when I get there.
Claus - Without fume extractor, can't set up space bc it is bulky. Conversation about power and electrician can happen before. Electrician wire sbreaker, then have interior set up. Then we can set up everything in wire in. Power more important than location
gaardn - Appreciate people doing power needs.
Claus - don't need contractor, but understand desire.
Claus - To be clear, anyone want to contact electric
TJ - Will help, we can cold call.
Claus - lets talk after the meeting. TJ - In terms of the computer, there was one that was associated, it may not have everying. This is correct, there is a computer that is tied to the laser cutter, currently the drivers aren't working.
Garden - Try using it.
Claus - moved computer a couple weeks ago to discourage people from using it
Gaardn - that's a relief to hear, thanks Claus
Gaardn - Repeated a couple times, I don't have time come January, want to get laser cutter up and running so we are a hackerspace, not a hangout space. Laser extractor is a 2.5x2.5 footprint,put that next to laser cutter for idea of footprint.
Claus - TJ and I will figure out the electrician.
lxpk - Dimensions ? 2.5ft x 2.5ft .
Claus - Look at datasheet in laser channel, there should eb an exact answer
Tj - Recap, call electrician, get delivery, move things before, and set it up and start cutting things.
discussion item 4 =[edit | edit source]
TJ - We have on concensus item to discuss.
Claus - Initial response is we don't need consensus. We need to move forward with the project, need to replace toilet. Need to replace the wax ring. Water is constantly running because chain is getting caught. Toilet is degrading. Consensus that we buy the toilet and replace
gaardn - CAn we replace it now?
- All in favor*
lxpk - Quick question, reviewed bathroom for ADA, already one bar + affordances. Seem like it's already set up (it is).
gaardn - We should improve in functinoal and beautiful ways. It's the only bathroom, so throw renovation $$ into it.
lxpk - possible to have toilets be of different heights? Just get random toilets.
Claus - people have ideas, people want it fixed, just buy from Home Depot and put it in.
Action item to replace the toilet with a store bought one, old toilet out, new int
TJ - We are few, plz halp. Making phone calls, going to the store, if you would like to help we will appreciate it. We will do what we can. Please feel free to step up.
gaardn - habitat for humanity toilet gives more bang for buck.
Claus - free tutorial on how to install.
gaardn - how to make bar soap
TJ- Small C concesus, to replace the toilet, we can has out the details in slack and the space, after the meetings.
Path to membership discussion:
Tj - This is meeting is effectively over if you have others.
Claus - new noisebridge gamebridge camp thing! You should come, its tommorow!
Discussion 6 Path to Membership discussion[edit | edit source]
Path to becoming a Member
People can game the system, it will override someone's objections and sicussing them, all checkmarks are checked, won't listen to what someone has to say. What are patterns of excellence? Avoid describing things as rules. In the case of what it takes to be a Member, to get to know people enough for [2] sponsors, know pepople enough to not block you. Deliberately not specified, should adapt to situations. Think that's a good thing for the most part, as long as we rely on shared values. intention behind shared process: people come together who like the same stuff. For consensus to work, people hwho have block power share baisc power. People who oppose consensus are there. It's like any anti-democratic leader, you need to preserve the process against abolition. Hope that makes sense. We have patterns that work. We want to clear up any issues, if we are patient.
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]
- Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
- Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
- Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
- Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
- CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
- Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
- Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.
Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]
- Reprise of the Hackernationale. [This is anarchy - we do what the wiki says!]
- PGP Key Signing could happen now (if it doesn't happen before any given Meeting). Ask others around the space or check the list to see who wants in on the action.