Meeting Notes 2022 01 11

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These are the notes from the The 661st Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: 01/11/2022


Previous Meeting (01/04 meeting didn't happen, i think)

Next Meeting

Note-takers: LXPK

Moderators: TJ

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Pyconaut- he/him- likes vr, will be doing some neurotech meetings again soon online, likes helping people. Want covid wave to end so I can start going back! Stuck at home afew weeks.

TJ - he/they - robotics, tested negative so glad to be back, waiting for take home test result negative but will start venturing back!

LXPK- I do gamebridge, vrbridge, hambridge, metaguild wiki stuff mostly. I like hanging out with people on the NB discord and I'm spending more time lately in VRChat and if anyone feels isolated and wants to have VRChat adventures or chat on Discord hit me up!

Carl-At sudoroom, flaschentaschen hacker!

Sudo room-JAke! This is a telescreen installed with speakerphone/webcam labeled for privacy and I used to come to NB. I thought through the details to make it sustianable and privacy respecting. Not evil jake.

Cloud-I have yet to find my niche!

Matt - XW discord/slack, pretty quiet, haven't been to meetings since in person pre pandemic. Software stuff day job, have trouble doing things in free time, wanted to come in more since NYE and donating via employer match. Reading the discussions about membership ideas. Want to come in person as video chat tired.

TJ - Welcome! I might be there in a couple days. Anyone else at the space right now in Hackitorium?

Matt - Couple people walking around who can hear.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

Circuit Hacking Mondays Arduino

Gamebridge- Wednesdays 8-whenever, mostly on Discord currently

Friday - first Lambda calculus class, Ronald is teaching. Check it out if you are interested in math, programming and the intersection of the two.

  • Accessibility guild is meeting Thursdays during To-do-ocracy to plan space improvements and plan the Elevator installation and fundraising.

  • We have board insurance so you'll be less at risk if you join the board.

  • Noisebrew is starting soon and accepting funding and equipment donations! Add your name to the wiki page if you're interested in participating or helping. ONGOING
  • Fundraising is planning a NB14 14th anniversary grand reopening fundraiser. Groups at Noisebridge can prepare and exhibit things for it. Add your ideas to the wiki. Help plan at fundraising meetings during Doocratic Thursdays 6-9PM. ONGOING

NeurotechX hacknights- Thursdays 6-9 pm check the meetup for if it is happening

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

(What does that mean? Everyone is expected to follow the Anti-Harassment Policy, please familiarize yourself with it.) TWO MINUTES MAX One of the three pillars of NB, along with Do-ocracy and Excellence. Don't settle for getting along, nonconfrontation, but amaze each other with how excellent we can be. Guiding principle for all other decision "How to be excellent in day-to-fay". Simple rule, but provides ground for other guidlines:

   - Do-ocracy has a second clause to be excellent while doing so. Recognize if that will impact or affect people. If it will, go to small-c concensus , or go to full meeting
   - On the wiki there are a bunch of pages for excellence on wiki, with a bunch of people's ideas / tips on excellence (etiquette things, don't make people uncomfortable). Good to read.
   - Occasionally we get into difficulties, we try and restore peace / acceptance through communication.
       -Start with being excellent
   - Folow up with restorative communication
   - 3 steps: Ask to disengage (reset convo, can still be in same space),
   if someone is being in your face, ask to leave the space. Can return to space through mediation. Help people see eye-to-eye.

New members/philanthropists[edit | edit source]

Is anyone trying to become a philanthropist or Member? If not move on. No long discussions.

24 hour access to space, If you donate, know how to open and close the space and give tours, and how to maintain the space when no one is around.

membership allows for blocking, but is much harder to get as it requires a lot of trust

no applications this week, but matt might soon, just wants to

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

  • Funds in bank:
   Financial Report - Jan 4, 2021
   Cash: 309,106.45
   Crypto: 148,740.48
   Total: 457,846.93
   Fund Allocations: 
   Building Improvement:?
   Accessibility Improvement (>20% of building improvement):?


   Recent consensed expenditures: 
   Laser Cutter Fume Hood:

   Recent member expenditures to reimburse: 
   $250: COVID masks & tests for the space, bought by Liz.


   Interest-bearing accounts update: Plan is to move 10-20K at first and then more into BlockFi for $8-9K per year interest.

Noisebridge needs money to run. Quite a lot, actually. Its about $11,649.30/mo

  • We need to increase income to start breaking even.
  • Blockfi would involve moving 2/3 of our crypto into a stablecoin that generates 9% or so. We're also talking about moving cash into more diversified investments like stocks so we'd have 200K or so in long term investment strategies with 250K or so still liquid for expenses.

Spending Needs[edit | edit source]

LXPK: Maybe we should create some new funds like the equipment fund and/or building improvement funds officially so those expenditures can happen quicker.

  • Pyconaut: They weren't being tracked as separate accounts very well. We're going to start over by allocating what we think would be good. Having equipment fund of 15-30K has been the most beneficial per year. It would purchase 50% of things the rest coming either by the community or decisions to fully fund. We bought new table saw this way for example.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

  • TJ: For the fundraiser, what kinds of action items are we doing.
  • LXPK: We haven't done any outreach but we could plan what channels we intend to pursue because we haven't picked a date and the lull in actiity due to covid has slowed down our already slow rebuild process. So I suggest people who want to help fundraise come to Todocracy on Thursday at 6PM and we'll get to work doing the things that need doing.
  • TJ: We could reach out to communities and reuse the mailing list to contact old Noisebridgers. We want consistent turnout and we could reach old NBers or adjacent communities.
  • LXPK: I want to reach other bay area hackerspaces like Sudoroom, people rebooting hacker dojo, circuit launch folks, Queerious labs, etc. to have as many of them representing at the event as possible as well since we're not the only space that has struggeld with covid and is trying to rebuilt participation and awareness in 2022 so there's a thing called BACH aka Bay Area Consortium of Hackerspaces and it would be good to have a BACH area with a table or displays of cool projects or things about all the hackerspaces in the bay at the event.
  • Pyconaut: We should start get ready to write some grants.
  • LXPK: I have been in touch with my friend Paul who is a super grant writer as well.
  • Pyconaut: Working on filecoin crypto grants our friend got recently.
  • TJ: Cloud were you thinking of some
  • Cloud: I was looking into a city or energy grant. Third was a starbucks grant. I could put something in right now, I haven't been writing.
  • LXPK: Why do don't we make a fundraising meeting this thursday at 6PM and start working on the grants and fundraiser.
  • Cloud: We need more online presence as well. Need help grantwriting.
  • Pyconaut: I can help and Alex knows someone who does. We have a better package and material for writing grants.
  • LXPK: I updated some of our grant-related pages to reflect our new status post-move so we can write new things that aren't about funding the move.
  • Pyconaut: We want metrics to show diversity and things granters like. (we are luckily quite diverse)
  • tJ: We can talk more Thursday.

Big C Consensus Items[edit | edit source]

Nobody likes 3 hour meetings, only explain if people ask

Consensus Items [edit | edit source]

Only for talking about Big C consensus items, small c consensus items should be discussed with people at the space at the time of the change/new item.

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

electrical contract / rearranging the space.

  • Getting actual space arranged. Where are we at in terms of getting space ready for electrician?
  • Pyconaut: Primary goal is 240V outlet to back shop space for welding and laser cutter. Phase 2 is proper sub-panels in back on both floors and sub panel on second floor in front of space.
  • Hard part about it is what is legal. SF electrical codes are a mess. Can we even run 240V cord on ceiling? NB has been on fire marshal watchlist forever. We got in trouble many many many times for electrical at space so we want to be careful.
  • LXPK: who are paying attention to this?
  • Pyconaut: Getting laser cutter alone would probably bring 3-500 in donations a month. More people would come to use it.

california version of national electric code SF amendments to california code

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

short-term fix for doorbell / entry system Casing needs to be fixed, as buttons don't press, cards don't read.

follow up with Woz on how to install and what is needed.

Discussion Item 3[edit | edit source]

Bathroom toilet

from slack

Hey the toilet i was thinking noisebridge should get is finally back in stock.

WOODBRIDGE B-0940-A Touchless, Dual Flush Elongated One Piece Toilet with Soft Closing Seat,Comfort Height,Water Sense,High-Efficiency,Rectangle Button, White

cost is $631.14

(On a note about the ratings, this toilet is identical to the t-0019 which is really highly rated (both on and off of amazon, and by quite a few toilet reviewing groups), but gas the touchless flush addon system.)I actually recently got a T-0019 at home, and it is really nice to have a good dual flush toilet.

We have to buy the bidet seat seperate, but i think having the dual flush and the touchless will be beneficial. I will check on the bidet add ons

Discussion Item 4[edit | edit source]


  • Camera on the telescreen can just aim the camera down to disable it.
  • Lift up for video chat so someone can reverse it by lifting it up. To reduce vandalism or destruction you make it really easy for people to switch it on or off.
  • It has Jabra usb conference mic with big labeled mute button.
  • It runs on a fanless computer.
  • It has USB hub built in to avoid fiddling with loose wires.
  • Jabra has built-in speakers. TV has speakers but short circuit in the TV causes audio to power the TV off.
  • Labeling switches and buttons and anticipated

noisebridge has telebridge, but has a number of issues including knowing if it is on or off.

  • Jake: It currently turns off but in future it won't need inputs and it will turn off if nobody is in the room with it. It is single purpose and only supposed to do its job without user input. I was trying to figure out how to figure out how many people are in a given Jitsi room. If you run Jitsi server you can probably expose easy queried number of people in the room and have script poll that to turn screen on or off. End user sees if monitor is off they ignore it. If someone joins Jitsi, the monitor turns on. Anyone in the room can see them. Is anyone available to help with Jitsi?
  • Pyconaut: We had 4 Jitsis for testing before with lights for if the mic or camera is on or off. One of these had a USB strip with the on/off buttons on it where you can hard disable the USB port. WE could do something like that. If cam is on, light is on.
  • LXPK: The problem I see with USB off/on is that software like Jitsi gets confused if the audio device gets inplugged and may default to the wrong input so its better to have a permanently plugged in mic or camer with a hardware mute built into tit like having a lens cover for the cam and a mic mute switch on the device itself.
  • TJ: Is there any reason not to just close browser?
  • LXPK: I think it is unlikely to stay functional and Jakes point was to make it automatic.
  • Jake: It has to stay active. In this case the reason for it to turn on is detecting if anyone is in the room.
  • The other way I eplored to do it was by browser extension. There is an element that says number of meeting participants. You can get from the sidebar the HTML element number. Copy it to the window title. Then the command line can poll the window title and parse that. I haven't done a browser extension.
  • LXPK: Greasemonkey is a JS browser extension making tool.
  • Jake: Other way is an XMPP client that joins room and asks. Not sure how. We could try all and race towards goal.
  • Pyconaut: We could put it on a different cart. We might want to use the current Telebridge compute rfor other things. We need more telepresence setups in the NB space. A few mobile, at least 1-2 on each floor.
  • LXPK: We want to get the Telepresence bots on each floor as well.
  • TJ: I'd love to reboot robotics group to build our telepresence bot.
  • LXPK: The $700 version had VR support and 360 so you could look inany direction with a VR headset and see like you wer ein the space. (Details posted on Telepresence wiki page):
  • Pyconaut: We have scooter parts.
  • Jake: We have lots of parts and motor controllers for those.
  • Pyconaut: We have tons of plywood for frames. We would rip off the turning linkage to allow front wheel to turn mounted to a servo.
  • TJ: We could do robotics meetup explicitly for that task.

seperate talk LXPK: Could we do a LoRa LOS radio comms exchange?

  • Jake: No LOS to the Omni but yes to my house. Reach out to sudomesh they're separate from sudoroom.
  • LXPK: It is slow text comms but we are working on a NB BBS and it would be cool if we could do a LoRa BBS kind of service.

Sudo room fundraising Hard due to pandemic Trying to wind up more things How can we work together

Discussion Item 5[edit | edit source]


   around valentines

will be at thursday meeting

Reached out to Sudo room, who was also at the space, about setting up BACH again for a co-fundraising event (see above)

Zine in progress new issue Bay area consortium of hackerspaces articles What everyone is up to

have elevator or stair lift plans drafted to show at the fundraiser

bay area hackerspace jitsi room

maybe even a hackerspace checkin for a lot of spaces to say hi VHS would probably be interested, maybe even a few east coast hackerspaces.

Do-ocratic Task Board[edit | edit source]

Participation also means doing stuff to contribute to the space. Propose new tasks or pick some tasks from Github, from what needs to be done around you, or whatever, and see if someone will sign up to work on that task. Anyone can sign up and it's a great way to show you are contributing!

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]

  • Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
  • Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
  • Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
  • Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
  • CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
  • Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
  • Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.

Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]

  • Reprise of the Hackernationale. [This is anarchy - we do what the wiki says!]
  • PGP Key Signing could happen now (if it doesn't happen before any given Meeting). Ask others around the space or check the list to see who wants in on the action.

Example tasks:

  • Collect all the trash in the space into the large bins on Sunday night!
  • Document how one of the 3D printers works on the wiki, print out QR code linking to it & tape it to that printer!
  • Find us a plumber to fix the toilet and hang out with them in the space while they fix it (Perhaps organizing an entire toilet replacement workshop!