Meeting Notes 2022 03 29

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  • Delete this paragraph from the actual notes. (Keep in template, & in live copy for next iteration)


These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date: ADD THE DATE HERE in the format 2022_03_29 as below

Edit the meeting number above where it says the XXXth meeting of Noisebridge (by checking previous meetings)


Previous Meeting

Next Meeting

Note-takers: Victor, Loren, TJ

Moderators: Loren

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]


TLDR what happened at the meeting:

  • Fundraising Update
  • Announcements:
  • Finances:
  • New members:
  • New philanthropists:
  • Consensus Items:
  • Discussion Items:

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Zac - Hardware hacker, some software. Member since 2015. Wheelchair user, elevator interest. Remote participation in NB14 to present. Interested in helping with repairs to Connex 350 (made post on Discuss).
  • Victor - run the HackComedy show, here to talk logistics.
  • Dave - he/him - electronics and code usually, lately just work stuff.
  • Loren -
  • Elan (sp) - new , wiki hacker, robot stuff. excited about anniversary
  • Dane - he/him- drinks kombucha, zinemaker, and teaches media studies & info science for money
  • Dave: Might build a game in C. anyone want to help with hardware and equipment and such.

Discuss thread?

  • Zac: Floating similar idea for a long time. want to teach arduino intro c++ session for a long time. Build hats and such for this occasion. Would want the virtual attendance session.
  • 5mof talk in the future about encryption from Loren?

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • NB14 -
  • (Interest in fixing Connex 3D printer, wiki page - Zac, has repaired lots, needs more info -- someone in the space to coordinate with (TJ has offered to help, but looking for repair history and such)


  • Accessibility guild is meeting Thursdays during To-do-ocracy to plan space improvements and plan the Elevator installation and fundraising.
  • BOARD ELECTIONS are coming up! The elections will be Jan 22. In order to nominate someone (including yourself) for the 2022 Board of Noisebridge, sign up to run for the board!
  • 3D Printing needs maintainers and event organizers! Noisebridge is getting a super powerful large multi-material printer donated that people will want to learn. ONGOING
  • Noisebrew is starting soon and accepting funding and equipment donations! Add your name to the wiki page if you're interested in participating or helping. ONGOING
  • Fundraising is planning a NB14 14th anniversary grand reopening fundraiser. Groups at Noisebridge can prepare and exhibit things for it. Add your ideas to the wiki. Help plan at fundraising meetings during Doocratic Thursdays 6-9PM. ONGOING
  • Donation Sign project to build an LED-powered version of the 2169 signage has a mockup draft design and is requesting feedback on the wiki.

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

  • Our golden rule, the way the we treat each other with kindness and understanding
  • Pre-emtive intention to do good. It's ok to get by by not interfering with others. Help someone, help the space.
  • Do-ocracy. The DIY attitude combined with democracy.

New members/philanthropists[edit | edit source]

Is anyone trying to become a philanthropist or Member? If not move on. No long discussions.

Victor T Applying for membership. He's been coming to noisebridge for 3 years now. He's been a philanthropist for that time and has run several fundraisers for the space. TJ is willing to sponser him.

Loren: Applying for membership, 2nd(+) week.

Philanthropist vs Membership Simliar but more of a commitment long-term. To supporting the space.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

  • Funds in bank:
   $96 in cash this week

Balance update 3/8/2022 Cash: $298,270.38 Crypto: $126,169.60 Total: $424,439.98

Spending Needs[edit | edit source]

Gotta spend money on XYZ (i.e. Gate, wiring etc.). WHO CAN SIGN THE CHECK OR LEND THE CREDIT CARD!?!?! It doesn't matter if we agree to do something and it can’t be paid for.

  • TJ - ewaste reimbursement - talk to #finange-wg
  • (Victor - have never asked, but for events - help pay for videography)
  • TJ - Fundraising, and outreach. Let's go to Maker Faires
    • How can Noisebridge be most useful to the community

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

Big C Consensus Items[edit | edit source]

Nobody likes 3 hour meetings, only explain if people ask

Consensus Items [edit | edit source]

Only for talking about Big C consensus items, small c consensus items should be discussed with people at the space at the time of the change/new item.

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

Repair connex printer - Zac Connex_350 -

  • Wants information before starting on big expensive project.
  • Psychonaut, history. Broken since arrived.
  • Send dimensions
  • Ryan: psychonaut wanted it, supports manual flow from all print heads, when in use - failure of thermistor (it seems)
  • Zac - Ryan following up in discuss - on Connex.

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

Accessibility Guild -

  • some interest, not super active. LX.
  • elevator promise for disabled people.

Dave: At least 2 initiatives over past few months to CAD layout and such. That is on Discuss and Slack. Issues are finding grant, negotiate with landlord & get $$. Mostly money.

TJ: And the legal process.

Can reach out to pyconaut or jd, who have made progress in the past

Zac: You don't have to be disabled to support disabled rights. Not able to help because not disabled. SPeaking as disabled, helpful for people to lend a hand. Have a lot on my plate. Can't devote energy, still care about access. Anyone interested, I can update meeting template, just as weekly go-over (what access to people need in meeting for example). When I spoke up, it seldom lands in fashion I hope it would, don't want to drive it. Receives a lot of pushback in the past. Want to focus on other things, other ways to contribute. Nice to have access though.

Dave: You mean an elevator. lots of access intiatives.

Zac: I don't just mean that. There was other issues, such as path of travel due to all the cool stuff. If anything like the old space, as is getting to the bathroom. Not there, so don't know that. Accessibility does not just mean elevator. How to incorporate blind and deaf people in the community

Loren: Could you visit during low traffic time, so low COVID risk?

Zac: I absolutely do. DOn't know how to coordinate, complicated topic, COVID protections not passed as consensus, don't feel as safe coming to the space. Numbers are low, so good time?

Loren: People could support going to the space. Bad time for low traffic. Usually early on Saturday or Sunday

Dave: Just ask people to mask up. They have to listen to you. it's just no one wants masks

  • Touchy conversation about mask wearing*

Loren: I'm going to be more focused on NB14.

Zac: ONe small-C proposal is to update meeting to set up access. Won't post accessibility to open old wounds. In support of anyone that does though.

Loren: Comfortable with being coordination point in the notes, even without active involvement?

Zac: Let me think?

Zac: Message me on . Great way to reach me. Lots of posts about this.

Discussion Item 3[edit | edit source]

Anniversary Event Actionable Request

  • For HackComedy - wide audience setup like GDC. If you have stuff

victor: was anyone here at GDC? how did that go? Was there presentation, sound / lighting set up?

Victor: Wide audience layout is preferred. There are some things on and around the stage. Please if you own them find a place for them that isnt on the stage. Chairs can be stacked before the event and I am willing to set them up day of.

How was sound and lighting

TJ: Takeaways from GDC

   Pyconaut did a lot of cleaning up
   (we could try/benefit from) have multiple people agree ahead of time to come set up the space
   (Fundraiser - asking people to donate. (~low from GD event, esp given party, pizza))
   Dedicated setup night on Thursday
   mount projector on the ceiling, on music stand on a table, interfered with flow of people in the room

HackComedy requests: - Spotlight / fixtures Setup plan - Microphone & PA. (checking tonight, downstairs & music room) - Freezing space by Thursday - Hard kombucha sponsor (drink station,

5mof: - presentations - virtual attendance

- Thursday - HackNight

 - TJ - AV setup. so Zac can present, 


Virtual participation - intent with the projector

Victor: you need to hire someone to be your avatar. lol

Loren: we are going to support remote

Zac: making the time requires sacrifice. This can and will happen

(breakout discussion rooms / web -> record)

More power strips for a lot of people

Any needs that may not be addressed in the space right now?

More tables downstairs, folding tables for easy swap back and forth. Tape over non-working power outlets not working -- plug into wall

Music - clearning chairs. (Ask LX which artists, want what room setup (chairs, none))

(Attendance expectations) 15 rsvp meetup, + ~ verbal. 40

- posting cross-hackspace, makerspaces (have poster to send. have emails, members in slacks. meetup posters - printed posters - hack comedy (are at nb) - nb14 (TODO print tonight)


Discussion Item 4[edit | edit source]

Do-ocratic Task Board[edit | edit source]

Participation also means doing stuff to contribute to the space. Propose new tasks or pick some tasks from Github, from what needs to be done around you, or whatever, and see if someone will sign up to work on that task. Anyone can sign up and it's a great way to show you are contributing!

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]

  • Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
  • Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
  • Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
  • Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
  • CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
  • Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
  • Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.

Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]

  • Do a 10 minute cleanup, bring dishes up stairs and wash them, clean the bathroom
  • Have some beers on the patio
  • Prepare the next weeks' meeting notes
  • Lick the walls. Or just draw on them
  • sing the Hackernationale (this almost never happens)