Meeting Notes 2022 04 05

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Date: 2022_04_05


Previous Meeting

Next Meeting

Note-takers: Claus, Mark

Moderators: Loren

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

Talked about general process, meeting efficiency, and NB14 successes and failures. Proposed a new section of meeting for going over high priority tasks for the space. Attempting to actually start doing the board election for the year. Points of action identified and assigned to volunteers.

TLDR what happened at the meeting:

  • Announcements: Announced weekly classes and meetups for the week
  • Finances: NB 14 finances
  • New members: Loren in week 3
  • New philanthropists:2 new applicants
  • Consensus Items: NONE

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Ask people to consider saying their preferred gender pronouns during their intro, i.e.:
  • TJ - he/they - finishing up a chat bot, then back to robots
  • Dave - he/him/ Woz - SHED
  • Loren - was here all weekend for NB14
  • Mark - Does stuff with vidya games
  • Claus - Hacks the space.
  • Dane - he/him/they - grading papers/kicking ass
  • Alex = does gamebridge, and event support mostly, and wiki. NB14 was great, and I'm greatful.
  • Zach - Been coming since 2010. Electrical engineer hacker diy. Learning 3d printing, and looking to learn 3d modeling. Like blender or solidworks or free cad.
  • Chris - I live in the neighborhood, do lots of 3d printing. Hasn't been to many meetings, the weekend was fun.
  • Jefferey here to check out what NB is these days
  • Conrad web dev intersteed in block chain/vr/ar games app mobile, here over the weekend. Just moved here. Happy to join into things.

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.

Loren: It's excellent to make use of the space, excellent to raise money to support the space. We made great use of the space, invited in the community, many communities this weekend. And hopefully raised some money, help the space build its excellence.

We strive to figure out how we can be excellent, and we focus on do-ocracy, but we cosult with each. other. At the highest level its implemented in concensus. Unexcellence happens, we are all human. We have tools to restore excellence,

(anti harassment policy)

Zac - Speaking of excellence, at the last meeting we had small C concensus to do with the intros your preffered gender pronoun, and if you have any access needs. its in the new meeting template

[unknown speaker]: i deleted / updated that template since i didn't know what you meant

Zac - if deleting / updating a wiki or item another member worked on, it's good to chat with them first please.

[unknown speaker]: i just thought that was for accessibility guild stuff

Zac - it's for both.

Mark - when was the gender pronouns thing added? I have a question but Ill ask later

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

Zac - it's too hard to hear anyone. I offer to donate $ for a conference mic. I cant hear anything and access is too challenging here, so i have to go. you can reach me on NB discuss.

  • Accessibility guild is meeting Thursdays during To-do-ocracy to plan space improvements and plan the Elevator installation and fundraising.
  • BOARD ELECTIONS are coming up! The elections will be Jan 22. In order to nominate someone (including yourself) for the 2022 Board of Noisebridge, sign up to run for the board!
  • 3D Printing needs maintainers and event organizers!
  • Noisebrew has begun brewing Komnbucha and is ready to start brewing beer!
  • Fundraising did NB14 and we raised hundreds of dollars!
  • Classes
    • Circuit Hacking - Monday - starting from tues
    • Wed Gamebridge & AI meetup 8PM in Discord,"Church Classroom" Channel
    • Thurs - BookBridge (BYOBook) by Farley, 7pm, NeurotechX @ 6pm
    • Friday - usual hangout. Board games. & Sewing meetup. Free Code Camp. Interview Workshop @ 4pm.
    • Sunday - afternoon woodshop training. night biology & health science reading group.
  • New Trello board - public viewable, all added are admin.
  • Trello user: / noisebridge.

New members/philanthropists[edit | edit source]

What are they? Is anyone trying to become a philanthropist or Member? If not move on. No long discussions.

  • Philanthropist - support the space.
  • Member -
  • Loren wk 3/4 of membership
  • Les - temporarily away, recovering
  • Dave (Woz) - beginning process
  • Chris - philanthropy, applying
  • (Elan - philanthropy & membership, no rush ) TJ, LX sponsor

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

  • nb14
    • guesstimate $500
    • earnings
      • $180, bar, Dave's portion of 1 night
      • Liz, $50 ,$128
    • expenses

Accessibility[edit | edit source]

  • other access projects or needs?
    • (automated door opener) - Dave poured a full week into it. Would open it halfway, not close it.
      • Door fix. Very stiff & heavy. Might enable auto-opener/closer.
      • Fix interior

Spending Needs[edit | edit source]

Gotta spend money on XYZ (i.e. Gate, wiring etc.). WHO CAN SIGN THE CHECK OR LEND THE CREDIT CARD!?!?! It doesn't matter if we agree to do something and it can’t be paid for.

  • LX - Party stuff, will be covered by sponsor
  • NoiseCurtain - between woodshop and hackitorium.
    • Making them Fire Retardant - there is something you coat them with
    • Panels for baffling
  • Frame big do-ocracy/ excellence posters - keep them nice!
  • Liz might be ordering it, but FLYPAPER, "air curtain" is also an option
  • Plastic clear air curtain. ~
  • * Bugs, flies. Temperature
  • Screens for upstairs
  • Trash can improvements/new trash cans
  • Events - post-event checklist - need to pick a minimal working set. incl Trash. #event-support on slack.
  • Shelving - there is misc shelving upstairs but not a complete set. We'd love to finish that set of those sheleves that are like in the electronics room.
    • Alex suggests more shelving on wheels so things are reconfigurable
  • Elan - Things to make the second floor more accessible. Maybe would be best to spend whatever is necessary to get a consultant to look at the space and give us a list of options. Liz kind of objected to an elevator as a solution? Don't want to speak for her, but I think it has something to do with the exhorbitant cost of such a thing.
    • Stairivator option - will get quote

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

See NB14 report above

Big C Consensus Items[edit | edit source]

Nobody likes 3 hour meetings, only explain if people ask

Consensus Items [edit | edit source]

Only for talking about Big C consensus items, small c consensus items should be discussed with people at the space at the time of the change/new item.

  • BarBot - new fundraising aid wanted $500-1000
    • A new drinks bot. Justin was potentially interested in building a new one if an investment was made for it. Someone else spent a lot of time on it.
    • TJ working on a related project - move around the space, fundraising related.
  • ~ Let's start cheap, for now.

Discussion[edit | edit source]

Discussion Item 1[edit | edit source]

  • BOARD ELECTIONS are coming up! The elections will be Jan 22. (LOL) In order to nominate someone (including yourself) for the 2022 Board of Noisebridge, sign up to run for the board!

We can build from this. Or destroy it. I don't really care. Loren: We have nominees from last time, let's check in with them all, but also put in a new call for nominees. We want to open the election next week. Between now and then we will try to pick a system and propose it at the next meeting.

Discussion Item 2[edit | edit source]

woz - Meeting efficiency

  • lots of scrambling. bootstrap mtg during mtg. do before meeting. set hard time limits.
  • distractability
    • we need a stack online.
    • Mark -we shouldn't need a stack for pre-discussion section stuff. That stuff should be factoid bullet point thingies
    • Loren maybe update the template a bit to reflect intent and stuff
  • Woz - in the past we always had note-takers, people conducting/moderating/keeping stack, this is a whole job that takes all the attention of that person. We need to not slack so much on this and recruit people to do these tasks a bit better,
  • The meeting facilitator being a experienced person who's been to lots of meetings before is good.
  • Perhaps a stack-taker at meetings in addition
  • Good for faciilitator / note-taker to ask someone to shadow them. Always at least 2 notetakers.
  • Maybe setup 30 minutes before the meeting
  • Why wasn't this set up? It was in VR area, which is not the Hackitorium. We should be by Telebridge
  • There was setup, assumed it was ready, but it didn't have working speakers / microphone
  • Telebridge needs wifi.
  • Loren has a NUC for
    • Need camera + projector for events
  • No backups, juggle recording and cameras

Woz: There were issues with people abusing cameras in the space. lxpk: just add physical cover. Don't want to sabotage setups, which makes AV hard to set up. not 24hr surveillance system.

Mark: Would it be dangerous to add certain section : Do you have Noisebridge to-do list / task list system ? Why is it last and not at the beginning, before going into discussion? At beginning, before financial report.

lxpk: Not a full-blown discussion. Who is willing to do it.

loren: Should we do that today? Sure. We'll try it out after the last discussion item

Discussion Item 3[edit | edit source]

NB14 POSTMORTEM, debrief

  • there minght be videos.
    • LX - laptop, it died
    • Liz - on phone
    • We tried, close to nb10, far fewer resources
    • New people - comedy show. + concert at Outhouse. Responsible, no behavioral issues, cleaned up after themselves. Sign up sheet with 3 pages of people willing to do stuff here. I think it was effective for outreach to have a monthly Hack Comedy event. Same is true of the punk shows

Mark : lot of things to say

Woz: Want to address convo on Slack.

  • Went well?
  • Went poorly?
  • Improve?
    • Fri - after hack comedy. <newbie> : They brought really nice mic. Once it was packed up, obvi our mic setup was bad. It was poppy, and fizzed out occasionally.

lxpk - JLB sold us new speakers. Our AV check and project check still happening minutes before event, and after. A/V checks.

Woz: not a lot of help getting things going, getting people to volunteered. Hope people inspired to help with next one. Problems come down to people

Fundraising participation, not money.

lxpk: almost come and help spend half a mil, more ppl are coming back. More people to have more volunteers.

Loren: how to do that? Recognize people who do.

Konrad - came back encouraged by nb14 Lots of commitments, in person, and Discord, people want to come back.

Loren - Weekly movie setup? TJ - internal.

lxpk - 5mof I just did, because it happened for a whil. 5mof is our version of Dorkbot. People gave talks and met each other. That's a monthly event, on Thursday. Weekends have greatest chance of attracting people. Hack comedy + concert every month, during weekend. Have history with us, a lot of people could come. Some other thing. DNA loung cyberdelia, could do that stuff. Have a party with DJs/competitive hacking, old school 90s stuff.

Woz: not so much for conecert, but cool to make it a point before headliner to do 5 minute sales pitch, someone charismatic. Call to action in the posters, not enough.

lxpk: Came to first punk show. No one was doing it, and got 3 pages of names. Scripts, visuals, and more. VR demos, etc for people to try. If you have more quesitons, let us know + sign up sheet.Most have kiosk at front with sign in. we could do that, wauy

lxpk; general improvement: where is the bathroom: Signs point to bathroom, esp32 connect and glow. Idk how to [1]

Woz: Some good points. Everyone within event is going to handle everything, don't expect space to do it. Not sure about event space

Loren: Be clear on event requirements. It's easy for us to look like a cheap event space. We need to make sure it works for us.

lxpk: Setup and break down an expected event, so not just understaffed and unable to work on everything. Don't just want to be in business of generic events, but some events are compatible with and part of missino. in the case of music/comedy, original was that Hack Comedy was big part of fundraiser, no one would show without entertainment. Made a difference to have a *GALA*. Participation is having a lot of people show up. Music wasn't a random show, as people perceived it. If you read the page, it was a way to close out the show. It should continue to happen, and have insane Noisebridge-y things so they feel like a part of the outreach.

TJ: I understand you (Alex) had a list of bands, but we don't know what happened to that list and there was a lot of confusion regarding the show.

Mark: What was the timeline of things for that show? A lot of us didn't know what was going on with that?

Alex: it got all finalized the day of, we were chatting with the show organizers like last time they played a few months ago, but the plan kind of worked out as planned, it just didn't get fully confirmed until that day.

Woz: So from what I understand, you were trying to get people's names down and build a crew but you couldn't get ppl to sign on?

Alex: Yes. Lots of non-response during calls to action at meetings and such.

Last time we did a 3-day event was NB10. Its been a minute.

Woz: Hypothetically, there is an event a month from now. Who here would put their name down as an event organizer and commit to helping plan it and be responsible for said event?

(1 person raises hand, a couple people ask questions and trepidatiously say yes)

Next time we do a hack comedy, its not going to be just me and Victor coordinating, but me, Victor and a few of his people so that we can coordinate better.

We need to get outside people involved sooner.

  • event graffiti?

Mark: Not trashing anyone, awesome job. BUT I have to put this out here: event was incredibly rushed and fucked up. We were not ready *at* *all* . I'm telling all y'all. THAT. WAS. NOT GOOD. We had a coupel people helping, that was it. That does not work. Let's NOT do an event if we don't have volunteers committed! Not going to do it otherwise.

Woz: Maybe 5-10 names of the committee down on paper.

Mark: At least. 5, 3 of them weren't there and didn't want to do it. Got roped into doing, obligated to help bc no one else was. Should NEVER EVER do that again.

lxpk: List of things doing is completely filled.

Mark: Just because crazy anniversary, doesn't mean crazy event. Need to recognize limitations.

Dav: Need to learn to get more people in the future. Didn't need to be there the next day. It wasn't communicated well. Event's not gonna run without people.

Mark: Wasn't communicated to me. I was there scrambling around, no coordination.

Woz: wants there to be an event, no ones to commit to make it happen.

Mark: We have done it in the past.

lxpk: I was in Sunnyvale, and couldn't be here physically to plan

Mark: We allowed this to happen

lxpk: Most of disorganization falls on me. If more people, and was here more often, a lot of people not even knowing there was the need. I was not ideal organizer, just only one doing it. Need buildup process of people fully commited. Reached all jobs being taken. Now events going to happen. When does it happen? Then can't do firm date and announcements.

Mark : You didn't know that was going to happen? that's why it's important to commit until you need a team.

Loren: That's why we don't do big events as often. Scope of the event can affect that, as well as having general excitement, as well as people working together. That's why we don't do big events.

TJ: Perhaps we make a bigger deal out of mentioning "point people" when it comes to certain things so that we can better encourage and coordinate volunteer efforts.

Mark: respond to things about big vents: NB shouldn't have aversion to big events, just hard to do them. That's all there is to it. Lack of self-starting and taking ownership over things, impossible to run effectively. It takes work and effort from individuals.

Claus: Important to talk about event. Problem with org of NB. Difficult to get collective of people together. Space is utilized, no underlying support. It just seems hard to get momentum from anyone to anything. Symptom of larger problem

Ryan: So we can't do events, bc there were no self starters.

Elan: I think the weekend turned out awesome, but a lot of luck and rushed last minute events. A lot fo peeople doing 150%.

lxpk: I will admit this is exactly what I thought was going to happen. I thought more would have been figured out in advance that I couldn't do. NB15 should be more organized with more volunteers than before. NB rebirth over the next year. Done many events since then. Built up volunteer wrangling capacity. Hope nobody hates me for this. 14th is coming out of giant hoel, have to start somewhere.

Loren: build on this, do small tasks moving forward

Discussion Item 4[edit | edit source]

Do-ocratic Task Board[edit | edit source]

Participation also means doing stuff to contribute to the space. Propose new tasks or pick some tasks from Github, from what needs to be done around you, or whatever, and see if someone will sign up to work on that task. Anyone can sign up and it's a great way to show you are contributing!

We have a trello board for tasks:


  • Loren / TJ - nb board voting system
  • loren - call for candidates for board
  • Anyone - Reimbursements for NB14 event - check in with Liz #finance-wg in slack
  • Anyone - Go through hack shelves incrementally and throw stuff out
  • Woz, Thursday afternoon - Clean up the electronics workbench in the hackitorium
  • new / questions - communication checkin.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]

  • Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
  • Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
  • Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
  • Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
  • CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
  • Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
  • Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.

Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]

  • Do a 10 minute cleanup, bring dishes up stairs and wash them, clean the bathroom
  • Have some beers on the patio
  • Prepare the next weeks' meeting notes
  • Lick the walls. Or just draw on them
  • sing the Hackernationale (this almost never happens)