Meeting Notes 2022 07 26
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These are the notes from the The 687th Meeting of Noisebridge.
- Live notes
- Virtual Meeting (jitsi mic/cam off by default)
Date: ADD THE DATE HERE in the format 2022_07_26 as below
Note-takers: Moof
Moderators: Mark
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
TLDR what happened at the meeting:
- Fundraising Update
- Announcements:
- Finances:
- New members:
- New philanthropists:
- Consensus Items:
- Discussion Items:
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- Ask people to share their name, access needs, and preferred gender pronouns during their intro, i.e.:
- Person1 - she/her - people please say names when speaking (i am low vision) - something i do
- Person2 - they/them - no access needs - first time here, hello
- and so on
Mark- im mark I do video game tuff here at noise bridge, he or you can call me whatever you please. I do arcade stuff and work on the guilds system
Jack- im jack, this is my first meeting, im a software engineer with the san francisco giants baseball team, I wanna get into hardware more. A lot of data stuff
Kwaw- mobil app dev software stuff, been interested in hardware, basic hardware projects with arduinos and raspberry pi, and game dev
Guy- I work on 3d printers, I have 4 of my own and have lots of spare parts for noisebridge's ender 2 printers
Nour- Like hacking on everything, work in high performance computing
June- Software engineer for huston astros/j intern for software
Moof - they them, do music stuff and I want to get more into hardware too and possibly game dev too I guess, currently signed up for the planned game dev bootcamp happening in september. M4L software stuff
TJ- He/him, ai stuff @ Noisebridge.
Darwood/Bloodcloud?Bloodflower? performance artist, inspired by john cage, little on the fringe, always combined analogue with digital, been doing a lot of [?] shows, have some friends who are looking for an event place, mentioned Noisebridge.
Loren- work on rack (server/infrastructure stuff here) things, looking for helpers who know linux and want to learn more
Morgan- neurotech, very interested in robotics
Elan- mostly into art these days, looking into water boiling, does software
Excellence[edit | edit source]
Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.
Mark- what is Excellence, what does that mean? everyone is expected to follow the anti harrassment policy Darwe I would say its used as a standard, anything that has a field has people who are excellent, it is a way to define something that is above and beyond, better than what is currently going on. You would want to Aspire to Excellence, Excellence is something to aspire to Moof - Ancient greeks have concept of Arete - the peak of human performance. I would tie excellence to this concept - it varied from field to field, but I would say excellence is "Arete in human interaction" - its not really a requirement per se, whereas the anti-harassment policy is.
Loren - working well together, help people feel able and empowered to come here and hack and use the space how they see fit, and support eachother and everyone
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Copy-paste any pre-announcements for the upcoming meeting from Announcements.
- After announcements, copy them to the past Announcements list. Retire any from the Next Meeting list that aren't marked ONGOING.
TJ August 11th 5pm is Open Robotics Ross Open CV night, brought by an open robotics person named cat Ryan Lewis and I are noisebridgers helping host it.
Guy introduction to 3d printing next thursday m Thursday the 28th Electronic Open Mic hosted by Franck
(loren- since they have successful operated the event in the past they do not need a sponsor)
Mark- I am planning on doing the gamebridge meetup in freemont, at an AR company called tilt5 @ 7 pm
Should be bartable, will post the exact address in the notes
Here it is:
As a quick addendum to the announcements section, we have been talking about asking for an Associate or Member to be your Sponsor for an event, in order to insure that people are going to be taking care of noisebridge. That way, it will be announced properly and run smoothly.
(Mark offers to help Darwe with events-support)
New Members/Associate Members[edit | edit source]
What are they? Is anyone trying to become a Member or Associate Member? If not move on. No long discussions.
Noisebridge has a paid membership program if you would like to give time and effort to the community. We have a system called consenus, where big items do not pass if one person disagrees with it. Members can block Consensus and sponsor events and new members
can you donate equipment in lieu of membership?
we should table the idea of donation of equipment for discussion segment
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.
- Funds in bank:
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- Any other details by those participating in handling our financials
- The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at
Spending Needs[edit | edit source]
Gotta spend money on XYZ (i.e. Gate, wiring etc.). WHO CAN SIGN THE CHECK OR LEND THE CREDIT CARD!?!?! It doesn't matter if we agree to do something and it can’t be paid for.
Guy did a bit of a blurb in the 3D printing discord channel - can do a more detailed writeup if needed
Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]
John mentions some woodshop donations
Mark -we should do a fundraising party or something. we will be doing sunday streets next august (21st)
Big C Consensus Items[edit | edit source]
No items this week
Consensus Items [edit | edit source]
Only for talking about Big C consensus items, small c consensus items should be discussed with people at the space at the time of the change/new item.
Discussion[edit | edit source]
3D Printer equipment spending[edit | edit source]
Guy - setup for all the printers is not very accurate - a better arrangement is direct drive, we could also upgrade the motherboard and pari it with a rapsberry pi for super speed. I got some pi 400s on someones recommendation.
how many printers do you want to do this to?
Gonna do one tonight to get up and running and demonstrate.
can you do a writeup for how much it would cost?
I would do the mother boards in all of them, but not necessarily direct drive in all of them, direct drive is good for exotic materials like abs, polycarbinate, carbon infused, flexibles.
mark- maybe we should wait for a writeup, and then we could talk about it
guy- the motherboards are abt 40, the direct drive is about 40-80, raspberry pis are crazy expensive at the moment
mark- so we are looking about 100-150 per printer
guy- I would say at least 2 printers
loren- do we have a guild managing this?
mark- we have a 3d printer channel in the discord/slack, i'll be a sort of conversation middle
Donation of equipment in lieu of membership dues[edit | edit source]
Loren - just let trearurer and donater make agreements, dont involve everyone in it
Moof - maybe go to a guilds meeting every thursday where the treasurer would ideally be present, I just think generally guilds should
Elan - i could imagine it would be bad if noisebridge became some sort of ad-hoc "fence". I don't think that's likely, but just something to think about
Moof - from the way i see it, that why i'd wants guilds involved. It would be a way for people to spend money on the space without going to a tuesday meeting.
Guy - yeah my intention is just for paying for upgrades to already existing space resources.
Moof - this discussion item might be better suited to the idea of "guild funds" as a concept
Loren - just curious how Guy is talking to ppl.
Guy - my preference would be slack, but I am on discord as well
Chris - seems great we are convergingn on the idea of it being between the treasurer and individual. One thing about membership dues is it is a long term, re-ocurring expense. I could imagine donating stuff and its just not consistent and recurrent in a useful way?
Moof - do we need to reach a conclusion on this tonight? Seems like we need more infrastucture established r.e. finance guild/treasurer
Mark -yea that seems like a bottleneck
Do-ocratic Task Board[edit | edit source]
Participation also means doing stuff to contribute to the space. Propose new tasks or pick some tasks from Github, from what needs to be done around you, or whatever, and see if someone will sign up to work on that task. Anyone can sign up and it's a great way to show you are contributing!
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]
- Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
- Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
- Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
- Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
- CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
- Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
- Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.
Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]
- Do a 10 minute cleanup, bring dishes up stairs and wash them, clean the bathroom
- Have some beers on the patio
- Prepare the next weeks' meeting notes
- Lick the walls. Or just draw on them
- sing the Hackernationale (this almost never happens)