Meeting Notes 2022 08 02
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These are the notes from the The 688th Meeting of Noisebridge.
- Live notes
- Virtual Meeting (jitsi mic/cam off by default)
Date: 2022_08_02
June Phillip + Mark co-noting
Moderators: Mark
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
TLDR what happened at the meeting:
- Fundraising Update
- Announcements:
- Finances:
- New members:
- New philanthropists:
- Consensus Items:
- Discussion Items:
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- Ask people to share their name, access needs, and preferred gender pronouns during their intro, i.e.:
- Person1 - she/her - people please say names when speaking (i am low vision) - something i do
- Person2 - they/them - no access needs - first time here, hello
- and so on
Phillip - he/him - pawper on discord - just moved to SF - excited to be a part of NB! i do webdev and i love learning stuff!
Mark - he/him - long time Noisebridger - Game dev stuff and game related things
TJ- he/him - AI and Robotics meetups, wednesdays, next thursday
Morgan - he/him - neuro stuff / AI
Kat- she/her - Robotics, CV, software eng
June - she/her - software engineering
Tea - they/them - music & chaos
Gwen - she/her - repair/fixit clinic looking for volunteers to fix things
Larry - he/him - come in once in a while for various project
Alex - he/him - teach gamedev w/ Mark - help w/ events/wiki/meta support at NB
Elan - he/him - wiki - natural language processing - solar
Loren - he/him - rack, music
Judy - she/her - writer's workshop
Excellence[edit | edit source]
Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other. TJ- standard at NB, there's a lot of freedom but we respect people who respect each other and follow community guidelines Tea- it's what's for dinner Phillip- putting best foot forward, doing right by others in the space and the space itself LX- wiki page, with tools for restorative communication, if people wont disengage with you, it may constitute harrassment, it is excelent to accept when someone asks you to leave,it is not an admission of guilt, and to follow the anti harassment policy
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Copy-paste any pre-announcements for the upcoming meeting from Announcements.
- After announcements, copy them to the past Announcements list. Retire any from the Next Meeting list that aren't marked ONGOING.
Kat - OpenRobotics meeting (OpenCV, DVI people) at 5pm on thursday August 11. It should be on the wiki and on meetup (hooyyyyyppppeeeee - TJ)
TJ - how was Saturday? Tea - it did not happen. They didn't show because they didn't know if they had a member to sponsor the event
TJ - circuit hacking mondays, Tuesdays have writers workshop, wed gamebridge/ai, thu bookclub & Metaguild
Tea - Sunday Streets 8/21 & Tea is taking charge because Alex cannot make it
Mark - metaguild meeting online Thu 9pm - Mark will not be here in person - metaguild: the guilde that works with and manages the guilds of noisebridge (interest groups in the space). Bureacratic stuff
New Members/Associate Members[edit | edit source]
What are they? Is anyone trying to become a Member or Associate Member? If not move on. No long discussions.
Noisebridge has a paid membership program if you would like to give time and effort to the community. We have a system called consenus, where big items do not pass if one person disagrees with it. Members can block Consensus and sponsor events and new members
New associate member application with sponsor - congrats Morgan!!!
Everyone is a participant and has say - in order to have 24hr access / come and go, you need Associative Membership paid on a sliding scale - you also have responsibility to open/close. Beyond that, full Members can sponsor and block consensus. Associative requires showing up to a meeting and having a member trust you enough to sponsor you. Then after 4 weeks without significant issue (with excellence) you can apply for full membership. After 4 further weeks without significant issue (with excellence) you will become a member.
Mark is going to apply to be a member & TJ will sponsor. Membership status is unclear but in 4 weeks he will definitely be a member!
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.
- Funds in bank:
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- Any other details by those participating in handling our financials
- The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at
Emeline: +274 $ in donations this week (198 between tuesday and saturday, 76 since) -65$ spent on the microwave
$644/month on Patreon $932 from Benevity
lizzard 6:43 PM Benevity donation just rolled in, $932. Before that: June 30, $448; June 2; 736; May 31: $373; April 29: 374 Saturday, July 30th
spent: Just spent for supplies/equip for the space: $490 (Lowes: 4 very sturdy, auto-close sealed-lid trash cans with foot pedals, misc cleaning stuff, assortment of screws and nails) . Also, $136 in clear bins for the sewing room + another 100 compostable coffee cups.
12:49 I am still thinking about the tiny utility sink for the patio so i’m holding off on that for a bit to talk to more people about it/ whether they’d use it. (I’d attach it to the hose faucet with a y splitter)
lizzard 1:20 PM $43 more on the card for wood clamps (request from wood shop)
lizzard 4:27 PM $22 on a shopvac filter
lizzard 12:02 PM
$37 on the credit card for specific breadboards and tip cleaning 10-pack for CHM at request from rr_mutt
Sunday, July 31st
lizzard 1:42 PM
$23.84 for a replacement power cable for the frayed one on a new donation (milwaukee drill)
FYI in the process of transitioning treasurer role (account info, etc). It is a complicated process that involved in-person business because bureacracy...
FYI we always want to break even - $9k/mo on rent and utilities
Spending Needs[edit | edit source]
Gotta spend money on XYZ (i.e. Gate, wiring etc.).
Tea - we're probably going to need (3rd time listing here) $200-$300 for a power amplifier, 30-50 for a ceiling mount for the projector in the hackitorium TJ - "A/V setup3"
Tea - we need folding tables & power generator for portable Noisebooth for Sunday Streets & other future events. Tea will goog right now to research estimate for those items.
Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]
$296 raised Tue/Sat
We need more ways to raise money (e.g. Sunday Streets) and attract new members to do excellent things. We could consider projects and start from there.
- Elan - putting up art in the space. Gallery nights? Mark - that has existed before, it's as great idea. Tea - someone needs to take initiative. Mark - gala party with music / bartender / gallery with art for sale. Something similar was done for games from games class, could tie-in. Plan it all as a big extravaganza. TJ - discuss in Metaguild meeting? Tea - Metaguild formulates ideas, elaborated and worked out here? Mark - Metaguild is a point to discuss
Tea - halloween party
Phillip - wifi mesh - SudoRoom are members of a wifi mesh - Juno we are not in line of site of their network - we would have to research further.
Project wiki: Also on Slack/Discord Old meetup:
Big C Consensus Items[edit | edit source]
No items this week
Consensus Items [edit | edit source]
Only for talking about Big C consensus items, small c consensus items should be discussed with people at the space at the time of the change/new item.
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Scheduling meetings during weekly nb meeting[edit | edit source]
Please write your arguments here followed by your name Pros:
- If the activity isn't disruptive to the meeting (e.g., woodshop, laser cutter, use of space downstairs) then it brings more people into the space and the more the merrier (emeline, slackerhacker?) - Historically lots of events concurrence the meeting (e.g. sewing, ruby on rails class, gamebridge, songbridge) (slackerhacker) - Some meetups would be hard/impossible to happen on another day because organizers are not available (Psygen) - Multitasking - Arguably lots of people are very involved in noisebridge org yet don't typically come to meetings/members can ask someone else to vote on consensus items on their behalf? (emeline) - Many ways of being involved in the space + one of the tuesdays meetup is women-led and involved mainly women and have set up a donation. It's hard to get women in the space, let's not discourage them! (Lizzard) - we shouldn't create unnecessary bureaucracy about when folks can access the space / what they use it for. We gotta get folks in the door, in the space before any magic can happen with them participating further in NB (Phillip/Pawper)
Liz specifically invited Writers workshop ppl to host their thing which is an institution of a meetup, it has hosted its thing on Tuesdays for LITERALLY DECADES.
- does concurrence to the meeting, may prevent people from participating - we don't want people to "just host" their event at noisebridge we want them to be part of the community (TJ, Arity, Pawper) - double scheduling provides an excuse to be elsewhere (JD)
LX: clarification Writer's workshop at the same time as the meeting, + neurotech meetup
LX : I do think it's possible to have two events, alternate. We have limited space, and writer's workshop happens upstairs, I don't see interference If it draws new people it's a plus for them to be around meetings, even if they are not attending at first. Gamebridge happened before meetings and introduced them to meetings. Preferable to move slightly so it's not a direct overlap
Elan - 2nd's everything LX said - events bring new people to be curious and recruit new people - NB exists to encourage people to do cool things, not attend meetings - if ppl are in the space doing their own project and occassionally attending meetings, if they want to be part of NB but not administrative that's valid. There shouldn't be loud music / woodworking during meetings (case for noise wall which is a whole separate issue)
Phillip - I agree with what ppl are saying.Avoid unnecessary beauracracy if we can. Part of bringing pepole in the fold is letting them be present and such. What drew me in is being parallel to Noisebridge in certain places drew me there. Knew about NB through Roguelike celebration. It's about community, not meetings. If we're hospitable, people will be righted by that. Inspire people to do good is the best way to encaourage good.
Mark - Temp check - All on the same page on what the question is - debating the question. No one is against having on Tuesday on a meetup on Tuesday.
Phillip - Some crossover from other events in the meetings is the new solution that didn't originally come up.
Tea - I'm in favor of not discouraging events from happening that don't need to happen. As long as we have a place to meet. Events on other days, more optimal that people coming to NB meetings.
Emeline - wall is way overdue. Brian has actual plan. Went about trying to build it
TJ - we could make the meeting 1hr - 1.5hrs, it's possible. We could have it NOT at NB - so many interruptions because stuff is happening all the time. There are lots of really good bars and places around NB that are very close. A/V setup would be needed but should be strongly considered so as to not interrupt people working in the space. Tea - turning electronics room into a conference room still a good idea tho limited. Mark - has some comments on that
Loren - joke: "The people who are at noisebridge are not the people we want at noisebridge. Dear People at noisebridge (who come to the meeting): stop coming to noisebridge, so that more people can conveniently use the space for something they cloud almost as easily do at a bar (meetups)"
- If we got donations from meetups—I might be pro
- Maybe this is a phase for nb — I predict we will retunr, and should return — but not opposed to you trying. Meetings for the space, about the space, ...should probably happen at the space
Judy - So happy to be here, the group is so happy to be in a creative space and it's inspriing. A little older crowd, will take a while to get up to speed and cross pollinate. They are new to the wiki / discord. Judy is the teacher/librarian at a nearby elementary school. They invite folks to reading events and they can partake in events as well. There's another talking group in the same space, they are concerned about sooshing and masking so some distance would be beneficial to both groups. They can send someone to meetings as needed. Tea - there's also the electronics room if you need a meeting space.
Mark - lots of thoughts.
- Sharing the space w/ other people - metaguild is working to get the upstairs more set up for multiple meetups using each room. will take time but they want groups to coexist harmoniously. To the point of coming to the meeting - there's a solution here that involves asynchronous communication - we want folks at events to care about what's happening at NB but if facilitors of events happening simultaneously plug the NB meeting that will be very productive. There could be a way for organizers to relay. Mark will help with discord and organizing how the magic can happen.
- Mark also has some thoughts about alternative locations for meetings- telebridge, outdoor spaces. Bars can be loud. Meetings in a happy world could be huge and a big space would be preferred. In the past meetings had 30/40/50 people and it will happen again as the space builds back up due to pandemic downturn. Meetings can get huge and we need to consider that for alternate venues.
- Metaguild is working on the spaces
Loren - focus us as we can toward revenue generation - classes, asking people directly for donations - think about cash flow and making that net zero. Ask people who meet in the space to talk up the space - an information sheet for broadcasting info about the space. "Forcing meeting use" will quickly become a burden.
LX - I think meeting should stay central at the space for maximum visibility and accessibility. I think meetings are key to the continued health of NB culture and growth of membership and no more important activity could be happening that takes priority over it than new people getting involved in long term participation in the space. we are not just a wood shop to come in and leave, we are a community, and we want people to come in and care about that community Noise wall used to help when folks were using tools, used to manageable. Helps to have artifacts around the meeting space to help people learn about the community and care before they know any specifics. Something to share with ppl during events will help if they don't know what to say, they probably want a sheet. QR codes for donations. Back of membership application but with the list describing cool stuff happening at NB - query their interests, add them to the mailing list if interested.
Tea - action coming out of this conversation is what we're trying to do in the metaguild. make it so that events are more excellent and help contribute to the space - e.g., working with event organizers to share NB culture or set up events to prevent conflicts of space and time, and ensure that things run smoothly in general. Ensure excellence as a community.
Phillip - helps from an accessibility point of view
- Meeting Concurrency is allowed - but no loud/disruptive downstairs activity (e.g., powertools in woodshop) - Events should be Excellent, join #metaguild! - Meeting outside Noisebridge may be more trouble than it's worth
Discussion Item[edit | edit source]
Hackitorium Amp / A/V Setup Tea - What do we want to do - Telebridge, speakers, projector. Have events like 5mof be autonmatic Telebridge hooked up to projector
Conclusion : $100-$200
- Projector mount: $20 wall mounts on Amazon (
VIVO Universal Adjustable Wall Ceiling Projector Mount Bracket, Extendable Length Projection, Black, MOUNT-VP06B) or wall mount shelf ( PERLESMITH Floating Wall Mount Shelf - Single Floating DVD DVR Shelf – Holds up to 17.6lbs - AV Shelf Strengthened Tempered Glass – Perfect for PS4, Xbox One, TV Box Cable Box (PSDSK1) 59" Ceiling mount longest I found so far: SCREENPRO Projector Mount Universal Full Motion Ceiling Bracket with Adjustable Height 33 inch to 59 inch, 22lb Max Weight and Extendable Arms Tilt Swivel Mount for Home and Office Projector
- Amps for hackitorium - Point person: TJ, Tea
Discussion Item[edit | edit source]
Meetup: Open Source Robotics meetup in San Francisco Kat - pass the hat, could use few bucks + a few people - What's the best way to do that? - Flyer incoming but in the meantime Direct people to - Cash boxes in the space, scan QR code
Set expectations and how to clean up space - Sweep everything - Cans in garbage - Bring in robots
Projector? there is and it will be set up. maybe mounted to ceiling. but right now it can be set up in a not great way by putting it on a stool on a table and projecting to the screen. black cable across ceiling is the hdmi cable for it. Best come in early and ask #eventsupport in discord. Wall mounted shelf on amazon or screw to screw it in. $20 Mark - ceiling mount is required. Others - There is a projector mount upstairs, there should be one in each room.
Amps - there is a mono speaker here but an amp is desired for stereo. mono speaker suffices for speakers. Mark/TJ/etc will show folks how to use microphone and such.
Discussion Item[edit | edit source]
Sunday Streets Soma August 21
Tea - I need tons of help from tons of people! LX and Mark won't be able to make it! We need people who do cool shit to show off their cool shit that they do at NB.
Mark - anyone able to help?
TJ can help
LX - can help with planning at least. We will need a vehicle to come transport stuff since my van won't be available!
Tea - I'll get my dad to help with his vehicle.
Sunday Streets planning meeting tomorrow at 5pm. Be there or be square. Announcements will happen.
- First Sunday streets meeting at 5 PM Wednesday - Need tables, portable speaker, other things, batteries
Discussion Item[edit | edit source]
Metaguild Conclusion:
- Exists - Some form of logical consistency/accountability/organization for Noisebridge that still fits in with anarchist ideals - Knowledge transfer
Meeting is done!
--- Online chat:
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]
- Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
- Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
- Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
- Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
- CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
- Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
- Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.
Fun things to do after[edit | edit source]
- Do a 10 minute cleanup, bring dishes up stairs and wash them, clean the bathroom
- Have some beers on the patio
- Prepare the next weeks' meeting notes
- Lick the walls. Or just draw on them
- sing the Hackernationale (this almost never happens)