Meeting Notes 2022 09 06
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These are the notes from the The 692th Meeting of Noisebridge.
- Live notes
- Virtual Meeting (jitsi mic/cam off by default)
Date: 2022_09_06
Note-takers: Mark, Tina
Moderators: MAGNET, Mark
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]
-Hamilton wants to host an electronics workshop on Tuesdays, Mark suggests collaborating with rrmutt who has been doing CHM -HackComedy is happening Saturday @ 8pm -Mark is now a big M Member! Aja is in week 2 for Big M! Paolo is an Associate! -Paolo wants to host a music show Oct. 8th -No Consensus items -Magnet and Guy run 3D printing guild - the topic of training and classes was considered. Should it be required or more just "suggested"? The connex (large resin printer) will require training. Others may have softer regulation around them possibly. Discuss in #3d-printing - Should the doors to the space be as open as they are usually? Should we have more strict door closing enforcement? Is it un-excellent to leave doors open? Lots of discussion around this, see meeting notes for more info.
Introductions[edit | edit source]
Magnet - One of the maintainers of the 3D printing space - cared about that big elegant chair! I'm working on the giant connex resin printer w/ Broccoli! Join the 3D printing guild!
TJ - He Him. Working on robotics stuff! I do AI RL meetup on Wednesdays.
Aja - Working on electronics stuff and the electronics room! If interested in helping, talk to me or ryan in #electronics channel!
Mark - I do games. Also secretarial type things. Join MetaGuild!
Paulo - 1 of 2 ppl teaching Laser Cutter - I do woodworking and lectronics and would like to have my band play here sometime as well!
Ben - Hacker, maker, builder, just got trained on Laser, woo! Would like to become a member at some point! Trying to do some volunteering work and want to put this down on my high school volunteering resume!
Tina - My first night at the meeting! I was trained on the laser cutter and cleaned the kitchen! (everyone claps) I've done stuff in the sewing room as well. I like projects where i see things that need fixin'. Gonna add some shelves around :)
Sophia - Used to do sewing stuff, now I do programming and just hang around. Just wrote a super fast kernel that is a hundred faster than the original!
Adrian - first time here. Working with a bit to code - raspberry pi, etc. e-ink?
Colton - Pretty new. Sleeping at a friends house, but I'd like to be a member! Working on microelectronics, HTML, geometry, but I do webdev stuff and graphics.
Eric - been coming a long time, want to be more active. Working developing apps for my own business and community building stuff. Doing streaming of music and visual stuff as well. Plays the Ableton.
Sam - been coming for 2-3 weeks. Lived here in sf for a decade but wished i found this place sooner! Video game controller stuff, electronics, 3d printing, Filled out a membership application and hoping to become a member. Brought in makerbot.
BK: Here to 3D and laser print. "Automating the door" project with sensors and making various other stuff.
Farley - Host Freecode camp, which is now 12:30-5:30pm on SUNDAYS. I also work on webdev stuff.
John - rrmutt on Slack. Microelectronics, circuit hacking monday. If want to learn to solder - let folks know.
Guy (AKA Rugyoga) - upgrading 3D printers using spare parts.
James - used to be fixing hardware around there maybe 5 years ago. left the city, but am trying to reconnect online a bit.
Morgan (mhough) - he/him. Do neurotech/neuroimaging. Leads the NeuroTechX meeting on Thursday evening (6-9pm)
Simon - never actually been to NB, friend of morgan's. Nice to meet all you. Do a bit of dabbing with hardware, but mostly software.
Hamilton - do a lot of analog circuits, radio, work with some kids to teach them circuits. Looking to host an electronics workshop Tuesdays 11-12 in the morning.Connect with John (rrmutt) to coordinate to see if curriculums align.
Excellence[edit | edit source]
Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other.
(What does that mean? Everyone is expected to follow the Anti-Harassment Policy, please familiarize yourself with it.) TWO MINUTES MAX
Noisebridge has a general standard that we call "excellence". With great freedom comes great responsibility. Please be respectful of others and the space! Leave space better than you found it. If conflicts arise, please try to resolve it peacefully and by utilizing our suggested de-escalation practices. Also have an antiharrassment policy. Examples include: -stepping when you see someone using a machine dangerously. don't be afraid to intervene constructively. -not taking offense if someone comes to you with criticism. Listen and respond well to feedback. -cleaning up trash you see lying around.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
Laser class will be back this Sunday! 2-4 PM
CHM next monday!
AI meetup Wednesday 8pm!
Guy - keep an eye out for an upcoming 3D printing class in a few weeks!
HackComedy comedy show is happening this Saturday at 8PM. Organized by Victor.
NeuroTechSF Hacknight meetup Thursday 6-9pm!
Guilds[edit | edit source]
- What are guilds?
Magnet - a bunch of people that get a niche, they take care of and enjoy that niche! BK - a bunch of people who come together around a shared interest. Mark - ways of organizing within the unorgaanized chaos of NB. Must be more than 2 people. Metaguild is a guild to discover/define stuff. Most guilds have discussion pages online. Most open to debate because the guilds are a new concept.
- Do any guilds have any announcements they'd like to make?
Magnet -3D printing guild has been kind of MIA for a while, but we are BACK(ish)! We have new equipment and new interest in maintaining it! We want to potentially create a training and maintaining system. This is kind of half advertisement, half gauging interest. Mark - We'll discuss more in the discussion section of the meeting.
New Members/Associate Members[edit | edit source]
What are they? Is anyone trying to become a Member or Associate Member? If not move on. No long discussions. Do not need to be a member to be at NB. Associate members can be in space on your own. Member: we trust you wholeheartedly. Everyone involved trusts you. Any Member can veto someone who wants to be a member (no trust). Members are like a board - Members can veto the Big Consensus items (lease, vaccine, buying the laser printer). If an associate member should plan to donate $80/month to NB.
Mark is in his fourth week - for big Membership. Has contributed to the space for 6 years. Teach game bridge. Built arcade cabinet. Maintain game area. Clean up all the time. TJ and Sophia made him a member
Aja- Make cool art, technology. Make NB a space that facilitates personal interactions between people. Learn something new. Like a guest in someone's house. Wants to become a member to be able to participate more in voting process of the do-ocracy. Address problems in a technology way and want to think of things in a more social way. Would not want to establish rules that distance folks from each other
Paolo - accepted associate member application. Teaches laser class.
Samwich application: Mark - walk me through the process of welcoming someone to the door. Low expectation. Tour given by montecristo. Be excellent is how he ends the tour. Golden rule. Mark would like Samwich to shadow on tour. Not comfortable opening the gate. New people in should know about responsibility taking. JD trained on laser cutter as fave tool. Sam - very bombastic, "sam green tour is a wonderful thing"
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.
Had a lot of money. Been spending it down. Treasurer is in the hospital. About $300k. Got a big donation in bit coin in Feb 2020. Sell off to have no more than 20 percent of holding in bitcoin.
- Funds in bank:
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- Any other details by those participating in handling our financials
- The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at
Spending Needs[edit | edit source]
John - A whole buncha learn to solder kits disappeared at Sunday Streets. We'd like to replace those. Mark - post links to needed items & breakdown of costs to #finance-wg on slack please!
Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]
How's it all going We have gotten $333 since 8/12 from venmo Eric would like help fundraising to make music shows, food truck, DJ's musicians. Generally events should atleast break even. Do not like spending NB money on events.
Big C Consensus Items[edit | edit source]
Nobody likes 3 hour meetings, only explain if people ask
No Consensus items, on to discussion
Consensus Items [edit | edit source]
Only for talking about Big C consensus items, small c consensus items should be discussed with people at the space at the time of the change/new item.
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Brief discussion of bathroom cleaning. Usually have a rotation of people who do things, but very unorganized.
Discussion Item 1 - 3D Printing stuff[edit | edit source]
Magnet: I need guidance. We're getting a lot more expensive printers that take up a lot of our time to fix, clean, etc. we wanna make sure they're in good condition. for that, me and Guy have been thinking about doing trainings. some are non-negotiable b/c they're complicated (big Connex is complicated to learn to use). i want to do trainings for all of them, to make sure they put tape on the bed, etc. etc. we'll have trainings for everything all at once, not a number of smaller trainings. Not going to be able to enforce it. i wanna teach you so things can be good.
TJ - If you could put something on meetup, that'd be great. Like the Laser cutter training. Its a good model to follow. Or like a class for people to go to.
Tina - Contact info (like in the sewing room) is a good thing.
Guy: i've been upgrading some of the printers, when they come back they'll be better. wanna give a class so they get the best out of the printers. also so they don't screw it up. some of the printers have had abuse, people didn't know what they were doing and fucked it up (tore up the beds).
Mark: how's the wiki documentation. Is it foolproof?
Guy: wiki has a list of changes
MArk: not just how they've been changed, but how in depth are the instructions
BK: the wiki page has basic information. pictures help. add some simple videos would be helpful. Those can be recorded and edited and all that stuff. it's not less intuitive than the laser cutter, just less dangerous
mark: some combination of wiki page improvement + training sessions
BK: and visual aids. there should be visual aids everywhere.
Sophia - to the the two places this is actually working is laser cutter and sewing room. Emeline has required classes. Would NB want to require training for 3D printer. How could that be enforced? Can printers be password protected?
Aja: classes make sense for laser cutter, woodcutter, etc. make sense. but everything One nice thing about NB is that you can come in and just get started on a project.
TJ: classes are a bit of social engineering to show how to be willing to put in the energy/effort to be a good user/maintainer, and teaching excellence. If someone just wants to come in and check it out - don't necessarily wnt aa 30 minute schpiel.
Eric - just want to say I think both points are valid and there is a happy medium. Lots of ppl here are self-learners who know how to figure things out and look for solutions. I'm happy to help out with processes/videos/etc if needed. If expensive tool, then have training class but should have a happy medium.
Mark; in the end it is the decision of Magnet/Guy to decide about training. At a minimum for big expensive units, should have to read a wiki page.
BK - i think that's a great suggestion. It is kind of a low intensity thing thats relatively easy for ppl to learn. So signage is key. And a class for the more in-depth stuff. You will Take care of equipment because you have invested a bit of your time.
Colton - A way it CAN work in a diff. context. Fablab at UofI. Ppl volunteered for certain timeslots to be lab assistant, with the job of being there to help newcomers. People were able to commit to hours. Would/could this work for noisebridge's 3D printing group? Could assign open hours and someone would be here to orient new users.
Sophia - we also did something like that when we were first starting up the space again post-pandemic. Reasonable to say a designated person would be here to orient on machines.
TJ - It would definitely be limited given how light we are on volunteers. Might as well effectively be the same thing as a class if its only a couple hours each week.
Tina - Something you could do is have a very brief quiz showing you've RTFM and know what you are doing.
Magnet: leaning toward training for the big ones and documentation for the smaller machines.
== Discussion Item 2 Sunday streets ==Guy and XX were at Sunday Streets.
TJ - did guy see ppl return stuff? specifically the electronics stuff (solder supplies - one transparent polycarbonate white box with suggested donations)? If no one knows, talk to sunday streets channel about where it is.
Guy -
Discussion Item 3 -- Paolo's stuff[edit | edit source]
Paolo - spoke with bandmates - we want to do Saturday October 8th if that's good. Plan on being loud.
Sophia: main issues are clean up, trashing the space. In general people are a bit frazzled about having new events. Have plan of who will manage the door, who will clean up the space.
TJ - yea NB got nothing from some shows, and that upset some noisebridgers
Paolo -Is there money expected?
Sophia - What we expect is for you to keep an eye on the space and surrounding area, and keep it excellent and clean.
BK - cover minimal cost of the operation of the space for the day.
Aja - I came the day of the punk show and there was a bouncer and they charged me money, but i just wanted to come and hack, that was WHACK
Sophia - events cannot keep NB people out. And do not
TJ: in terms of expense, NB costs $12K per month - one day would be $400
Eric thinks a charge for event from NB would be for the group to pay a percentage..
Sophia: Want to have a good time. Bring respectful people to NB who do not trash the space. Weekends are better. Neighbors to the left are an apartment building, including at Panda's concert when neighbors measured noise at 110 DB.
Sophia - quick set of guidelines:
give some portion of proceeds to NB keep it clean don't charge, but request donations, be cool to noisebridgers
Paolo - Ppl # / Ending time?
Sophia - keep it under a hundred ppl?
Mark - contact Victor to see if he is planning on doing Hack Comedy that day
Discussion Item 4 door policy[edit | edit source]
Mark - I think the front door should always be closed, as well as the roll-up door unless someone is actively watching it.
Farley - and the gate
Paolo - I would really like to have the roll-up door open if more than like ~20 ppl for ventilation purposes
Mark - That seems reasonable as long as people are hanging out downstairs keeping an eye
TJ - what problem are we trying to solve exactly
Aja - Its a cultural problem, like every problem at NB. NB is very open. In a lot of ways it feels like an extension of the Mission district. People come in very freely and mess stuff up. Other people end up fixing it. This openness can have the effect of diluting the community. Lots of people come through who do not treat noisebridge like a community they care for, like a home they need to take care of.
TJ - why is the front door and gate being left open?
Eric - Last time I was hear and outside, the front foor was closed, but i was chilling out side. A few ppl came here and were trying to use the space. They said: "is anyone here?" I was like "idk". There were people here but not willing to let anyone in.
TJ - I think that's worse. Gate door should be closed at all times, unless someone is explicitly letting someone in. Does anyone like having the front gate open at any time?
Sophia - Me. I like it sometimes.
TJ - If you know the code, gate is trivially accessible to get through. IDK
fArley - Ive been thankful theres a barrier between me and crazy ppl on the street.
Aja - to what you mentioned about the SHED breaking - i don't really see it as a problem.
TJ - is there an issue solved by having the front gate open but the front door closed all the time?
Aja - Some people could give the gate code to anybody - you should be a NBer to have the gate code. Also - some people open the gate for just 'anybody'.
TJ - well then the front door being open/closed doesn't mean anything?
Mark - it's about having a stasis of culture, where the group maintains itself that way. Relaxed attitude transmits to other people. Need to have some ki9nd of bottleneck to put people through for consistent culture.
We already have a front gate. Most often, we have a class, they leave the door open to let more people enter. That's the issue. Give code for people in a class that's temporary. People had had issues with entry
Aja - Related to people maintaining 3D printers. Friend over, I trust them. Noisebridfge is the same -- it should be a communitty. If you can't trust people, then don't let them in. Entry is the class for Noisebridge as a place. Time where we can let huge volume of people in, have a bunch of people see. Really focus on the attention
TJ - if someone wants to advocate for giving people tours/access, someone could create a calendar for setting up times for doing so. "public hours"
Mark - we just want people who do open the door and gate to close it when they are done.
Paolo - It seems to me we are trying to figure out a tradeoff of getting enough people to come in and getting ppl to want to come back with easy access, vs controlling the flow so the culture happens.
Sam - it s good question - are we okay with potentially turning away random people or are we worried that we would be losing someone?
TJ - I think the ease of access helped encourage me personally to stay and I might not've gotten so immediately attached if my experience was intially not so positive and open possibly
Eric - There are cool things you can do here - soldering, coding, etc. People clean so often, they give up because it gets messed up again.
BK - i first came a couple weeks ago. Heard its a cool place to 3d print stuff and cut. I wanted to investigate the space and a closed door wasn't gonna turn me away. Door is integral to security through a loack of confidence. If you want to let people in, you should be visible in some form, whether its by being downstairs at the ready or post a sign letting people know when you'll be able to come down or something...
Aja - old space was way more closed up and it worked great and everything was fine.
Eric - In the old space, it seemed ppl were more proactive about answering the door and whatnot. Here I dont see that.
Aja - we want to get back to that, and i think having an entry policy will foster more of that kind of an environment.
BK - technology, a la automation, I believe will aleviate a lot of this.
TJ - some kind of passive notification for opening, sure. I would/have proposed some kind of calendar for ppl volunteering as openers of the space? (some people raise hands)
Mark - My last thing is that the space was always closed before and we had no problem with "recruitment" and having excellent ppl excited about coming back. Cultural enforcement - is consensus needed on what is "excellent"?
Proposal - It is unexcellent to leave the door open unattended?
Sophia - I don't think the door should always be closed. I have issues with the access system and key system.
Paolo - is this a technology concern or a principle concern?
Sophia - principle.
Eric - there is a tradeoff to closing off the space so much.
Paolo - I think the distance between us is possibly the definition of "community". I think you are thinking of the broader mission community, whereas I am thinking of the people who come to Noisebridge and care about and take stewardship of Noisebridge.
Eric - Its a problem if "being open to the community" is so heavily dependant on who is in the space and what their whims are.
TJ - which is why I suggest we do the "scheduled open hours" thing on top of the automated "someone is here" system.
Sophia - I believe anyone who has enough trust they've been given the gate code should be able to enter the space whenever they want.
Mark notes there is a lot of friction wrt understanding SHED/ getting access and how its done.
TJ re-suggests calender of resposible individuals. Sam mentions ancient "greeters" wiki page.